Survivor Tocantins: Life at Ponderosa

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Survivor Tocantins: Life at Ponderosa
[LEFT]With Brendan being the first Jury Member of Survivor Tocantins, Life at Ponderosa is back! :D[/LEFT] [LEFT]I will add these videos as they put them on youtube. [/LEFT] [CENTER] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Brendan Part 1[/url][/CENTER] [CENTER][U][COLOR=#22229c][url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Brendan Part 2[/url][/COLOR][/U][/CENTER]
Wait...Branden is a Red Sox fan? I DIDN'T KNOW! I would have pulled for you dude! You should have busted out your colors sooner! As for the new Ponderosa, it is seriously lacking in comparison to what they have had for staging areas in the past. However, I guess if you are coming from nothing - it is like a resort town!
Oh wow! Ponderosa kind of sucks compared to the last few seasons.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Tyson Blindsided, Pt. 1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Food Overload, Pt. 2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Tribal Council, Pt. 3[/url]
Thanks Phoenix! Call me crazy, but I actually like that Tyson. He's got a great sense of humor.
I could imagine Coach here..."like you know I built this place by hand..." :P Thanks Phoenix for keeping the videos coming.
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Slip and Slide, Pt.2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Gold and Geysers, Pt.3[/url] Sorry guys, I couldn't find part one. As soon as someone posts it on youtube, I will post it on here.
Thanks, as usual Phoenix :)
Sierra is likable! Wow! To be honest, I'd prefer an entire season of Ponderosa at this point.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;66294]Sierra is likable! Wow! To be honest, I'd prefer an entire season of Ponderosa at this point.[/QUOTE] Haha...I've always enjoyed the Ponderosa videos. My favorites were from Fans vs. Favorites when the first thing the newest castoff got was a spoon full of ice cream :)
[quote=Bacchus;66294]Sierra is likable! Wow! [B]To be honest, I'd prefer an entire season of Ponderosa at this point.[/B][/quote] Totally agree! I am actually loving Tyson! He reminds me a lot of my friend Bobby. Kind of like that one friend everyone seems to have who is kind of a ******* but always makes you laugh and is really fun to be around.
Seeeeee, I like Sierra! The game was taking its toll on her though. I'm glad Tyson accepted her at Ponderosa with open arms. Maybe they formed a post-game friendship? Who knows. Seemed to be getting along though!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;67173]Maybe they formed a post-game friendship? Who knows. Seemed to be getting along though![/quote] It looks like Sierra [I]definitively[/I] formed a post game "friendship" with Brendan! You know, they are sharing a small tent and all, although I have heard no word of there being a tent shortage at Ponderosa, lol. Maybe nights are just really chilly? :wink2:
[quote=Bacchus;67176]It looks like Sierra [I]definitively[/I] formed a post game "friendship" with Brendan! You know, they are sharing a small tent and all, although I have heard no word of there being a tent shortage at Ponderosa, lol. Maybe nights are just really chilly? :wink2:[/quote] Tents are hard to come by! You never know if you can get them so why not share one and get "friendly" all night long. Nothing wrong with that. Ponderosa is one of my favorite parts of the jury stage.
It was never posted on YouTube, but here's part 1 on CBS' website: [url][/url]
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Debbie Pt. 1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Debbie Pt. 2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Debbie Pt. 3[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Debbie Pt. 4[/url]
That sky shot was GORGEOUS! I am actually kind of jealous of Ponderosa, haha. It is not as nice as past ones, but I would love to be in Brazil and have yummy meals cooked for me and lie on the beach all day right now instead of working on my project :)
In part 3, Brendan looks kinda fat in the face...and is it just me or does he look better with facial hair?
[quote=molds13;68890]In part 3, Brendan looks kinda fat in the face...and is it just me or does he look better with facial hair?[/quote] I like the facial hair MUCH better too ;) I thought he looked a lot bigger there also, either he ate tons of omelets and peanut butter, or the facial hair helps to thin his face out.
Thanks for continuing to post the Ponderosa vids!
I have a problem with viewing these videos. I canNOT watch these videos, It says that i cannot see them in my country . is there a way you could upload videos with Debbie on a site specialized genre and the link posted on the forum or sent to my email ???? and maybe for the next episodes too i would be very grateful for your help...thanks
[url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Coach Pt. 1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Coach Pt. 2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor: Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Coach Pt. 3[/url]
I watched these this morning. Couldn't stop rolling my eyes.
[quote=molds13;71285]I watched these this morning. [B]Couldn't stop rolling my eyes[/B].[/quote] Totally agree. I was actually excited for these, but Coach just couldn't let go and it was annoying instead of entertaining. "I want Tyson and Debbie all to myself!" Wah, wah, wah. You go be the "truth seeker" Coach, have fun. Now I am definitely not sad to see him go. We may not have as many good one liners, but I am glad to be rid of his holier than thou attitude.
The bright side for Coach now is he can get whatever it is he has been smoking whenever he wants. But in all respects he did add something to the show even if it was just someone to direct our dislike toward. Surprised he didn't have a story ready like "And it took a bolt of lighting and a witch with a jetpack to get me out..."
[url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Taj: Pt.1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Taj: Pt.2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Taj: Pt.3[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Erinn: Pt. 1[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Erinn: Pt. 2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Erinn: Pt. 3[/url] [url=]YouTube - Survivor Tocantins - Life at Ponderosa: Saying Goodbyes[/url]