Survivor Gabon: Episode 3 - Recap

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Survivor Gabon: Episode 3 - Recap
[CENTER][LEFT]Will Fang recover and break its losing streak? Will Ace continue to annoy his Kota tribe mates? Will the "super clique" of Charlie, Marcus, Corrine, and Jacque remain strong? [/LEFT] [/CENTER] The Show starts off by showing us a preview of what happened last episode of Survivor. Fang lost both immunity challenges, and Michelle and Gillian were voted off. [B]Fang After Tribal Council [/B]It is night time and Fang is getting back from their last Tribal Council where they voted off Gillian. GC: "Thank God for another night." Matty: "H*** yeah man. Whatever happens, we made it another night you guys." Chrystal says OTF: (On the fly. It is like BB's DR) "Tribal Council was a no brainer. Gillian you got to go. We got rid of a major, physical, weak link. They begin to make a fire and talk. Ken: "Tomorrow is going to be a new day." Susie: "We gotta win tomorrow, we have to." GC: "I don't care if it is physical or whatever, bring it on." Randy says OTF: "I would like to start winning, but the tribe that I have... I still don't believe it's possible. The problem is that they're stupid. I really shouldn't blame them for being complete idiots, but they are. They don't know it, but they are." It then takes us to the opening theme, which looks like this: [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor Gabon Opening Theme[/URL] [B]GC and Randy Argue [/B]It is morning time in Gabon. GC is shown cooking a pot of rice. Randy opens up the box of rice. Randy says OTF: "It is day seven and we are over half way finished with our rice. Someone (GC) had the bright idea of three meals a day. You know, this is Survivor, three meals a day is ridiculous." Randy says to everyone: "We're running low on rice, we are running out. It's not maybe, it's a fact. I mean I love three meals a day, but can we compromise at two?" Everyone agrees [B]except[/B] GC. GC: "Everybody was eating so much at first, I remember throwing away a half a pot of rice the night. That wastes so much of our rice. Now I am suffering because some people chose to do that early on? I'm not suffering." Randy says OTF: "In my opinion, the cancer in the tribe is GC. He cannot be told anything, and our tribe is going to continue to have problems until that cancer is excised." GC asks Randy: "Randy are you like the leader of the tribe now?" Randy: "No, we are just sitting here talking dude. If you wanna start, we will start it." GC: "It just seems like lately, like the last couple of days, you've kind of been trying to step up into leadership and I don't know if that's what you wanna do, but you sure are jumpy about it." Randy: "No, we decided that this tribe doesn't need a leader. So what's your point, you're asking me if I wanna be leader? Ok, the answer is no and, you know, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Drop it. GC: "I don't have to drop nothing man, I can ask you something if I want." Randy: "Then I will just ignore you then." GC: "Well you can do that if you want." Dan says OTF, "I don't think we've pulled together as a team. We'd have a much better chance if we were more unified and thinking this as a team, rather than fighting amongst each other." [B]Kota Alliances [/B]It then takes us to the Kota Tribe. It shows Marcus catching a fish, and the tribe cheers. Marcus hands the fish to Charlie. Charlie says OTF, "My alliance right now is with Marcus, Corrine, and Jacque. Beyond that I think Paloma and Kelly are really tight, and Sugar is attached to Ace, and I definitely think that Bob can be used as a swing vote. There is always a concern that the other five might bond together, but I think the other five will be so all over the place, that we will be able to keep the four together." Paloma and Kelly are talking by the water. Kelly: "I don't like Ace. It's his way or no way." Paloma: "Like right now they're like, he's just like the king; and everybody's like bowing down to him. I just want to gag every time he opens his mouth." Kelly: "I know." Sugar and Ace are talking by the fire. Sugar: "So they're conniving over there right now." Ace: "I know. Everybody's getting complicated now." Sugar: "I know. I don't think we have anything to worry about for a little bit, but I already know who I like so..." Sugar says OTF, "For some reason, me and Ace decided we have some kind of connection. I trust Ace, and I believe that his is going to take care of me as much as he can." [B]Tree Mail [/B]Bob and Corrine announce that they have the tree mail. Everybody gathers around to here it. Corrine reads it out loud: "This head to head battle requires a well balanced team. To win some camp comfort, you'll kick and you'll scream." They then talk about the tree mail that Corrine just read. Corrine: "Totally Bedding! Yay!" Ace: "Honestly as much as we want bedding, it's not that important." Corrine: "Yeah I know, it's not immunity." Ace: "We're sleeping, we've got food, we got water." Paloma: "I mean it's still important. We want to win." Ace: "Well obviously I'm not saying lets throw the challenge. I'm saying, I would rather put out people that are stronger today, so we have people that are stronger for the immunity challenge. Because I could live without bedding, but I'd rather not go to tribal." Marcus: "Good point." Paloma says OTF, "Everybody seems to adore Ace at this point; Because right now, everybody's just bowing down to him, they think that he's the king. But I can see through it so I am not blinded by it. But, you know, just from talking to Kelly I know she has the same frustration. It's like we both are over him." [B]The Reward Challenge[/B] It is time for the reward challenge. Kota arrives first. As Fang arrives Jeff says, "Kota getting your first look, at the new Fang tribe. Gillian voted out last Tribal Council." Jeff: "You guys ready to get to today's reward challenge? For today's challenge, one member of each tribe will be stationed at a post. On my go, two members of the other tribe will race out and attempt to remove you from that post and drag you through the sand to the finish. First to get the member of the other tribe across the finish line scores a point. One note, players can swap positions each round. The first tribe to score two points wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for? Comfort; blankets, hammock, pillows, mat. In addition, the winning tribe will send one member from the loosing tribe to exile island. Worth playing for? Because this challenge requires a specific number of men and women, Fang you will sit out 1 man. Kota, you must sit out 3 women." Kenny sits out for Fang. Kelly, Corrine, and Jacque sit out for Kota. Jeff: "Dan is first on the post for Fang. Ace is first on the post for Kota, and he's yawning. Wow you are that relaxed. The attackers for Kota are Charlie and Marcus, the attackers for Fang are Matty and GC. Here we go for reward. Survivors ready? Go! It is going to be good and Physical. Dan hanging on tight! It's a big battle between Matty, Ace, and GC. Marcus and Charlie have Dan off the post. Ace, proving very strong for Kota. Marcus and Charlie slowly inching Dan to the finish line. Ace not budging against GC and Matty. Marcus and Charlie inching him closer, little by little. GC, you gotta dig deeper than that. Kota very close! GC has given up. Kota scores the first point! Kota leads one-zip" Ace hardly every budged during round one. There was one time, that Matty got his arms off the post, but Ace held on with his legs. Ace says to Paloma: "Paloma, you should go next." Paloma: "Ok." Ace: "Wrap your legs and hold on for dear life." Jeff: "Kota leads one-zip. Next round, Susie will be on the post for Fang, Paloma will be on the post for Kota. The attackers for Kota, Bob and Sugar. The attackers for Fang, Randy and Chrystal. If Kota scores this point, Kota wins reward. Survivors ready? Go! This match looks a little more uneven, with Chrystal and Randy on the very small Paloma, this could be over quickly. Randy and Chrystal have Paloma off the post very fast. They are dragging her up the hill. Fang scores, we are tied 1-1." It didn't show much of Kota at all. From what I saw, they had Susie's arms off. Jeff: "Alright, we are tied 1-1. We're back to the original match-up, Ace and Dan on the poles. The attackers are different this time, Markus and Bob attacking for Kota, and Chrystal and Matty are the attackers for Fang. This is the final round. We are playing for reward. Kota would like to make sure Fang does not taste victory. Fang is desperate for a victory. Survivors ready? Go! This is it right here. You need to dig deep like you never dug before. Dan holding on tight against Marcus and Bob. Ace not budging against Matty and Chrystal. Which tribe wants it more? Matty has the top half of Ace off the post, Chrystal working on the legs. Bob and Marcus have Dan off the post. Dan hanging on with his last arm. Chrystal and Matty have Ace off the Post, and they are dragging him! Marcus and Bob starting to make some progress. We are neck and neck. Ace trying to get away; a big take down! This is a war! Bob and Marcus fights hard on Dan. Chrystal is starting to drag Ace again, Fang is getting closer to their 1st victory! Dan fighting them off. Ace knocks Chrystal down. Dan screaming for some help. Matty now pulling Ace. Fang wins reward!" The Fang tribe celebrates. Chrystal is very emotional. Jeff: "Fang, congratulations. Chrystal you looks very emotional." Chrystal: "We had to go out here and fight like warriors in order to get some blankets and some comfort, but it was worth it." Jeff: "Fang, big decision to make. Who are you going to send, from Kota, to go to exile island?" Fang picks Sugar to go. Sugar: "I knew that." Jeff: "How did you know that?" Sugar: "I knew that. I knew that they were going to pick me because they think I'm dumb. But they haven't talked to me yet." Jeff: "Well bad news for you sugar is your going to be away from camp, and you know that's never a good thing." Sugar: "I know!" Jeff: "Good news is, waiting for you at exile, a clue to the hidden immunity idol. You got your stuff?" Sugar: "Yeah." Jeff: "Map to Exile." He then gives her a map to Exile Island, and Sugar leaves. Jeff: "Kota, I've got nothing or you, grab your stuff and head back to camp. Alright Fang, nice job. Get your reward and head on out." [B]Fang, After the Reward Challenge [/B]As Fang arrives back to the campsite, they begin celebrate. Chrystal says OTF, "That challenge felt so good. It felt good for the other tribe to feel the pain we have been feeling, to walk away with your heads down. They are still celebrating. Dan: How awesome does it feel to come back and win it? The reason I held on so long is because I got my energy from Matty and from you!" Matty says OTF, "Coming back into camp, we are feeling like a team. For finally feeling like, we are going to start creating a little bit of a role here." Randy says to them, "I was losing it and you heard me yelling... I was like come on B****, come on b****!" They all laugh. [B]Kota, After the Reward Challenge [/B]Ace says to the tribe: "We did well. We have to keep in mind it wasn't a loss. It was a strategic withdrawal. Corrine: "You guys did awesome." Ace: "We moved our forces back in perfect retreat which is important." Bob: "We did take out our strongest girls. You know, it was a great decision." Corrine: "That such a brilliant strategy." Marcus: "It's hard when like; Their three strongest, and one of them is the girl, it's like..." Paloma: "Yeah I didn't stand a chance, that's for sure." Corrine: "No." Paloma: "I was like a rag doll." Corrine: "Nobody would've" Paloma says OTF: "Crystal, which is on their team, is huge. Especially compared to me, I am like the shortest person alive, so compared to Chrystal.... I just had no chance. It's just kind of weird that Ace decided to put me on the poll instead of Sugar, but with Ace it's kind of like it's his way or the highway." Marcus, Ace, Charlie, Jacque, and Corrine are talking by the lake. Marcus: "We should have put Kelly in instead of Paloma, I don't know why we sat the three of you guys out." Ace: "Paloma had to go in." Marcus: "We could have put her in a puzzle or something." Ace: "But what if it wasn't a puzzle." Corrine: "She basically just sealed her fate so... It's fine" Ace: "It was still frustrating." Corrine: "We're short two pillows, we will be fine." Marcus: "It's not fine when we have to catch fish for her tonight and keep the traps and do all the other stuff, Its like, I don't know we are just stuck with Paloma." Ace says OTF, "It's been hard, you know, watching Paloma just give up. Yeah I think her like of.... Motivations lets say. She sort of sealed what we were all thinking already. She sort of crossed and dotted her T's on her contract of death. [B]Exile Island [/B]Sugar walks up to the table and picks up the card, she reads it out loud: "You've arrived in Exile a lovely, lovely place In this Garden of Eden, a difficult choice you'll face. One choice provides an apple, one choice provides direction. Spend your time in idle comfort. Or seek idol protection." On the table there is two pots. One says Comfort and one says clue. Sugar goes for the clue. Sugar: "Getting in that cage, and having comfort... It would have been nice, but it would have been really stupid. Because I am pretty sure, since I am the only person sent to Exile Island, that the idol is still out there." Sugar reads the first clue out loud: "Across the lake you see so well, there lies a sandy crater. The object hidden in the floor will surly help you later." Sugar: "It looks like I got to go through a jungle. No problem." While in the jungle, it looks like sugar runs into some fire ants. Sugar "This is not my normal thing obviously. I am not a camper, I don't like to be dirty." Sugar gets lost. Sugar: "I did Survivor because I thought that it might help me grow up a little bit and get a thicker skin and get over, not get over, but deal with my fathers death." She begins to cry. "I can't even say it. My father passed away seven months ago. I'm trying to keep it together because when I stay in Survival mode I don't get like this. I'm sure I will be a stronger person by the end of it all. Playing this game will help me at this time of my life." Sugar makes it to the Sandy Crater. "Thank God! This is definitely a sandy crater. The only clue, it's hidden in this freakin dirt?" Sugar begins to Dig. She finally finds another clue under a rock. At first I believe she thinks it is the idol. The second clue says: "Now turn around, and go back to the lake. On one tree hill climb for salvation's sake." Sugar quickly finds the second clue. She then says, "I don't really know how to play this game, but I am learning really quick. My confidence has been built a little bit more, with each think I do..." The clue says, "Walk along a yonder creek, beneath the burned wood is the thing you seek." Sugar doesn't even know if she is following the right creek. But apparently she was because she found the burnt wood and the next clue which said, "Through creatures unknown you'll have to wade, Among the leaves that reach skyward your deliverance shall be made." Sugar finds a big tree in the middle of the water. She was a little nervous about wading because there could be lizards or something in the water, but she does it anyways and finds the idol in the tree. Sugar says, "When Fang sent me to exile I thought, they thought maybe I was dumb, and that I would never find the idol. I can't believe I found it and the lawyer didn't. But my dad has been with me this whole time and I feel like he's been helping me... he's here." She puts her hand over her heart. [B]Back at the Kota Tribe [/B]Back at the Kota Tribe, Bob and Ace are talking. Bob: "If you line everybody up, the two on the bottom are Paloma and Sugar. Those are the two that I'm flip-flopping with, and I know that you like Sugar..." Ace: "I like Sugar as a person. You know, she is loyal, and loyalty stand a lot for this game you know that. I think we can trust Sugar longer than we can Paloma." Bob says OTF: "Ace is putting himself at risk by doing this manipulation. By calling out Paloma he's protecting Sugar big time. He wants to keep Sugar, and I can see why. She makes it to the jury, she will vote for him. But that can irritate people, and that worries people. That is what worries me." Bob and Corrine are walking. Bob: "Ace is making me real nervous." Corrine: "I'm pretty sure he wants Paloma out right?" Bob: "Oh, without a doubt. I really feel like Ace is talking about bringing Sugar right to the end." Corrine: "It will definitely be Paloma and then Sugar, or Sugar then Paloma. I mean they are going. Ace is doing something very stupid. He is bringing Sugar to the end because she's weak and she needs him. I'll tell you this much, you know, I have Jacque, Marcus, Charlie, we're all in your boat. As long as you feel the same way we do, we're all in it together and there's five of us. We can pick whoever we want, we are the majority." Corrine says OTF: "I think Bob responds really well to bold confident moves. When I was speaking to him I had to speak to him like, [I]here's the deal, these are the four, your the fifth, that's all you need to know it's the majority, we are getting rid of this one."[/I] Corrine continues her conversation with Bob, "It doesn't really matter because were five. So knock it down. That's it. Corrine continues to say OTF, "None of us are looking to take Bob to the end. However, we need him for numbers and I think that we can trust him." [B]Tree Mail [/B]Mark reads the mail out loud: "Slip, slide, splash, and run. The stakes are high, but you'll have some fun. Who is bright and who is slow? No the difference or be the next to go." They also get their swimsuits which means this challenge involves water. Marcus says OTF, "I think the next immunity challenge is the most crucial one that we've had at this point. Their one victory has given them some hope. Crushing that hope is going to send them to another level of despair." [B]The Immunity Challenge [/B]The tribes make their way to their platforms. Sugar comes back from exile island. She then makes a face at Jeff. Jeff says, "Don't look at me, I didn't send you. Its the game." Jeff: "Alright you guys ready to get to today's immunity challenge? 1st things 1st, I will take it back again (Immunity). Once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge you will one at a time down the slippery slide and into the water. You will then swim out to retrieve a covered number tile and race back. Once you've collected all six tiles, the remaining tribe member will use those numbered tiles to solve a math puzzle. The answer will reveal the combination to the chest. First tribe to open their chest and raise their tribe flag wins immunity. Losers, tribal council where somebody will be going home. Kota you have two extra members, who is going to be setting out this one?" Paloma and Sugar set it out. Jeff: "Alright, Bob and Ken are waiting to solve the puzzle. Everybody else is going down the slide. For Immunity. Survivors ready? Go! Chrystal and Kelly, 1st to go. Kelly does it perfectly. Chrystal takes a hard hit. Both are in the water at the same time. Chrystal is tall enough that she can actually run to get her 1st puzzle piece. Kelly coming back! Chrystal out of the water first for Fang. Susie is on the course! Fang with a good size lead right off the bat. Corrine hits the course! Susie has the second case to this puzzle. Corrine quickly gets her number, she's heading back, making up a lot of time on Susie. Fang has lost all of their lead now. Charlie on the course for Kota. Kota now has the lead! GC on the course for Fang! That's how you do it! Charlie out of the water heading back for Kota. Kota has three tiles stacked, Fang still has two. Jacque is on the course. Kota still with a good sized lead. Randy on the Course for Fang. Jacque out of the water for Kota., two numbers left. Ace flips over twice. Randy needs to pick it up! Fang has lost more time. Dan on the course for Fang, still looking to win that 1st immunity challenge. Ace holding on to Kota's lead. Kota has one number left in the water. Fang has two more left. Marcus heading out for that sixth and final number for Kota. Dan finally out of the water for Fang. Matty's gonna have to make up a lot of time. Marcus out of the water with the sixth and final number for Kota. It's now up to Bob to solve the puzzle. Matty out of the water with that sixth and final number! Ken racing now, trying to catch up. We got a physics teacher going head to head with a video gamer. You don't need to be a math major to figure this out, you just need to be able to concentrate. Read it carefully and rearrange the numbers." The math problem said: The sum of both end values equals the sum of the middle two, the last is equal to the 2nd minus the 3rd and is one less than its only neighbor. The numbers were: 6, 1, 2, 7, 5, 4. You do the math Jeff: "Bob thinks he might have it. Make those numbers into a combination, and if you're right, the chest will open. He doesn't have it. Ken thinks he has it. Ken tries it, he's not right. You gotta look at this puzzle again, maybe you are putting a comma where it doesn't belong or maybe you are reading a word wrong. Bob thinks he might have figured it out suddenly. Ken thinks he has it again! Bob thinks he has it! Both tribes trying it. If either one of these guys are right it is immunity for their tribe. Bob tries it, he is wrong once again! Ken has it right for Fang. Fang wins immunity!" The combination was: 17, 24, 65 Fang celebrates. Jeff: "Fang, Congratulations. Back to back wins, this time for immunity. This game is changing. Kota, a date with me tonight at tribal council where the third person will be voted out of this game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. I will see you at tribal. Fang, you guys gonna miss me at Tribal Council?" Crystal: :They need to get to know you a little bit better." Jeff: "Grab your stuff, head back to camp." [B]Kota After the Immunity Challenge [/B]It then takes us to the Kota tribe. A girl says: "So if you wanna look for the idol, you can't sleep in the hut?" Sugar: "Right. But the clues are not freaking easy. I had to find my way to this dozier spot with this map, and I kind of read it wrong or something." Sugar says OTF, "I think I played off that I won the idol pretty well. I don't think anybody has a clue that I got it. I'm not to bad at this. I am a lot better that I thought for sure." Sugar and Ace are in a canoe in the lake. Sugar: "I found it!" Ace: "That's great!" Sugar: "So I can hang onto this thing for a while right?" Ace: "Yeah hang on to it. I mean obviously don't bring it to tribal tonight, but I'd bring it to tribal generally. This is ours. That just sets our game up so well until right to the end." Sugar: "We're very happy." Ace says OTF, "I just had a very nice conversation in the canoe, being told that Sugar has the immunity idol, and we're going to hopefully dominate this game." Sugar and Ace continue talking. Sugar: "Paloma's tonight." Ace: "Paloma is dead. Kelly is pretty dead after that." Sugar: "Awesome. I'm pretty excited." Ace says in the DR, "Now we are all prepping for the Cuda-Gra, being Tribal Council. And the dismissal of little miss Paloma. " Ace, Charlie, Jacque, and Corrine are swimming. Jacque: "Paloma? So we're sticking to the plan, Paloma?" Corrine: "Yeah." Jacque: "Yeah, Okay. I don't have to worry about it all day." Paloma says OTF: "Strategically, I'm like the animals out in the wild. I just watch. Just watch... and then I am going to pounce on someone and eat them up." Paloma and Corrine talk. Paloma: "Has Ace made an alliance with you yet? He has made an alliance with everyone else." Corrine: "He has? He's not said one word to me." Paloma: "He hasn't said a word to me because he doesn't like me. I mean he's tried everything he can to get rid of me. Like putting me on the pole instead of Sugar. I mean when I think about it, he doesn't want to get rid of sugar. Ace doesn't want to, and Ace is pretty much running the game. It's really crazy, just keep your eyes out because he is really, really sneaky." Paloma says OTF, "I'll just say what I need to say really fast, till I get people to think and get their brains going and make them like all crazy, and like thinking. Ace might be as strong as an ox and I be as weak as a mouse, but we're both 50:50. People want him out because he's strong, people might want me out because I'm weak." Corrine and Paloma continue their conversation. Corrine: "He's not running the show Paloma." Paloma: "Well I mean, personally I don't really care I just can't stand that guy." Corrine: "Well let me see what I can pick up. That's not happening." Corrine says OTF, "I really can't stand Ace. I not really sure that his accent is real. I think he's a khan artist. I would like to see him go home sooner other than later. I am afraid that if Ace goes with us to the merge that he will be the first to flip, because he is on the outskirts of our alliance." Corrine and Charlie talk. Corrine: "I was talking to Paloma, and she tried to get me in an alliance with her, and she was like Ace is really dangerous. He forced me to go on the post so that everyone could see how bad I was. She's like everyone knew." Charlie: "I think that could be partly true." Corrine: "It's 100% true." (I couldn't make out what else she said) I think it was something about it being uneven. Corrine: "It is a problem, Ace needs to get out before the merge because we can't have that." Charlie: "You're smart. You're good at this game." Charlie says OTF: "There is definitely a short term benefit, to getting rid of our weakest players. Because then we can trounce the other team and not have to vote off other people, but Ace is the biggest concern. Because Ace has been playing Sugar like a pawn." Corrine and Charlie continue their conversation. Corrine: "The thing is, like, we have to trust, beyond everything else that our alliance is our alliance. It's the five of us, that's that. Because Ace told Bob he wants to take Sugar to the end no matter what. He's like I am taking her to the end because she is easy, she follows what I say..." Charlie, "They are going to pull out all the stunts at the end." Corrine says OTF, "Getting rid of Paloma... whatever, that can be done later. You want to get rid of Ace earlier, before he gains momentum, before we merge, that is more important. I don't know, it is hard to say. I dislike so many people on this d*** tribe, that it's like a toss up." [B]Tribal Council [/B]It is night time in Gabon. The Kota tribe is heading up to tribal council. When they arrive Jeff tells them, "Behind each of you is a torch, grab a torch, approach a flame, and dip in and get fire. This is part of the ritual in tribal council because in this game, fire represents your life. As long as you have fire you are still in the game, when your fire is gone so are you." Everyone lights their torch and sits down. Jeff: "So finally we get a chance to talk. So Corrine, first tribal council, What do you base the vote on?" Corrine: "Everybody has their own opinion on who should be voted out. But the idea is, you want one opinion together, so that you have as little distention among the group as possible. Jeff: "Ace that seems incredibly pie in the sky. Lets come to one group consencus on who we're going to vote out?" Ace: "I think this early in the game, the most important thing is what strengthens the tribe and what makes us strong for challenges." Jeff: "Sugar lets talk about Exile Island. That's a long time to be alone this early in the game. What do you draw on? Sugar: "Well, I thought about my dad (she begins to cry), just because I lost my dad recently and...." Jeff: "It's gotta be tough." Sugar: "I missed everyone." Jeff: "Marcus, there are two ways to play in regards to the idol. One is, don't try to flush it out because I don't have it. The other is, I got it." Marcus: "You are absolutely right. I think Sugar is choosing if she does have it to let her outside reflect something completely different than the inside. And if that is the case, more power to her. It's probably the way I would have played it myself." Jeff: "When you got with this group, who jumped out at you as wow, interesting." Marcus: "I think our tribe actually has a lot of those people, but I mean Ace was a really interesting guy from the start and he and I seem to work well together and have a lot of similar ideas." Jeff: "Paloma, did Ace stand out to you as having a big personality?" Paloma: "Yeah, definitely. Ace is like the head honcho at our campsite." Jeff: "How do you feel about that? Him being the big guy?" Paloma: "I mean like, he can be the big guy all he wants, I really could care less. But as far as I'm concerned I'm not ever going to go there." Jeff: "You're not even going to go where?" Paloma: "Like do the whole, Ace is my hero type thing like..." Jeff: "So Ace is clearly not your hero." Paloma: "No not at all." Jeff: "Ace does that surprise you to hear that?" Ace: "Not particularly. I think we have the capacity to rub each other the wrong way." Jeff: "Kelly do you think Ace is an asset to your tribe?" Kelly: "Um, in some cases. Because he's almost condescending in a way." Jeff: "How is condescending a good thing?" Kelly: "It's not a good thing at all sometimes, say we are cooking rice or something. He will be like Oh I thought we were going to make water. If somebody wants to make rice, let us make rice. We don't necessarily need water right now." Jeff: "Ace, concerned at all that you have two people coming up saying, By the way I got two votes and..." Ace: "Of course. You can never walk into Tribal Council without being scared." Paloma: "He don't have his bag with him, so he must not be that worried." Ace: "There is nothing I really wanted to take from camp." Jeff: "Think you guys would have been brother sister in another life?" Paloma: "Maybe in another world. 1000 years from now. When I'm dead." Jeff: "Wow. Alright Marcus, you have an immunity idol around your neck, it is only good at tonight's tribal council. You can obviously assign it to somebody if you want, or make sure you are safe and keep it." Marcus: "I think I am going to hang on to it this time." Jeff: "Alright. Tonight Marcus is safe, every body else is fair game. It is time to vote Kelly you are up." Kelly voted 1st Marcus voted 2nd Charlie voted 3nd Paloma voted 4rd. It shows Paloma's vote is for Ace Bob voted 5th Sugar voted 6th Ace voted 7th. It shows that Ace's vote it for Paloma Corrine voted 8th Jeff goes and gets the votes. The 1st two votes it for Ace to leave. The rest is for Paloma. Paloma is the 3rd person voted out of Survivor. Jeff: "Well the truth is, you've lost back to back challenges and now your first tribe member. Fang clearly has the momentum. The questions is can you get it back? Grab your torches and head back to camp." [B]Paloma's Final Words[/B] As the credits are rolling it show Paloma speaking her final words. "So I got voted off. I'm the first person on my tribe to go, these past nine days in Gabon has been amazing. Definitely been an experience, something I never ever done before. Good luck to the whole Kota tribe, I hope you guys do awesome. But I definitely... lets just put it this way, if Ace wins $1,000,000... I'll probably never watch survivor again." It shows that Kelly and Paloma were the two that voted for Ace. That's it! If you noticed, my recap is a little bit different from the BB ones. So tell me how you like it! Or what I should or shouldn't do differently. If I don't get your feed back I will never know! ;)
Great recap Phoenix! I had missed the first 30 minutes and you filled in all the gaps. I have to agree with the majority of Fang that GC is the weak link with their squad on an emotional level, although it is not the time to cut him being he is one of their stronger players. If they want to keep winning they need to release the dead weight. Susie would be next on my score card. Nothing against her as a person, she just doesn't match up to the rest of the tribe members physically. Crystal is a freaking monster! Nothing like having a gold medal athlete on your team. She over matches all of the women and in any event where there is gender division, Fang is going to have a huge advantage. I don't think I have a favorite right now, although "Bill Nye Guy" seems to be an endearing character. Ace is actually quite funny and usually right about things, although his cockiness can be quite off putting. Sugar is sweet and Kelly is one of those girls that really does need make-up... I'll need another week to decide who my horse is in this race. In the end, I was glad to see Paloma go. I could tell that in real life she is probably a constant nagger. She is small, not overly brainy and severly lacking social skills. [B]BTW: [/B]Everything I said about fang does seem to be moot as if they do a tribe swap next week as the entire dynamic changes. I'd like to see Dan find his way into a good alliance.
Another great recap Phoenix! I missed the episode so this gives me a good update on what happened. Ace/Sugar are probably gonna be around a while but will have to be careful about Corrine...who in turn has to be careful too, Survivor is a game that can turn on a dime. And hey as much as I like Kota, I'm glad to see Fang win. Edit: Crystal would be a great advantage to Fang before the merge but after that she is a huge threat, some people might start thinking that way. Dan...I don't know I guess I like people with the name Dan lol
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;32106]Another great recap Phoenix! I missed the episode so this gives me a good update on what happened. Ace/Sugar are probably gonna be around a while but will have to be careful about Corrine...who in turn has to be careful too, Survivor is a game that can turn on a dime. And hey as much as I like Kota, I'm glad to see Fang win. Edit: Crystal would be a great advantage to Fang before the merge but after that she is a huge threat, some people might start thinking that way. [B]Dan...I don't know I guess I like people with the name Dan[/B] lol[/QUOTE] I was thinking the same thing lol
Dan is definitely my favorite. I just wish he would get in an alliance of some sort!
[QUOTE=Phoenix;32132]Dan is definitely my favorite. I just wish he would get in an alliance of some sort![/QUOTE] I agree. I feel like hes getting screwed on Fang.
Ok, they are 100% picking new tribes. Just saw the commercial. [B]Jeff: [/B]We are picking new tribes [B]Announcer:[/B] Now it's blonde vs blonde vs blonde. New Survivor, CBS Thursday...
[quote=Bacchus;32190]Ok, they are 100% picking new tribes. Just saw the commercial. [B]Jeff: [/B]We are picking new tribes [B]Announcer:[/B] Now it's blonde vs blonde vs blonde. New Survivor, CBS Thursday...[/quote] Woooo! This is great news! Now maybe the tribes will even up a bit. Hmmm... I wonder if blonde vs blonde vs blonde means 3 tribes??? BTW: I found the commercial Bacchus is talking about. :D [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor Gabon - Episode 4 Promo 10 seconds[/URL]
Wow that is gonna be interesting to watch next week and this time DVRing it to make sure. Blonde Vs. Blonde Vs. Blonde....Ace better hope Sugar is still on the same tribe when all is said and done.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;32190]Ok, they are 100% picking new tribes. Just saw the commercial. [B]Jeff: [/B]We are picking new tribes [B]Announcer:[/B] Now it's blonde vs blonde vs blonde. New Survivor, CBS Thursday...[/QUOTE] Looks like production was scared of Palau 2. CANT WAIT!
I am still trying to figure out what Blonde vs Blonde vs Blonde means.... Edit: I am predicting 3 tribes.
[quote=Phoenix;32633]I am still trying to figure out what Blonde vs Blonde vs Blonde means.... Edit: I am predicting 3 tribes.[/quote] ...or they could all end up on the same tribe and be at each other's throats.
[quote=Bacchus;32635]...or they could all end up on the same tribe and be at each other's throats.[/quote] I thought that they were already on the same tribe. But you are right, they will probably be at each others' throats. It makes a whole lot more sense than splitting into three tribes. Lol :D
[QUOTE=Phoenix;32633]I am still trying to figure out what Blonde vs Blonde vs Blonde means.... Edit: I am predicting 3 tribes.[/QUOTE] I agree I can see them going into three tribes more than a merge.
[quote=darksamurai88;32639]I agree I can see them going into three tribes more than a merge.[/quote] I am thinking two new tribes.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;32640]I am thinking two new tribes.[/QUOTE] really? Honestly, I have no idea lol... wait I think I know the people still there are at an odd number so I bet the 3 blondes have to battle it out and the loser of the 3 goes home.
If the blondes pick tribes then has anyone considered that Sugar will definitely pick Ace first and the other blondes will probably not pick Ace first. This pretty much guarantees that the Sugar/Ace alliance (which also has the immunity idol) will remain intact. The other 4 person alliance in Kota is in jeopardy. I'm thinking Survivor decided to do blondes picking tribes because they knew the Sugar/Alliance would remain intact and they wanted to keep that going.
Ok, well maybe the three blondes pick tribes. You guys have convinced me. Speaking of blondes: [LEFT][INDENT][I]A blonde and a brunette are sitting in a bar and watching the 11:00 P.M. news. A man is standing on the ledge of a high-rise building, contemplating suicide. The brunette says to the blonde: "I'll bet you $20.00 that the man jumps off that building and commits suicide." The blonde thinks for a moment then replies: "OK, you're on!" They watch for a few minutes and sure enough, the man jumps off the ledge. The blonde sighs and reaches for her wallet, but the brunette stops her, saying: "I can't take your money - I feel too guilty. I have to confess that I watched the 6:00 P.M. news this evening and I knew that the man would jump. The blonde replied: "Oh! I watched the 6:00 P.M. news too, but I didn't think he'd jump off again!"[/I] [/INDENT][LEFT]That being said, I am going to have to pull for Sugar's new tribe as Kelly already gets under my skin and I haven't quite figured out Jacquie yet. [/LEFT] [/LEFT]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;32671]Ok, well maybe the three blondes pick tribes. You guys have convinced me. Speaking of blondes: [LEFT][INDENT][I]A blonde and a brunette are sitting in a bar and watching the 11:00 P.M. news. A man is standing on the ledge of a high-rise building, contemplating suicide. The brunette says to the blonde: "I'll bet you $20.00 that the man jumps off that building and commits suicide." The blonde thinks for a moment then replies: "OK, you're on!" They watch for a few minutes and sure enough, the man jumps off the ledge. The blonde sighs and reaches for her wallet, but the brunette stops her, saying: "I can't take your money - I feel too guilty. I have to confess that I watched the 6:00 P.M. news this evening and I knew that the man would jump. The blonde replied: "Oh! I watched the 6:00 P.M. news too, but I didn't think he'd jump off again!"[/I] [/INDENT][LEFT]That being said, I am going to have to pull for Sugar's new tribe as Kelly already gets under my skin and I haven't quite figured out Jacquie yet. [/LEFT] [/LEFT][/QUOTE] Sugar is growing on me. B, I do know a natural blond for whom I would need to explain your joke. :)
I found this youtube video of Jeff Probst giving us a preview of the upcoming episode of Survivor: [URL=""]YouTube - Survivor: Gabon - Week 3 Preview[/URL]
New episode looks fantastic! I'm glad they're doing something about the tribes. Note to producers: NEVER let them pick their own...ever. Again. When Crystal picked Susie as a number THREE, i knew it was all over.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;32762] Note to producers: NEVER let them pick their own...ever. Again. [/quote] YES! This should be a rule in the Survivor Production Manual. Some cast members are just too stupid to forward their own agenda. They most be coddled and given fair teams by default or we all suffer! :D