Real World/Road Rules: The Island - Spoilers

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I liked Rachel on Campus Crawl. I dont really remember previous challenges for her.
Evelyn get's eliminated
[QUOTE=Andy3000;31097]Evelyn get's eliminated[/QUOTE] This would be more accurate... [URL=""][/URL]
[quote=Andy3000;31097]Evelyn get's eliminated[/quote] Evelyn is going to have us eliminated? ::GASP:: Oh dear! P.s. What's your source or how did you "figure" that out? Until you give us some legitimate info that pans out to be true, I'm pretty sure the majority of the people here are going to believe V1man's account of what happened over yours. He has delivered spoilers on many many occasions and the spoilers always turn out to be true. He's got connections. Amazing how that works!
[QUOTE=JoshiK;30193]I think the nostalgia factor weighs in pretty heavily on the Rachel-like. She was from a RW/RR era that many considered to be high times and fun. I really don't see that too much has changed. Veronica and Rachel weren't any better than some of the cast who are on and behaving badly now.[/QUOTE] it's true, everyone in the cast has alliances and all that. what stands out about Rachel and Veronica is the cattiness. The Mean Girls. We've all met ppl like them, especially in middle school or high school. They are symbolic in that way, I think.
I'm not sure if Evelyn get's elimnated but I saw in an Island preview Johnny and Ev are standing beside each other pleaing the cases to the cast to not go home, and I remember Bacchus confirmed Johnny as one of the winners.
[quote=Andy3000;31195]I'm not sure if Evelyn get's elimnated but I saw in an Island preview Johnny and Ev are standing beside each other pleaing the cases to the cast to not go home, and I remember Bacchus confirmed Johnny as one of the winners.[/quote] Congratulations, you have ignored everything V has been saying so far. I'll give you a break though since you're new-ish and you mean well. Just because Johnny and Evelyn are pictured together, doesn't mean they are the only ones up on the chopping block. It is quite possible that there are other people up for elimination and we know that not all of the rules are known yet... to us and to the cast at this point in filming.
[QUOTE=Andy3000;31195]I'm not sure if Evelyn get's elimnated but I saw in an Island preview Johnny and Ev are standing beside each other pleaing the cases to the cast to not go home, and I remember Bacchus confirmed Johnny as one of the winners.[/QUOTE] Have you considered the possibility that this is at the end and Johnny and Evelyn are standing together because they are about to pick who goes in which boat? That seems as likely a possibility are your suggestion since two seconds of video tells us nothing other than BMP is messing with us again.
[quote=Andy3000;31195]I'm not sure if Evelyn get's elimnated but I saw in an Island preview Johnny and Ev are standing beside each other pleaing the cases to the cast to not go home, and I remember Bacchus confirmed Johnny as one of the winners.[/quote] There was been some crafty editing in the previews to make it look as though one thing is happening while actually it's the complete opposite. Guess expand your mind and think outside the box is what V1 is saying(more than once I might add). Actually anything could happen now and it wouldn't surprise me. I never thought KellyAnne could outlast anyone but we all saw how that went.
Anonymous's picture
perhaps Ev and Johnny are standing together because they are in a face off with more than 3 people. Perhaps there is a 3rd person pleading his or her case and we just can't see who it is. [size=1][i]Posted via Mobile Device[/i][/size]
Ev and Johnny in the preview I saw are standing waiting for the cast to vote someone off, and Paula says to one of them i'm sorry I have to send you home. Also here's a question I want people to answer: why does everybody take spoilers so seriously, for example I say one spoiler and everybody takes a spaz and says: no thats not true or V1man and Bacchus are always right or I think your spoilers need a bit of work. Hmmm answer peoples ? Seriously people don't be all weird to me i'm just taking a guess at what the Island elimination order is..... Why don't you take a guess too 20th Place: Tonya Cooley 19th Place: Dave Malinosky 18th Place: Abram Boise 17th Place: Rachel Robinson 16th Place: Ashli Robson 15th Place: Tyrie Ballard 14th Place: Cohutta Lee Grindstaff 13th Place: Colie Edison 12th Place: Evelyn Smith 11th Place: Dunbar Flinn 10th Place: KellyAnne Judd 9th Place: Ryan Kehoe final 8: Dan Derrick Jenn Johanna Johnny Kenny Paula Robin Winners: Derrick Johnny Kenny Robin Losers: Dan Jenn Johanna Paula
[QUOTE=Andy3000;31216]Ev and Johnny in the preview I saw are standing waiting for the cast to vote someone off, and Paula says to one of them i'm sorry I have to send you home. Also here's a question I want people to answer: why does everybody take spoilers so seriously, for example I say one spoiler and everybody takes a spaz and says: no thats not true or V1man and Bacchus are always right or I think your spoilers need a bit of work. Hmmm answer peoples ? Seriously people don't be all weird to me i'm just taking a guess at what the Island elimination order is..... Why don't you take a guess too 20th Place: Tonya Cooley 19th Place: Dave Malinosky 18th Place: Abram Boise 17th Place: Rachel Robinson 16th Place: Ashli Robson 15th Place: Tyrie Ballard 14th Place: Cohutta Lee Grindstaff 13th Place: Colie Edison 12th Place: Evelyn Smith 11th Place: Dunbar Flinn 10th Place: KellyAnne Judd 9th Place: Ryan Kehoe final 8: Dan Derrick Jenn Johanna Johnny Kenny Paula Robin Winners: Derrick Johnny Kenny Robin Losers: Dan Jenn Johanna Paula[/QUOTE] Andy, this is a spoiler thread not a speculation thread. We have one of those, too, and that is where your guesses belong. Curious question, what is "takes a spaz?"
[quote=Andy3000;31216]Ev and Johnny in the preview I saw are standing waiting for the cast to vote someone off, and Paula says to one of them i'm sorry I have to send you home. Also here's a question I want people to answer: why does everybody take spoilers so seriously, for example I say one spoiler and everybody takes a spaz and says: no thats not true or V1man and Bacchus are always right or I think your spoilers need a bit of work. Hmmm answer peoples ? [/quote] I am still pretty new around here, and not jumping on you, but the reason everyone defers to the wisdom imparted by V1 and Bacchus is because they have accurate knowledge. Speculation isn't unwelcome here I have found, as long you make it clear that it is speculation. There's actually a thread for that for this specific show. A spoiler is only a spoiler if it is definate knowledge, and people around here like to know your source. If not shared aloud, at least with Bacchus and V1 so that it can be verified. How's that for a newbie? I think I've caught a hang of things around here...
Anonymous's picture
I think that they are awaiting being fired upon by a firing squad.......
[QUOTE=needsalife;31219]I am still pretty new around here, and not jumping on you, but the reason everyone defers to the wisdom imparted by V1 and Bacchus is because they have accurate knowledge. Speculation isn't unwelcome here I have found, as long you make it clear that it is speculation. There's actually a thread for that for this specific show. A spoiler is only a spoiler if it is definate knowledge, and people around here like to know your source. If not shared aloud, at least with Bacchus and V1 so that it can be verified. How's that for a newbie? I think I've caught a hang of things around here...[/QUOTE] You may "need a life" elsewhere, but the one you have here seems to be doing just fine. We do occasionally get things wrong, like my post long ago that Tryie would quit. I corrected that as soon as I discovered that I misunderstood my source. (I guess I just wanted him to quit). People also sometimes misinterpret things, but overall we're doing well. Many have been speculating for some time that something had to give with the rules and we'll see that play out very soon. People paying attention to the dailies supporting the next episode will recognize that Ashli's tour on The Island is coming to an end, just as we said it would. Again, listen for TJ's speech -- although I'm wondering if we will see it in the episode because Ashli is injured. His usual quitter speech in that context would just make him look like an *** (but, then, he is!). [QUOTE=EastNY;31220]I think that they are awaiting being fired upon by a firing squad.......[/QUOTE] If it were just Johnny, I would happily have volunteered for the firing squad.
[quote=Andy3000;31216] Also here's a question I want people to answer: why does everybody take spoilers so seriously, for example I say one spoiler and everybody takes a spaz and says: no thats not true or V1man and Bacchus are always right or I think your spoilers need a bit of work. Hmmm answer peoples ? Seriously people don't be all weird to me i'm just taking a guess at what the Island elimination order is..... Why don't you take a guess too[/quote] Since I'm pretty sure you were referring to my response to you earlier, I felt it appropriate to respond now... The problem is that you didn't have any spoilers; You had a guess at what was taking place based off of a clip that BMP/MTV provided for you. Here is a thread that you can post that sort of thing in: [URL][/URL] Statements aren't spoilers unless they are factually correct. The problem with posting guesses in the spoiler thread is that it makes it incredibly hard for people to find the true spoilers that V1man and Bacchus (and occasionally some others) bring to us which are confirmed by their many many sources. Also people have seen speculation in the spoiler thread and reposted it as truth elsewhere. It just makes everything run more smoothly when speculation is kept out of the spoiler thread. Nothing against you... Now with that said... I, for one, encourage you to post any thoughts you have in the thread I provided the link for.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=needsalife;31219] How's that for a newbie? I think I've caught a hang of things around here...[/quote] Well said young grasshopper :)
