Britney's 16 year old sister pregnant

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Britney's 16 year old sister pregnant
Who has read that Jaime Lynn Spears is 3 months pregnant, the news broke yesterday and Britney found out the same way we did. So who said they were going to read Lynne Spears book on how to be a good parent? The father is a 19 year old who lives with her! Hopefully she will prove to be a better mother than B is.
I was just reading TMZ: [quote]TMZ was with the popwreck tonight while she did some late night shopping at the Lisa Kline store on Robertson Blvd. As she left the store, she told the waiting throng of paparazzi and fans, "My sister's not pregnant!" Ding dang, wha?! We overheard Brit Brit make the confusing statement as she left the private shopping session at the boutique around 9:00 PM. Next time she hits up a gas station, someone might want to hand her [URL=""]this week's OK! mag[/URL]. That's your sister on the cover, Brit. [/quote]Britney is such a freaking space cadet. Anyone read about how they had to digitally slim her for her new video?
i read about it last night, and my mouth literally FELL! maybe JLS is tired of her big sis having all the attention, and felt she needed to spruce things up a bit! ha
[quote=omgthisismysong;3972]i read about it last night, and my mouth literally FELL! maybe JLS is tired of her big sis having all the attention, and felt she needed to spruce things up a bit! ha[/quote] I am really surprised this is getting so much coverage as she is a minor. I even caught a segment on CNN international about Jaime Lynn being preggers. I think you are right omg, she is trying to outpace brit. Combined they will probably be able to fill an entire trailer park with offspring before they break 30. ;)
Poor Jamie Lynn. :( I have to admit I was more shocked to learn she was only 16. It seems she's been on my television set for years now and I thought she was older than that by now. Also, I have to say that I'm disappointed that she has not learned from her sister's many mistakes.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;3985]Poor Jamie Lynn. :( I have to admit I was more shocked to learn she was only 16. It seems she's been on my television set for years now and I thought she was older than that by now. Also, I have to say that I'm disappointed that she has not learned from her sister's many mistakes. [/QUOTE] I know me little sister used to watch her show when it first came out so I had to watch it with her and I always thought she was a cute girl who seemed to be much more grounded than her train wreck sister. I am disappointed for all the kids out there that look up to her...They idolize Nickolodian (sp?) stars at that age.
I know this is the National Enquirer, but it is [strike]funny[/strike] an interesting story none the less. Hey, they are right at least [strike]5%[/strike] some of the time! [URL=""]FAMILY MEMBER CONFIRMS: JAMIE LYNN SPEARS IS PREGNANT![/URL]
I heard this a few days ago and i hope its not true. It's so frustrating, why can these teen girls get pregnant so easy and i can't. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
OMG! You know maybe someone should teach these girls what to do to prevent these things from happening, if you can't take proper protection, keep your legs closed.
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[quote=Prinycesa07;33868] It's so frustrating, why can these teen girls get pregnant so easy and i can't. GRRRRRRRRRRR.[/quote] Ya know....[I]practice[/I] makes perfect!! :)
[quote=bratty;33893]OMG! You know maybe someone should teach these girls what to do to prevent these things from happening, if you can't take proper protection, keep your legs closed.[/quote] I almost slipped and made a poitical comment :( I completely agree should start being taught health/sex ed at about 7th grade. That was what grade I was in when my friends first started getting pregnant...and most had another by 9th grade.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;33913]I almost slipped and made a poitical comment :( I completely agree should start being taught health/sex ed at about 7th grade. That was what grade I was in when my friends first started getting pregnant...and most had another by 9th grade.[/quote] Well and honestly i know the whole debate about sex education and schools, but you think this one's mother would have done something especially with all that happened with Britney.
[QUOTE=bratty;33918]Well and honestly i know the whole debate about sex education and schools, but you think this one's mother would have done something especially with all that happened with Britney.[/QUOTE] exactly...
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;33952]exactly...[/quote] Glad to see we are on the same page there.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;33903]Ya know....[I]practice[/I] makes perfect!! :)[/quote] Hahaha, i'm trying, im trying!!