The Island: MTV - Paula Meronek

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The Island: MTV - Paula Meronek
Doesn't Paula have a boyfriend now? I dont remember if she was dating him before The Island or just seeing him casually. I wonder what he thinks about all this.
[QUOTE=Insider;31322]Doesn't Paula have a [B]boyfriend[/B] now? I dont remember if she was dating him before The Island or just seeing him casually. I wonder what he thinks about all this.[/QUOTE] Singular, as in only one?
Anonymous's picture
Her Facebook says "Lance Brummer". [CENTER][U][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/U] [/CENTER] There we go. Paula and Lance. [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER]
Damn if Julie took him back and forgave him again, then they deserve each other. BUT they could have just decided to remain friends...unless it shows they are still together on facebook...cause you know facebook never lies, LOL
[quote=Bacchus;31321]Recently seen over in Julie land: [U][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/U][/quote] and the cycle continues.... [quote=Insider;31324]Her Facebook says "Lance Brummer". [CENTER][U][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/U][/CENTER] [/quote] Never been a Paula fan but she actually looks cute in this pic BTW - love your avatar pic Insider
Anonymous's picture
[quote=El Rey;31327] BTW - love your avatar pic Insider[/quote] LOL.. Thank you! It seemed suitable.
Don't do it Julie! Get rid of him for good! This makes me so sad...
[quote=killer_tofu;31344][B]Don't do it Julie! Get rid of him for good! [/B][/quote] For reals!!!! He is never gonna stop if he keeps getting away with it!
[quote=LilysMom;31349]For reals!!!! He is never gonna stop if he keeps getting away with it![/quote] Oh, he's never going to stop anyway... I was saying that because the longer you go in a relationship like that, the harder it is to escape. You just get sucked in...
[quote=killer_tofu;31355]Oh, he's never going to stop anyway... I was saying that because the longer you go in a relationship like that, the harder it is to escape. You just get sucked in...[/quote] Dunbar...he hooks up with a girl then basically attacks her and then goes to Julie to say he is sorry. Hopefully that cycle doesn't repeat and Dunbar is kicked to the curb sooner than later.
Anonymous's picture
I retract my previous comment. Paula's facebook now says.. "Paula and Lance ended their relationship". That was fast.
[quote=Insider;31385]I retract my previous comment. Paula's facebook now says.. "Paula and Lance ended their relationship". That was fast.[/quote] She realized her love for me and came back lol Anyway I didn't even know she was dating anyone but then again her myspace status was disappointed so that explains it.
[quote=Insider;31385]I retract my previous comment. Paula's facebook now says.. "Paula and Lance ended their relationship". That was fast.[/quote] ...and "coincidental" as well, lol.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;31386]She realized her love for me and came back lol Anyway I didn't even know she was dating anyone but then again her myspace status was disappointed so that explains it.[/QUOTE] Just a question, GW -- Is Katie now going to consider that you cheated on her?
[QUOTE=V1man;31411]Just a question, GW -- Is Katie now going to consider that you cheated on her?[/QUOTE] uhoh...*runs and hides from the wrath of Katie* :sofa:
[quote=V1man;31411]Just a question, GW -- Is Katie now going to consider that you cheated on her?[/quote] Hey now Katie cheated on me first and left me out in the cold while she was prancing through the meadows with her new man. I was alone and desperate!
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;31421]Hey now Katie cheated on me first and left me out in the cold while she prancing through the meadows with her new man. I was alone and desperate![/QUOTE] LMAO at the "prancing through the meadow" comment makes me think of this one I Love Lucy episode "I tippy tippy toe through my garden" ROFLMAO
[quote=stacee_danielle;31424]LMAO at the "prancing through the meadow" comment makes me think of this one I Love Lucy episode "I tippy tippy toe through my garden" ROFLMAO[/quote] LOL Ah I'm glad you find amusement in my obvious pain of lack of Katie.....and ah Lucy...I have to admit I watched some of that on TV land.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;31421]Hey now Katie cheated on me first and left me out in the cold while she was prancing through the meadows with her new man. I was alone and desperate![/QUOTE] But Katie has always had one special guy (the previous one exited stage right on Katie's last birthday), so it's not like you were not always the third person... There are some real advantages in that kind of relationship. ;)
[quote=V1man;31433]But Katie has always had one special guy (the previous one exited stage right on Katie's last birthday), so it's not like you were not always the third person... There are some real advantages in that kind of relationship. ;)[/quote] Well she never lets me prance around with her and not to mention that night she made me double as a beer pong table....
[SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Paula[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] is dating a guy that works for Grad City becuz i saw them in Bahamas together when I was on my trip. She's [SIZE=4][COLOR=red][B][U]not[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] with Dunbar or Lance. She might not have been dating him but I am pretty sure they were [SIZE=4][COLOR=red]<3 <3 <3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Thanks for the info and welcome to vevmo :). I'm glad she's not with Dummy Bear, he's a jerk.
Who is GoldenWarrior, was he on any previous Real Worlds?
[QUOTE=SPK713;97794]Who is GoldenWarrior, was he on any previous Real Worlds?[/QUOTE] No, he's one of the moderators here on vevmo.
Paula is still with with her previous boyfriend (not Dunbar)... He understands she does Student City and he doesn't like it so much, but he tolerates it because he really likes her. He helped plan her big birthday bash this past weekend!
[quote=dplayer18;97798]No, he's one of the moderators here on vevmo.[/quote] Yeah I know that but it sounded like he knows all the Real Worlders
[quote=CrazyRealityGuy;97803]Paula is still with with her previous boyfriend (not Dunbar)... He understands she does Student City and he doesn't like it so much, but he tolerates it because he really likes her. He helped plan her big birthday bash this past weekend![/quote] [quote=longisland09;96489][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Paula[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] is dating a guy that works for Grad City becuz i saw them in Bahamas together when I was on my trip. She's [SIZE=4][COLOR=red][B][U]not[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] with Dunbar or Lance. She might not have been dating him but I am pretty sure they were [SIZE=4][COLOR=red]<3 <3 <3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Long Island, I think Crazy Reality Guy is correct. Looks like she is still with Lance the one who organize her party: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
Yes she is still with Lance
Anonymous's picture
Crazyrealityguy would know. He's well connected. Pay attention. :)
I was just giving my opinion from what I observed* She was really close with a guy the week I was there* But then again the entire week was a blur* LoL* <3
How did you guys see her Facebook? Do you know her or does she just accept anyone as friends? I know some RW people accept everyone and others don't so I was just curious.
