The show opens with a black & white flashback of last episode's POV ceremony. Jerry says that he will not use the Power of Veto and adjourns the meeting. The POV box is slammed shut and the screen turns to color as the current episode begins.
A few [I]Diary Room[/I] clips are shown:
[I]Shirtless Jessie DR: "As long as April still wants Memphis out of the house, everything should be a pretty smooth ride. I know I'm not going anywhere. Sweet Beans!"
April DR: "I felt really, really good about the POV meeting. Jerry respected my wishes on keeping my nominations the same today. I still want Memphis out. He's a huge threat to me."
Memphis DR: "You know what, man? There is no alliance anymore. It's time to start from square one again."[/I]
Cut to the 'Flower Power' bedroom. Keesha is eating some yogurt while Libra lies in bed, glowering crazily. The camera angle is right up her nose. Even her nostrils look *****y. Keesha whispers, "I surely hope that April changes her mind somehow and wants Jessie to leave. Jessie is coming after-"
"I know he's coming after me!" interjects Libra. Keesha says that Jessie is coming after her too. Libra says that Jessie is bipolar, and makes a *cuckoo*gesture. Keesha agrees by way of an "mhmm." Libra adds that Jessie just sits in his room adds nothing to the house.
[I]Cut to DR with Libra screaming at the camera: "Jessie? He's got to go! Because ALL HE DOES IS EAT AND SLEEP!"[/I]
Back in the bedroom, Libra continues, "He's just laying low. Laying ***king low like we're stupid. We got him in a prime position." Keesha nods and says that she wants him gone. The furrows in Keesha's forehead agree that this is a serious matter. Libra waves 'BYE' to Jessie and says, "We need to shake April and tell her that two people in her alliance are about to be gone." Keesha holds her spoon up solemnly, and slowly waggles it at Libra. I have no idea what this spoon communiqué h***ignified, but Libra apparently does because she says, "I know. Don't even say it. I know."
April walks into the bedroom carrying some blankets. Libra and Keesha shut up for a moment, but then Libra sits up and tells April that she bets Jessie thinks he isn't going home. Keesha makes a fist in the air and says that Jessie just irritates her. The bit of food stuck in Keesha's teeth agrees. Libra says that it is a 100% FACT that Jessie will come after her. April says, "But we all have people coming after us." Keesha sighs, exasperated.
[I]Keesha DR: "I don't like April. I try. I try very hard to like April. I just--I can't. I can't do it. When somebody is so fake to your face and you can see right through it.. ugh.. it's so annoying."[/I]
Back in the bedroom, April whispers calmly to Keesha and Libra that, "Memphis is playing the game smarter than anyone is giving him credit for. You know, just 'cause he's not as loud as Jessie--"
"Calm down," interrupts Libra, inexplicably. "All of us have our fears. You want us to communicate to you. When we do, you get upset!" LOL, What!? April didn't actually appear to be overly upset at all, especially compared to Libra's crazy ***.
April says, "You have to see where I'm coming from."
"You have to see where we're coming from too," says Libra. "Two people from your alliance are going to be targeted next week."
Out in the backyard, Keesha is laying out on a lounge chair with Memphis. She's got on sungl***** and he's got a crooked baseball cap covering half his face. I guess he forgot his shades. She tells him that a lot of people promised April that they would vote whatever way she wanted. Memphis finds this "so ridiculous." He shakes his head at these people's stupidity and the baseball cap bobs in commiseration. "People are promising their game. You know that," he says. Keesha tells him that this information stays between the two of them and he agrees.
[I]Keesha DR: "I would love to evict Jessie because I think he eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and causes a lot of fights. I definitely want to keep Memphis in this game."[/I]
Keesha tells Memphis he needs four votes. He says yeah and Dan is not one of them. Keesha doesn't know how Dan will vote.
Cut to Dan and Keesha lounging by the pool. Dan tells Keesha that he trusts her 100% and she is the only one he feels he can talk to because he thinks that they are on the same wavelength about certain things without having to say anything. She agrees and confides that she wants Jessie gone. Dan says, "I like a certain person that I don't want to go home next week." Keesha feels the same way, and says that if they can't keep Memphis in this week, "our *****" will be the first to go.
In the Flower Power bedroom again with Keesha and Libra: Libra asks what they are going to do. Keesha says that "anybody who thinks that I'm gonna roll over and do what they want..." she doesn't finish her sentence, but her forehead creases are working overtime, so we catch her drift. K & L discuss how many votes they need to keep Memphis in the game (four). Libra says that they only have three: her, Keesha and Renny, She isn't sure about Dan, and her instinct is that he'd go back and say something to April and the rest of the alliance. She asks Keesha what her gut tells her. Keesha doesn't think that Dan would rat them out.
[I]Keesha DR: "Dan was my only option. You have Ollie who is completely up April's [***]. Jerry? Yeah right. He's been trying to get Memphis out the whole time. Michelle, hahah! is in LOVE with Jessie. There is no possible way that that girl would ever vote against him. The only person that I was left with was Dan."[/I]
Libra says that she will vote Jessie out if they have the numbers. Keesha says that April will be pissed and Libra says that it's going to cause a big split. They say a few more words about how they have to be prepared for "World War III in here."
It's now night time on the back porch. Keesha approaches Dan and Memphis lounging on the couches and asks them to come with her. Memphis follows her to the Flower Power Hippie room first and Dan says he will be there in a minute.
Memphis enters the bedroom with a "womp, womp, womp" and Libra, already there, says "SHHHH!! If I vote for your *** and you put me out next week I'ma kill you!"
Memphis' response is, "[I]I like that.[/I]" He gives Libra a hug and thanks her. She says that her alliance will be pissed. Keesha reminds them that they still have to get Dan's word.
Dan walks into the room and Keesha tells him, "Okay we just need one more person. But it's you that she's shifty about" (meaning Libra). Dan gives his word that he will vote to keep Memphis in the game, and they all start insisting to each other that they cannot say a word about it to anyone. Everyone excitedly swears their silence and shakes on it several times. Dan does a happy dance and runs out of the room. Memphis leaves. Keesha and Libra are left alone and they do a happy dance together. Keesha says, "I did it!" Libra says, "I can't wait to see her face."
April and Jerry are sitting out in the back yard. April tells Jerry that she was confronted by two alliance members that "kinda double-teamed" her a little bit to get Jessie out. She says that she is still getting Memphis out but is now worried that it might get a little ugly. Jerry says that Ollie, Dan and himself will all support April, and Michelle will vote to keep Jessie--so they have the four votes they need to get Memphis out.
The poor old coot goes on to say that, "We just have to make sure Dan understands that. And I'm gonna talk to Dan enough to say, 'Dan you must not let them sway you.' Because Dan supports me because I brought him into our alliance. And he knows it and we saved him. So if anything comes down, in the end when the loyalty really switches, I think you're gonna find that Ollie, Dan, and Jerry are your boys." April gets so excited by this that she rubs Jerry's arm up and down fervently while giggling and grinning. Yipes, I puked a little.
Cut to Dan attempting to juggle some balls in the pool as Jerry approaches. Jerry says, "Okay Dan, it's just you and me," and goes on to explain that April wants Memphis out but is afraid that Renny, Libra and Keesha will turn on the group. Jerry tells Dan that he has to "stay loyal to Ollie and me and April, okay? 'Cause that's where we're gonna form our alliance. You understand what I'm saying? We can't afford that one of us goes up. All I'm saying, if they try to talk you into going with them, just don't do it. We agreed to support the HoH, damn it, and we shouldn't break that." Dan plays dumb pretty decently. He just keeps nodding and saying 'okay' here and there until Jerry goes away. As he's walking off, Jerry tells Dan he appreciates it and says that he is going to go tell April that everything is okay and everyone is on the same page in terms of voting Memphis out.
Jerry walks into the guys' bedroom, where Jessie is laying in bed. He toddles straight over to Jessie and says "It's done. Don't worry, we got four. You're covered. Bigtime, you're covered." Jessie says, "I know, he's out." and goes straight back to his nap as Jerry wanders back on out the door.
It is now later in the day and Dan is lying by himself on the hammock in the backyard. He seems to be having a chat with himself/America. "These people are crazy," he says. "Absolute madness. I just don't want to have to lie to anyone, but I think that is over after this week. Who does America hate more, Jessie or Memphis? If you vote out Jessie I'm gonna be in trouble. If you vote out Memphis, I'm gonna be in a [I]lot[/I] of trouble. My rear is gonna be under fire, big time. America, you better make the right decision. I gave you an 18 second hug, you can hook me up. I hope."
After the commercial break, there is a segment all about Dan. It opens with him talking about the school where he works (St. Mary's) back in whatever little town he's from. They show a clip of him talking to Ollie in the house about how much he loves his job and loves coaching, and wondering what the kids must be doing while he is away. He says that "there's conditioning probably going on right now."
"Conditioning?" asks Ollie, because he is dumb.
We see the St. Mary's HS football team watching Coach Dan on TV and saying boring things about how much they support him. They cheer him on, yay.
The package moves on to talk about Dan being America's player. Dan's sister is not a bad looking chick. A little too much make-up, but not a bad face at all. She is excited that he is America's player, but Dan's mom thinks that he shouldn't have agreed to be AP because the houseguests have already become suspicious of him. We see video of April, Libra, Michelle, and Renny all saying that something is fishy with Dan, he could be AP, AP.
He says "you guys are paranoid," and giggles like a little kid. It's cute.
Ok, back to the good stuff.
[B][SIZE=3]The Eviction Votes![/SIZE][/B]
Houseguests are gathered in the living room, with Jessie and Memphis occupying the nominee chairs. Julie begins the pre-vote interview. She asks Michelle if she has grown to embrace her 'inner red unitard.' Michelle says, "I love it and I hate it and I definitely do love it." Uh... yeah. Then she adds that she looks great in it and can't take that away from herself. Hmm. No comment. Then there is some boring Q&A about how it's hard for Michelle to vote out her friends. Blah, blah.
Julie mentions the big fight on Keesha's B-day. She asks if, since some time has p***ed, has all been forgotten now? "Oh, no... not all," says Keesha, smiling. Julie asks, "[I]Any[/I] forgotten now?" Keesha says, "No, absolutely not." Nope, none has been forgotten. These people are dedicated to hating each other.
Next question is for Libra. Libra has the most psychotic bare-toothed grin on her face that I have ever seen. She looks like she would take several bites out of Julie if she weren't stuck inside that TV monitor. Julie asks why Libra chose to take Michelle's Hawaiian vacation during the POV competition, instead of choosing the letter from home. Libra says that her husband would have killed her if she didn't take the vacation because they'd both said that after the BB project was finished, they would take a trip together. Michelle rolls her eyes at this and when she hears the live audience laugh at her reaction, she hams it up by rolling her eyes some more and making stupid faces. Ollie is off to the side also making a 'Shame on you, Libra' face. Ollie probably won't be making that same face when his preacher dad kicks him out of the church for making internet **** with April all week.
Isolated in the HoH room, April answers Julies questions about her alliance and her relationship with Ollie. April thinks that she is still allied with Keesha and Libra, though she trusts them a lot less because they haven't been supporting her this week like she expected them to. She thinks they should have been more supportive, considering he saved them by winning the HoH, thereby preventing Michelle from putting them up on the block. About Ollie, she says that he is her best friend in the house and it's nice to be able to talk to someone about personal things outside the game. Neither she nor Julie mention anything about the big pink daily-sex-having elephant in the room.
We go back to the living room, where Jessie & Memphis get to say their piece before the vote. Jessie says happy birthday to his dad and to his beard, Sheena. Then says to the HGs, "I'm a competitor and that's why I'm here, and the decision's yours whether to keep me or not. So... obviously I want to keep playing, and so thank you." Yes, thank you Jessie. Much better than your past speeches. The less you say, the better you sound.
Memphis' turn: "Alright guys, one thing I want to say to all y'all before you cast the vote is that I want you to vote for yourself. If you feel like I cannot be an ***et to your game, then by all means vote me out of this house. But if you think with a little bit of thought that I can prolong your stay in this house, then I think you all need to vote for what [I]you[/I] think. Not for the person next to you. Not for the person across from you. So, you know, on that note, I hope you vote for yourselves and not for somebody else."
Now they vote:
[B]Michelle:[/B] votes to evict Memphis
[B]Ollie:[/B] Memphis (why does he always call Julie 'Mama'? does he think that's endearing?)
[B]Jerry:[/B] Mempis
[B]Libra:[/B] Jessie
[B]Keesha:[/B] Jessie
[B]Renny:[/B] Jessie ("Dawling, Just when I was about to like you. I have to vote to evict you. I'm sorry")
[B]Dan/America:[/B] Jessie ("Good Job America!")
[B]Results:[/B] 4 Memphis, 5 Jessie. [B]JESSIE is evicted.[/B]
Julie breaks the news to the HGs. April looks stricken. Jessie hugs Michelle, Memphis, April & Ollie. He shakes Jerry's hand, then Dan's hand, says "It's your word, it's your word," to Dan, and walks out the door. All the HGs wander toward the kitchen and are totally silent. Someone starts clapping out a rhythm for some reason, but I can't tell who it is. April & Michelle look pissed as hell. Everyone else is somber. Ollie looks deep in thought, then suddenly holds up the shocker and asks, "What does the shocker mean? What's this mean?" (LOL!) Michelle stalks down the hall and pounds her fist at the camera.
Jessie's exit interview: He says he thought he w***taying, but he wasn't really surprised to be evicted. He says he has faith and God wants him to do something else right now. He saved himself 2 months of having to be with people who don't want him in there. He actually looks pretty hurt, like he might cry. Looks like he really believed that Dan would vote to keep him. Says Dan swore up and down.... He gets a jab in, saying that Dan "is Catholic and he doesn't even go to church on Sunday." He says he doesn't have one thing that he regrets in the house. He "called out everyone at face value." There is a bit more to this interview, but Jessie is torture to listen to, let alone transcribe, so screw it. Julie didn't spill the beans about Dan being America's Player. Maybe she'll tell him on the morning show
Back to the house, we see a flashback to the previous night: the HGs had wake-up calls every 5-15 minutes starting at 1am. Keesha had no idea what was going on and w***cared. Libra and Michelle had to explain to her that BB gets fans to record wake-up calls that are then played in the middle of the night at intervals for hours on end. Lots of shots of the houseguests being annoyed and trying to go back to sleep.
[SIZE=3][B]HoH Competition![/B][/SIZE]
April sits on the sidelines, nervous as hell during the whole competition. The houseguests must answer a series of True/False questions about what the different wake-up calls said throughout the night.
Order of elimination:
[B]First out:[/B] Renny & Ollie
[B]Next out:[/B] Jerry, Dan, Memphis, Keesha
[B]Last Out:[/B] Libra
[B]MICHELLE is the new head of household![/B]
Michelle screams and jumps around. April hops up and down all over her, hugging and screaming. Ollie and Jerry hug Michelle, as does Memphis. The rest of the HGs keep their distance. In the background, Jerry immediately starts talking shit to the defectors. He walks by Libra/Keesha/Dan, pointing his finger and shouting something that I can't make out. Libra says something about it being "just a game you guys." Ollie walks by holding the shocker in the air (LOL, wtf?!) Jerry gets in Libra's face hollering something or other. Somebody says, "No need to get hostile here!" and Michelle yells, "TRAITORS!" Then, "THAT'S FOR YOU JESSIE!" She adds some family members to her HoH dedication, then says "JESSIE! I'm gonna get them! Don't worry about it!"
Dan et al would seem to be in deep doo-doo, as it were.
Back in the living room after the competition, Julie is asking the houseguests about Michelle's victory, how they feel, etc. Michelle grasps her Golden POV and says "After the week I had? Wearing [the unitard] and everything? I deserve this. Game on!"
Memphis says that he feels good about being voted to stay in the house. He says he feels the love, lol.
Jerry says, "I love it here. I really do... because it's... uh, game on!"
Julie says goodbye to the houseguests. We leave them to tear each other apart.
Julie has a 'surprise announcement': next week, the houseguests are going to have a competition where they play against HGs from every past season of Big Brother.
Well, I'll be ******. FINALLY things are happening in the BB10 house. :D