I hope the individuals responsible for casting Sydney....

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I hope the individuals responsible for casting Sydney....
were fired. This thread is due to Shauvon's many MySpace bulletins, such as the one below: [URL="http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=85"][IMG]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/1486533ac2dae0.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Seriously...besides Parisa and Isaac....what was BMP thinking!?!?!?!?! How does having Shauvon on the show (or people like Ashli, Trisha, or Kelly Anne) promote the public's well being? How is that helping anything? Heads should roll. That's all im sayin'! ps...i fixed my poor english hhaha
Anonymous's picture
I can't see it! The image isn't showing up on my screen!! Bacchus?! Fix please? :D )
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;17450]I can't see it! The image isn't showing up on my screen!! Bacchus?! Fix please? :D )[/quote] Geez....what if I had to run to the store or something, huh? What would you do OPD! What would you do! lol As for Shauvon, I agree 100% with what you are saying Rock. This is probably not even the most gratuitous promo she has done thus far either! She'll be in soft **** soon. Sex tape with mini me inside of 5 years...
[B]Random aside:[/B] I just installed new tracking software for the site (about 1 minute ago) and can anyone guess what the search string for the very first search engine hit recorded was? [URL="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS279US279&q=free+real+strippers+&start=40&sa=N"]Free Real Strippers[/URL] [B](bottom of the page)[/B] Actually, this is not that random! It does seem to fit well in this thread, lol.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;17452][B]Random aside:[/B] I just installed new tracking software for the site (about 1 minute ago) and can anyone guess what the search string for the very first search engine hit recorded was? [URL="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS279US279&q=free+real+strippers+&start=40&sa=N"]Free Real Strippers[/URL] [B](bottom of the page)[/B] Actually, this is not that random! It does seem to fit well in this thread, lol.[/QUOTE] I am computer smart, but not program smart so help me out Bacchus...Does the tracking software tell you eactly what people searched for when they came across this site??
LOL wow this makes me wanna throw up a little and also click that link which most certainly lead to my doom. Seriously Isaac and Parisa should have had their own spin-off show where they hunt down the other cast members of Sydney.
[quote=stacee_danielle;17458]I am computer smart, but not program smart so help me out Bacchus...Does the tracking software tell you eactly what people searched for when they came across this site??[/quote] Yes. It is called referrer information. Wherever you go on the Internet you tell the server where you came from and how you got there (be it a search on google/yahoo or a link from another site, or a bookmark.)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;17451]Geez....what if I had to run to the store or something, huh? What would you do OPD! What would you do! lol .[/quote] You don't go to the store Bacchus....you just have some nice people pick up your groceries for you and you just stay here on Vevmo like a good boy :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;17452][B]Random aside:[/B] I just installed new tracking software for the site (about 1 minute ago) and can anyone guess what the search string for the very first search engine hit recorded was? [URL="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS279US279&q=free+real+strippers+&start=40&sa=N"]Free Real Strippers[/URL] [B](bottom of the page)[/B] Actually, this is not that random! It does seem to fit well in this thread, lol.[/QUOTE] HAHAHAHHA hilarious! Yeah...Shauvon will TOTALLY be on Skin-amax.
Also hosted by Walden Keyes?!?!?! Well why didn't they say so?!?!? (I have no idea who that is) Ugghh - I wish she would just drop further into obscurity. I don't even have any interest if she did Skinemax. Now Tonya's Skinemax appearance on the other hand - I enjoyed that one.
What's the name of Tonya's titty movie again? I totally wanna search the DVR for that one...haha
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;17501]What's the name of Tonya's titty movie again? I totally wanna search the DVR for that one...haha[/quote] I got your back! “The Erotic Traveler 02: Lost in Ecstasy" - [URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038405/"]imdb [/URL] P.s. I included a NSFW attachment w/ screencaps.
Anonymous's picture
why did tonya do **** again? and does she*********?
[quote=renaldob;17504]why did tonya do **** again? and does she*********?[/quote] I would assume for money. ;) ...and no, it's all simulated Renaldo.
Anonymous's picture
I figured as much lol. So this came on Cinemax? I couldn't see myself doing ****. What if someone masturbated to my behind or something, lol.
[quote=renaldob;17508]I figured as much lol. So this came on Cinemax? I couldn't see myself doing ****. What if someone masturbated to my behind or something, lol.[/quote] Hahahaha! Well, I guess it all depends on who is doing the ************, lol!
Anonymous's picture
Lmao. Let me stop before I get out of hand, lol. I love Tonya but I also have nothing against Shauvon. Does she Myspace?
[quote=Bacchus;17509]Hahahaha! Well, I guess it all depends on who is doing the ************, lol![/quote] Hmmm I'm going to resist the urge to comment on that and yeah alot of people pretty much do it for money.
[quote=Bacchus;17502]I got your back! “The Erotic Traveler 02: Lost in Ecstasy" [/quote] Yeah sure you had to use imdb ; ) My DVR could never find it - well it found the show but not her particular episode. I believe I had to find it on torrents. Its worth the download.
Yeah i think i remember Tonya having a few butt dimples in that skinamax episode. but im not shallow, its all good.
Sydney's cast was... atrocious. Dunbar/Cohutta/Kelly Anne all fit the bill for the "Southern Bumpkin" slot (It would have been like having 3 Ace's in Paris), Shauvon bailed midseason (and is now capitalizing on the whole thing? Not surprising...) Trisha and her replacement were awful... Sydney had 6 white folks, three of whom were carbon copies of each other... wtf?! Baaad casting choice (and I've done some work with casting). I was also disappointed in the lack of a gay castmate, as well as a non-American, like Neil, Jacinda, or Simon. I really wish Parisa and Isaac would have been given either better roomies or a second chance at the show. I think even Mtv has tried to shush Sydney under the rug cuz the season was such a failure. Which sucks, cuz now I doubt that 'Real World' will go abroad again, since all 3 seasons that were abroad were not received well (though I personally loved London and Paris). Sidenote: Is anyone else getting annoyed with how often people leave 'Real World' houses these days? Back in the day, it was a big deal when someone left, but now it's like "Oh, I wonder who's gonna leave this time around?" (Totally not knocking Joey there, though- it was in his best interest to get as far away from that house as possible.)
[quote=El Rey;17519]Yeah sure you had to use imdb ; ) [/quote] Busted!
Anonymous's picture
It personally ****** me off when someone leaves for stupid reasons. so many more interesting ppl could have taken your spot.
[quote=EastNY;17524]It personally ****** me off when someone leaves for stupid reasons. so many more interesting ppl could have taken your spot.[/quote] Exactly! Someone who could have gotten so much more out of the experience was robbed of it...
Hey, I don't get the *****ing. It's just free enterprise at work...