Favorite Castmembers this season?

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Favorite Castmembers this season?
So who do you like the most this season? For me it's Scott, Devyn, and Chet(somewhat). How about you all?
I personally like them all at this point - Even JD, because they're not showing him to be his usual arguementive self.
Anonymous's picture
I like them all but I do have a soft spot for Ryan.
1. Chet- He is really cool. 2. Katelynn- I really enjoyed watching the her story. 3. Ryan- He is very interseting and I hope he is doing well!
I have actually liked all of them at times. Sarah was the one I really liked at the beginning, though. Maybe she is still my favorite. The ones I usually have had the most issues with overall were JD, Chet, and Ryan. So I guess they would fall at the bottom and the others up there with Sarah or in the middle.
Chet and Ryan
Without a doubt all of the girls. They have proven to be pretty mature in most cases, and they all seem to have some great story, especially Sarah, who happens to be my favorite, and Katelynn.
I don't really have a "favorite". I liked most of the cast in the beginning, but now that the show is almost over, I realize there hasn't been anyone that I consistently liked throughout the season. They all got on my nerves at one point or another. With that said, I'm gonna rank them 8 being the best.. 8. Katelynn 7. Chet 6. Devyn 5. Scott 4. Baya 3. Sarah 2. JD 1. Ryan
Fav is definitely scott. He strikes me as being the most responsible. 1. Scott 2. JD 3. Ryan 4. Chet 5. Baya 6. Sarah 7. Katelynn 8. Devyn [quote=Dartagnan;54526]Without a doubt all of the girls. They have proven to be pretty mature in most cases[/quote] I completely disagree... but I'm a guy ;)
My favorites are Chet, Ryan and Baya.
Anonymous's picture
I think my faves are Katelynn, Ryan, and Baya. Honestly, I liked everyone but JD. I didn't watch every episode, but I'd be hard pressed to find a moment that actually made me like JD even the slightest. You know what they say, different strokes.....
Anonymous's picture
My favorite castmember was Baya's blue pants. They were clearly the breakout member of the season.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;54755]My favorite castmember was Baya's blue pants. They were clearly the breakout member of the season.[/QUOTE] Definitely.
This thread deserves a poll.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54755]My favorite castmember was Baya's blue pants. They were clearly the breakout member of the season.[/quote] Hmmm...I don't know, looks like Baby Brooklyn's going to give those pants some competition ;)
[quote=jake93;54875]Hmmm...I don't know, looks like Baby Brooklyn's going to give those pants some competition ;)[/quote]Lol.
Katelynn, Devyn, Ryan, Sarah and Baya.
[QUOTE=joey v;54826]This thread deserves a poll.[/QUOTE] It more likely deserves euthanasia. Sorry, but it reminds me of the ancient scribblings in a high school year book.
Anonymous's picture
Lol right V!
Eeeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers make him pay 50 dollars everyday. My Mom told me to pick the best one and you are not it............;)
[quote=LilysMom;54896]Eeeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers make him pay 50 dollars everyday. My Mom told me to pick the best one and you are not it............;)[/quote] LOL!
Scott, Ryan, and Baya. I also like Katelynn and Sarah alot too.
[quote=Jayden;55025]Scott, Ryan, and Baya. I also like Katelynn and Sarah alot too.[/quote]I just realized I completely spaced it and forgot about JD. I'd say that he and Ryan are my two favorites. I really like everyone in this cast now that I think about it. Even Chet who I wasn't really feeling at first has good qualities that I can appreciate.