In the hours each week I spend lurking on these boards I see sooo many comments regarding the "tried and true" veterans.. Bring them back! I want to see so-and-so on this challenge and its going to suck if they aren't on it..It's general consensus in this community that the majority of the good competitors were on shows from a decade ago. So tell me - what makes you consider someone a "veteran"? Is it the number of challenge shows they've been on? How long ago their original season aired?
I think what some people fail to think about is the age that some of these people are reaching. I am by no means saying that someone in their mid-30's couldn't compete against the newer,younger players, I am just saying why would they want to? Example: Syrus. I loved Syrus, he was awesome! He is also damn near 40, surely he doesn't feel in tip-top shape when he rolls out of bed in the mornings, I know I don't.
A lot of the members here rag on Kenny. I realize that a lot of it has to do with his TV persona, however, challenge-wise, this is his FIFTH challenge. That is only ONE less than CT, Robin, Aneessa, Brad - all of whom have been long regarded as "veterans" of the challenges. There are other people that I could use as similar examples, however I think you all get my point. (Even if you don't agree)
I know I am over my speculation and hoping that any one player will show up on a challenge. There are very few people here that have actually met or personally know any of these people, so all we have is hearsay on their actual personalities (with the exception of V1 and Bacchus). As far as I am concerned, just because my next door neighbors, sisters, cousins, aunt's first boyfriend from high schools, hairdressers dogwalker saw such-and such at Best Buy and they looked like a jerk - doesnt make them a jerk on TV or off!
:torch: Ok that was a long rant.. It's 2am and I should be in bed!