Libra is Campaigning! :( DON'T DO IT DAN!
[quote]Libra tells Dan she has a ninth life possibly--Dan says he needs more info--She tells him it could be a split--he says he would need names-- NT
Libra has Dan in the SR asking how is going to vote. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Libra said she needs a fourth vote. Dan says he doesnt know yet how he is going to vote. Dan says he needs names and more info. Libra asking him not to say anything. Dan says he will think about it. [/B]
Libra pulls Dan into SR and asks him where his head is. She said she might have three but would need a fourth. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Dan said he would think about it but he needs more information. He needs names. She asked him not to say anything to anybody. He said okay. He said he can figure it out. [/B]
Libra talking to Dan in the SR about voting Keesha out instead of her. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Dan says he'll think about it. He wanted some names because he thinks it's too risky. [/B]
Cam 2 - Libra and Dan in the SR - L wants to know where his head is at [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Dan needs more information - he doesn't know what he'll do[/B]
[B]Libra wants to know if there's anything he wants to ask[/B]
[B]Dan would need names to try to figure out why[/B]
[B]Libra doesn't want him to go and spill who she has for votes[/B]
[B]He will think about it - won't say anything if she doesn't want him to - he can figure it out[/B]
[B]Dan leaves - Libra is in the SR and Ollie comes in - L spills that he wanted names and she wouldn't say[/B]
[B]Ollie says that means no - now he's worried and says he can't trust him (missed some)[/B]
Now Libra telling Ollie about convo with Dan. They think its suspicious that Dan wants names.[URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[/URL][B]Ollie says he doesnt trust Dan.[/B]
Libra filling Ollie in on the conversation with Dan [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[/URL][B]Ollie saying he'll talk to Dan. [/B]
[via [URL=""]JokersUpdates[/URL]]
Jerry is also talking to Michelle. :(
[quote]Jerry tells Michelle that Libra isnt the one running thta group--Michelle says BS thats cuz shes depressed but if she won HOH she would be again-- NT
Michelle talking to Jerry. He said he doesn't want to get in the middle of that *** out there. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][B][COLOR=#006600]More...[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[B]She asks what he means. He said those people that voted Jessie out.[/B]
[B]Jerry whispering. Says Keesha told him Memphis' target is April. Michelle says really?[/B]
[B]Jerry tells her he doesn't think she's going up. Jerry thinks it's him and April next.[/B]
[B]Jerry says Libra ain't the one running that group. He says Keesha is awful loud and happy again. Michelle says no she's not, she's moping around.[/B]
[B]Jerry says tomorrow is a big HOH. He's going to try his heart out. He says, "It could be the biggest one for me and you, baby."[/B]
Michelle now talking with Jerry making sure he is voting Libra out. He is agreeing but hinting that it might should be Keesh going. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[/URL][B]Michelle is telling him no and telling him reasons they should keep Keesh. Saying Keesh isnt physical. Libra is mental and HOH will probably be mental. [/B]
Michelle tells Jerry that Keesha isn't good at physical. She didn't even want to stay in the worms. [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][COLOR=#006600][B]Less...[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Michelle asking if Jerry got HOH who would he put up. He says Memphis and Keesha and if Memphis gets off, put Dan up. [/B]
Jerry tells Michelle, "I took that POV for you. That's the only reason." He says he could have taken Libra off and get her on his side, that would [URL="http://javascript:void(null);"][B][COLOR=#006600]More...[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[B]be four. But he promised Keesha he wouldn't, he kept his word. [/B]
Jerry standing in front of mirror in bathroom flexing his muscles. NT
[via [URL=""]JokersUpdates[/URL]]
[quote=bratty;25740]Where to start, April/Ollie pregnancy scare! That would be the highlight. And if Dan doesn't stand strong he is so going home. Be careful Dan.[/quote]
Michelle seems to be standing strong and Dan doesn't need to cross anyone right now so soon after nearly getting thrown to rot on the block.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;25743]Michelle seems to be standing strong and Dan doesn't need to cross anyone right now so soon after nearly getting thrown to rot on the block.[/quote]
i know but you know how everyone starts scramblin towards the ends and make hasty decisions.
[quote=bratty;25749]i know but you know how everyone starts scramblin towards the ends and make hasty decisions.[/quote]
That is true but Dan I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he stay on course. But that could be me waning Libra out talking right now.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;25752]That is true but Dan I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he stay on course. But that could be me waning Libra out talking right now.[/quote]
And you know I hate to say it but it could all come crashing down on Keesha, Libra could slip by this week.
[quote=bratty;25757]And you know I hate to say it but it could all come crashing down on Keesha, Libra could slip by this week.[/quote]
What?!?! We are not allowed to use that kind of talk on the BB forum. ;) I am j/k. I am only saying that because Keesha is my favorite and I hate Libra. I think I dislike Libra and April more than.... Cirie!! (Survivor)
[quote=Phoenix;25760]What?!?! We are not allowed to use that kind of talk on the BB forum. ;) I am j/k. I am only saying that because Keesha is my favorite and I hate Libra. I think I dislike Libra and April more than.... Cirie!! (Survivor)[/quote]
I'm totally with you, I can't stand Libra, but she's starting to place the little seeds of doubt. And if she can get enough ppl stirred up and pissed at Keesha, she could do it. It would be awful, but be prepared.
[quote=bratty;25762]I'm totally with you, I can't stand Libra, but she's starting to place the little seeds of doubt. And if she can get enough ppl stirred up and pissed at Keesha, she could do it. It would be awful, but be prepared.[/quote]
But..... I don't want Keesha to leave! Maybe we can send a banner! ;) It can say: Evict Libra, Keep Keesha! Then Evict April!
Keesha needs to wake up and start campaigning!
[quote=Phoenix;25763]But..... I don't want Keesha to leave! Maybe we can send a banner! ;) It can say: Evict Libra, Keep Keesha! Then Evict April!
Keesha needs to wake up and start campaigning![/quote]
Hopefully she will and it will all be ok.
I need the latest and greatest from the Feed/Joker heads! How does it look this morning?!
I had trouble sleeping last night knowing the rest of my primary summer series could possibly be [B]ruined[/B] today!
According to Jokers discussion. Libra tried to get dan's vote. said she had 3 already. He asked who but she wouldn't tell. A/O/J also approached Michelle. Michelle asked Dan about it and he told her everything. Dan said he would never vote to keep libra. I believe him.
While Dan was talking to Michelle about the possible vote flip last night, he told her that he asked Libra for names but she wouldn't tell him who the 3 she had were. Michelle jumped to the conclusion that Libra was LYING about having 3 votes on her side. Dan agreed that this could possibly be the case.
So far, this morning, Michelle has talked to Ollie, April and Jerry about Libra trying to stay in the game. Of course none of them admit to being the flippers. Michelle is too dense to realize that they are obviously the 3 that would vote to keep Libra in the game. She seems to be operating under the assumption that Libra made up the 3 votes. She also keeps speculating about Dan being America's player and Dan/Libra being an AP team (her theories on this are ridic). She is just grasping at reasons not to trust Dan/Libra, and of course A/O/J egg it on.
UNFORTUNATELY, Michelle for some reason wants A/O/J to win HoH! She is helping them prepare for the HoH comp later today. They think that it will have something to do with how well the houseguests know each other, so Michelle has been quizzing them and vice-versa on facts about each other.
So the good news is that it seems like Dan absolutely will not vote to keep Libra. And even if there were a tie, Michelle is still gung ho about kicking Libra out.
The bad news is that Michelle is trusting and helping the WRONG SIDE of the house!
I am hoping that, before she leaves the house, Libra spills the beans about who approached her with votes. Michelle needs to know what is going on under her nose, and she needs to stop helping April win the game!
Yeah I was worried a little but now I am very confident that Dan is going to vote to kick Libra out of that house once and for all. Dan has learned his lesson with vote flipping even if it wasn't his fault lol Michelle trusting April in the first place shows you she might not be thinking too far ahead or at all right now.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;25862]Yeah I was worried a little but now I am very confident that Dan is going to vote to kick Libra out of that house once and for all. Dan has learned his lesson with vote flipping even if it wasn't his fault lol Michelle trusting April in the first place shows you she might not be thinking too far ahead or at all right now.[/quote]
Haha, well I think that she does think ahead and she thinks a lot about the game and different scenarios and what needs to be done to win. It's just that her ideas about game are almost always totally wrong.... and sometimes downright crazy. how she keeps thinking that they are going to put Jessie back in the house, ever since she HEARD VOICES in the HoH room telling her that "Jessie's baaaaaack." lol
[quote=maybeshesright;25868]Haha, well I think that she does think ahead and she thinks a lot about the game and different scenarios and what needs to be done to win. It's just that her ideas about game are almost always totally wrong.... and sometimes downright crazy. how she keeps thinking that they are going to put Jessie back in the house, ever since she HEARD VOICES in the HoH room telling her that "Jessie's baaaaaack." lol[/quote]
Michelle is weird definitely, she messes around with that toy she has all the time and yeah I agree she has plans but definitely has no perspective on the game as a whole which leads to wrong moves. Like these nominations, while they bring me personal joy, were completely personal and there are bigger threats out there. Like April for one. And she grew so clingy to Jessie too.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;25876]Michelle is weird definitely, she messes around with that toy she has all the time and yeah I agree she has plans but definitely has no perspective on the game as a whole which leads to wrong moves. Like these nominations, while they bring me personal joy, were completely personal and there are bigger threats out there. Like April for one. And she grew so clingy to Jessie too.[/quote]
As usual GW you are absolutely right. A/O/J has to be broken up A/O especially and if no one there can see it then, they don't deserve to win. But I agree, i think its Libra's time.
i poked my head over to [URL=""]jokers[/URL] & what do i see?
Renny is hinting around wanting to put Memphis on the block!
Nooooooooooooo! say it ain't so!
It might even be a smart move on her part, since Memphis does seem to have a good handle on his game, but noooooooooooooo! April must go!
i poked my head over to [URL=""]jokers[/URL] & what do i see?
Renny is hinting around wanting to put Memphis on the block!
Nooooooooooooo! say it ain't so!
It might even be a smart move on her part, since Memphis does seem to have a good handle on his game, but noooooooooooooo! April must go![/quote]
Hell no, Memphis can't go, Send April, Ollie, Jerry, there is 3 to picked from leave Memphis alone.
April mentioned both today and yesterday that her period is late.
She said that it must be the stress. LET'S HOPE SO.
For their food comp today, they had to eat weird stuff. Michelle ate 10 crickets. Jerry's on slop. Memphis got a slop pass. I dunno about the rest of them. They got a shit ton of lollipops from America after the comp.
Renny is still considering who to nominate. She is quizzing people about who they think she should put up, throwing out possible scenarios to see how people react, but isn't really showing her cards. Seems like the only two who she probably for sure won't put up are Keesha and Michelle (based on some heart-to-hearts she had with both of them yesterday).
She has said all of the following: She wants April out, she wants Jerry out, she can't see putting Ollie up, Memphis is a threat, if she kept April safe April'd be a vote against Memphis. She has asked Dan, Memphis, Keesha & Michelle how they would feel about being a pawn. Everyone has been like "whaaaat, are you serious? no." It's hard to tell what she really thinks and what she's just saying to gauge HG reactions.
Last I checked, she was working on Ollie to see what he would do if she knocked April out of the game. Ollie says he's in it to win it and April is just icing on the cake for him. He seems to think that he is a competitor in this game even if April were to go. Har har. Renny told him that he won't go home no matter what.
So I was over at Jokers just waiting around for the nomination ceremony to be over because I was worried about some of the things Renny was saying....thhhheeennn with it was over I was alot less worried and more excited. I have to say I love the noms, I think one of them is a smart move because it breaks up a pair.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;26116]So I was over at Jokers just waiting around for the nomination ceremony to be over because I was worried about some of the things Renny was saying....thhhheeennn with it was over I was alot less worried and more excited. I have to say I love the noms, I think one of them is a smart move because it breaks up a pair.[/quote]
You are absolutely right!
[quote=bratty;26117]You are absolutely right![/quote]
What can I say I try...:P Seriously though nominating any of her alliance even as a pawn would have been stupid but I don't think she was going to probably just thinking over different directions or how the HG in question would react. Either way I agree with it.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;26122]What can I say I try...:P Seriously though nominating any of her alliance even as a pawn would have been stupid but I don't think she was going to probably just thinking over different directions or how the HG in question would react. Either way I agree with it.[/quote]
As I said before, exactly. I just enjoy agreeing with you.
[quote=bratty;26123]As I said before, exactly. I just enjoy agreeing with you.[/quote]
Well I can definitely get use to that :P Still it's hard to disagree with someone who is right.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;26116]So I was over at Jokers just waiting around for the nomination ceremony to be over because I was worried about some of the things Renny was saying....thhhheeennn with it was over I was alot less worried and more excited. I have to say I love the noms, I think one of them is a smart move because it breaks up a pair.[/QUOTE]
Any move that does not guarantee the death of the April/Ollie duo is incredibly stupid, IMO. If one of them wins POV ** they have a 33% shot of doing that without Jerry being picked to play and a 50% shot at winning with him** then either April or Ollie can only save one of their group.
By nominating only April not Ollie at the same time, the probability of Renny being required to name a replacement nominee is very high and the result not a sure thing. If Jerry wins, he will save himself -- unless he is ready to throw in the towel. If April wins and uses POV to take herself off and Renny won't nominate Ollie, then the numbers are preciously close because only Dan and Memphis are left to nom. She will not nom Michelle or Keesha bcause promises were made.
I've not thought Renny was very smart and tonight proved that view true.
[quote=V1man;26127]Any move that does not guarantee the death of the April/Ollie duo is incredibly stupid, IMO. If one of them wins POV ** they have a 33% shot of doing that without Jerry being picked to play and a 50% shot at winning with him** then either April or Ollie can only save one of their group.
By nominating only April not Ollie at the same time, the probability of Renny being required to name a replacement nominee is very high and the result not a sure thing. If Jerry wins, he will save himself -- unless he is ready to throw in the towel. If April wins and uses POV to take herself off and Renny won't nominate Ollie, then the numbers are preciously close because only Dan and Memphis are left to nom. She will not nom Michelle or Keesha bcause promises were made.
I've not thought Renny was very smart and tonight proved that view true.[/quote]
Thanks for breakin it down for us V1!