Big Brother 10: Episode 16 recap

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Big Brother 10: Episode 16 recap
[CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] Well, guys, I wanted to keep this one relatively short, but they packed a lot of dialogue and DR sessions into this episode, so... it's not short. Sorry! I've bolded the more important bits for those who only want the gist of things. As the episode begins, we see a black&white flashback to last week's episode: Julie tells the houseguests that Libra has been evicted by a vote of 6 to 0. We see Libra hugging the houseguests goodbye, interspersed with Diary Room interviews:[INDENT][I]Keesha DR[/I][I]: "I know that I am not liked by certain people in the house, but it's good when the whole house votes for you to stay in! At least I know I'm a little more liked than Libra was."[/I] [I]April DR: "I wasn't fully sure if I would have the four votes to evict Keesha, and so, in the end it just made more sense to get Libra out at this point."[/I] [I]Michelle DR[/I][I]: "Guess what. Libra doesn't give me a hug, out of everybody. Too bad. She took out Jessie; she deserved to go home."[/I] [/INDENT]Keesha thanks Memphis. The front door shuts & the screen reverts to color as the current episode begins. Keesha thanks Jerry and gives him a hug. "I told you," he says. We see a shot of Libra's memory wall picture turning B&W and then a wider shot of the entire memory wall. No one's photo is remains colorized on the left side of the wall now, except for Renny's.[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "I just saw my photo up there on that side and, I don't know, it makes me look like a target 'cause I'm the only one on that side now. It stands out. So I didn't like that too much."[/I] [/INDENT]B&W flashback to last week's HoH competition: Renny answers the final correct question and wins HoH.[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "I kinda got a little emotional. I miss my mother and I just said, you know, I have to win that HoH to see my mother's photo. I'm getting excited."[/I] [I]Keesha DR[/I][I]: "I was ecstatic. I'm so glad that the tables are turned and now I know I can unpack my bags at least for a week."[/I] [I]April DR: "I know I'm gonna be placed up on the block this week. I'm not gonna act stupid and be blindsided. I already know. This is where the game begins." We see shots of her in the backyard, flashing [U]the fakest smile ever[/U] as her DR soundbite plays.[/I] [I]Memphis DR[/I][I]: "Renny winning is the best thing that could happen for me. You know, it's perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect! It couldn't have worked out any better because I know I'm not going up."[/I] [/INDENT]Outside, still after the HoH competition, Keesha says, "Okay this means my room will be empty now." Memphis says that he might have to take a waterbed (in the hippie room) just so he can sleep. Renny is keeping her mouth shut and gazing at Memphis in a not-so-friendly manner.[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "[/I][I]Memphis[/I][I] wants to move into the hippie room where Keesha sleeps, and it does worry me because you get to talk a lot in those rooms. Discussing the game every day while I'm upstairs... I do believe that [/I][I]Memphis[/I][I] can charm Keesha and that does make him a threat."[/I] [/INDENT].... Cut to the living room: Ollie is lying down on one of the couches, and April is sitting beside him. This chick is trying real hard to keep a smile plastered on her face. "Sucks," Ollie says. April tells him to "smile. It's not that bad." Ollie bugs his eyes out and nods his head that yes, it is that bad. April says, "It's just a game." Jerry meanders into the room and April's immediate reaction is to scowl and roll her eyes in his direction, but then she quickly turns back to Ollie and adopts her previous shit-eating expression. Jerry sits on the sofa opposite A&O. April looks at him, bats her eyes, and bares her teeth in what I suppose passes for a friendly grin in her mind. This girl looks like she could eat babies. Jerry smiles back. Is he buying it? Who knows. Instead of acknowledging Jerry, Ollie inspects a nearby pillow and yanks the brim of his hat down over his eyes.[INDENT][I]April DR: "There's absolutely not a moment in this house that, you know, it's me and Ollie... without Jerry appearing within three minute periods." [/I] [/INDENT].... In the 50s bedroom, Memphis and Keesha are whispering: M: "It's like a relief, you know?" K: "Yeah, you too? We're both in the same boat." M: "It's awesome. Awesome. We could easily make a run for this game." K: "It actually couldn't have went any better." .... Back in the living room, Ollie says that he's tired and asks April if she wants to lie down with him. She agrees and they ditch old Jerry. O&A walk past Memphis and Keesha in the 50s bedroom and on into the 80s room, Memphis asks Keesha if she thinks they (Ollie & April) think they're going up. She nods, and her fiercely angled eyebrows say, "OH YEAH, FOR SURE, ARE YOU KIDDING?" Memphis he says he hopes so. .... [B]April and Ollie talk game:[/B] Ollie is now lying down in his bed. April straddles him as she talks: "Renny is going to take it out on Jerry for everything he's done to people. First of all, he put up Renny the first week. Second of all, he's, you know, obviously made a disgrace of himself and he's put down people's religion." April must have forgotten that she attacked Dan's Catholicism last week. "I'm letting it all come out. That's if I get put up against him. He better watch out." Ollie just nods a lot, says, "mhm.." and rubs her thighs. I just noticed that Ollie has started growing a flavor saver. Gross. Third-wheel Jerry comes into the room, but clearly some time has passed, as Ollie and April are now both lying down under a blanket. They whisper to each other: A: "You and I need to at least talk to her tonight. Say, 'you know what, Renny? You need to play this game for you'" O: "Yeah, I agree." A: "I just really hope she puts me up against Jerry." O: "Yeah, me too."[INDENT][I]Ollie DR[/I][I]: "April's right. We need to do what we possibly can to get Jerry on the block. If she or myself were to go up, it would be better off if we were to go up against Jerry."[/I] [/INDENT].... [B]Renny and Keesha talk game:[/B] In the hippie room, Renny is sitting on her bed as Keesha unpacks her things. Memphis walks in and playfully pushes Keesha. He asks how it's going. K. says good, and laughs. Renny watches, unsmiling. Memphis then picks up some linens from the waterbed and asks, "Can you wash this?" Renny makes a face like, 'What a ********.' He grabs the stuff he wants to launder and leaves the room. Renny: "What's Memphis' story, Keesha?" Keesha makes a duck-face, shrugs and says, "I don't know... Are you not going to put up April?" R: "No, I'm just thinking. I don't know if he promised you something in the end." K: "No." R: "Cause I know you like him." K: "I do... Because right now, I'm trying to get people that are on my side." R: "He wouldn't take you to the end. Cause he couldn't win against you." K: "I don't know anybody in here that would take me to the end." R: "I'd take you to the end" K: "Yeah, but you're the only one. And you know how I feel about you, so..."[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "Keesha has a friendship with [/I][I]Memphis[/I][I], and she fought hard to keep him in the game, but however, I'm not a stupid person by any means, and I can see a lot that's going on."[/I] [/INDENT]R: "Memphis is a threat, though. He is. He's very sly." Keesha agrees that Memphis is a good player. Renny insists that he would use people to get what he wants, and he wants to win the money. She says that Memphis is like the male April. Keesha says, "Yeah, but he's quiet."[INDENT][I]Keesha DR[/I][I]: "Renny worries me. And she's on this [/I][I]Memphis[/I][I] kick, and I don't want Renny to put [/I][I]Memphis[/I][I] up! Renny needs to keep her targets on one side of the house."[/I] [/INDENT]Renny to Keesha: "I'm telling you, I'm keeping my eye on him. There's no reason to keep him around." .... Renny gets her HoH room:[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "This key around my neck means that I'm going to see my parents, and I was so close to them. If they were living today they would so enjoy me being in this show! It's a dream come true."[/I] [/INDENT]Renny says she's going to see her mother and father first, and breaks down in tears the moment she walks through the door. "Mama!" she cries, and walks over to her family photos as the girls follow her in. The guys are alarmed at her sobbing and decide to wait on the landing to give her a moment. After a few more sobs, Michelle says, "Renny, we'll be back, okay? We'll just be outsi-" "NO!!" hollers Renny, "Y'all STAY!!" (lol!) Keesha tells the guys to come in, and the whole group spends some time looking at Renny's family pictures & listening to her letter from home.[INDENT][I]Jerry DR[/I][I]: "I seen a different side of Renny, because she's so much of a clown all the time. Yet there's a very serious side to her that I hadn't really seen before."[/I] [/INDENT].... The HGs torture a stuffed dog: In the Spa Room, Ollie, April, Jerry and Michelle are lounging. Ollie has a little white poodle doll in his hand. "Damn, she needs a bath for real," he says. Michelle agrees that the poodle is a dirty girl. Ollie waggles the dog back and forth, making it's head jerk from side to side: "NO YOU [I]DIDN'T [/I]JUST CALL ME THAT!" (lol) "I'm sorry, Holly," April says to the dog. "These guys are mean. You guys treat her like ******************** New Roman][SIZE=3][I]April DR: "Holly is my poodle... because she was on the bed that [/I]I[/SIZE][/FONT][I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] had chose in the Big Brother house the first day I walked in here. Holly's very, very important."[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/INDENT]Michelle goes to the backyard, toting Holly. Renny is on the couch and Dan is in the hot tub. Michelle tosses Holly to Renny, who promptly dropkicks her. April comes outside and sees Renny and Michelle up to no good. "Oh, hell to the no!" she yells, laughing. The other houseguests start chanting, dancing, and clapping, "Hell to the no, hell to the no!" and it becomes clear that no one is going to give poor Holly a break.[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I] (in a silly sequined cap): "It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of April's, and anytime I see April rattled it makes my day. I love it."[/I] [/INDENT]Dan, Renny, Memphis & Michelle continue throwing Holly around the yard. They play keep-away from April. The dog lands in the hot tub at one point, but the game goes on.[INDENT][I]Dan DR[/I][I]: "Holly was beaten, thrown into the Jacuzzi, and she landed on her neck. But if you were to pick between the two: who's in worse shape? I'd definitely choose April."[/I] [/INDENT]"NOOOOOOO!!!" hollers April, as she finally gets a hold of her poodle. The HGs say that her neck is broken. April heads into the kitchen, clutching her injured toy. She inspects it on the kitchen counter and wonders aloud what they've done to the poor thing. It's head flops limply to the side. Ollie tells her to put it in the dryer and it will firm up. April thinks that this is ridiculous and insists it needs a bath first. Holly is in bad shape, y'all. .... Ollie and April talk about their relationship: In the 50s bedroom, April and Ollie are cuddling in bed together. Ollie asks April if she's ever been in love. She says never. He wants to know if she thinks of him as a friend or as a boyfriend, but she doesn't want to answer that. He says he doesn't want her to answer, because he already knows. April says that she feels he is like a best friend & they will be friends for life. She thinks that being attracted to/marrying a best friend is ideal.[INDENT][I]Ollie DR[/I][I]: "My relationship with April is far beyond what some people may call a 'shomance.' This is something that's real, and having something potentially outside of the house is really not out of the question right now."[/I] [/INDENT]We see some more nighttime shots of these two in bed, still discussing their relationship. April looks forward to being with Ollie outside of the house and taking care of him. Ollie says, "Will you marry me?" They both giggle, then April turns to the camera and says, "You just got that on TV, right? He just proposed." .... [B]Renny and Michelle talk game:[/B] Up in the HoH, Renny is talking to Michelle. They say that they've always liked each other. "However, you know that you're a tough competitor," says Renny. "But I still like you." Renny asks Michelle, "If you won HoH next week, would you put me up?" Michelle says absolutely not. Renny asks if Michelle would swear on the Bible and on her parents. She replies that she would, absolutely, and her parents are very important to her. "You know I'm like your mama," Renny says. Michelle reiterates that Renny is not her target at all and she wouldn't throw her family under the bus, as they are more important to her than anything.[INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "Talking to Michelle, what I was actually trying to do in that conversation was reel her in and have her really start trusting me."[/I] [/INDENT]"But if you snake me..." warns Renny. Michelle asks if she looks like a person who would do that. Renny then steers the conversation toward possible nominations. She says that April has a target on her back. Michelle agrees that A/O is a twosome and are a threat. Renny mentions that Keesha is her good friend but implies that she doesn't totally trust her safety with Keesha because she sees that the guys have influence. "Nobody should feel safe, I'll tell ya." Michelle agrees that she doesn't think anybody should feels safe. Renny says, "I know a lot of people like me, and I'm the 'mother' and all this shit. But that's not going to win the game. Good guys finish last, right? So I'm gonna have to start getting mean in this game." "Yeah," says Michelle. "I respect you. I really do." .... [B]Food Competition:[/B] The HGs are split into red and blue teams. They have to wear shirts with tuxedos screenprinted on them and giant bowties. They all head out to the backyard.[INDENT][I]Dan DR[/I][I]: "In the backyard, we saw one of those fancy silver plates with the top on it. And anytime you see that in the Big Brother house, you know that there's gonna be something nasty underneath the top. And more than likely, you're gonna have to eat it."[/I] [/INDENT]The game goes like this: It's similar to rock, paper scissors, but instead the HGs must choose crickets, pig ears, or slop. Two HGs must write the food they are willing to eat on a chalk board and hold it up at the same time. Slop beats pig ears, pig ears beats crickets and crickets beat slop. The person who wins the round must eat the food that they selected. For each consumed food, the team gets a point. It takes 4 points to win and the losing team must go on slop for the week. [B]Red team:[/B] Dan, Michelle, Keesha, April [B]Blue team:[/B] Jerry, Ollie, Memphis [I]Round 1: [/I]Dan chooses crickets. Memphis chooses slop. Dan says a prayer: "Lord, thank you for these crickets. I know they meant no harm. But unfortunately, I'm going to have to take them down one by one. In your name we pray. Amen." April cracks up, Jerry gives Dan the side-eye. Dan eats all the crickets & gets 1 pt for the red team. He says they taste like BBQ chicken. [I]Round 2: [/I]Michelle picks crickets. Ollie picks slop. Michelle says she knew they'd think she'd choose pig ears because she is always talking about how much she eats them at home. Michelle eats all the crickets and scores 2 pts for the red team. [I]Round 3:[/I] April chooses pig ears. Jerry chooses slop. He eats it all, but almost pukes 3 or 4 times. 1 pt for the blue team. [I]Round 4: [/I]Dan chooses crickets. Memphis chooses pig ears and eats them all. 2 pts for the blue team. [I]Round 5:[/I] Michelle chooses pig ears. Ollie chooses crickets. Michelle eats up her pig ears and loves it. 3 pts for the red team. [I]Round 6: [/I]April chooses pig ears. Jerry chooses crickets. April is a vegetarian. She hasn't eaten meat since she was 13 years old, so this is difficult for her but she eats them all up. [B]The red team wins food for the week[/B]; Jerry, Dan and Memphis are on slop (but Memphis still has his slop pass). As the HGs head back into the kitchen. They see that America has given a mountain of lollipops to the contest losers. Ollie loves sweets, so he is happy. He thanks America. .... Ollie's Ornithophbia: After the commercial break, we see the HGs lounging and hanging out in the backyard. A crow is perched on the wall, and we find out that Ollie is terrified of birds:[INDENT][I]Ollie DR[/I][I]: "Man, I never liked birds! My number one fear in the world is birds and I think it goes back to that old Albert Hitch-hock movie (sic, lol). You got them flying down in our backyard and messing with us. Leave us alone! I'm just trying to live my life!"[/I] [/INDENT]Ollie in the backyard: "Anything with wings that big is scary... That's all those are, are former dinosaurs. They extink (sic!) and they turn into birds and crows. That's what dinosaurs are."[INDENT][I]Dan DR[/I][I]: "I don't know what the birds ever did to Ollie, but something went wrong in his childhood, because Ollie ran for his life when he saw an itty bitty crow."[/I] [/INDENT]And, indeed, we see Ollie hop up and make his way back into the safety of the house, using the outside couch as cover. .... [B]Renny, Dan, [/B][B]Memphis[/B][B], Keesha, Michelle & Ollie--HoH Powwow:[/B] Dan goes to visit Renny in the HoH room. He asks if he's in danger. Renny says no, but she may need to use him as a pawn. Dan is unhappy with this and tells her that, with him as a pawn, he may go home. But if she doesn't use him as a pawn, she will definitely have enough votes to get out whoever she wants. Renny says that she's just thinking things through. She is just worried about making an extra enemy by putting up Ollie or Jerry against April. She doesn't want to be a target for the person who stays. Memphis enters the HoH room and Renny asks him what he thinks about being a pawn. "Get the hell out of here," he says. He is not okay with being a pawn for anybody. He says that it's the biggest Big Brother mistake there is. "It's known, in Big Brother history: the pawn always goes home." "Oh, really," says Renny, dryly. Haha, it looks like she's not too worried about the prospect of Memphis going home. Dan and Memphis try to tell Renny that putting Ollie and April up would be the best move. Keesha and Michelle enter the room. Renny asks them if they want to be pawns. Michelle says no. Keesha says, "Are you seriously asking me that?! Why? What's going on in your mind right now?" Everyone in the room thinks that Renny has lost her shit. Renny explains that she wants one of the O/A/J trio to go home, but wonders what's going on with Ollie & asks Michelle to go get him. Ollie comes into the room and Renny asks him where he stands in the game. She says she knows he has a shomance but wonders where his head is really at. He says he's here to win it; he's here to play. She asks everyone else to leave so that she and Ollie can talk alone. Renny avoids telling Ollie anything concrete in terms of what she is planning to do. She asks him how he would be if April went home. He says he wouldn't throw in the towel, he would keep fighting to win. They discuss the fact that he has become a target due to his relationship with April. Renny tells Ollie that she wants him to stay in. He asks if April is the target and Renny says that she [I]could[/I] be, because she is a fierce competitor. They mention the prizes that everyone has won. He asks her if she thinks that others in the house are strong-arming her into wanting April out. Ollie tries to campaign a little bit to get Renny to target Jerry instead of April. Then hee says, "If [I]I'm[/I] not a target, why do I need to go up? There may be bigger fish to fry. And it's your call." .... [B]Nominations:[/B][INDENT][I]Dan DR[/I][I]: "At this point, I'm very concerned about nominations. For Renny to put up someone from our side of the house as a pawn is a huge mistake. And that's the one thing about the Dawlin from Nawlins is that she is crazy, you don't know what she's gonna do..."[/I] [I]April DR: "I'm obviously expecting to be put up this week. I would think that they were really stupid if they didn't place me up on the block. It's hard to swallow because I [/I]am[I] such a nice person."[/I] [I]Ollie: "I'm worried about nominations. Me being attached to April is not playing out well in my corner. So I'm at more risk than anyone in the house, simply because April is the #1 target."[/I] [I]Keesha DR[/I][I]: "Renny is talking about maybe putting [/I][I]Memphis[/I][I] up. I love Renny to death, but her thinking sometimes is just completely... off the wall."[/I] [I]Memphis DR[/I][I]: "If Renny puts me up as a pawn, it's definitely a mistake on her part. So unless you want to make me as an enemy, don't put me up as a pawn."[/I] [I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "I want my nominations to kind of shake up the house a little bit. It's going to start taking out some strong players. Nobody's gonna make decisions for me."[/I] [/INDENT]Renny begins the nomination ceremony: 1st Key: Dan 2nd Key: Keesha 3rd Key: Ollie 4th Key: Memphis 5th Key: Michelle [B]April and Jerry are nominated.[/B] Renny says, "April the reason I nominated you is because you are the most tough cookie woman I've ever met, and in this game, you're a big threat. Jerry, from day one, you did put me on the block and for this I'm gonna have to do the same to you." (aside: April makes the best faces!)[INDENT][I]Keesha DR[/I][I]: "Renny should have nominated April and Ollie. I don't know what Renny is thinking right now."[/I] [/INDENT][INDENT][I]Renny DR[/I][I]: "The Colonel put me up on the chopping block the first week. So it was payback time, for making my life a hell for 8 days."[/I] [I]Jerry DR[/I][I]: "It's not a good feeling to be nominated. Man, they turn on you in one second. My attitude is big boys don't cry. And I'm gonna see if I can work through this thing this week and survive again."[/I] [I]April DR: "I'm very excited that she did not place me up against Ollie and that she did place me up against Jerry. I'm hoping that people will start seeing that Jerry's the floater. My plan is possibly to get him to blow up on somebody."[/I] [/INDENT]fin.
Dang, that was long! But it was a great recap! I had the show on, but I wasn't paying much attention to it so I only caught a few things that you mentioned. Thanks MSR!
April is totally going unless she wins POV. Jerry...he can leave any day. I'm fine with that. I liked him at first...but now he just seems annoying
Great recap MSR! [quote] I wasn't paying much attention to it so I only caught a few things that you mentioned.[/quote]I missed everything except the results. [quote]April is totally going unless she wins POV. Jerry...he can leave any day. I'm fine with that. I liked him at first...but now he just seems annoying[/quote]Jerry's stock fell the furthest for me out of any cast member. I thought he was going to be fun, but little did I know he was a 70 + year old grouch. I can't wait until they show the reveal with Dan being AP that week followed by Jerry doing his character assassinations.... I agree that unless April (or Ollie) wins POV, she is going out this week. It will be interesting to see what kind of game Ollie has without her.
I broke down and watched the episode (my wife forced me to, sort of). I'd have been better off just reading the recap -- so much better than the episode! Thanks
thanks, guys! [quote=Bacchus;26595]It will be interesting to see what kind of game Ollie has without [April][/quote] I think so too... but I am guessing he's got nothing. I'm interested in seeing how things with Renny and her alliances and semi-alliances work out now that she has made [U]everybody[/U] nervous about her intentions. She was back to acting like a nutball this episode. I think she just cut her life in this game pretty short, unless Keesha wins HoH next week.
While I know who I want to leave this week, if Jerry went next week or the week after I wouldn't mind it. At times he acts like a dirty old man who has never been let out of the house and other times he just acts like an *****. Honestly I don't know what his deal is, maybe house stress? Michelle needs to check out soon too.
I think Ollie will flip flop on his decisions with April. At first he was in the Dan/Brian alliance, but as soon as April and Libra confronted him he changed his alliance and told about the others. I bet when he has no sure bet in his corner he can't make a decision.