The Real Word: Annoying

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The Real Word: Annoying
The Girls: I hate them all! They are all so annoying in their uniquely annoying ways. I watched the latest episode (caught up) and once again I was struggling to make it through without fast forwarding. I hope Trisha is kicked off soon as I just can't watch many more weeks with the current cast. Change would be good. (The previews show a boring episode in store next week again so I am not getting my hopes up.) The only funny part of the entire episode was when Dunbar said about Trisha, "She is one of those types (of drivers) that guns on the gas and then guns on the breaks." And Cohutta with his innocent Southern Drawl said, "Oh you mean a women?" LOL!
I don't really think that Shauvon is that bad. Besides the time she was a wasted idiot with Isaac. I guess I could see where you are coming from when you say she's self riteous, but she's definitely no Susie Meister
Shauvon, from a profile view, reminds me a Barbie blowup doll. What possesses women to get implants that large? I mean it is disgusting! I guess she is the least offensive of the bunch for now.......but that is not saying much. Dunbar is right below her on my list, too.
I absolutely HATE Dumbo! He is disgusting! Why does Parisa think he's cute? Is she blind? He looks like Matt Damon's unattractive brother. I liked Shauvon at first, despite the 900cc's of saline injected into her and the scarecrow hair, because she seems nice. Now she is beginning to grate on my nerves with that whole Isaac thing. KellyAnne definitely has attention ***** qualities, but I think she's a sweet girl deep down. She is very pretty, but it's almost like she needs to keep reminding herself about it throughout the show. Trisha needs to do like 100,000,000 sit ups for that nasty gut of hers and close her gutter mouth. She is so racist and disgusting in every way. She is in my top 5 most despicable Real Worlders list. Even Dumbo isn't as bad as she is. Parisa seems very nice and sweet so far, but she seems to have terrible taste in men and she seems to worry too much about her appearance. I hope she has better self-esteem now.
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[quote=LocaCola;13904] She is in my top 5 most despicable Real Worlders list. [/quote] Join the club!! :)
And I thought Greg was bad!
[QUOTE=LocaCola;13904] Parisa seems very nice and sweet so far, but she seems to have terrible taste in men and she seems to worry too much about her appearance. I hope she has better self-esteem now.[/QUOTE] I heard that Parisa had all kinds of cute guys but they never showed any of them...I think they said she got more guys than anyone else in the house...
So they were trying to make her into a Daria, huh? lol
[QUOTE=LocaCola;13935]So they were trying to make her into a Daria, huh? lol[/QUOTE] yeah, I got that feeling...
Not sure about a resemlance, but the character aspect similarities are astounding! I am shocked I didn't think of it first! ;) [IMG][/IMG]
I wish MTV would hurry up and put Daria on DVD.
Yeah I hadn't though Daria exactly, but that makes sense...I had the "type" in my head just not Daria's name or even character.
Okay, well, a hot Daria. lol I think there actually was an episode where Daria become hot, though. I think Jane made her get a makeover or something and she couldn't handle the attention? I think cheerleaders were involved, maybe? Hmm...
[QUOTE=LocaCola;13999]Okay, well, a hot Daria. lol I think there actually was an episode where Daria become hot, though. I think Jane made her get a makeover or something and she couldn't handle the attention? I think cheerleaders were involved, maybe? Hmm...[/QUOTE] I think I remember that episode.
Anonymous's picture
Daria was awesome! :D (Good call Loca)
I'm glad to finally make a comparison someone agrees with. lol