The Challenge: Create Your Own

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i have an idea for a challenge. i actually have 2 =] here they r [U]The Brawl[/U] it would be similar to the duel where its every man for themself. there would be 15 challenges, 10 girls and 10 guys. each challenge would have 2 winners, one male and one female. those 2 winners are safe from the brawl. the brawl is an elimination where two players of the same sex would go at it in a one on one elimination. loser goes home, winner stays. now instead of having the eliminations different kinda games, all the brawls would be the same elimination. they would all be a sort of "Beach Brawl" type thing from the gauntlet 2. so basically you must push your opponent out of a sumo circle a certain amount of times in order to win. now in order to determine who goes into the brawl, each winner will choose a person to go into elimination. if its a guy brawl day, then the guy winner chooses one guy and the girl winner chooses one guy. basically, if u win a challenge, you literally determine who goes into the brawl. same vice versa with girl brawl days. the final challenge will consist of 2 guys and 2 girls like the duel. ok so thats one type of challenge, heres the other. [U]The Arena[/U] (the name could change but w/e) this challenge will consist of 32 players, 16 on each team, with 8 boys and 8 girls on each team. this is how it will start. there will be no assigned teams. all the players will compete in an individual challenge where the best guy and best girl will be team captains. they will then pick the teams going back and forth. first they will pick from the guys and then pick from the girls so there is 8 guys and 8 girls on each team. now there will be 16 challenges and 16 eliminations. here is the tricky part about this challenge. everyone will have to face the Arena at one point in the game. the losing team of a challenge will have to decide on someone from the winning team to go into elimination. the person they choose will they get to decide who they want to vs from the losing team. those two will go into the arena where they will face off in a head to head battle where they winner stays and loser goes home. now since that person went into the arena and won, they are now immune from the arena and will not have to go in for the rest of them game. so after every challenge, the choices of who has to go in gets smaller and smaller. this also eliminates the problem where certain people avoic elimination the whole game. everyone will have to go in and prove themselves at one point. so do u go into the arena in the beginning to get it over with, or go in later in the game when u feel ur ready? you decide. so wat u all think? =] any suggestions or ideas about these challenges?
Here is an idea that I made up. The challenge will be called "The Abyss" and it will consist of a gauntlet type format but its not so. So yeah there is 32 players. 16 players will be on each time. There will be a guy and girl day. The team that wins the challenge will earn $10,000 cashed into their team bank account. The winning team will also choose somebody that will go into the abyss. They will also choose someone from the losing team to decide who will face the winning teams choice in the Abyss. However, the "Chooser" for the loosing teams second abyss opponent, will have to go into the abyss. Another one that I made up was the RW/RR Challenge: The Battlefield. There will be 20 players divided into 2 teams of 10. Now, winning challenges in this type of format is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Because each challenge that teams lose, they must vote someone from their own team into the battlefield. For example, It is a girls Battlefield day. There are two challenges per Battlefield. So one team wins 1 of the challenges and the losing team votes in Paula. Then on the next challenge the other team wins. So the losing team votes in Jenn from their own team. The battlefield will be Paula vs Jenn. Winner stays, loser gets the axe. There will be 8 eliminations 4 guys sent home and 4 girls sent home. The final challenge will consist of only 12 people and the winner gets 150,000 dollars cashed in.
[quote=steven712;57740]i have an idea for a challenge. i actually have 2 =] here they r [U]The Arena[/U] (the name could change but w/e) this challenge will consist of 32 players, 16 on each team, with 8 boys and 8 girls on each team. this is how it will start. there will be no assigned teams. all the players will compete in an individual challenge where the best guy and best girl will be team captains. they will then pick the teams going back and forth. first they will pick from the guys and then pick from the girls so there is 8 guys and 8 girls on each team. now there will be 16 challenges and 16 eliminations. here is the tricky part about this challenge. everyone will have to face the Arena at one point in the game. the losing team of a challenge will have to decide on someone from the winning team to go into elimination. the person they choose will they get to decide who they want to vs from the losing team. those two will go into the arena where they will face off in a head to head battle where they winner stays and loser goes home. now since that person went into the arena and won, they are now immune from the arena and will not have to go in for the rest of them game. so after every challenge, the choices of who has to go in gets smaller and smaller. this also eliminates the problem where certain people avoic elimination the whole game. everyone will have to go in and prove themselves at one point. so do u go into the arena in the beginning to get it over with, or go in later in the game when u feel ur ready? you decide. so wat u all think? =] any suggestions or ideas about these challenges?[/quote] Does the winning team of each challenge win money. Because if not, there is no point of winning. But it is good how everyone will have to go in.
[quote=ballinbroken;57747]Does the winning team of each challenge win money. Because if not, there is no point of winning. But it is good how everyone will have to go in.[/quote] Yea there would be team bank accounts. Technically there would be 15 challenges with the last challenge being 2 eliminations since there are only a guy and girl on each team that haven't gone in the arena yet. They would be force to vs the other person from the other team of the same sex who hasn't go in yet.
You know, I was thinking about this the other day. What if the teams voted in one person (say by schoolyard pick) and then that person (let's say Rachel) got to spin the wheel, find out what kind of challenge she'd be doing and what it involved, and THEN pick her opponent. That way, it'd give the person going in a bit of an upper hand. I think that'd be cool, considering the rookies always go in first, and it'd give them more of a chance to stick around. So, say the challenge was all to do with upper body strength. A person that had weak or decent arms could potentially pick someone with as weak or weaker arms to give themselves a fighting chance. I dunno, I figured that could be an interesting way to go about it. Of course, the host wouldn't mention it until after the first person was picked :)
Battle of The Sexes 3 Wining Teams Top 3 Scorers become Inner Circle; While the Losing Team sends home one of their top three scorers. Basically if you lose then you vote off one of your strongest players. Scores are not cumulative and scores are based off of each mission.Which makes it harder for the losing teams to strictly get rid of their rookies first. Now the cast wont happen. There is only one Fresh Meat. There are probably too many old faces but what the hell. Would be a fun challenge with a weaker guys team so the girls actually have a chance. (The Men’s Team)1. Syrus (Boston)2. Jamie (New Orleans)3. Theo (Chicago)4. Frank (Las Vegas)5. Landon (Philadelphia) 6. Ace (Paris)7. Danny (Austin)8. Alex (Denver)9. Davis (Denver)10. Isaac (Sydney)11. Nick (Hollywood)12. Dave (Hollywood)13. Will (Hollywood)14. Chet (Brooklyn)15. JD (Brooklyn)16. Abram (South Pacific)17. Dan (Viewers Revenge)18. Derek (Viewers Revenge)(The Women’s Team)1. Julie (New Orleans)2. Coral (Back To New York)3. Melinda (Austin)4. Rachel (Austin)5. Svetlana (Key West)6. Janelle (Key West)7. Jenn (Denver)8. Brooke (Denver)9. Trisha (Sydney)10. Parissa (Sydney) 11. Brianna (Hollywood)12. Britini (Hollywood) 13. Katelyn (Brooklyn)14. Veronica (Semester At Sea)15. Rachel (Campus Crawl)16. Kendal (Campus Crawl)17. Jodi (Xtreme)18. Evelyn (Fresh Meat)The only problem is there is a HUUAGE gap between B2NY and Austin in terms of females as most of them are either finished and or taking a break.
i would say battle of the sexes 3 with no guys just rookie girls vz vet girls 28 cast vets katie doyle coral smith ruthie beth holly johanna veronca aneesa rachel jenn tori ev smith diem brown trishelle rookies brianna colie kelly anne [SIZE=3]Sarah Rice [/SIZE] [SIZE=3]shauvon torres[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]Brittini Sherrod[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]brooke[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]Kimberly Alexander[/SIZE][/B] Parisa Aviv kendal Trisha Brynn Angel Turlington and the person whos the weakest on scoring goes in a duel and chooses the person goes angast except the person whos on the top leader board i wish they would do that for bot3 lets hope well ruthie would kick there ***** hehe
[QUOTE=terryface200;70180]i would say battle of the sexes 3 with no guys just rookie girls vz vet girls 28 cast i wish they would do that for bot3 lets hope well ruthie would kick there ***** hehe[/QUOTE] Wait but doesnt that defeat the purpose of battle of the [B]Sexes[/B] if you take away one of the two sexes. It would basically be an all girl gauntlet IV
I've always wanted an all girl challenge! I can only imagine the drama.
I'd like to see a mega real world road rules challenge tournament. 16 guys and 16 girls Guys: Wes, Evan, Kenny, CT, Johnny, Derick, Abrham, Theo, Darrell, Alton, Landon, Brad, Danny, Mark, Eric, and Joey (hollywood) Girls: Kimberly, Johanna, Evelyn, Diem, Veronica, Robin, Aneesa, Kina, Tori, Svetlana, Brittani, Briana, Jodi, Rachel, Ruthie, Paula
[quote=Seannnn;70182]I've always wanted an all girl challenge! I can only imagine the drama.[/quote] I really like the idea of an all girl challenge! I wonder if they would ever do that. I doubt it.
I'd like to see a mega real world road rules challenge tournament. 16 guys and 16 girls Guys: Wes, Evan, Kenny, CT, Johnny, Derick, Abrham, Theo, Darrell, Alton, Landon, Brad, Danny, Mark, Eric, and Joey (hollywood) Girls: Kimberly, Johanna, Evelyn, Diem, Veronica, Robin, Aneesa, Kina, Tori, Svetlana, Brittani, Briana, Jodi, Rachel, Ruthie, Paula The tournament bracket is chosen at random and the respective participants faceoff in face offs.
I know this would never happen. But I would love to see Mtv VS Vh1. Just an all out brawl. 40 people, 20 from RW/RR and 20 from ILM. Abe VS Frank. Megan VS Beth. Coral Vs Any of the women. I love Steve712 idea. Do you know who you would like to see on it
[quote=ballinbroken;45218]Battle of the seasons 2: 4 members on each team. -The team that comes in first place on a mission can pick any team to go into the duel/inferno. -the team going into the duel/inferno can pick their challenger. -Then the next challenge if one of the 2 teams win they can replace themselves with any other team except the team that won the last challenge. Duel/Inferno-A running race: Run 1 mile to puzzle or challenge (push boulder 100 yds, Sliders, Carry logs to finish, etc.) TEAMS: RW:SD Brad Randy Robin Jamie RW:Aus Danny Nehemiah Johanna Melinda RW:Kw Johnny Zach Paula Janelle RW:Benver Davis Alex Jenn Colie RR:13 Derrick Patrick Kina Jillian RR:VR Dan Derek Tori Angel FM Evan Ryan Diem Evelyn RW:Old School Syrus David (seattle) Elka Ruthie RR:Old School Blair Theo Katie Susie[/quote] This would never work. Its 2 from each season not 4.
[QUOTE=Zachary;71141][B]This would never work. [/B]Its 2 from each season not 4.[/QUOTE] Who said it had to, and who said it wouldn't? Isn't that the whole point of create your [B]own[/B] challenge?
[quote=pandaboo917;71050]I know this would never happen. But I would love to see Mtv VS Vh1. Just an all out brawl. 40 people, 20 from RW/RR and 20 from ILM. Abe VS Frank. Megan VS Beth. Coral Vs Any of the women. I love Steve712 idea. Do you know who you would like to see on it[/quote] I would be fully on board with an MTV v. VH1 brawl, the VH1 people would get killed though but they'd definitely be entertaining on the way out. I really want them to revamp the Battle of the Sexes format especially in light of this whole "trim the fat" crap the guys have been pulling in some of the more recent challenges. I think they just need to come up some level playing field challenges and assemble a strong female cast that won't just lay around smoking, fighting and/or painting their nails.
[quote=molds13;71148]Who said it had to, and who said it wouldn't? Isn't that the whole point of create your [B]own[/B] challenge?[/quote] That's besides the point.
[QUOTE=Zachary;71153]That's besides the point.[/QUOTE] How so? Everyone is bringing in their opinions for how they would like to see a challenge unfold. The majority of them would "never work", but you don't see me putting the majority down on their ideas, do you?
I wasn't putting him/her down, I was just saying.
Binery Solo who do we need to contact to make this happen lol I wish they would do another BOTS. I just wacthed them the other day. I forgot how much fun they were.
[quote=Zachary;71141]This would never work. Its 2 from each season not 4.[/quote] I'm creating new idea. That's why it is called "Create your own Challenge." I also don't get why it wouldn't work. It seems fine with me.
I misread the thread my bad, BB.
[quote=pandaboo917;71050]I know this would never happen. But I would love to see Mtv VS Vh1. Just an all out brawl. 40 people, 20 from RW/RR and 20 from ILM. Abe VS Frank. Megan VS Beth. Coral Vs Any of the women. I love Steve712 idea. Do you know who you would like to see on it[/quote] thanx which ideas though? the arena? with that challenge this would be my cast and im gonna choose people who i feel would actually do a challenge, not people who we know would never step foot on an mtv show again lol. anyway since the teams are not predetermined im just gonna list the 16 guys and 16 girls i would want on my cast. also i will list reasons why im casting them. the reason i did cast these select few is because i feel they bring something to the shows and they are good competitors [U]Girls[/U] Beth- good competitor, people are scared of her, causes drama Veronica- instigator and good competitor Kimberly- underdog, underestimated, kicks *** Jillian- great competitor and underestimated, also time for her to kick *** again Tori- good athlete and never backs down Susie- good competitor and stirs drama for some reason lol Cara- susie's best friend, interesting if they were on different teams, good competitor Tonya- good competitor and hated for some reason, kicks *** Evelyn- very good competitor and kicks *** Kellyanne- underestimated and good competitor, good drama too Coral- drama drama drama, love her, also good competitor, like it or not =] Rachel- good competitor and kicks ***, also drama with veronica Kendal- havent been seen in awhile, good to see a rookie back, good competitor Aneesa- stirs drama and kicks *** in eliminations, people are scared of her Trisha- rookie and feisty, also friends with kellyanne and jillian Janelle- good competitor and a ***** =], need to see her return and kick *** [U]Guys[/U] Landon- awsome competitor, kicks *** Wes- awsome competitor, hated, kicks ***, stirs drama Brad- good competitor, alot of heart, tori's bf Shane- stirs drama, good competitor, him in on a challenge with veronica and rachel Theo- good competitor, funny Alton- good competitor, proves himself Derrick- good competitor, alot of heart Derek- good competitor and kicks *** Abe- crazy man lol, good competitor Ace- good competitor, funny, needs to prove himself Frank- very good competitor, underestimated, smart guy Darrell- needs to really prove himself in an elimination Randy- wants to do another challenge, smart Mark- awsome competitor, kicks ***, needs to go in an elimination Scott- rookie, seems athletic J.D.- hot head, seems atheltic, crazy lol this is my cast, it seems somewhat realistic but idk if certain castmembers would do it if other people were there. anyway wat do u all think?
[quote=steven712;71352]thanx which ideas though? the arena? with that challenge this would be my cast and im gonna choose people who i feel would actually do a challenge, not people who we know would never step foot on an mtv show again lol. anyway since the teams are not predetermined im just gonna list the 16 guys and 16 girls i would want on my cast. also i will list reasons why im casting them. the reason i did cast these select few is because i feel they bring something to the shows and they are good competitors [U]Girls[/U] Beth- good competitor, people are scared of her, causes drama Veronica- instigator and good competitor Kimberly- underdog, underestimated, kicks *** Jillian- great competitor and underestimated, also time for her to kick *** again Tori- good athlete and never backs down Susie- good competitor and stirs drama for some reason lol Cara- susie's best friend, interesting if they were on different teams, good competitor Tonya- good competitor and hated for some reason, kicks *** Evelyn- very good competitor and kicks *** Kellyanne- underestimated and good competitor, good drama too Coral- drama drama drama, love her, also good competitor, like it or not =] Rachel- good competitor and kicks ***, also drama with veronica Kendal- havent been seen in awhile, good to see a rookie back, good competitor Aneesa- stirs drama and kicks *** in eliminations, people are scared of her Trisha- rookie and feisty, also friends with kellyanne and jillian Janelle- good competitor and a ***** =], need to see her return and kick *** [U]Guys[/U] Landon- awsome competitor, kicks *** Wes- awsome competitor, hated, kicks ***, stirs drama Brad- good competitor, alot of heart, tori's bf Shane- stirs drama, good competitor, him in on a challenge with veronica and rachel Theo- good competitor, funny Alton- good competitor, proves himself Derrick- good competitor, alot of heart Derek- good competitor and kicks *** Abe- crazy man lol, good competitor Ace- good competitor, funny, needs to prove himself Frank- very good competitor, underestimated, smart guy Darrell- needs to really prove himself in an elimination Randy- wants to do another challenge, smart Mark- awsome competitor, kicks ***, needs to go in an elimination Scott- rookie, seems athletic J.D.- hot head, seems atheltic, crazy lol this is my cast, it seems somewhat realistic but idk if certain castmembers would do it if other people were there. anyway wat do u all think?[/quote] I love the arena idea I like the cast too. Maybe a good guys VS bad *****. or a plain old rw vs rr.
Is this thread just for the basis of challenge ideas? Just the cast and what it would be rather then having it play out? Because I came up with a lot of ideas and thought it would be fun to do more then just the cast.
[quote=faceless;71511]Is this thread just for the basis of challenge ideas? Just the cast and what it would be rather then having it play out? Because I came up with a lot of ideas and thought it would be fun to do more then just the cast.[/quote] Its "creat your own challenge" from location to cast. Everything.
[quote=faceless;71511]Is this thread just for the basis of challenge ideas? Just the cast and what it would be rather then having it play out? Because I came up with a lot of ideas and thought it would be fun to do more then just the cast.[/quote] It's challenge ideas. And if you want to pick your cast members you can.
What I mean, would be going past just cast/location/rules. Like what I would like to play out throughout the challenge.
[quote=faceless;71515]What I mean, would be going past just cast/location/rules. Like what I would like to play out throughout the challenge.[/quote] Yes that will be fine! =)
