Big Brother 10: Episode 17 Recap

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Big Brother 10: Episode 17 Recap
[CENTER][URL="*******************************************************************;][IMG]************************************************[/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] The show starts off by taking us back to the nomination ceremony, (in black and white) when the last key is pulled revealing Michelle is safe and Jerry and April are nominated for eviction. Renny gives her speech on why she nominated them for eviction. The meeting is adjourned. Everybody gets up from the table and the screen changes to color indicating, this is what happened afterward. Jerry hugs Renny and says, "Big boys don't cry. Good girl." Jerry then says in the DR, "I grew up tough, I was in the Marine Core nine days after I turned seventeen. I think some of the first words I heard out of them was, kill or be killed. It has gotten me this far, and I still feel like I am in the game and still playing it. Lets see how long I survive." Dan shakes Jerry's hand and says, "Colonel, good luck." Renny says to Jerry and April, "Sorry Guys." April says, "It's ok." Renny says in the DR, "Even though I put Jerry up there, April is my target this week. April is a big threat in this game, and definitely would get in my way in winning a half of a million dollars; so I need to take her out." April says in the DR, "I think that everybody says that they don't want to take this game personally, or you not taking it personally, but you are. I mean this whole game is personal. You know I would be a liar if I said it didn't hurt. I just....:sighs:... It's just tough." Ollie says in the DR, "My plan worked. April is not up against me. She is up against Jerry, so my conversation went according to plan and Renny heard me out. Thank the Lord!" Everyone is hugging each other and shaking hands. It shows Memphis and Dan going to the storage room. Dan says in the DR, "Why is it not April and Ollie up there together? Renny had a shot to break up the most powerful couple in this house, and she missed. There is something strange about these nominations that doesn't sit right with me, so it lends me to believe that Renny made some sort of secret deal with Ollie." Memphis whispers to Dan, "Dude look, we have got to make sure April goes home this week." Dan whispers to Memphis, "Neither of them can win POV, otherwise one of us will go up. She is not putting Ollie up." Memphis agrees. Dan says in a low voice to Memphis, "We have got to fight our a** off." April and Ollie are in the Rebel Room. April whispers to Ollie, "Congratulations." Ollie whispers back, "You ain't gotta congratulate me for nothing. If I win POV and I save you, then I ain't going up." April begins to cry. Ollie hugs April and whispers, "A lot can happen from here, they couldn't have put up a better person up for you to go against. You are feeling bad right now, but at the same you gotta think about how to get out of it. You can't get down. The game just began. I don't want to see you down. If you are down at this you're not going to be able to play." April whispers back, "They need to see me upset for a couple of minutes. I have to look vulnerable to these people right now." Ollie whispers to April, "I'm not saying don't." April asks, "What are you thinking right now?" Ollie whispers, "Nothing." April whispers to Ollie, "Okay we are past that stage." Ollie whispers, "You playing the game is all I am saying." April whispers to Ollie, "I don't need that from you right now." Ollie throws his arms up in the air and whispers, "I'm not doing anything. What do you want from me?" April responds, "I just want you to be you. I want your support." Renny is in her HOH room. Someone rings the doorbell. It is Keesha. Renny lets her in. Keesha asks Renny, "Are you ok?" Renny says yeah. Keesha asks Renny, "Is Jerry ok?" Renny tells her, "Well I hope he understands, I mean that is just the way it is. You know there is two from the trio and I did what I wanted to do. So..." Renny goes onto say, "I like Ollie, I really do. So I couldn't see putting him up on the block, I really couldn't. You know, I have been wanting to put Jerry up." Keesha says yeah. Keesha then says in the DR, "I don't know what Renny's problem is. If April or Jerry win the POV, I don't think Renny would put Ollie up on the block. I definitely feel that Renny could put up myself, Memphis, or Dan. And that's a really, really scary feeling." Renny says to Keesha, "People shouldn't feel like they are that safe. You know what I am saying?" Keesha agrees. She then goes on to say, "I don't think anybody thinks they are safe. I mean I know I don't. I never feel like I'm safe, even with you sitting up here. You start panicking and you can't help it." Renny says to Keesha, "I am telling you right now, some people are targeted and they got to go." Keesha says, "It's a crazy game." It then shows the segment with about Jerry talking to himself. Ollie says in the DR, "I have noticed the Colonel talking to himself a bit, and more so lately. Colonel may be losing his head a little bit." It then show Jerry talk to himself and answer. Renny comes out of the DR, and announces that it is time to pick players for the veto competition. Everyone cheers and sits in the living room to begin. The nominees join who is standing up, to help pick players. Dan says in the DR, "The one name that I do not want to see come out of that bag is Ollie, because that gives April a shot to come off the block if Ollie, wins it. Renny has got to pick someone else to replace her. I have no clue who Renny is going to put up." Renny chose 1st, she chose Dan Ollie says in the DR, "It is a necessity for my name to get pulled out of that bag, for me to compete for this POV, because I need to get myself safe for one, and two to take April off the block." April chose 2nd, she chose Keesha Jerry chose 3rd, he chose Ollie Renny chooses Michelle to host the veto competition. Ollie and April go into the salon and begin to celebrate silently. Ollie whispers to April, "That's what I am talking about." April says that she was sweating. Ollie whispers to April, "If they didn't call my name I was gonna get so upset. I was the last name. I was like, come on, seriously. I don't think they're too happy about that. Please be something physical. I am going to do whatever I can to save you, you know that. Just stay focused, it is not over yet. Just got to relax and do the job." April whispers, "Oh gosh, come on fate. Fate, fate, fate." Ollie then whispers to April, "Somebody's praying for us." Dan, Keesha, and Memphis are setting in the flower power room. Dan tells them, "Of course they had to pull Ollie." Dan then whispers, "The worst case scenario is Ollie winning. That's the worst thing that could happen." Memphis says that he agrees. Keesha whispers, "I'm just like, who is she going to put up, if one of them comes down." Dan says, "He's (Ollie) not going to go up." Keesha says, "She (Renny) is like, I don't care what anybody thinks, I like Ollie." Memphis whispers, "I mean, it's me or Dan. She's not going to put you up." Keesha says, "Don't be so sure." Memphis says, "It's _______ up man. And you're not... you're going to throw us under the ________ bus, and put up as a pawn? I don't even like the fact that she is putting herself in a position where it can happen." Memphis then says in the DR, "Awe man Renny has gone off the frigging deep end. Man, I said from day one, that woman's a loose cannon. At this point, I felt like I could somewhat trust Renny. After this HOH I totally lost it." Memphis then whispers to Keesha and Dan, "I don't understand why she would save Ollie, like big time, make him feel so special and treat us like __________ and put us on the block? _______ that." Commercial Break. It is night time in the Big Brother House. Michelle comes out if the DR, and says that it is time for the Veto competition. Her hair is Red and She is wearing a Halloween costume. Everyone heads to the backyard. The backyard looks like a graveyard, or something you would see at Halloween. There are tomb stones, cauldrons, voodoo dolls that look like the house guests, a snake in a container, cockroaches in a container, lighting and thunder sound effects, cobwebs, etc. The houseguests are making comments about everything. Ollie says in the DR, "The bat yard was beyond haunted. Bones, caskets, it was freaky and out right evil." Ollie gets freaked out over a crow. Ollie says in the DR, "I came this close to wetting my pants." Renny points out the voodoo dolls that look like them. Renny says in the DR, "I don't know if I like all them pens sticking in me you know. I know some people down in New Orleans that do that. So voodoo is quite real." Michelle tells the players, "You have 5 minutes to examine all the items." Dan says in the DR, "I knew it had to do with numbers, counting, and estimating, so I did not waste any time going to work in my brain." Dan points out the Hissing Cockroaches. April points out that you have to stick your hand in it. You cannot see the cockroaches. Keesha tries to stick her hand in there, but cannot. Keesha then says in the DR, "Oh my gosh! No way can I put my hand inside that box. Oh my gosh. Oh no." Each player is now behind their booth. Jerry says in the DR, "I am going to fight like h*** to win, because I am a scrapper. In some ways I am like a little old street fighter." April says in the DR, "My strategy in this game is to obviously win, or to have Ollie win. It's gonna be the only thing to save me this week." Michelle explains the rules, "The object of this game is to earn three points. To earn a point, Big Brother will ask you a question about an item in the yard. The answer is always an amount. You will write down what you think is the correct amount and reveal your answer to everyone. After seeing each players answer, you now have two choices, to stay or to fold. If you fold, you cannot earn a point for that item, but you will be able to stay in the game and may continue when the next question is asked. But, if you have confidence in you answer, you can stay in the game and go for the point. If your answer is the closest to the actual answer you will win the point. But if you stay and your answer is furthest from the correct answer, you are eliminated from the competition. No risk, no reward. The 1st player to earn three points will win the POV. Question #1: This first item may leave you feeling a little snake bit. Here is what five inches looks like. Write down what you think the total length of this serpent is. (The snake in the container) Jerry Answers: 216 inches and Stays Ollie Answers: 250 inches and Folds Renny Answers: 540 inches and Stays Dan Answers: 121 inches and Folds April Answers: 240 inches and Folds Keesha Answers: 180 inches and Folds The total length of the snake is: 260 inches. Which means Jerry gets a point and Renny is eliminated. April says in the DR, "When Renny was eliminated in the 1st round, it was really exciting for me. Obviously you have one down three more to go." Question #2: Here is what 50 pins stuck in a voodoo doll look like. Write down how many pins you think are stuck in all eight of these voodoo dolls, combined. (The voodoo dolls that look like the HG." Jerry Answers: 1200 pins and Stays Ollie Answers: 1350 pins and Folds Ollie then says in the DR, "I should have stayed, but at the same time I didn't want to do anything to shoot myself in the foot. So I wanted to play it safe at this point and fold." Dan Answer: 589 pins and Folds April Answers: 705 pins and Stays Keesha Answers: 960 pins and Stays The total number of pins is: 1160 pins. That means Jerry gets the point, April is eliminated, and Keesha is still in the game. (Jerry now has two points and needs one more to win POV.) Question #3: They say the only two things on earth that can survive a nuclear blast are cockroaches and slop. Here is what five cockroaches look like. Write down how many cockroaches you think are in this tank. (They still are not showing the roaches. They have to go by what they felt.) Keesha says in the DR, "We couldn't see inside the cockroach box, so the only way we could know how many cockroaches were inside the box, was if we stuck our hand in there. I don't think so." Dan says in the DR, "Jerry has two points; he is one point away from winning the veto. My whole strategy up until this game is to throw competitions, and now I'm in a position where I cannot afford to throw this and have Jerry take himself off. If Jerry wins this veto, I am sure there is a good chance that myself or Memphis is going up." Jerry Answers: 100 roaches and Folds Jerry says in the DR, "I have them two to zip, and I didn't want to risk getting knocked out. I decided to go from being aggressive to being a little protective." Ollie Answers: 29 roaches and Stays Dan Answers: 68 roaches and Stays Keesha Answers: 20 roaches and Stays The total number of cockroaches is: 195 cockroaches. Which means Dan gets his first point, Keesha is eliminated, and Ollie gets to stay in the Game. Question #4: Here is what two ounces of blood looks like. Write down how many total ounces of blood, you think are in all the containers on the table. Jerry Answers: 180 ounces Folds Dan Answers: 288 ounces and Stays Ollie Answers: 1280 ounces Folds Dan says in the DR, "If Jerry is folding; he is going to be looking around and acting suspicious. I look over at Jerry, I know he's not playing, I look over at Ollie who would look over at his little sweetheart on the side and he was scared as can be. I read both men and I am confident in my answer, I am rolling the dice and I am staying." [B]The total number of ounces of blood is: 523 ounces[/B]. Dan gets the point and since both men folded, they are still in the game." (Dan and Jerry both have 2 points now.) Ollie says in the DR, "When I looked over and seen April, looking at her face knowing really that I was her only shot, I know that I have to get a point to eliminate either Dan or Jerry." Question #5: Here is what 80 nails look like. Write down how many nails you think are in this bed of nails. April says in the DR, "I know if Ollie does not win the POV, my days are definitely numbered." Jerry Answers: 1800 nails and Stays Dan Answers: 766 nails and Stays Ollie Answers: 1400 nails and Stays The total number of nails is: 914 nails. Which means Dan wins the POV. Everyone Is hugging Dan and congratulating him. Jerry says in the DR, "I feel a little disheartened that I threw that game away when it was so close, and in my hold." Ollie says in the DR, "April was counting on me to win the POV, and I felt the weight on my shoulders and didn't do it, and I let her down and I let myself down." April says in the DR, "I would do anything to get Dan to use the POV on me, whatever it takes." Dan says in the DR, "It's been my goal in this game to break up April and Ollie, and Renny messed up the nominations by not putting them up together. Now I might have to use the veto to finally get the job done." It then goes to Commercial Break. Michelle, April, and Ollie are in the poodle room. Ollie tells April he is sorry. April tells Ollie he did great. She goes onto say, "If anybody, I am just disappointed in myself. I just got to work on Dan now." Michelle tells them that she is going to go take a shower. Ollie asks April, "Are you scared?" April shrugs. Ollie tells her to come over there. Jerry comes in and they tell him good job. Jerry shuts off the lights and goes to bed. April whispers to Ollie, "I just got to get Dan." Ollie whispers back, "Just say you or me will not put him up." April whispers, "That is what I am saying." Ollie says, "He'd be dumb if he didn't." April tells Ollie, "I have things that I can give to people, "I'm gonna say, I have $5000." April then says in the DR, "I do have in my possession gold bars from the Hockey POV competition." It then takes us back to when April won the bars. Back in the DR April says, "I have $5000 in my possession now. I could use this money to possibly bribe Dan to use the POV on me." Ollie whispers to April, "First of all the votes for next week. That's first case. The money that you can give him. Those are huge arguments. It's almost like taking candy from a baby. Jerry's going home." They then hug each other. It then shows Dan sitting in the Dining Room, looking at the Memory Wall. He then says in the DR, "I am very mad at Renny for not putting up Ollie. If you have April and Ollie on the block, you are guaranteed that twosome is going to be broken up no matter what. I can decide to use this veto on Jerry to get Renny to put up Ollie." It is now day time. Dan and Jerry are in the Rebel Room. Dan whispers to Jerry to go to the Storage Room. Dan says in the DR, "Just one week ago, Jerry was coming at me with everything he had. For me to use the veto on Jerry I have to find out where he lies. To use it on him without any information would be a huge risk. They are now both in the SR. Dan tells Jerry, "I would like to talk to you one on one." Jerry whispers to Dan, "I don't have anything for you, except that you winning the POV. Last week when I won POV, I know I took a nasty shot at you." It then takes us back to the last POV ceremony where Jerry calls Dan Judas. Jerry goes on whispering, "I kind of have this fighter mentality Dan, I have always defended myself very aggressively, but for that comment I am going to take that off the table. It was uncalled for." Dan says, "That didn't mean anything. You were just real hot." Jerry then says in a low voice to Dan, "This week if I stay, my loyalty is going to be to those that help me stay, and next week I will know who they are. Now I am alone so I am kind of counting on your side and I am going to have to protect you guys. That's all I can do. But I am hoping I can count on you and Memphis this week, that is the only chance I have. You guys keep me you have gained another alliance. That it important for me to say that." They shake hands. Dan tells Jerry he appreciates it. They leave. Dan says in the DR, "I would consider using the POV on Jerry, because it's a great chance to turn an enemy back into a friend. If I were to take Jerry off, I would have zero enemies in this house." It is night time again in the Big Brother House. Dan and Memphis are setting outside on the couch. Dan asks Memphis, "Why don't you think she put up Ollie?" Memphis tells Dan, "It is like she won HOH and went postal. What's worse being here Ollie or Jerry?" Dan tells Memphis, "I would think Ollie, might put you up." Memphis asks Dan, "Do you think he would?" Dan asks, "Who else would he put up?" Memphis says, "Who else would he put up anyway? He has no reason to put me up, but he has no reason to put anyone else up either." Dan says, "He might put you and me up just because...." Memphis says, "He is such a wildcard it's ridiculous. You can't read him." Dan says, "We need to put up Ollie before the next HOH. He is going to go after someone if he stays." Dan then says in the DR, "Ollie is someone we need to consider getting out of the house now, because you always know where April is coming from. She has bleach blonde hair, and you can see her from a mile away. On the other hand you have who lurks behind that big blonde hair and you don't what he's going to do." Memphis then says to Dan, "If we make a move, we could blow it." Dan says to Memphis, "I would rather, make a move and lose because of that, than sit back and wait and have something done to me. You know what I mean?" Memphis says, "Yeah, I want Ollie out." It then goes to Commercial. It is day time. Renny comes down to the Kitchen and Dan asks her, "Are we ready for Salon Larenza today?" Renny says, "Oh ok." Dan then says in the DR, "I believe the 14th houseguest has become my hair because it is growing out of control." It then takes us to the bathroom where Renny is cutting Dan's hair. Dan is joking with her the whole time she is cutting her hair. Renny jokes back. When Renny gets finished Dan is happy with the cut. The house is on lockdown outside. When they are allowed to go back in the house, they find that the table has gotten smaller. They all make comments about the table. Ollie says in the DR, "I walk inside and I see a smaller table. We are getting closer to the prize and things are about to get a lot tougher so nothing easy is going to happen from here on out." Keesha says in the DR, "The smaller the table gets, the more you realize, this game is just changing so much. Every time one person leaves, it is amazing the effect that it has on this house." Everyone talks about the table some more. Dan is in the swimming pool lounging. April walks up and sits beside the pool. She then asks Dan, "So, where is your head at?" Dan says to her, "I was going to ask you the same thing. I am always open to..." April asks, "Suggestions? That is what I like about you Dan." Dan asks Aprils, "Do you feel safe?" April says no. Dan asks, "Are you 100% worried?" April says, "100% worried I would say at this point. All I did was try to be nice and try to do what everyone wanted, and you know it just sucks. I am like why am I being targeted when he (Jerry) almost won his 3rd POV in a row. Have you ever thought about using the POV on either?" Dan responds, "Yes, but I am not 100% set on not using it." April says to Dan, "I just don't know what Jerry might have offered you? You know his word to keep you in here or anything like that but...." Dan responds, "No. No one's thrown anything at me that's like..... You know?" April says, "Right. It is difficult." Dan says to April, "That's the thing though, he talked to me and I was like, Jerry, you know, you gave me such and easy reason to get rid of you. If he didn't like say all of that stuff and like be so pissed. You know I wouldn't know who to take down." April says, "Right, and I think about that too, and if I stay in the game, me and Ollie are not coming after you. We can give you our word on that. We are not going to put you up, and obviously all I can give you is my word, Ollie's word, and maybe a little cash or something. I mean I don't know what else to offer you, but it's easier to have two people giving you their word of not putting you up than one." Dan asks, "But did Renny and Ollie make a deal?" April tells Dan, "I don't think so; I think Renny did that all on her own. I think that she felt that she had nothing against Ollie.... Yeah so I think that's what it was. You know I was like; you have a reason to obviously put up Jerry. If you would let me know if there is anything I can give you or say to you or promise you." Dan says, "I just need to think about it right now." April then says, "Thanks Dan." It is night time. Memphis and Dan go into the flower power room. Dan says to Memphis, "I am going to talk to Renny. If I am going to use this thing, I gotta get some information out of her. Do you know what I mean? But don't say anything." Dan then says in the DR, "If I were to use the Veto I would love to see Ollie go up. Because I don't want to risk Memphis or Keesha, I would have to be certain who Renny would put up as a replacement, and that's a huge risk for me to use the veto without knowing who is going to go up." Dan goes up to the HOH room and rings the door bell. Renny lets him in. Dan says to Renny, "Obviously I don't want to disrupt what you have done. You didn't put me up and I appreciate that. The only question I have and if you tell me I would just appreciate a truthful answer, did you and Ollie make a deal?" Renny says, "No. A deal?" Dan says to Renny, "That is my only question, because other than that..." Renny interrupts and says, "I like Ollie." Dan says to Renny, "And you put up Colonel because you had a reason to and you didn't have a reason to put up Ollie. Is that kind of right?" Renny responds, "No I like Ollie. I think you might have known that right?" There is silence. Dan says, "Ok, I am going to throw out a couple of scenarios. If Jerry were to come off who would you put up?" Renny asks, "If Jerry was to come off when?" Dan answers, "The block." Renny asks, "You mean you take Jerry off?" Dan says, "Right, I am just throwing random scenarios out there." Renny says, "I have to think about that. I would probably look at you as a traitor." Dan then says in the DR, "I have no clue who Renny is gonna put up. She is not cracking and she is not showing her cards. It just makes it a very tough decision for me." Dan then says to Renny, "I think it is going to get very crazy, and I think this is a big week. You have to start deciding who you really trust. You know what I mean?" Renny says, "Oh no, I trust you, I think that you will keep them the same." It then goes to commercial. It is day time in the Big Brother House. Dan comes out of the DR and heads over to the Memory wall. He takes the veto and looks at the pictures. He then says in the DR, "If I were to use the veto on April or Jerry, I am dealing with risk of reward. So I really need to figure out what is worth it to me in this game to get me to $500,000 at the end. April says in the DR, "Going into the POV ceremony, my worse fear would be if Dan was to take Jerry off the block, more than likely Ollie would be placed next to me, and I would definitely go home this week." Jerry says in the DR, "I don't feel safe, I never do. But I don't think Dan is going to use it on April. My dream outcome of this veto meeting would be to have him use the veto on me. Dan goes outside and announces that it is time for the veto meeting. Dan gives his speech saying that he has the power to take one of them off the block. He then lets them give their speech. Jerry's Speech: "Hey Dan. I am 75 years old, I grew up hard, and I am pretty much set in my ways. I don't sugar coat things, I think you know that. In heated issues, I take on a street fighter's mentality, and in fact I can even get nasty. I did get nasty last week when I referred you to being a Judas, and for that I do apologize. I want to congratulate you on winning the POV. It is certainly yours to use as you see fit. April's Speech: "Alright Dan. Congratulations on winning the POV. I actually honor Renny's wishes on putting me and Jerry up on the block, so I would never expect you to use the POV on me. Although it would be greatly appreciated, but I respect Renny's decision for placing me and Jerry up on the block this week." Dan's Closing Speech: "First thing I want to say is, I respect both of you tremendously because for being on the block, I appreciate the fact that you came to talk to me. You know this is a game and for you to come at me I respect that as a game player. One of you did bring an interesting proposition to me, which did involve money, and being where I'm from, at my hometown with my occupation, it gave me a tough decision. So I have decided to NOT use the power of veto." Dan did not use the veto which means the nominations stayed the same. The veto meeting is adjourned. As the show ends Dan says in the DR, "What I wanted to get done with the veto ceremony was, I wanted to put some doubt into people's minds about offering the money, the more paranoia in the house, outside of me, the better." Jerry says in the DR, "I think we are in the eye of the storm right now, and the worst part about a hurricane is the second half. I think the game is going to get pretty, pretty violent very soon." Ollie says in the DR, "The plan to get April off the block did not work. So it is time to go to plan be, which is work the mouthpiece, try to get a couple of votes to keep April in the house." April says in the DR, "I would be really stupid America if I said, I'm not going home. I am a realist so I am going to try to do what I can and if it is not going to work, and I know that they are not going to vote for me, I am going to be a total b****." Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House, April or Jerry? And who will become the next HOH? Find out Thursday at 8:00 (eastern time) only on CBS. :) Also I want to say that if you, the readers, are unhappy with the way I write the recaps and you have any suggestions on how I can make it better, feel free to ask! :)
[quote]Also I want to say that if you, the readers, are unhappy with the way I write the recaps and you have any suggestions on how I can make it better, feel free to ask! [IMG]***********************************************[/IMG][/quote]Aww, I love your recaps Phoenix. :D Tonight is a big night in finally cutting the head off of the snake. As usual I have not been watching the feeds, but I don't feel a valid argument can be made to keep April over Jerry and I think things should go down as planned. With the loss of April, Ollie will be left floundering and begin looking for a new alliance. No matter where he finds his new home, he will at best be a 3rd or 4th. When you heavily cling like Ollie did to April early on, your fate is irrevocably tied to that of your "sponsor." One thing that could happen (and seems to start coming together at this point every season) is girls versus guys. It would be smart for Ollie to try and connect with Dan, and Memphis. I suspect if Jerry survives the eviction, he will do the same. Overall, things are surprisingly going to plan. I am amazed how everything seems to be working out for "my" side of the house (and probably that of the majority of viewers.) I've been lucky enough to be on the winning side in 7,8 & 9 (although 9 doesn't really count as I kind of wished it would be canceled and they would all lose.) Looking forward to show!
We all love your recaps Phoenix [IMG]****************************************[/IMG] April should go home tonight, many in the house may like Jerry bashing but he is someone they feel they can get rid of any time and that April you might not have too many chances. Michelle and Ollie(at least Michelle has) have seemingly thought that turning the house into not liking Jerry would some how save April but it seems to have not worked.