Grey's Ep.520: Sweet Surrender

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Grey's Ep.520: Sweet Surrender
Tonight!! [quote] As she endures aggressive treatment for her cancer, Izzie throws herself into planning Derek and Meredith's wedding, Callie introduces Arizona as her girlfriend to her disapproving father, George excels in a trauma emergency when Alex freezes, and Owen seeks help with his PTSD. [/quote]I can't wait for this epi after a 3 week break!
Ahhhh yes...I forgot this was tonight! Yay!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;62347]Tonight!! I can't wait for this epi after a 3 week break![/quote] Me to OPD! How far along is Chyler Leigh now?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=LilysMom;62350]Me to OPD! How far along is Chyler Leigh now?[/quote] Y'know I don't remember it exactly, but the news came out several months ago and when it was first announced she was already about 4 months along...
[quote=LilysMom;62350]Me to OPD! How far along is Chandler Liegh now?[/quote] 8 months now! Her baby is due mid-April!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=molds13;62353]8 months now! Her baby is due mid-April![/quote] Whoa that's like, yesterday.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;62354]Whoa that's like, yesterday.[/quote] Haha...I have a feeling she's probably done for a while after this episode.
That is a really short episode description, there must be something crazy going down ;)
Hahaha...Karev runs like a little girl :)
Anonymous's picture
Holy jumping-out-the-window scene...
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;62840]Holy jumping-out-the-window scene...[/quote] I know, right? Why does this show have to be so sad? If I was paying full attention to it, I'd probably be crying.
Anonymous's picture
I know.... I really need to rewatch this one. I get to damn distracted by Vevmo! ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;62848]I know.... I really need to rewatch this one. I get to damn distracted by Vevmo! ;)[/quote] haha...I'm too distracted by medication and heat pads. All the sicknesses keep adding up...:( episodes of Wipeout! How exciting!
Anonymous's picture
Mer looks so pretty and happy in that last dress!!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;62852]Mer looks so pretty and happy in that last dress!![/quote] Totally! And next week's episode looks crazy...reminds me of that kid who shot his dad and friend a while back (and probably what it's based off of).
Anonymous's picture
That's exactly what I thought too! How creepy. I believe next week is also when we get to meet Izzie's mom.
I didn't watch yet :(
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;62951]I didn't watch yet [/quote] Oh Staceeeeee..... [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
:puke: Did anything good happen with anyone else?? I saw one scene...the one with Lexie and Merideth talking about Lexie being a bridesmaid and then the guys being friends again and Mer telling Lexie to stop eating...I noticed a little pregnancy wieght in her face when I saw it, but she is so pretty anyway that it doesn't matter. :)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;62965] Did anything good happen with anyone else?? [/quote] I'll try and remember, I only half-watched last night. -Bailey came in on her day off but ended up spending her whole day with a really cute but sick dying little girl....:( -Callie's dad came to town, when she tried to introduce Arizona has her "girlfriend", her dad flipped and said if she didn't quit and move home to be with him he'd cut her off from her trust fund. She denied him in the end. -George got a little into trauma surgery and Owen thinks it will be his specialty. Meanwhile, Owen has been seeing the hospital therapist (the one Mer talked to) about his PTSD. -Izzie is trying to help Mer plan her wedding but she just got her first round of chemo, and it's starting to make her really really sick :( That's about all I can remember right now. Oh, and HOLY jumping-out-the-window scene!! (They had a suicidal patient)
WOW, I am going to have to watch tonight, I am glad that I didn't forget to set my DVR.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;62979]WOW, I am going to have to watch tonight, I am glad that I didn't forget to set my DVR.[/quote] You should, it was a decent episode. I had a hard time with the whole The Chief is going to be my best man thing, over Sloan. Meredith saying," he had an affair with my mother, broke up my parent's marriage, and ruined my childhood. But Sloan slept with Dereks wife, I guess he has to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. Except Derek's excuse for not choosing Sloan was that he was with little Grey....LAME!
Anonymous's picture
Yeah I'm definatly glad the boys made up!
Okay I watched the show was a good episode...I really hope that if they get rid of Izzie from the show that she doesn't actually die. Here is Mer/Der's wedding website for you girls to check out and ohh and ahh over :D hehehe [url=]Welcome! - The Knot: Wedding Web Page Builder[/url] It is a cute page, but they still make me sick.
Anonymous's picture
Hee!! That is pretty cute.
Oh wow. You should have tagged that NSFB.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;64504]Oh wow. You should have tagged that NSFB.[/quote] Hahaha! NSFB....I like that!
Anonymous's picture
Is it bad that I almost, [I]almost[/I] RSVP'd?? Wait don't answer that, I know...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;64504]Oh wow. You should have tagged that NSFB.[/QUOTE] LOL...Yeah I figured you would see what I said about it and avoided it :D