[quote=Insider;34796]Ok boys and girls... IT'S GOING DOWN! Has anyone heard anything about what's happening yet??[/quote]
Hopefully as soon as the members get back from the taping, we will know exactly what went down.
Do we know if they have to sign be quiet until it airs contracts?
Do we know if they have to sign be quiet until it airs contracts?[/quote]
I don't know.. but I had the same thought. Obviously whoever is at the show is going to know the outcome of the game... (if he/she didn't already). It seems like there would have to be a contract of sorts...
[quote=Bacchus;34798]Are you not the "Insider?"[/quote]
Hey.. my contact is at work till 5.. What do you want from me? LOL
First cast report is that it went well. It came via text, so you now know as much as I do...
For anyone in NY, The Dublin House on the upper west side is a good place to find some cast members around 10 PM tonight.
the reunion was crazy!!! kelly anne was really drunk and flipped out on kenny it was hilarious!
Robin and ev looked AMAZING. robin lost a lot of weight and ev dressed up and looked really good, everyone was really surprised.
[quote]No leaks on who wins?[/quote]We have known for some time who wins and those names can be found [URL="http://vevmo.com/f187/the-island-mtv-updated-spoilers-1912/"]here[/URL] where [strike]I bolded them months ago[/strike] they are clearly visible...
I'd like to keep the focus of the thread on the interpersonal relationships displayed onstage, who showed up and what type of drama we can expect.
[*]Paula cries because she feels betrayed by Kenny and Johnny. I felt really bad for her she looked really uncomfortable and Johanna constantly comforted her. She cried like 10 minutes into the reunion, lol.
[*] They were all drinking, but Kellyanne was the only drunk one and she was HILARIOUS!! All the faces she made during the reunion and the stuff she would say. After she flipped out at Kenny, Johanna screamed at her "shut the ***k up, you drunk ass!"
[*] Ev and Johnny make up and are cool with each other. He genuinely apologized to her.
[*] Robin and Johanna are friends.
[*] Kelly Anne dated or is still dating WES, Johanna's ex! She didn't say the name, but then it was either Derrick or Johnny who said "whats the opposite of east?" HAHAHAHA! Johanna was really mad that he said it.
[*] Johnny never really apologized to Paula for betraying her which really upset her. They yelled at each other for a while.
[*] Everyone's now fine with Johnny, they all said that 1 on 1 hes really cool.
[*] They all wanted Rachel to stay longer because everyone liked her.
[*] Kenny apologized to Paula and they're cool with each other.
There's A LOT more but I cant think of any big ones right now.
to the people who went to the other reunions..do they always drink? because i was really shocked that they allowed this. i never notice them seeming drunk at all when i watch it on tv (probably edit it out i guess).
[QUOTE=jhl182;34854]to the people who went to the other reunions..do they always drink? because i was really shocked that they allowed this. i never notice them seeming drunk at all when i watch it on tv (probably edit it out i guess).[/QUOTE]
In the past, I've seen a couple of people with a flask in the green room, but no one over the top stinking drunk.
well they all had these plastic cups in the beginning and they were all drinking ON stage. then when they would film they would hide their cups behind the seats and pillows hahaha. im guessing kelly annes a lightweight because she was blatantly drunk and the cast knew. everytime she talked the cast would like laugh or roll their eyes.
Thank you jhl182 for you report. Was there anything that really surprised you during the reunion? Did some of the people outside of the big alliance (Johnny, Kenny, Paula, Johanna) seem to be mad with any of them? Did they feel stupid that they didn't ban together to take them out of power? Was the rationing of the food discussed, as well as some of the other island conditions they were under?
It's funny to hear Johanna talk about someone being drunk. I don't think she's always drunk, but she is known for being one of the messier drunks on the shows, at least from the TV footage (her first RW episode and other episodes, the Awards Bash, etc).
Can't BMP or MTV actually cease supplying these people with alcohol for a few hours or so? It's nice to have people sober when you want them to explain things. Usually someone in the cast already has issues with someone else from the show and they come to address them (although some people patch things up before).
But the whole alcohol supply thing sounds like it can get rather ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the cast members who do challenges regularly were able to control themselves with alcohol before the shows, but might have a problem with it now.
Well we all know that certain cast members are extra dramatic for the cameras. So I don't think it's so far fetched to think they may be hamming it up this time too.
Oh, of course. And sometimes you have to get loud to be heard because a bunch of people are trying to talk at once.
I also really believe some people are upset from what happened and have a score to settle or they want to call out the people who they feel wronged them, etc. And since some people get dramatic or have anger from what happened, there isn't a need for alcohol at all, really.
well kelly anne REEKED of vodka so....hahaha
well paulas mad at johnny n he was mad at her and didnt apologize. she was mad at kenny too but he apologized so their fine now. johannas fine with them and didnt intend on winning. she only came on the show to show support to kenny and colie. then when she got pretty far, she thought hmmm maybe i can actually get on a boat and win?! but she didnt care that she lost because she cared about the "real" world.
paula was also crying because she felt so stupid for sticking up for kenny and johnny the whole time. she took so much crap and in the end they screwed her over. she said that she shouldve known and feels like an idiot and that its embarassing.
In a sense I feel bad for Paula, but when it comes down to it, I'm not. She should have never aligned herself with Johnny and Kenny in the first place and should have played the game on her own agenda. The only reason I feel bad for her is because Johnny was supposedly a true true friend to her.
[quote=jhl182;34875]paula was also crying because she felt so stupid for sticking up for kenny and johnny the whole time. she took so much crap and in the end they screwed her over. she said that she shouldve known and feels like an idiot and that its embarassing.[/quote]
Well, Paula and Kenny are STILL good friends. They've been together on multiple occasions since the show. I would bet money that they are hanging together at this very moment.
yeah kenny and paula are still friends, but shes not friends with johnny now i dont think. kenny and kelly anne arent cool with eachother, but other than those 2. everybodys fine with eachother.
they all thought that dunbar having a key was unfair and they were pissed about it but they saw him as a good person in general.
Dan was drunk 24/7 for 28 days straight. Robin talked to him on the phone and he said hes sober now. As in stopped drinking. Derrick kept saying he had a problem which was funny because he had a drinking problem on the challenges too before. He jokingly said that he passed it onto Dan lol.
the living conditions were worse than i thought. they said the beds were always damp and the sound of the ocean would keep you awake. they didnt have a sense of time so they would essentially sleep at 3AM waking up at 6Am because the sun would be so bright.
theres really NOTHING to do so they created a theater, and one act was about robin and dans dysnfunctional relationship (they showed clips). Robin does not remember hooking up with him because she was wasted.
Kelly anne says that she dated Wes because she actually liked him and it wasnt to get back at johanna. they got off to a bad start because robin apparently told kelly anne before the challenge that johanna was out to get her. but robin said that she meant everybody was out to get her because she is a rookie.
at one point kenny called kelly anne a hooker which shocked all of us. later kelly anne was like yeah i sleep with my friends all the time. everyone was shocked at that too because she was completely serious.
[quote=jhl182;34883]yeah kenny and paula are still friends, but shes not friends with johnny now i dont think. kenny and kelly anne arent cool with eachother, but other than those 2. everybodys fine with eachother.
they all thought that dunbar having a key was unfair and they were pissed about it but they saw him as a good person in general.
Dan was drunk 24/7 for 28 days straight. Robin talked to him on the phone and he said hes sober now. As in stopped drinking. Derrick kept saying he had a problem which was funny because he had a drinking problem on the challenges too before. He jokingly said that he passed it onto Dan lol.
the living conditions were worse than i thought. they said the beds were always damp and the sound of the ocean would keep you awake. they didnt have a sense of time so they would essentially sleep at 3AM waking up at 6Am because the sun would be so bright.
theres really NOTHING to do so they created a theater, and one act was about robin and dans dysnfunctional relationship (they showed clips). Robin does not remember hooking up with him because she was wasted.
Kelly anne says that she dated Wes because she actually liked him and it wasnt to get back at johanna. they got off to a bad start because robin apparently told kelly anne before the challenge that johanna was out to get her. but robin said that she meant everybody was out to get her because she is a rookie.
at one point kenny called kelly anne a hooker which shocked all of us. later kelly anne was like yeah i sleep with my friends all the time. everyone was shocked at that too because she was completely serious.[/quote]
Wow thanks for more info JHL. Thats very interesting.
Its nice to know most of them made up though.
I wonder if that is the only reason KellyAnne and Johanna have beef with each other? Kenny calling her a hooker is uncalled for when he is always chasing after a girl.
Robin and Dan....so dysfunctional. Nice to know that Dan is trying to clean up his act.....how about Robin?
Well, duh it is unfair that Dunbar had a key the whole time for doing absolutely nothing other than being a jerk.
So, did they ask the cast if they would do anymore Challenge jhl?
Ev said shes done for a while, but may come back later on. A lot of them are on the next challenge.
Robin jokingly said "i will keep doing challenges UNTIL i win!"
LOL, shes on the next one too.
[quote=jhl182;34886]Ev said shes done for a while, but may come back later on. A lot of them are on the next challenge.
Robin jokingly said "i will keep doing challenges UNTIL i win!"
LOL, shes on the next one too.[/quote]
Do you think 6 people is a lot? So did they admit to being on this upcoming Challenge, or did they just say they would do another one? Do you remember what they said? And was everybody on the cast there? Sorry for all the questions.