Tool Academy

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Tool Academy
Am I the only one that watches tool academy? I wish they would have a celebrity tool academy, Ray J could definitely be one of the contestants.
[QUOTE=Binary Solo;46323] Side note, am I the only one that watches tool academy? I wish they would have a celebrity tool academy, Ray J could definitely be one of the contestants.[/QUOTE] I watch is a guilty pleasure show...I know it is fake, but I can't stop watching (kinda like every other Realtiy show I watch, LOL)
Anonymous's picture
Me and my BF watch it! These guys are soooo disgusting! And the girls aren't any better, dealing with that crap. Finally this week I was excited that "Celebrity"'s girlfriend kicked him to the curb at the end. Oh, and I think Sean should have gotten the boot right away for his 2-girlfriend scandal. I think Aida just wanted to "give him one more chance" when she found out he was going to be on TV. I can't stop watching it.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;46345]Oh, and I think Sean should have gotten the boot right away for his 2-girlfriend scandal. I think Aida just wanted to "give him one more chance" when she found out he was going to be on TV. [/QUOTE] Yeah she does seem like the Money grubbing type. Does anyone else think that Sean looks like he could be a Baldwin??? (Not that he is cute by any means...I don't even think any of the Baldwins are "cute".)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;46359]Yeah she does seem like the Money grubbing type. Does anyone else think that Sean looks like he could be a Baldwin??? (Not that he is cute by any means...I don't even think any of the Baldwins are "cute".)[/quote] I think he looks like a member of Flock of Seagulls with that hair!!! (But yes, I do see the Baldwin resemblance as well)
Oh yeah his hair is atrocious!! I don't see how a girl could take a guy with that haircut seriously. (EUREKA!!!! Now I know why they didn't cast the third Stallionaire was his hair!!!!)
Hahahaha, yes the hair is shady amongst other things. I agree he should have gotten the boot with the 2 girl escapade and I also think his girl is a potential tool as well. I was so glad to see Celebrity booted he was terrible and him out there by himself looking like an idiot afterwards was just classic, I hope she doesn't take him back once the cameras are off though. So far I think the least tooly are MEGA and the guy whose girlfriend doesn't sleep with him. But can I just say that the best part of this show is the fact that they were all lured there under the pretense of entering a competiton for "Mr. Awesome." Ummm really? The first 15 minutes of the show totally sold me.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Binary Solo;46378] But can I just say that the best part of this show is the fact that they were all lured there under the pretense of entering a competiton for "Mr. Awesome." Ummm really? The first 15 minutes of the show totally sold me.[/quote] LoL I know the premier was HILARIOUS. It makes me love my man that much more knowing he's not even CLOSE to being a ****** or a tool! So....the previews for next week show a guy getting kicked off because his GIRLFRIEND is the tool.....Who do you think that will be?? (I'm thinking Ashley P.)
[QUOTE=Binary Solo;46378]So far I think the least tooly are MEGA and the guy whose girlfriend doesn't sleep with him. [/QUOTE] I just do not like Mega and Margo for some reason...I feel like they are there to hussle the show...
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;46401]I just do not like Mega and Margo for some reason...I feel like they are there to hussle the show...[/quote] LoL I feel that way about Matsuflex (WTF is up w/ that name?!) and his girlfriend.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;46402]LoL I feel that way about Matsuflex (WTF is up w/ that name?!) and his girlfriend.[/QUOTE] Yeah...truth is that they are all actors anyway though, LOL.
Anonymous's picture
It's funny cause when we first started watching this, I told my BF: "Dang babe if I would have known about this we could have signed up".....Just to mess w/ them of course, and to win MONEY lol. My BF is far from a tool but I bet he'd have a hell of a good time acting like one on TV for 100,000......ah maybe next season.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;46408]It's funny cause when we first started watching this, I told my BF: "Dang babe if I would have known about this we could have signed up".....Just to mess w/ them of course, and to win MONEY lol. My BF is far from a tool but I bet he'd have a hell of a good time acting like one on TV for 100,000......ah maybe next season.[/quote] Yeah me and my husband were saying the same thing, LOL
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;46409]Yeah me and my husband were saying the same thing, LOL[/quote] Season 2, me and you LoL.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;46410]Season 2, me and you LoL.[/quote] Lets do it!
Maybe I was confusing least tooly with guys I would probably hook up with despite their obvious toolness. . .
[QUOTE=Binary Solo;46538]Maybe I was confusing least tooly with guys I would probably hook up with despite their obvious toolness. . .[/QUOTE] LOL...yeah we women are wierd that way.
Anonymous's picture
That's great OPD. Sean does looks like he's from the Flock of Seagulls. Aida should've raaaaaaan. She shouldve "ran so far away". Haha. I couldn't resist.
Anonymous's picture
Aaaaahhhh Insider that was awesome!!! Wish I would have thought of that myself...:D
Damn, that was a good one insider...poor guy seems to just be a punchline waiting to happen no matter what he does!
Anonymous's picture
Thank you. Thank you very much!!!
Anonymous's picture
Matsuflex for the win!
Anonymous's picture
Awww, I kinda felt bad for Mega. He seemed like an okay guy, and I can't believe his girlfriend kept laughing at him the whole time he was trying to be serious! I don't know if they were faking it or not....what do you guys think? Oh....and the Glee Club song? HILARIOUS!!
Margo was a "Mega Tool" I do think that they were just friends that there for the money...OR actors.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;46969]Margo was a "Mega Tool" I do think that they were just friends that there for the money...OR actors.[/quote] I guess I wouldn't be surprised if the whole lot of em are actors....Still entertaining though!
If that was acting than Mega is definitely wasting his time on the reality show circuit, I didn't think he was acting. I thought Margo was exhibiting tool like behavior but at the same time I felt like I could understand to a certain degree where she was coming from. Assuming it wasn't all acting I don't think I'd be in a rush to get serious with the way he was acting at the beginning of the show. In any event this episode only made me like him more. But I think it's all just being set of for FoS boy to win and he and his girl just grate on my nerves for some reason, if anyone's acting, I would say he is.
Anonymous's picture
Ok so....did anyone else think the final 4 guys all getting Tool Academy tattoos was, well, the tooliest thing ever?! At this point I think Tiny Tool deserves to win but I think Sean or Matsu are getting the winner's edit...
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;47713]Ok so....did anyone else think the final 4 guys all getting Tool Academy tattoos was, well, the tooliest thing ever?! At this point I think Tiny Tool deserves to win but I think Sean or Matsu are getting the winner's edit...[/QUOTE] I really hope Tiny tool wins...he deserves it. on another note... I knew I had seen Aida somewhere before... [url=][img][/img][/url] The Dark Crystal!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;47750]I really hope Tiny tool wins...he deserves it. on another note... I knew I had seen Aida somewhere before... The Dark Crystal![/quote] LMAO wow! What a resemblance! Although the Dark Crystal chick looks slightly less busted than Aida.....:shok: Wonder if she uses these on that hair of hers.....[URL=""]Bumpits[/URL]
[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="2"]Matsuflex is not his real name. His real name is Ryan Matsugala. So it comes from his last name. And also, a matsu is a japanese fighter. Hence, the matsu, and the "flex" comes from his muscles. Does anyone have his myspace?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;47750]I really hope Tiny tool wins...he deserves it. on another note... I knew I had seen Aida somewhere before... [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] The Dark Crystal![/quote] I thought she looked familiar! Her career must've really fallen off for her to be on the reality show circuit. . . Tiny Tool should win, if he doesn't I would say that the show is clearly fixed and we all know that that NEVER happens.
