The Island: MTV - Kenny Santucci

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I know a lot of ppl might not like how he plays the game but at the same time there is a lot of money at stake and he wants to win. Some people are willing to go to any length to win, even if it does mean sacrificing a friendship.
[QUOTE=Kempoleo;27594]I know a lot of ppl might not like how he plays the game but at the same time there is a lot of money at stake and he wants to win. Some people are willing to go to any length to win, even if it does mean sacrificing a friendship.[/QUOTE] In fairness, it has been a very long time since I did anything for money. I am very fortunate in that regard. The $75,000 for each of the four winners at the end of "The Island" would not do it for me, but I acknowledge that others might willingly sell their souls for far less.
[quote=V1man;27598]In fairness, it has been a very long time since I did anything for money. I am very fortunate in that regard. The $75,000 for each of the four winners at the end of "The Island" would not do it for me, but I acknowledge that others might willingly sell their souls for far less.[/quote] Exactly. Frienship is far more valuable than backstabbing and hurting others to win a game I think. My favorite quote so far about winning these Challenges is: Beth(to Veronica): "You'd sell your family up a river to win."
[quote=Dartagnan;27606]Exactly. Frienship is far more valuable than backstabbing and hurting others to win a game I think. My favorite quote so far about winning these Challenges is: Beth(to Veronica): "You'd sell your family up a river to win."[/quote] I agree, because it seems like many ppl would do that. Look at how Derrick stabbed Theo in the back on Fresh Meat. Only a couple players I can think of (Landon in particular) are the only ones who have made money without really using any dirty tricks or what not
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[quote=Dartagnan;27556] But CT only likes Kenny, because Kenny will sit their and kiss up and not sit there and say stuff about him. Coral has known him for a long time, but she continues to get ******* on by him why? Because she doesn't take his crap. but supposedly, kenny doesn't take his crap and he is respected. That excuse makes no sense. Not saying it was you, but it doesn't nake sense coming from him.[/quote] Haven't Kenny and CT had on air fights?
[quote=Insider;27609]Haven't Kenny and CT had on air fights?[/quote] Unless you are talking about the wrestling match they had on Inferno 3, because CT was drunk, no they haven't.
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[quote=Dartagnan;27626]Unless you are talking about the wrestling match they had on Inferno 3, because CT was drunk, no they haven't.[/quote] I know they are friends or whatever... HOWEVER.. I'm pretty sure I remember a clip of them all up in each other's faces screaming and chest butting and all that other macho dumb stuff. Also.. I'm pretty sure that Coral did say that about Kenny. (How he says what he says and you know where he stands.)
[quote=Insider;27665]I know they are friends or whatever... HOWEVER.. I'm pretty sure I remember a clip of them all up in each other's faces screaming and chest butting and all that other macho dumb stuff. Also.. I'm pretty sure that Coral did say that about Kenny. (How he says what he says and you know where he stands.)[/quote] Yeah, that was on The Inferno 3 when they got up in each others faces. They fought because CT was drunk and acting like a jerk. And I rewatched the Reunion, and she said nothing about Kenny. The comment referring to knowing where someone stands was Coral talking about Katie.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;27671]Yeah, that was on The Inferno 3 when they got up in each others faces. They fought because CT was drunk and acting like a jerk. And I rewatched the Reunion, and she said nothing about Kenny. The comment referring to knowing where someone stands was Coral talking about Katie.[/quote] I stand corrected. I appologize. I must've thought "Katie" sounded like "Kenny". I admit I'm biased when it comes to him for personal reasons.
[quote=Insider;27748]I stand corrected. I appologize. I must've thought "Katie" sounded like "Kenny". I admit I'm biased when it comes to him for personal reasons.[/quote] And you don't have to apologize. It's all good. :) And you are allowed to like him, one of the main reasons I don't like him is because he is egotistical.
[quote=Dartagnan;27750]And you don't have to apologize. It's all good. :) And you are allowed to like him, one of the main reasons I don't like him is because he is egotistical.[/quote] He is egotistical but when he really puts his mind to it, he is one of the strongest players as he proved in the Inferno 3
[quote=Kempoleo;27868]He is egotistical but when he really puts his mind to it, he is one of the strongest players as he proved in the Inferno 3[/quote] I agree. I think he's egotistical nature is hiding some deeper issues and really he's a decent guy but he doesn't want anyone to know that, so he hides behind his ego. How's that for a deep analysis of the situation? Or a whole bunch of BS, you decide.
[quote=bratty;27875]I agree. I think he's egotistical nature is hiding some deeper issues and really he's a decent guy but he doesn't want anyone to know that, so he hides behind his ego. How's that for a deep analysis of the situation? Or a whole bunch of BS, you decide.[/quote] It could possibly be hiding something else, but egos drive me insane and he has too big of one at times. I am not saying he isn't a decent guy though.
[quote=Dartagnan;27877]It could possibly be hiding something else, but egos drive me insane and he has too big of one at times. I am not saying he isn't a decent guy though.[/quote] well and who's to say that who they really are, everyday around their friends and family, is a lot different from the "character" they act/are on tv.
that's a good point Bratty. A lot of ppl act a certain way just so they can have camera time. If you don't have that kind of dynamic personality then there's no way ppl will find you interesting and you won't get picked for these things.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Kempoleo;27879]that's a good point Bratty. A lot of ppl act a certain way just so they can have camera time. If you don't have that kind of dynamic personality then there's no way ppl will find you interesting and you won't get picked for these things.[/quote] Oh no.. he's like that in person too. lol I take it more as humor. (My sense of humor is similar.) He can also be a very sweet guy. After all... he is young.. attractive.. and has a relative amount of fame. He enjoys life. :)
Kenny lovers will love this challenge. Me, not so much.
[quote=Insider;27881]Oh no.. he's like that in person too. lol I take it more as humor. (My sense of humor is similar.) He can also be a very sweet guy. After all... he is young.. attractive.. and has a relative amount of fame. He enjoys life. :)[/quote] I think its great. I think its a total humor thing because I myself can be like that too. But I like Kenny because he is who he is.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;27890]Kenny lovers will love this challenge. Me, not so much.[/quote] Eh. I think I'm going to enjoy this challenge for reasons other than Kenny. It seems totally different. Plus, there are quite a few people on this time around that I'm not familiar with. I didn't watch RW Sydney at all. I watched one episode, became seriously bored.. and dismissed the rest of the reason. (Which is odd, because I'm an avid RW watcher) I really don't know anything about Ashli, Kelly Ann, Dunbar, or Cohutta. Plus, I'm not very familiar with Abram or Dan either. I know a little bit about Abram.. but not much.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Insider;27901]Plus, I'm not very familiar with Abram or Dan either. I know a little bit about Abram.. but not much.[/quote] Abram is a violent creep that has been kicked off a show at least once for attacking another cast member.
Is it just me or does Abram not look the same at all? I don't know I think he just looks completely different. And does anyone know what he got kicked off of?
[quote=love_kenny;27915] And does anyone know what he got kicked off of?[/quote] RR: South Pacific RR: Revenge on the Viewer
[quote=Bacchus;27916]RR: South Pacific RR: Revenge on the Viewer[/quote] Thanks Bacchus. I thought that it was two seasons. I thought that once you got kicked off you didn't really go on challenges after that? I'm probably wrong though.
[QUOTE=love_kenny;27915]Is it just me or does Abram not look the same at all? I don't know I think he just looks completely different. And does anyone know what he got kicked off of?[/QUOTE] Most recently, he was booted from "Road Rules: Viewer's Revenge" for his assault on Adam Larson. I represented a client in that incident and was led to believe that Abram would not return to BMP.
Honestly I don't dislike Abram, he was a lot better on the challenges to me at times but yeah he seems to explode at random times and usually that means someone is getting attacked.
So I watched the video with him and Tonya, and he could not have been any more rude.
Thanks for ruining my post by dissing a good friend of mine. Kenny isn't like that at all without the cameras on him
[quote=jackie7384;27971]Thanks for ruining my post by dissing a good friend of mine. Kenny isn't like that at all without the cameras on him[/quote] I didn't diss him. I just said that in that video he couldn't have been more rude. I am not judging him and saying this is how I think he is. I just feel what we have seen of him, makes him seem rude. It could just be an act on camera too. I don't think that what we see is exactly how they are, but I just think that what we have seen isn't too great.
[quote=V1man;27920]Most recently, he was booted from "Road Rules: Viewer's Revenge" for his assault on Adam Larson.[/quote] It's [I]Revenge on the Viewer's [/I]Dammit! I am trying to get traction with that phraseology.;) I heard the same thing from a well placed source so I was practically 100% sure he was not going to be on this challenge, until I was informed otherwise. He is a walking liability case (and immediate danger.) It is astounding that MTV allowed this habitual offender to return.
[quote=Bacchus;27973] He is a walking liability case (and immediate danger.) It is astounding that MTV allowed this habitual offender to return.[/quote] Yes he is, but I guess for MTV he is good TV and that is all they care about!
