Ashli Robson - Real World Sydney

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Ashli Robson - Real World Sydney

A new cast member is set to join The Real World Sydney this week and I for one am excited to see an injection of personality into the house. Ashli Robson is a single 19 year old college student from Huntington Beach California.

I'm excited, this show needs some new blood. Let's hope Ashli doesn't disappoint. Looks from the preview like her and Parisa don't hit it off right away, but obviously they have gotten past that. ;)
[quote=Katiedid;1811]I'm excited, this show needs some new blood. Let's hope Ashli doesn't disappoint. Looks from the preview like her and Parisa don't hit it off right away, but obviously they have gotten past that. ;)[/quote] I really think that anyone coming in to replace Shauvon is a step in the right direction. I was totally fed up with her tantrums and violent drunken behavior. I remember bringing up Shauvon dumping water on Issac's head on a Big Brother 8 Forum a few months ago and people looked at me like I had two heads. I was trying to say that if it was [I]that wrong[/I] for Dick to dump ice tea on Jen, then it was just as wrong for Shauvon to do basically the same thing. Shauvon even superseded that aggressive attack with her grill cheese outburst, yet no one batted an eyelid. [B]The reality of the situation: [/B]She is a woman and thus it was considered acceptable. Had Isaac dumped water on her head it would probably have made it on CNN and women's groups would have emerged out of the wood work, picketing TRL and MTV Networks Headquarters in New York. ;) Maybe Ashli will dump water on Trisha's head before the season is finished. That would be exciting and totally societally acceptable! - [I]catfight![/I]
Anonymous's picture
:ninja_hide: I swear they need to fire the casting director after this season cause to me she failed miserably. A roid raging nutcase , a c*** tease, a christian hypocrit b****, a brunette c*** tease , two ppl who are normal but are getting no air time and a girl who is being verbally abused by the other roomates because they are all jealous of her.
I'll pose the question, who do you guys prefer between Ashli and Shavaun?? I realize that it's choosing between the lesser of two evils, but if you had to choose?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Katiedid;2204]I'll pose the question, who do you guys prefer between Ashli and Shavaun?? I realize that it's choosing between the lesser of two evils, but if you had to choose?[/QUOTE] IDK I KINDA LIKE SHAVAUN AND ASHLI FOR MANY DIFFERENT REASONS. I GUESS ASHLI ( SHAVAUN LOST POINTS WHEN SHE LEFT BECAUSE OF HER SELFISH ASS BOYFRIEND). BTW I MOST OF THE TIME WRITE LIKE THIS LOL
[quote=Katiedid;2204]I'll pose the question, who do you guys prefer between Ashli and Shavaun?? I realize that it's choosing between the lesser of two evils, but if you had to choose?[/quote] There is no way I am choosing between them. Nada! Nope! Won't do it!
I know, it makes it difficult to chose between the two. I guess in Ashli's favor, I am assuming she joins Team Parisa, so it will be nice to see at least one girl who doesn't crap all over our favorite girl in the cast.
[CENTER] [B]Question of the day:[/B] Which one of these can you buy for $29.99 on eBay? [IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER]
[quote=Bacchus;14273][CENTER] [B]Question of the day:[/B] Which one of these can you buy for $29.99 on eBay? [/CENTER] [/quote] For the authoritative answer someone must ask Johnny Bananas. I've heard that he is boasting of his "successes" with the Ladies of Sydney season...
[QUOTE=V1man;14279]For the authoritative answer someone must ask Johnny Bananas. I've heard that he is boasting of his "successes" with the Ladies of Sydney season...[/QUOTE] NOOOO not Johnny he is tainted.
[quote=stacee_danielle;14283]NOOOO not Johnny he is tainted.[/quote] I bet it was an accident. He probably ordered the one on the left to add to his collection and they sent him the one on the right. An understandable error. I am sure once the mistake was realized, he sent [I]it[/I] back. [B]P.s.[/B] I hear Johnny was not the only former BMP cast member to do the "Sydney Shuffle."
[QUOTE=Bacchus;14284]I bet it was an accident. He probably ordered the one on the left to add to his collection and they sent him the one on the right. An understandable error. I am sure once the mistake was realized, he sent [I]it[/I] back. [B]P.s.[/B] I hear Johnny was not the only former BMP cast member to do the "Sydney Shuffle."[/QUOTE] How you gonna hold out an me??? Don't you know I am an elite member!!! (LOL)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;14284][B]P.s.[/B] I hear Johnny was not the only former BMP cast member to do the "Sydney Shuffle."[/QUOTE] I feel like I'm eavesdropping in the boys locker room.:blush:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;14284]I bet it was an accident. He probably ordered the one on the left to add to his collection and they sent him the one on the right. An understandable error. I am sure once the mistake was realized, he sent [I]it[/I] back. [B]P.s.[/B] I hear Johnny was not the only former BMP cast member to do the "Sydney Shuffle."[/QUOTE] Are you talking about Trisha and Kenny hooking up.
[QUOTE=roundables;14314]Are you talking about Trisha and Kenny hooking up.[/QUOTE] Another guy who can't keep his mouth shut. What a gentleman. I wonder if Evan was there to tell him what to do?
[quote=roundables;14314]Are you talking about Trisha and Kenny hooking up.[/quote] Very perceptive! [QUOTE] I wonder if Evan was there to tell him what to do?[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]*Shakes Magic 8-Ball* [/B] [IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER]
[CENTER] [LEFT] I think "the hand" in this photo is most telling.... [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
[quote=Bacchus;14333][CENTER] [LEFT] I think "the hand" in this photo is most telling.... [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/quote] The "hand" as in Evan's...It's like he can't lose touch of his BF
[quote=stacee_danielle;14336]The "hand" as in Evan's...It's like he can't lose touch of his BF[/quote] From a psychological perspective, I think what we are seeing is Evan gesticulating, "Yes, I might have Ashli by my side, [I]but[/I] Kenny is MINE!"
[quote=V1man;14318] I wonder if Evan was there to tell him what to do?[/quote] Isn't that what girlfriends usually do? : p
[QUOTE=El Rey;14347]Isn't that what girlfriends usually do? : p[/QUOTE] Oh! Your's is a pithy first post! Welcome to the asylum.
[quote=V1man;14353]Oh! Your's is a pithy first post! Welcome to the asylum.[/quote] It definitely had teeth. That is what I like to see in a first post. ;)
Well like I said to Bacchus, I've been lurking for about a year or so (I guess I was always too lazy to take the 2 minutes it took to register) so I think I have the general gist/attitude of the community. Though I am hardly a sheep I tend to agree with the community here in general in regards to the more infamous cast members and their antics. In regards to Kenny and Evan they stood out in this last challenge as heirs to CT's crown as King Douche. I get that part of it is mugging and playing to the cameras but it seems that after a while there is point where you start to believe YOUR own hype. to bring this back to the actual thread topic. I remember when hating on Ashli felt like the right thing to do - in regards to sleeping with Dunbar (which I only attribute her half the blame) and her actions towards Parisa (seems like she was just caught up being the Mean Girl to fit in with Trisha and KellyAnne) but in the end she seemed - to me at least - truly apologetic and regretful of her actions and I can respect that. When we're 19 we'ew harldy adults. I will say this though - shes a cute girl but needs to retire the "duck lips" pose.
[quote=El Rey;14363]in the end she seemed - to me at least - truly apologetic and regretful of her actions and I can respect that. When we're 19 we'ew harldy adults. I will say this though - shes a cute girl but needs to retire the "duck lips" pose.[/quote] She is a good target to make fun of (as she opens herself up on so many levels) and I have not been able to curtail my usage of her as a prime target to mock. I actually like Ashli to some degree. [I][B] *COLLECTIVE GASP!* [/B][/I] Yesterday I sent her a message saying that everyone at Vevmo was pulling for her on the challenge (in a completely inauthentic manner) and she responded with a lighthearted "touche." She seems to "get it" and with that she does earn a level of respect from me. Trisha on the other hand...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;14364]Yesterday I sent her a message saying that everyone at Vevmo was pulling for her on the challenge (in a completely inauthentic manner) and she responded with a lighthearted "touche." She seems to "get it" and with that she does earn a level of respect from me. [/QUOTE] Nice to know that she speaks French. :wink2:
Separated at birth?? [IMG][/IMG]
Anonymous's picture
That is freaking hilarious!

Exes 3 with dunbar

Anonymous's picture

TJ was so mean to Ashli on The Island. I didn't like the way he spoke to her.
