Real World Brooklyn: Baya Voce

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Real World Brooklyn: Baya Voce

It looks like we have more information concerning the spelling and identity of Bella/Baya:[INDENT]Dear Bacchus, One of the Real World Brooklyn cast members is Baya Voce-Hoffman from Salt Lake City, Utah. Interestingly, she actually attended the same high school as fellow cast member Chet Cannon (East High School in Salt Lake City, where "High School Musical" was filmed). Chet graduated from East High in 2003 and Baya graduated in 2005. She was student body president. Per Facebook, she attended the University of Hawaii (Hilo) and Humboldt State University (where she is slated to graduate in 2010) Her facebook account can be found here. [/INDENT]Interesting! IMAGE(

awesome, she looks like a fun cool girl...I wonder what kind of drama she will bring :) that is odd that she and Chet come from the same high school though
[B]BTW: [/B]That facebook picture says [I]class act[/I] all the way! :D [U][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/U]
[quote=Bacchus;32491][B]BTW: [/B]That facebook picture says [I]class act[/I] all the way! [/quote] Are you referring to the crotch grabbing, or the pbr? ;)
Anonymous's picture
Hey man PBR is a GREAT beer!! I like her already ;) Agreed, interesting about her and Chet, only graduating 2 yrs apart, they must have known each other.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=LilysMom;32496]Are you referring to the crotch grabbing, or the pbr? [/quote] I think it might be the underwear showing Marky Mark style.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;32503]Hey man PBR is a GREAT beer!! I like her already Agreed, interesting about her and Chet, only graduating 2 yrs apart, they must have known each other.[/quote] In the little town I live in PBR is the beer of choice! I wonder what kind of twist this might have on the show? Although RW seattle Nathan and David attended the same military school, and it was not too much of a focus.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;32503]Hey man PBR is a GREAT beer!! [/quote] PBR is the epitome of cheap, God awful tasting beer. [strike]I'd rather drink some "laborer" home brew derived by water drawn from a city well in Nogales, Mexico then let that horrific liquid skunk ever pass my lips again.[/strike] [B]Edit: [/B]Back on topic, I was talking about the full package presented in the photo. ;)
Anonymous's picture
I wonder if they were friends coming into this?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;32574]I wonder if they were friends coming into this?[/QUOTE] If they were friends, it would kind of ruin the 7 strangers experience. Although, it might be interesting if they really hated eachother coming in.
[quote=hpkhg45;32588]If they were friends, it would kind of ruin the 7 strangers experience. Although, it might be interesting if they really hated eachother coming in.[/quote] Nathan and David were friends (Real World Seattle) so there have been prior spoken relationships in the house on previous seasons.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;32591]Nathan and David were friends (Real World Seattle) so there have been prior spoken relationships in the house on previous seasons.[/quote] Which LM stated one page back..... ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;32592]Which LM stated one page back..... [/quote] Oh ya. :D I was too distracted by the PBR propaganda!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;32593]Oh ya. :D I was too distracted by the PBR propaganda![/quote] Just encouraging others to read fully. :)
[quote=hpkhg45;32588]If they were friends, it would kind of ruin the 7 strangers experience. Although, it might be interesting if they really hated eachother coming in.[/quote] Well technically there would still be 7 strangers in the house since there are actually 8 cast members this time around...
[QUOTE=killer_tofu;32606]Well technically there would still be 7 strangers in the house since there are actually 8 cast members this time around...[/QUOTE] quibble much? :sofa:
[quote=V1man;32616]quibble much? [/quote] Hey, hey, hey! The fact that there are 8 cast members is a very relevant point! Haha
I am actually looking forward to seeing her, she looks umm...well different from that picture. Also this makes me think if in the opening credits they have to leave out the word "strangers", kinda like Seattle I believe.
yeah...ok, this may be just me, but Baya looks like that one actress, Torrey DeVitto.
[quote=jake93;37995]yeah...ok, this may be just me, but Baya looks like that one actress, Torrey DeVitto.[/quote] Hmmm, not so much. I mean, I know what you are saying, [I]but no. [/I] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
Anonymous's picture
I can see the similarities.
They look kinda look alike
[URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] I've noticed with all the comparisons we have done on this forum the threshold for "look alike" is very, very low. It would be nice if we had a few more pictures of Baya for comparison. ;)
There are some good photos of her on [url=]Baya Voce[/url] dot com
Anonymous's picture
[quote=joehenriod;42434]There are some good photos of her on [URL=""]Baya Voce[/URL] dot com[/quote] Hey thanks a lot!! I really think I'm going to like her!
Baya's gonna be the hot chick this season!;)
Ah, to be honest, haven't found none of the chicks hot besides Devyn. And I think Baya is alright but Devyn is much better.
I think when you get to know her, you are going to wish Baya were your best friend. Her smile alone is as big as Manhattan.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;42464]I think when you get to know her, you are going to wish Baya were your best friend. Her smile alone is as big as Manhattan.[/quote] I get that impression too. When I see the previews for Brooklyn when it features her, I get pretty excited. I haven't heard so far anyone that remotely knows her to have anything bad to say. In fact, I have a pretty good feeling about all of the girls this season. :girl_dance:
Same here. At first I thought if anyone is going to bring drama it will be her. But from the small bios and the trailer she actually seems like the sweet girl.
Baya is hot. I have a feeling she will be similiar to Brynn
