Real World/Road Rules: The Island - Spoilers

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[QUOTE=Insider;30056]Hey.. maybe Greg Halstead could be an alternate?[/QUOTE] An alternative to what, pray tell! (he isn't. There are no replacements other than the two that were placed on contract and not used.)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;30065]An alternative to what, pray tell! (he isn't. There are no replacements other than the two that were placed on contract and not used.)[/quote] Oh I know.. I was trying to be funny.. meaning they SHOULD have had Greg. FTR.. I AM NOT A GREG HALSTEAD FAN. I have my hands full defending one hated reality pseudo-star. on a side note: I was just reading the thread where the cast was first listed and everyone stated their thoughts.. It's amazing how quickly you guys get it all figured out. lol
Just curious, if a replacement is used, do they quickly contract another replacement incase someone else drops?
[QUOTE=hpkhg45;30067]Just curious, if a replacement is used, do they quickly contract another replacement incase someone else drops?[/QUOTE] Actually, I have never known them to actually contract for a replacement in past seasons. I am making an assumption here that Evan was actually under contract and not just asked to be available if necessary, but Kendall was contracted, so it is logical that if the did it for one, they did it for both. It's impossible to know if they would have placed an addition person on contract for the likely reason that they had not been down this road before in this way. For example, I was shipping a box of 2007 men's reality calendars to a club in Tampa for Derrick. He never made it to the event (though the calendars did) because he was called at the last minute to fly to South Africa for Inferno 3 to replace CT who was thrown off for hitting Davis. That was totally unplanned.
[QUOTE=V1man;30070]Actually, I have never known them to actually contract for a replacement in past seasons. I am making an assumption here that Evan was actually under contract and not just asked to be available if necessary, but Kendall was contracted, so it is logical that if the did it for one, they did it for both.[/QUOTE] So in cases like I3, Derrick was simply asked to be ready incase and not actually contracted to be ready? I guess it makes sense that they would be more scared of someone leaving with the conditions of the Island.
I would definetly want to see Evan on another challenge
[quote]i would definetly want to see evan on another challenge [/quote] hell to the noo!!
[quote=Andy3000;30074]I would definetly want to see Evan on [B]another challenge[/B][/quote] I think he'd be a better fit for a special edition of [B]The Biggest Loser[/B] with the title defined figuratively rather than literally...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;30078]I think he'd be a better fit for a special edition of [B]The Biggest Loser[/B] with the title defined figuratively rather than literally...[/QUOTE] By any chance would this show premier on some local cable access channel?
Why does everybody hate Evan ??????????
[QUOTE=Andy3000;30105]Why does everybody hate Evan ??????????[/QUOTE] There is not enough server space in the universe to began to scratch the surface of a complete answer to your question. I'll just relate a short personal experience with him. I spent an hour (that seemed far, far longer) in the lobby of the Paramount Hotel in NYC listening to him tell me and a veteran Real Worlder just how famous, sexy and individually brilliant, cunning and wonderful he was. (yawn) After the first 2 minutes I realized that I would learn nothing valuable or new from him. This encounter alone is reason enough for me to pray that he never again graces my viewing screen.
[quote=V1man;30106]There is not enough server space in the universe to began to scratch the surface of a complete answer to your question. I'll just relate a short personal experience with him. I spent an hour (that seemed far, far longer) in the lobby of the Paramount Hotel in NYC listening to him tell me and a veteran Real Worlder just how famous, sexy and individually brilliant, cunning and wonderful he was. (yawn) After the first 2 minutes I realized that I would learn nothing valuable or new from him. This encounter alone is reason enough for me to pray that he never again graces my viewing screen.[/quote] V1 stop holding back, tell us how you really feel about him. Its okay to expression your true view. LOL
[QUOTE=bratty;30118]V1 stop holding back, tell us how you really feel about him. Its okay to expression your true view. LOL[/QUOTE] You should hear what the cast member I was with has to say about him... It's not pretty. It starts with "This guy wants me to take him seriously, but he could not get himself cast on either Road Rules or Real World."
[quote=V1man;30119]You should hear what the cast member I was with has to say about him... It's not pretty. It starts with "This guy wants me to take him seriously, but he could not get himself cast on either Road Rules or Real World."[/quote] I bet!
[QUOTE=V1man;30070]Actually, I have never known them to actually contract for a replacement in past seasons. I am making an assumption here that Evan was actually under contract and not just asked to be available if necessary, but Kendall was contracted, so it is logical that if the did it for one, they did it for both. It's impossible to know if they would have placed an addition person on contract for the likely reason that they had not been down this road before in this way. For example, I was shipping a box of 2007 men's reality calendars to a club in Tampa for Derrick. He never made it to the event (though the calendars did) because he was called at the last minute to fly to South Africa for Inferno 3 to replace CT who was thrown off for hitting Davis. That was totally unplanned.[/QUOTE] One thing I forgot to add was that is was common knowledge who the replacements would be (Kendall and Evan), since production had microphone packs labeled as "Kendall" and "Evan." A Machiavellian mind might curiously wonder if the open labeling of the mics was intended by production to send a message in light of the unusual conditions: "[B]Feel free to quit. Your replacement is ready.[/B]."
Hey Everyone! :) I'm new... but, I read your boards all the time :) I finally had something to say. I was watching the dailies when I heard Ev mention Kelly Anne winning a challenge. Did I misunderstand her, or did she really win a challenge? :) [url][/url]
[quote=IheartSka;30145]Hey Everyone! :) I'm new... but, I read your boards all the time :) I finally had something to say. I was watching the dailies when I heard Ev mention Kelly Anne winning a challenge. Did I misunderstand her, or did she really win a challenge? :) [url=]Challenge Dailies - ContentDetail[/url][/quote] This is the first challenge that KellyAnne has been on.
[QUOTE=IheartSka;30145]Hey Everyone! :) I'm new... but, I read your boards all the time :) I finally had something to say. I was watching the dailies when I heard Ev mention Kelly Anne winning a challenge. Did I misunderstand her, or did she really win a challenge? :) [url=]Challenge Dailies - ContentDetail[/url][/QUOTE] Think small "c" and big "C," as in an entire show. , e;g;, The Duel or Gauntlet 3. The cast often consider that there are multiple challenges with a "Challenge." Watch Wednesday and what Evelyn said will be made clear. As I reported earlier, this particular "daily" was taped after the competitive part of this week's episode, although BMP may show it out of sequence if they use it as part of the build up in the first half of the show.
[quote=V1man;30152]Think small "c" and big "C," as in an entire show. , e;g;, The Duel or Gauntlet 3. The cast often consider that there are multiple challenges with a "Challenge." Watch Wednesday and what Evelyn said will be made clear. As I reported earlier, this particular "daily" was taped after the competitive part of this week's episode, although BMP may show it out of sequence if they use it as part of the build up in the first half of the show.[/quote] in face off:)
I also think that Rachel goes into the face-off this week.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Moonpaw;30155]I also think that Rachel goes into the face-off this week.[/quote] I really like Rachel. I'd like to see her make it farther. :(
I know Rachel has always been a favorite, ever since the reign of the Mean Girls.
[QUOTE=bratty;30159]I know Rachel has always been a favorite, ever since the reign of the Mean Girls.[/QUOTE] [B] ORLY? [/B] Not with me Don't blink on Wednesday if you are a Rachel fan.
[quote=V1man;30160][B] ORLY? [/B] Not with me Don't blink on Wednesday if you are a Rachel fan.[/quote] Oh, I know, but its still so good to see some of the older cast, i would like to see them mix it up a bit more.
[QUOTE=bratty;30163]Oh, I know, but its still so good to see some of the older cast, i would like to see them mix it up a bit more.[/QUOTE] I would pay good money to see Dan Renzi or Norman the original queens dust it up with the newbie queens like Ryan. -Why have they not put up some money to get Flora? Flora on a challenge would take my mind off the fact Coral's retired.
[QUOTE=roundables;30171]I would pay good money to see Dan Renzi or Norman the original queens dust it up with the newbie queens like Ryan. -Why have they not put up some money to get Flora? Flora on a challenge would take my mind off the fact Coral's retired.[/QUOTE] All the veterans are paid the same amount. If they double the amount and that would trigger Flora's interest (assuming money is a factor for her) then the appearance fee for the other veteran's would change as well.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;30160] [B]ORLY? [/B] Not with me Don't blink on Wednesday if you are a Rachel fan.[/quote] Me either. I've never really liked Rachel. She's a bully.
I think the nostalgia factor weighs in pretty heavily on the Rachel-like. She was from a RW/RR era that many considered to be high times and fun. I really don't see that too much has changed. Veronica and Rachel weren't any better than some of the cast who are on and behaving badly now.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=JoshiK;30193]I think the nostalgia factor weighs in pretty heavily on the Rachel-like. She was from a RW/RR era that many considered to be high times and fun. I really don't see that too much has changed. [B]Veronica and Rachel weren't any better than some of the cast who are on and behaving badly now.[/B][/quote] Word. I guess that's true...
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;30192]Me either. I've never really liked Rachel. She's a bully.[/quote] I am with you there. I was never a fan of the "mean girls" on previous challenges...
