It looks like Trisha has taken a full defensive posture on her myspace blog and has pleaded the "It is the editing" defense for her recent [B][I]and future[/I][/B] digressions on [B]The Real World Sydney.[/B]
INXS - Devil Inside?[/B][/CENTER]
Seriously, I just don't buy it - and I never, ever do.
Yes, there is an extent as to which the editors can pick and choose what is going to be shown in the 22 minutes a week that we are offered on [B]The Real World[/B]......[I]but[/I]...the things that come out of that girls mouth were not put there by the producers, that is all Trisha. Even undiluted by editing, it will still be inconsiderate, inappropriate and childish.
There should be no excuses in an apology. It would have been much more of a saving grace and a positive reflection on her personality if Trisha could have focused more on [B]"sorry"[/B] and less on reasons why we should condone her actions.
Her statement being devoid of any meaningful contrition, at least we all can get a chuckle reading about how MTV [B][I]made it look like[/I][/B] she kissed someone else. [B]
*wink* *wink*[/B]
Trisha Cummings myspace blog post:
[quote]All I have to say is that I am truly ashamed of what came out of my mouth on the previews for "Coming up on the Real World". There are so many things that I've been distraught about on the show, but so far anything I'm ashamed of happening have been things portrayed in a false manner (i.e. MTV making it look like I cussed out someone for not speaking English, making it look like I'm AGAINST GAYS ((are you kidding me??)), and TRYING to make it seem like I made out with someone on the show), done by editing. Trust me, I will be the first to admit when I'm in the wrong or out of line, and II'm not the girl to blame ALL my bitchy moments on editing.
With that, I fully blame myself for the "just pushed a fat girl" comment- I was angry and out of line. I will be posting a blog within the next couple weeks to elaborate on all of those events, but for now I am posting an apology for what I said to my father about Parisa on the previews for upcoming episodes.
If anyone can honestly tell me that they haven't said something they don't mean out of anger, then I look up to you for having that strong of self control. However, I can assume that most people reading this blog have been so upset at one point in their lives to where they've said something horrible and distasteful, and that's what I am apologizing for tonight.
Parisa and I have both said cruel comments to each other when we've been at the peak of our anger. I can guarantee that things are going to still come out that Parisa has said to and about me and vice versa, to the same distasteful extent AND WORSE than what I said tonight, but thats not an excuse because what was shown tonight is what is going on in the current episodes. I am truly and utterly sorry, and I can honestly say it was out of anger and nothing else. I feel so ashamed of saying something about someone's physical appearance and do take it to heart. It was extremely uncalled for and, as I've previously mentioned, I am sure there are things that are so far unsaid that will come out that I will feel equally regretful for saying and I can only hope Parisa feels the same about things that have left her mouth out of anger. There was no editing in that, it truthfully was something I said in the context it was portrayed and that's why it is killing my conscience more than other scenes that skillful editing has wrongfully portrayed. That is all I have to say for now, again, I apologize for the words I used tonight because it is completely beneath my character and hurtful to others. Hope everyone has a great weekend and take care.