The Island: Episode 7 - Discussion

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[quote=V1man;35657]I strongly disagree with you. Colie is one of the two smartest people on The Island. I raised the question of gender neutral contests before following the first faceoff. I'll now raise it again and state that I believe a case can be made that the show violated the Game Show Act.[/quote] I didn't say she wasn't smart. I am just shocked that she really thought they were going to give her a key. I didn't like how her and Jo expected them to just be given keys.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Jo did deserve a key from that alliance. She helped them with the votes every time, she was as crucial as Johnny is to that alliance. Plus, she's their friend. They preach that they're just a group of friends who are helping eachother, then they should stick with that and carry it out.
[quote=cystic;35681]I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Jo did deserve a key from that alliance. She helped them with the votes every time, she was as crucial as Johnny is to that alliance. Plus, she's their friend. They preach that they're just a group of friends who are helping eachother, then they should stick with that and carry it out.[/quote] I agree. While being part of the Alliance does not mean being guaranteed a key, it does mean that the Alliance should do what they can to get you into a favorable face-off, and then save your *** if you don't win the face-off. I think that is what Colie meant when Johnny accused her of wanting to be guaranteed a key.
[quote=tjhallow;35677]I didn't say she wasn't smart. I am just shocked that she really thought they were going to give her a key. I didn't like how her and Jo expected them to just be given keys.[/quote] I completely agree with you, Colie didn't do much at all whether she's smart or not, I don't really care because I do know she's very smart, but she still did nothing and I really don't think she planned on doing anything. I think she might do a little better on an individual challenge where she can't get screwed over so easily. Both times she was eliminated were very physical activities where she didn't have a chance to use her knowledge to help her. If she was put in Sliders or even Ascendor, I think she'd have a better chance because both involve quick mind work. Johanna on the other hand, should have and could have played the game the way say Ev did. She has a good amount of strength and smarts IMO and I don't think she needed the alliance to keep her through the game. Obviously it hurt her more than it helped.
this episode seem lame to me it sucks that Kelly-Anne got her key taken away, when she won the face off, its not fair that people who win the faceoffs and prove themselves get their keys taken away, kelly-anne and Evelyn. Ryan should of taken Dumbar's key, but of course hes a pu&*^ and was scared of the dumb "family" alliance. Im looking forward to next weeks episode i really hope Ev wins a key i wish Kelly-anne would win too but thats not going to happen unless someone quits or something terrible happens to Dumbar (jk) lol
Anonymous's picture
By the way...I just think Ev is adorable! LOL
Anonymous's picture
I am also surprised that TJ did not deliver the quitter speech to Colie, considering she told them to vote her off and keep Jo.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;35688]I am also surprised that TJ did not deliver the quitter speech to Colie, considering she told them to vote her off and keep Jo.[/QUOTE] She competed and lost. She did what TJ demanded which is to compete to the best of one's ability, and then made an honorable choice. TJ would not fault her for that.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;35690]She competed and lost. She did what TJ demanded which is to compete to the best of one's ability, and then made an honorable choice. TJ would not fault her for that.[/quote] True, did not think of it that way.
yea but he did lay into ashli when she said to send her is a big hypocrite but im not a big fan of his to begin with....and the fact that he feels the need to make the game his buisness.....just do you job and shut up
i have a feeling on next episode we will see the paula breakdown....i think that ev wins the competition and johnny sells paula out by telling ev that she can come on his boat....if that happens i would lose a lot of respect for ev (i already no respect for jb)
[QUOTE=iLoVeVeVmo;35697]i have a feeling on next episode we will see the paula breakdown....i think that ev wins the competition and johnny sells paula out by telling ev that she can come on his boat....if that happens i would lose a lot of respect for ev (i already no respect for jb)[/QUOTE] Why would you lose respect for Evelyn in that situation? Obviously a critically important part of this game is positioning oneself to win the $75K. If you have a choice between being on what you perceive to be the stronger or better boat, why would you not make that choice? Further, why would it be Johnny's boat and not say Jenn's or Kenny's or Ryan's or Derrick's, or God help us all, Robin's boat? As Ryan said in last night's episode, everyone is playing for him or herself.
[quote=V1man;35657]I strongly disagree with you. Colie is one of the two smartest people on The Island. I raised the question of gender neutral contests before following the first faceoff. I'll now raise it again and state that I believe a case can be made that the show violated the Game Show Act.[/quote] But is that a case that can be won?
[QUOTE=Jimmy;35703]But is that a case that can be won?[/QUOTE] Please describe what it means to win in this context? One should think broadly before replying. It is not a simple question. My clients often see it as a black and white issue when in fact there are infinite shades of gray.
[quote=V1man;35706]Please describe what it means to win in this context? One should think broadly before replying. It is not a simple question. My clients often see it as a black and white issue when in fact there are infinite shades of gray.[/quote] What does she stand to gain?
[QUOTE=Jimmy;35707]What does she stand to gain?[/QUOTE] What does anyone (including viewers) stand to gain? Fairness. That is what the law demands. Your reply, however, is not responsive to my question. I made reference to the issue of fairness following the first episode, so there is no direct relationship to Colie. In fact, Johanna would be equally disenfranchised by the design of the faceoff. A previous admission by a senior BMP executive is telling in this regard. BMP has not done another Battle of the Sexes because it is "too hard to design events that are fair for both men and women" other than things like sliders (G3) which are incredibly boring for viewers and cast alike. MTV clearly failed in its due diligence obligation to ensure it's contractor, Bunim-Murray Productions, Inc., executed its charge to produce a fair competition.
Long-time Challenge viewer, first time poster here. Felt that I would give my thoughts on last night's episode. First off, I strongly disagree that Dunbar is the keyholder who deserves it the least. Sure, he got his key through inconventional methods but is he really any less deserving than Jenn who got hers after a vote-off against Ashli, who more or less quit, was an unpopular rookie and was limping around on one foot? In my opinion, the person who deserves her key the least is Robin. Maybe I am missing something here but is there a reason they haven't gone after her key? Sure she says she has sailing skills but apparently the guys have no confidence in those skills or else they wouldn't have been so annoyed with her insistence on building a boat. Plus, Robin was embarrassed by KellyAnne in their face-off so I don't know why someone who finished third deserves a key. Ryan should have taken hers and I hope that if Dan wins next week, he goes after it. At least with Dunbar, he smartly aligned himself with the group and helped get the Queen Bee (Paula) her key. But aside from Paula, Ryan, Derrick and Johnny the other four key holders (Kenny, Jenn, Robin and Dunbar) have their keys because of their popularity so I don't know why Dunbar is being singled out. Of those four popularity picks, who, aside from Kenny, would you rather have on your boat? Dunbar. As for next week, I'm guessing either Ev or Dan gets the key. If Ev (who was adorable when she first got the news about next week's challange) wins, I don't see any way that she goes after Johnny. The first time was about revenge, now it's about the money. She has pride but I don't think she's dumb. So that's my two cents.
[quote=PaperClip529;35711] At least with Dunbar, he smartly aligned himself with the group and helped get the Queen Bee (Paula) her key. But aside from Paula, Ryan, Derrick and Johnny the other four key holders (Kenny, Jenn, Robin and Dunbar) have their keys because of their popularity so I don't know why Dunbar is being singled out. Of those four popularity picks, who, aside from Kenny, would you rather have on your boat? Dunbar. [/quote] Dunbar is being singled out mainly because a)he never went into a face-off where there was anything at stake for him (either a key or elimination), b)he complains ALL the time about his damn protein when EVERYONE is starving, and c) he's never proved himself to be useful in any way. He has not shown himself to be a good competitor or valuable to the island. He doesn't seem to have any unique abilities in any way, asides from being a gigantic baby. I've said it before, and I'll saying it again: having big muscles doesn't make you a good competitor. I understand that Abram gave him his key because he thought Dunbar deserved it and would be a leader, but so far, Dunbar as done NOTHING to display any kind of leadership qualities whatsoever. He's all about getting the most for himself.
Anonymous's picture
I missed it last night, can anyone tell me what the "big twist" or "rule change" was that got Ev so excited in the previews?
TJ announced that everyone without a key--Ev, Kelly-Anne, Dan, and Johanna--would all be competing in the final face off and the winner could take anyone's key. Ev was excited because she thought "The Family" would shut her out of the final face off and thus screw her out of the $75,000, but now she has a shot.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=meonlyme25;35720]TJ announced that everyone without a key--Ev, Kelly-Anne, Dan, and Johanna--would all be competing in the final face off and the winner could take anyone's key. Ev was excited because she thought "The Family" would shut her out of the final face off and thus screw her out of the $75,000, but now she has a shot.[/quote] Ohhhh Ok! Thanks :)
Personally, my aversion to Dunbar doesn't have much to do with the show, it has to do with his character or perhaps better stated, his lack of character. There is not much he could do that would earn my respect. He is a cheater. It all begins and ends with that fact. The alliance knew this about him before the show was taped (as did Vevmo). In fact he is only in the alliance because he is a cheater. He entered the alliance through his relationship with Paula. They embraced him fully. It says something about their character to a somewhat lesser degree as well.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;35730]Personally, my aversion to Dunbar doesn't have much to do with the show, it has to do with his character or perhaps better stated, his lack of character. There is not much he could do that would earn my respect. He is a cheater. It all begins and ends with that fact. The alliance knew this about him before the show was taped (as did Vevmo). In fact he is only in the alliance because he is a cheater. He entered the alliance through his relationship with Paula. They embraced him fully. It says something about their character to a somewhat lesser degree as well.[/quote] Well said, V. I couldn't agree more. :clapping:
[quote=V1man;35730]Personally, my aversion to Dunbar doesn't have much to do with the show, it has to do with his character or perhaps better stated, his lack of character. There is not much he could do that would earn my respect.[B] He is a cheater. It all begins and ends with that fact.[/B] The alliance knew this about him before the show was taped (as did Vevmo). In fact he is only in the alliance because he is a cheater. He entered the alliance through his relationship with Paula. They embraced him fully. It says something about their character to a somewhat lesser degree as well.[/quote] Not that the cheating isn't enough... but there is so much [I]more[/I] to dislike him for! Why limit yourself? ;)
[QUOTE=V1man;35730]). In fact he is only in the alliance because he is a cheater. He entered the alliance through his relationship with Paula. They embraced him fully. It says something about their character to a somewhat lesser degree as well.[/QUOTE] So were he and Paula doing the nasty on the island the whole time, or was he back to being "in Love" with Julie again by then (or just more reserved and keeps his cheating off camera??)?
[QUOTE=maybeshesright;35749]Not that the cheating isn't enough... but there is so much [I]more[/I] to dislike him for! Why limit yourself? ;)[/QUOTE] It's not a limitation, it is simply a threshold which he can not overcome.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;35753]So were he and Paula doing the nasty on the island the whole time, or was he back to being "in Love" with Julie again by then (or just more reserved and keeps his cheating off camera??)?[/quote] I have been wondering the same thing. On yesterday's dailies Paula was telling him to own up and be a man, he just kept telling her to be quiet if she truly cares about him.
[quote=LilysMom;35788]I have been wondering the same thing. On yesterday's dailies Paula was telling him to own up and be a man, he just kept telling her to be quiet if she truly cares about him.[/quote] Why does MTV keep casting people like him? I personally don't enjoy that type of "drama" a person like Dunbar creates, so I'm kind of baffled why he's on this challenge (and, presumably, the next one.)
[quote=meonlyme25;35792]Why does MTV keep casting people like him? I personally don't enjoy that type of "drama" a person like Dunbar creates, so I'm kind of baffled why he's on this challenge (and, presumably, the next one.)[/quote] ITA..there is something completely off about him. I am not sure if it just his pure selfishness or how whiny he is being about all of this. It seems as though he is unwilling to listen to both sides of each story because his side is always right. I want to see him on a more active challenge, one that does not have to ration food, just so he is in better spirits. Then see if he is truly a competitor, that will make a difference for me. But so far what I have seen of his personality on RW and The Island is lacking in so many ways.
The way things are shaping up, I will be ok if "those 4" win (the ones already mentioned in the spoilers topic :wink2:)...I cannot believe I am saying this but the 2 kings of the island deserve the win...They knew how to play the game and they were nonstop playing the game from day 1...If they just could avoid saying stupid bi**h or being such bullies...But at this point I am more irritated with the people that just followed them and did not play the game like Ev...
