The Real World Hollywood: Will, Bri & Kim Post Reunion Video

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kim was a cocktail waitress the whole season also, and they didn't show one second of that. drinks at the IO were $2 each for the cast
Great video, Will! It was much better than the actual reunion show. The host annoyed the hell out of me.
Since the IO was their official RW job, did they have to show a certain amount of footage from that to fulfill some sort of contractual obligation? I thought most of the IO footage really dragged, and that Charna seemed to meddle too much into the roommates' lives at the house. I would have much rather seen, say, some footage showing redeeming qualities of Kim, Dave, or Will. The editing really made it look like Bri and Nick were the only two decent people in the house. Pretty much every cast member got a crummy edit. Granted, they can't show it if you didn't do it, but still. I have never been so disgusted by so many of the castmembers before.
Anonymous's picture
Thank you guys so much for this video! I agree with most when I say it was better than the reunion (minus Nick!) ;) Even as someone that's watched this show from the beginning, (EVERY season), I still get wrapped up in it all and forget that YOU guys are not necessarily what you are portrayed. I think you did a great job of conveying that. Even just talking to some of you on here, I see you're not just [I]that[/I] person from that one hour that week. I'm sure I speak for most of us here (execept the "haters", which are few ;) ) we really appreciate your insight and willingness to talk to us and other fans in a way that most casts in the past haven't. I wish every one of you the best (well, except Sarah....sorry) :p and hope to see more of all of you! P.S Sarah.....**** **x WHAAAAAAAATTT????
Anonymous's picture
[quote=calli bear;21174] Pretty much every cast member got a crummy edit. Granted, they can't show it if you didn't do it, but still. [U]I have never been so disgusted by so many of the castmembers before[/U].[/quote] Really?? Come on, the [I]cast[/I], or the editing??
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;21190]Really?? Come on, the [I]cast[/I], or the editing??[/QUOTE] It's only his/her 4th post and I was feeling kindly when I read it. Thanks for asking the necessary question.
Disgust with the way the editing made the cast look, I guess I should say. From what was shown on TV: Kim looked like a naive, stupid racist hypocrite. Will and Dave looked like nymphomaniacs. Sarah looked like a big harping shrew who belched all the time. (God, that disgusted me so much, especially for someone always preaching about appropriate behavior.) Joey always seemed scary & nuts, even when he wasn't drunk. They way they were shown treating others made it appear that Sarah, Kim, Will, Dave, and Greg had some really nasty mean streaks. We were rarely shown any of the roommates engaging in behavior that exhibited any redeeming qualities. I'm assuming they actually had some, but they didn't make it to TV. Sure, Sarah stayed home with Joey, which it appears she would have done anyway, apparently to harp at him & "fix" him some more. Kim held Sarah's head when she threw up. I guess that was helpful. Bri an Nick always seemed to take everything in a lighthearted way, showed that they had talents and interests, and treated others as decently as possible. I think they really saved the season from taking a totally negative direction to the point of no return. Other than that, in my opinion, we really didn't see enough of the roommates being nice to each other, or anyone else. It just gave the season a dark feel to me. In San Diego, the cast was really light-hearted and fun, even when there was drama. For example, when Brad got arrested, the cop said he violated the penal code and he said "What? I didn't pull no *****!" Denver, too, the cast reacted to drama in a lighthearted way that made me laugh out loud at times. After Jenn made out with the guy Colie was crushing on, they made up and cried and Jenn was like "She will be at my wedding! Waaaahhhh, sniff" and Brooke's meltdowns--they were funny, not scary, dark, or mean-hearted. Denver also had that great job with Outward Bound, (that apparently no one liked but me.) Anyway, I hope that explains why I've been such a "hater". The season just didn't have enough light-heartedness for me. No one can be that dreary all the time, and I have to imagine that plenty of fun stuff was left on the cutting-room floor. The "Will-Kim-Bri" post-reunion video seems to confirm that. I think that is unfortunate for the cast and the audience. ETA: The way Brandon's death was handled on the show is another example. It could have been a touching tribute. Nick really seemed to be emotional about it, and more of his work with the roommates could have been shown asa tribute, ending the episode with a black screen saying "dedicated to Brandon_____ (birth year)-2007". That was something that should have been handled sensitively and not in a lighthearted way. Instead we got a short segment or two, Nick's reaction to the news, then "Next week---a foursome!" That was pretty tasteless, and probably unpleasant for Brandon's family & friends, and was totally the fault of production.
[quote=calli bear;21205]Will and Dave looked like nymphomaniacs.[/quote] satyromaniacs
[QUOTE=maybeshesright;21217]satyromaniacs[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Definition: a male who has an excessive desire for sex[/QUOTE] Quite obviously the editor of the dictionary from whence comes the above definition is a woman. No self-respecting man would ever allow the use of the word "excessive" to describe any man's desire for sex. :victory:
Great Video, really gave some insight to the season. I'm glad I registered at this forum.
awesome vid guys.....thanks for posting it here
[QUOTE=Fresh Prince;21436]Great Video, really gave some insight to the season. I'm glad I registered at this forum.[/QUOTE] And we are glad to have you here :)
shouldn't an ex-cast member (like janelle) know not to get serious with a cast member during filming? not that that excuses will's behavior. and really, with all the editing it's hard to tell what exactly the behavior was. but i'm with Will when he says Janelle just wanted tv time. i didn't really like her on her own season; seeing her on 20 was no joyride either.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=good brooklyn;21520] i didn't really like her on her own season; seeing her on 20 was no joyride either.[/quote] Agreed. She can fade back into obscurity now.
I don't know who to believe... Will said that they dated for a week, but didn't Janelle say two months or so? Weird!
[quote=luckystar112;21529]I don't know who to believe... Will said that they dated for a week, but didn't Janelle say two months or so? Weird![/quote] I didn't see anywhere that Will said he dated Janelle for a week. He did mention that he was only with her a week before going to Mexico...
Ohhhhh that explains it then.
I love this season! Hopefully Cancun can do what they did. They mixed the partying and fightin of the more recent seasons and the seriousness of the vintage ones
this video is great. thank you so much for posting it! i have to say even just watching the Hollywood season i felt it people were severely edited and showed no sides to anyone. everyone came off as 1D. After watching Kim on a challenge and this video and the reunion special i am more sure than ever that production pigeonholes people into a role.
