RW/RR Challenge: The Island - Premieres Tonight

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[QUOTE=Dartagnan;28559]Any explanation on why they would give out somewhat false information?[/QUOTE] Tonya may talk about it herself soon, right here at vevmo.
[quote=V1man;28564]Tonya may talk about it herself soon, right here at vevmo.[/quote] Great. It will be after the episode has aired, am I correct?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;28564]Tonya may talk about it herself soon, right here at vevmo.[/quote] I'm actually super excited to see what Tonya has to say. As I was not originally much of a Tonya fan, I've been informed she is actually very different than I expect.
[quote=Insider;28573]I'm actually super excited to see what Tonya has to say. As I was not originally much of a Tonya fan, I've been informed she is actually very different than I expect.[/quote] I also was not a big Tonya fan back in the day. V1 has changed my opinion about a bunch of cast members and that's why I am glad he is here educating the masses. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;28575]I also was not a big Tonya fan back in the day. V1 has changed my opinion about a bunch of cast members and why I am glad he is here educating the masses. ;)[/quote] She always has and always will be my favorite along with Rachel, Coral, and Katie. I love Tonya.
[QUOTE=Dartagnan;28565]Great. It will be after the episode has aired, am I correct?[/QUOTE] Yes, I expected to have something from her earlier today, but it has not arrived. She may be busy today.
[quote=Bacchus;28575]I also was not a big Tonya fan back in the day. V1 has changed my opinion about a bunch of cast members and that's why I am glad he is here educating the masses. ;)[/quote] Same here...I didn't realize how dumb of a reality TV watcher I was until I found vevmo. I thought whenever cast members would blog and say they were edited to be more dramatic, ect, that they were full of crap. I'm kinda like a kid who found out Santa isn't real. And that the people who told me about Santa are full of crap.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=needsalife;28616]I'm kinda like a kid who found out Santa isn't real. And that the people who told me about Santa are full of *********] That's how I felt when I met "BOB" lol (See my post entitled..."For those of you who have met cast memebers" in the RW forum.)
OK IT'S SHOWTIME... get off here and go to the TV! Hehe.:cool:
Hey guys, it's Kate again. I'm sorry my message got posted twice - I didn't think the first one loaded! I definitely didn't mean for that to happen :) and I do not get paid per post! I know that you guys know A LOT about the show, so sorry if it seemed otherwise. Just wanted to get the time and date out there - I always forget that kind of stuff myself. I was glad to find a group as excited about the show as I am. What did everybody think? I don't want to give away any juicy details for those who haven't watched yet...but I think this season is going to be a memorable one! -Kate, MTV
[QUOTE=katescape;28898]Hey guys, it's Kate again. I'm sorry my message got posted twice - I didn't think the first one loaded! I definitely didn't mean for that to happen :) and I do not get paid per post! I know that you guys know A LOT about the show, so sorry if it seemed otherwise. Just wanted to get the time and date out there - I always forget that kind of stuff myself. I was glad to find a group as excited about the show as I am. What did everybody think? I don't want to give away any juicy details for those who haven't watched yet...but I think this season is going to be a memorable one! -Kate, MTV[/QUOTE] Kate, if this were a memorable challenge (and I don't disagree), then why did MTV not vigorously promote it, and why after announcing Sept 17th start date, was it moved forward to the 10th? Please say hi to Jackie French from vevmo. We would very much like to interview her about MTV's series development philosophy, Real World, the Challenges and the relationship between BMP and MTV. Please give my regards to (1515) Broadway. (I've always wanted to say that) V1man
Yeah, I would ask the same thing. If this was going to be come it was barely promoted? It just seemed so under the radar. When mentioning it to friends no one even knew a new challenge was started.
Anonymous's picture
I'm pretty sure WE promoted it here more than MTV did anywhere.
So Kate, perhaps in addition to telling us not to miss the next episode, you can tell us MTV's reaction to this article: [url=]"Reality" TV Gets Real Trashy[/url] Was it part of BMP's contract with MTV, the responsible "Go Green" network, to leave Bocas del Toro in the condition described in the article? What are we to think, Kate?
Hi all. I so appreciate everyone talking about these issues and reaching out to me for answers. Unfortunately (and I know this isn't what you are looking for) I'm just an intern helping out with marketing. I'm not sure why the premiere got moved up. It worked out though, because there are dedicated fans out there that follow the series (which gets us excited about promoting it, so thanks guys). As for the article - I don't have any information but I encourage all of you to contact MTV with any questions or concerns that you have. I hope this helps and let me know what you guys are thinking. -Kate, MTV
[QUOTE=katescape;29228] As for the article - I don't have any information but I encourage all of you to contact MTV with any questions or concerns that you have. I hope this helps and let me know what you guys are thinking. -Kate, MTV[/QUOTE] And here we thought "Kate, MTV" was actually Kate at MTV. :dash2: Well, I hope you do talk about the article among fellow interns, at the water cooler, or at the great little pizza place next to the Scientology place on West 46th that everyone goes to.
[quote=V1man;29244] Well, I hope you do talk about the article among fellow interns, at the water cooler, or at the great little pizza place next to the Scientology place on West 46th that everyone goes to.[/quote] She/He is at [URL=""]Fanscape marketing[/URL] and it is in LA... He/She has also just been banned. We don't need marketers *cough* spammers* *cough* around here. Sorry "Kate" but we only accept organic posts. Save the canned ones for myspace...
[quote=Bacchus;29247]She/He is at [URL=""]Fanscape marketing[/URL] and it is in LA... He/She has also just been banned. We don't need marketers *cough* spammers* *cough* around here. Sorry "Kate" but we only accept organic posts. Save the canned ones for myspace...[/quote] What a lying *****. An intern at MTV my ***!
Anonymous's picture
Oh no!! How ever will we know the "ins" of MTV without her!?!?! :sarcastic_hand:
[quote=V1man;29248]What a lying *****. An intern at MTV my ass![/quote] Guess we'll have to go to to talk to the interns...
[QUOTE=needsalife;29286]Guess we'll have to go to to talk to the interns...[/QUOTE] "talk to the interns" :sarcastic_hand: :flame::flame::flame::flame:
the article mentions a script...hmmmmm ...i wonder how that exactly goes down. Is that just them planning their stories/edits on paper??
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;29386]the article mentions a script...hmmmmm ...i wonder how that exactly goes down. Is that just them planning their stories/edits on paper??[/quote] We discuss it [URL=""]here[/URL]. ;)
[QUOTE=V1man;29129]So Kate, perhaps in addition to telling us not to miss the next episode, you can tell us MTV's reaction to this article: [url=]"Reality" TV Gets Real Trashy[/url] Was it part of BMP's contract with MTV, the responsible "Go Green" network, to leave Bocas del Toro in the condition described in the article? What are we to think, Kate?[/QUOTE] That article is sickening. It really is. They could've at least cleaned up what they've brought and built. Way to be green, ***kbags.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;29388]We discuss it [URL=""]here[/URL]. ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks, sir!
