Since the subject has been broached. Here is a snippet from Kate's now obfuscated Live Journal Page:
[quote=Bacchus;30696]Since the subject has been broached. Here is a snippet from Kate's now obfuscated Live Journal Page:
Where did you get that? The only LJ account of hers that I know of is IndigoChildKate: [URL=""]indigochildkate - Profile[/URL]
[quote=sugarskull84;30711]Where did you get that? The only LJ account of hers that I know of is IndigoChildKate: [URL=""]indigochildkate - Profile[/URL][/quote]
Same account, previous to entries being removed/hidden.
[quote=sugarskull84;30717]Have you seen this?
[URL=""]-=[:: Katelynn's Place ::]=-[/URL][/quote]
Yes. I've done my research on Kate and have compiled an extensive dossier. ;)
[QUOTE=sugarskull84;30711]Where did you get that? The only LJ account of hers that I know of is IndigoChildKate: [URL=""]indigochildkate - Profile[/URL][/QUOTE]
Bacchus has had this story in detail for some time, but because of the delay in start of taping of the Brooklyn season, more and more of the story leaking became a threat to BMP''s plan for the story to unfold inside the house. I believe BMP wanted to keep this story a secret for as long as possible so it could play out as part of the season.
One of the toughest things to do as a webmaster or as a journalist is to sit on a story when you know you could be recognized by you peers for breaking the story. That, however, is the easy road. Bacchus took the harder path, and he worked with MTV on this. I think he gave them information, advice and wise guidance that earned him respect from BMP. He certainly earned mine as he worked though the past few weeks.
The story actually appeared on vevmo as early as probably six weeks ago and was removed more than once since then. Now that the story has broken elsewhere, it no longer makes sense to keep it under wraps. BMP has had more than adequate time to allow the cast to learn the truth about Kate/Chris.
[quote=V1man;30730]Bacchus has had this story in detail for some time, but because of the delay in start of taping of the Brooklyn season, more and more of the story leaking became a threat to BMP''s plan for the story to unfold inside the house. I believe BMP wanted to keep this story a secret for as long as possible so it could play out as part of the season.
One of the toughest things to do as a webmaster or as a journalist is to sit on a story when you know you could be recognized by you peers for breaking the story. That, however, is the easy road. Bacchus took the harder path, and he worked with MTV on this. I think he gave them information, advice and wise guidance that earned him respect from BMP. He certainly earned mine as he worked though the past few weeks.
The story actually appeared on vevmo as early as probably six weeks ago and was removed more than once since then. Now that the story has broken elsewhere, it no longer makes sense to keep it under wraps. BMP has had more that adequate time to allow the cast to learn the truth about Kate/Chris.[/quote]
Oh wow, OK... So how do you think it's going to play out now? I didn't know she'd be going through the sex-change operation on TV and stuff... I know she wanted to have it done but MTV must have made an offer or something...
[quote=sugarskull84;30734]Oh wow, OK... So how do you think it's going to play out now? [/quote]
I have some ideas, but I think I'll save those for another day. :wink2:
[quote=sugarskull84;30734]Oh wow, OK... So how do you think it's going to play out now? I didn't know she'd be going through the sex-change operation on TV and stuff... I know she wanted to have it done but MTV must have made an offer or something...[/quote]
There is at least one entry from her Livejournal that suggests that she has already had the operation. My theory is that it happened while filming was supposed to be going on, so the story about her leaving mid-way was not wrong, but because of the delay in filming, she went ahead and had the surgery in Thailand. I am not on the same computer now, that I have the specific journal entry saved on, so I can't share it, but I will as soon as I am back at my other computer. Although, I might be confused about the timing of when the entry was posted...
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;30788] it's come to a head!
Great job Bacc. You are amazing (as always). :)[/quote]
Yeah, he deserves much accolades for all the info he has compiled. I don't think I would have the dedication or the know-how to find all this info.
Hip-hip-hooray for B!
Hey, did anyone know if Kate went home? Found this article on a RW: Brooklyn cast sighting along with a picture, and Kate wasn't there:
[URL=""]MTV's Real World Brooklyn Goes Gay[/URL]
So, new roommate?
Kate may be gone, but I thought they cast 8 people so that when she left it would just be seven. Also, I think if they replaced Kate, they would replace her with a female, unless it would be 5 guys and 3 girls, I could be wrong tho, this season is clearly a little different this year....
[quote=SassyChic;35103]Kate may be gone, but I thought they cast 8 people so that when she left it would just be seven. Also, I think if they replaced Kate, they would replace her with a female, unless it would be 5 guys and 3 girls, I could be wrong tho, this season is clearly a little different this year....[/quote]
Kate is still in the house, just not at this event.
Found this bit at with some quotes from Katelynn's livejournal since she has returned from Brooklyn:
[INDENT][quote][INDENT]Alrighty, so my hiatus has found itself at an end; I ventured out to Brooklyn and now I have returned - that's the good news. The bad news is that I am contractually forbade from talking about my experience out there. Let me repeat that, I cannot talk about my experiences out in Brooklyn. I can (and will), however, post information as soon as I am allowed to.
Over the years this space has largely been my diary. It has also served as a path to spiritual and emotional growth, and a sounding board for socio-political issues. It has, largely, been a public domain, and I intend to keep it as such. However, due to the mass of publicity this little space is about to endure, I am privatizing a good part of my journal... For the most part, I plan to keep my journal fairly public, just being a fair bit more selective about which things get made public..
[/INDENT][INDENT]With public recognition comes public defamation; it's just part of the territory. As the next few months unfold I have prepared myself for the onslaught of vitriol, however I thought it would at least be spewed to my face... Well today I had the unfortunate experience of being interviewed by one such individual, Billy Parker from The Gothamist.
He was nice enough as he smiled and shook my hand. He listened attentively and made sure to jot down the bulk of what I was talking about, directly quoting and short-handing as necessary... then proceeded to ignore every word of what I said and reverted back to his syntactically decrepit castigation of me and my fellow interviewees... I know that as time progresses I will need to become more thick-skinned, yet it still irritates me that someone can smile so sweetly to your face before sharply pressing their blade to your throat the instant your back is turned.[/INDENT][/quote]
Katelynn had nice things to say about Bacchus last night. She thinks of herself as a techie and has that in common with B.
Vevmo is not unknown to this cast.
[quote=Zachary;40989]Gawker can't be that bad...[/quote]
I read gawker regularly- I enjoy the site, but the comments are some of the meanest, snarkiest ever. And there are some pretty snarky girls on (my other favorite message board site)...but these people take it to a new level.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;44578]Fill a dummy in...what is that?[/quote]
She used to have that occupation. Unix is basically an operating system. It's Nerd speak. She probably oversaw a network of workstations running Unix, not sure though. Just think, Katelynn is a genius
[quote=travis85;44626]She used to have that occupation. Unix is basically an operating system. It's Nerd speak. She probably oversaw a network of workstations running Unix, not sure though. Just think, Katelynn is a genius[/quote]
Oh yeah, she's a very smart cookie! (no computer pun intended ;))