[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;53628]They have numbers?! (I can't get to Vh1 from work...)[/QUOTE]
There are 3 triplets I believe...they look insane...let me try to post thier pics...stand by
Okay here they are
just to clarify..not all of them have number names...
I don't see any ******* on the top one who is wearing the loose shirt so I guess they are, LOL...or else they have a serious case of bird chest...
12 pack is super creepy I wish he would disappear into the bowels of Jersey from whence he came.
I saw the commercial for this- who did she have to do to get this show, she looks a bobble head doll and she has no personality she should've been WAY down on that list.
I'll never forget Daisy's agent telling me that I couldn't afford to work with her because she was such a big star. Yeah, sure, Mike. LOL If he only knew we only called because Megan Hauserman asked us to consider using her for a show. Personally, I think Daisy has the personality of a far too ripe banana...
[QUOTE=V1man;56496]I'll never forget Daisy's agent telling me that I couldn't afford to work with her because she was such a big star. Yeah, sure, Mike. LOL If he only knew we only called because Megan Hauserman asked us to consider using her for a show. Personally, I think Daisy has the personality of a far too ripe banana...[/QUOTE]
I completely agree...the only reason I would even consider watchign ehr show is because of the Culture club triplets...they look like they will be entertaining to watch, LOL. But I think I will make it a specific point not to watch on the premier nights...do they count ratings on reruns V1?
[quote=V1man;56496]I'll never forget Daisy's agent telling me that I couldn't afford to work with her because she was such a big star. Yeah, sure, Mike. LOL If he only knew we only called because Megan Hauserman asked us to consider using her for a show. Personally, I think Daisy has the personality of a far too ripe banana...[/quote]
Oh please who is this chick fooling? Not one of my guy friends thinks she's a superstar. She might be a big hit with the burned out metal head stoners still living in their parent's basements or the guys rocking the "finest" hair extentions Europe has to offer, but that's just about it.
[QUOTE=Stacee_Danielle;56501]I completely agree...the only reason I would even consider watchign ehr show is because of the Culture club triplets...they look like they will be entertaining to watch, LOL. But I think I will make it a specific point not to watch on the premier nights...[B]do they count ratings on reruns V1?[/B][/QUOTE]
No, but if you don't have a Nielsen ratings box attached to your TV, if doesn't matter when you watch it.
[QUOTE=V1man;56512]No, but if you don't have a Nielsen ratings box attached to your TV, if doesn't matter when you watch it.[/QUOTE]
ummm, errrr...I don't think I have one of those, LOL.
[quote=V1man;56496]I'll never forget Daisy's agent telling me that I couldn't afford to work with her because she was such a big star. Yeah, sure, Mike. LOL If he only knew we only called because Megan Hauserman asked us to consider using her for a show. Personally, I think Daisy has the personality of a far too ripe banana...[/quote]
Wait a minute are you serious? Daisy a big star? Really?
Now THAT'S funny.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;58001]I probably shouldn't watch Daisy of Love...but I probably will. Hopefully it'll be a fun train wreck.[/quote]
Well your probably right about the train wreck!! One of the contestants has been recycled from I Love New York; 12 Pack! How sad is that shit!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;58001]I probably shouldn't watch Daisy of Love...but I probably will. Hopefully it'll be a fun train wreck.[/quote]
I really don't think I can watch. She's one of those people that makes me feel like I'll break out in sores just from watching her. And well, I can't say that about many people.
Well they finally put up the super trailer today, it looks like this is going to be great train wreck television.
[URL="http://www.vh1.com/video/play.jhtml?id=1606920&vid=372999"]Daisy Of Love Super trailer[/URL]
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;60292]HAHAHAH it looks amazing! Hell, I'll watch Daisy walk around half naked for 13+ episodes! Sure, why not?[/QUOTE]
Did anyone see her "concert" I was LMAO!
And then dumb *** 12 pack trying to be all hardcore...I was ROFL at how cool he thinks he is.
The triplets are Swedish rock stars...makes much more sense now, LOL.
LOL This looks like one of those shows that will have many of us going "WTF?" at times. But hell I agree with RSV...why not? It seems eventually I end up watching them at some point or another.
[quote=Dartagnan;62196]I will be skipping this one too. It looks so trashy, and I just cannot stand watching Daisy.[/quote]
Actually it does not look so bad! :)
[quote=LilysMom;62198]Actually it does not look so bad! :)[/quote]
I might just watch the first episode like I do with everything, and if I find it tolerable I might continue to watch it.