Tool Academy

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[quote=jake93;54116] I kinda LOL'd at Ashley when she yelled "I'll show you the Jersey thing to do!"[/quote] Me too!! And I don't know what going all Jersey on someone means, but it sounded AWESOME coming from Ashley. Oh, and did anyone else notice her, uh "clap" when the girl said she was pregnant? That was the greatest WTF clap ever...
Anonymous's picture
OPD you are freakin hilarious.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tjhallow;54119]OPD you are freakin hilarious.[/quote] Lol no, ASHLEY is freaking hilarious!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54120]Lol no, ASHLEY is freaking hilarious![/quote] She really is. That clap was awesome! Like she was saying, "Is anyone else going to applaud the fact that Shawn as just outdone his level of Toolishness that we thought could never be out done? I have to admit guys, that is pretty impressive. Plus he met her at a gas station! HAHA. Come on guys, you have to at least give it up for that! No? Okay." Oh Ashley, you will be missed :)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tatertots;54128]She really is. That clap was awesome! Like she was saying, [B]"Is anyone else going to applaud the fact that Shawn as just outdone his level of Toolishness that we thought could never be out done? I have to admit guys, that is pretty impressive. Plus he met her at a gas station! HAHA. Come on guys, you have to at least give it up for that! No? Okay."[/B] [/quote] That. Was brilliant. And EXACTLY what I could imagine her thinking! :rofl: This really was the best reunion ever.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tatertots;54112]OMG that tattoo was priceless!! BAHAHA I hope there is a Tool Academy 2, please oh please![/quote] They are casting for season 2 right now.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54129]That. Was brilliant. And EXACTLY what I could imagine her thinking! :rofl: This really was the best reunion ever.[/quote] Thank you. Thank you. But really we owe it all to Ashley and her amazing looks that tell us exactly what she is thinking! [quote=tjhallow;54130]They are casting for season 2 right now.[/quote] Yessssss! I hope they can disguise it as another show again, or get guys who don't know about it.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tatertots;54173]Thank you. Thank you. But really we owe it all to Ashley and her amazing looks that tell us exactly what she is thinking! Yessssss! I hope they can disguise it as another show again, or get guys who don't know about it.[/quote] Well I doubt thats going to happen because its the tool academy website. [url=]Tool Academy - Class of '09 | Tool Academy Casting[/url]
[quote=tjhallow;54177]Well I doubt thats going to happen because its the tool academy website. [URL=""]Tool Academy - Class of '09 | Tool Academy Casting[/URL][/quote] Yeah. Besides, it wouldn't work if they tried disguising the show as something else.
Anonymous's picture
So anybody trying out? LOL
[quote=jake93;54179]Yeah. Besides, it wouldn't work if they tried disguising the show as something else.[/quote] Isn't that what they did this season? The girlfriends applied for Tool Academy to help "fix" their boyfriends and the guys thought they got on a show called Mr. Awesome until it was revealed it was Tool Academy. That's what I meant. Have the guys think they are going on something else until their gf's pop out and surprise! they are actually season 2 of TA.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tatertots;54183]Isn't that what they did this season? The girlfriends applied for Tool Academy to help "fix" their boyfriends and the guys thought they got on a show called Mr. Awesome until it was revealed it was Tool Academy. That's what I meant. Have the guys think they are going on something else until their gf's pop out and surprise! they are actually season 2 of TA.[/quote] Yes but its not going to work if they disguise the show as something else because the first season already did it. So now they will know what they are getting themselves into. Plus, there are promos all over VH1 to try for for season 2 of Tool Academy. Get what I am saying?
Anonymous's picture
But's TOOLS we're dealing with... They'll bite ;)
Someone on another message board said something to the effect of asking where Krista's top lip is and said that her gums must get cold with all the flapping she does and no lip to protect them from the wind and I was just LMAO at it because when she got called out for being the epitome of white trash by Jenna all she could do was sit there with this blank open mouthed stare like "duuuuuhhhhhh"
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;54206]Someone on another message board said something to the effect of asking where Krista's top lip is and said that her gums must get cold with all the flapping she does and no lip to protect them from the wind and I was just LMAO at it because when she got called out for being the epitome of white trash by Jenna all she could do was sit there with this blank open mouthed stare like "duuuuuhhhhhh"[/quote] Yep, Yep....Krista and Audrina could be sisters!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=LilysMom;54222]Yep, Yep....Krista and Audrina could be sisters![/quote] Whoa.....Good observation! :D
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;54223]Whoa.....Good observation! :D[/QUOTE] That was so on point!! Good eye LM!!!!
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;54104]Maybe it is the Kung Foo Hero tattoo he has above his *****, LMAO. I was LMAO at Krista being putin her place after calling Jenna "white trash" Jenna had the best reply ever... "Are you kidding me, this coming from a woman with two kids, a husband and a broke *** boyfriend who got fired from Target" (not sure of exaact words but they were very similar to that, LOL) the dumb *** look on Krista's face was ****** PRICELESS! She was the epitome of white trash on the show.[/quote] Yeah that was great. I forgot about the Kung Foo Hero tattoo, Shawn is king of the tools who made this person? I think the girl is even bigger tool for getting preganant by this fool. On the less than zero chance that I would ever be drunk or desperate enough to hook up with him, even on my worst day I'd like to think I'd be smart enough to be on the pill, make sure he has a condom, add some spermicide, maybe even pop a morning after pill just to make sure. Then again she hooked up with some guy she just met in a g***tation, so basically the kid doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Maybe it'll at least be pretty. . .maybe. . . And "you want me to show you the Jersey thing to do?" might just be an cl***ic instant quotable.
[QUOTE=Binary Solo;54281]Yeah that was great. I forgot about the Kung Foo Hero tattoo, Shawn is king of the tools who made this person? I think the girl is even bigger tool for getting preganant by this fool. On the less than zero chance that I would ever be drunk or desperate enough to hook up with him, even on my worst day I'd like to think I'd be smart enough to be on the pill, make sure he has a condom, add some spermicide, maybe even pop a morning after pill just to make sure. Then again she hooked up with some guy she just met in a gas station, so basically the kid doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. [B]Maybe it'll at least be pretty. . .maybe. . .[/B] And "you want me to show you the Jersey thing to do?" might just be an classic instant quotable.[/QUOTE] Honestly for a model she was NOT that pretty imo...and Shawn...well I just threw up a lil in my mouth so I will have to pass on commenting on him.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54187]But's TOOLS we're dealing with... They'll bite ;)[/quote] I know people are going to want to go on the show the point I am trying to make is that it can't be disguised as something else. They will know they are going to Tool Academy, they won't think its a competition for "Mr. Awesome". I'm trying to get my friend and her boyfriend to tryout but they won't.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tjhallow;54325] I'm trying to get my friend and her boyfriend to tryout but they won't.[/quote] Well maybe you and your best guy friend can enroll and "fake it" the whole time like Shawn accused Mega and Margo of! LoL
Anonymous's picture
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;54326]Well maybe you and your best guy friend can enroll and "fake it" the whole time like Shawn accused Mega and Margo of! LoL[/quote] LOL, Mr. tjhallow was dumped the other day so thats a no-go for him. He wasn't a tool, just an idiot. I don't want to be on VH1 and get lumped with that class of reality stars. I'd much rather be on MTV. Tool Academy should have been on MTV. LOL
Who do you guys think was the best looking guy and girl on the show??
Guys Matsu and Mega hands down Girls hate to admit it but Shawn's girlfriends were probably the best looking (minus Aida's dark crystal look), Mega and Matsu's girlfriends were cute too I think.
For guys I would have to say Mega or Matsuflex as well even though neither are really my type. I was LMAO at the fact that Matsu is the poster boy for the Tool Academy, LOL I think that Cameron was very pretty...I didn't like her fashion sense on the show, but she looked great on the after show! Aida was like a Monet, (Clueless!! LOL) cute from a distance but once you got too close it was a whole different story. Jenna was pretty as well but I was NOT feeling her Predator head hairstyle...or her Matsuflex T-shirt, LOL. And Jamiee reminded me of Fievel from Fievel goes West for some reason, and Krista always looked like a rabbit ready to eat a carrot imo.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;54352]Who do you guys think was the best looking guy and girl on the show??[/quote] I'll have to say Mega and Jenna. [quote=Stacee_Danielle;54359]Aida was like a Monet, (Clueless!! LOL) cute from a distance but once you got too close it was a whole different story. [/quote] WORD to that! Love the Clueless reference too ;)
Nice random Cluess reference! I can't even remember any of these girls by name except for Aida and Ashley (pretty terrible I know) so I had to look them up. Cameron was pretty but it took me a while to realize that, the freckles and style kind of threw me off I think but in looking at her again I agree she is very pretty.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Binary Solo;54373]Cameron was pretty but it took me a while to realize that, the freckles and style kind of threw me off I think but in looking at her again I agree she is very pretty.[/quote] I agree, it was a toss-up for me between her and Jenna but they are both cute.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;54375]I agree, it was a toss-up for me between her and Jenna but they are both cute.[/QUOTE] Yeah me too but then Jenna came with that god awful hairdo and I had to ax her from the list...that and the fact that the T-shirt that was cut up did nothing for her body type...she should have had Christian Audiger cut it for her, LMAO.
