Best Male and Female Challengers

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Best Male and Female Challengers
There have been some excellent and not so excellent players on the Challenges. I want to know who you think are the best Challengers? Take into account not just physical ability but strategy, intimidation, etc. For the guys it really is hard. For me it is a toss up between CT and Mark. In the end I would say CT. The man is a monster. Not one person has ever wanted to face the guy. Anytime someone has faced him they were demolished. He is constantly great on the missions. For the girls I cannot decide between Coral, Rachel(RR), or Evelyn. Coral is the master of getting to the end. She knows how to play the game, girls at one ponit were scared of her. And despite her being a bit bigger she kicked ass on the missions. The only times she has been sent home were due to injuries and her leaving. She is definetly a challenge guru. Rachel has yet to be beaten and she is just a monster. Evelyn is probably the most agile and strong girl cimpetitor ever. Although her ability to be disliked doesn't help her. I would have to go with Coral or Rachel.
I totally agree with CT being the best male player, plus he's my favorite. Although mentally he doesn't always play the smartest game, Evan and Brad do and are both tough physically as well. When the women are concerned, there are definitely girls that are better physically and those that are better mentally. I really can't think of one girl that has the complete package. Yes, Ev is a strong player, but mentally no, Coral has the mental game down but not as strong physically. After this last challenge I would say you would have to throw in Tori as well. That's just my opinion though.
[QUOTE]Posted By[B] bratty:[/B] After this last challenge I would say you would have to throw in Tori as well. [/QUOTE] I agree with you bratty. Many people may not like Tori, and this is just my opinion, But I think she is a really good competitor. If anybody could beat Ev in a gauntlet or something like that, I would pick her to do it (from that cast). She was actually one of my favorites in VR and the Gauntlet 3. She can be whiney at times and she does tend to get on my nerves, But all in all she is a very good competitor.
Wha about Jillian as a top female competitor? She is smart as well as strong (and nimble, LOL) but then again she may not be a big manipulator and some people precieve that as weakness.
I forgot about Tori. I have to agree she could be the best girl competitor, but we didn't get to see enough of what she could do. We saw her dominate Melinda, but that was it. I see Jillian as a good competitor, but not as great as people are saying. Look who she went up against: Angel, Brooke, and Janelle. Angel almost beat her. Brooke basically didn't try. Janelle isn't the greatest competitor. She worked hard but didn't have someone like Paula or Ev, hell even Katie could beat her.
Best Male - Wes,Alton, or Darrell....CT may dominate, but if you never win the big one you cannot be considered the best. Case in point...Dan Marino. He had the best statistics of any quarterback before Brett Favre broke his records, but he will never be considered the best because he couldnt win a ring. CT is in the same category, all the talent in the world, but not a winner. Wes is up there because of being able to make it to the final in Fresh Meat, despite the fact everyone was against him. Then, in the Duel he played a brilliant game and his duel w/ Derrick is probably the best elimination round ever. Alton is up there because he can do it all and he is a true team player. Darrell probably wins as the best overall because he's got the "rings" to prove it. As for the girls......who gives a crap
I'm not sure about the guys, I would say CT, but it seems like he now a days, he just gets kicked off of the challenges. For the girls all the way it's Coral. Coral is a beast, physically I don't think she's the best, but minus two times she always makes it to the end. The only time she hasn't made it to the end is because of injuries and quitting the last challenge as someone posted already. Most of the girls are scared of Coral, she knows how to play the game and if you try to fight with her, she'll tear you apart and she's funny as hell. Not to sound like i'm a Coral lover or anything, but seriously no one has topped Coral since she's been on.
It is interesting to see who people think is best, but it might help if we established some criteria. Without some common groud definition, we are all going to come at the question from a different perspective. For example, before Inferno 2, Jodi Weatherton was regarded as one of the best competitiors: strong, social (No real challenge enemies) and a winner. Yet, in head to head-to-head individual competition, she and Beth are tied. Some argue that Brad actually performed better in the Duel final mission the did Wes, giben the time difference he made up. Still, Brad lost.
[quote=V1man;13500]It is interesting to see who people think is best, but it might help if we established some criteria. Without some common groud definition, we are all going to come at the question from a different perspective. For example, before Inferno 2, Jodi Weatherton was regarded as one of the best competitiors: strong, social (No real challenge enemies) and a winner. Yet, in head to head-to-head individual competition, she and Beth are tied. Some argue that Brad actually performed better in the Duel final mission the did Wes, giben the time difference he made up. Still, Brad lost.[/quote] I actually agree w/ you my V1man. I did not take into account the fact Brad had a better time. I guess what I was saying is that Wes played that challenge better than anyone else in terms of strategy. Now, I will also say that it's hard to judge Wes because he never participated in a team challenge. As for criteria, wins should be #1, although many castmembers can boast a win ina challenge and still be considered bad. #2 should be individual performance. Finally, #3 should be ability to deal w/ adversity, such as being targeted for elimination multiple times, but always persevering. If these criterion are used, Darrell has to be the #1 hombre.
[QUOTE=jkauf23;13503]I actually agree w/ you my V1man. I did not take into account the fact Brad had a better time. I guess what I was saying is that Wes played that challenge better than anyone else in terms of strategy. Now, I will also say that it's hard to judge Wes because he never participated in a team challenge. As for criteria, wins should be #1, although many cast members can boast a win a challenge and still be considered bad. #2 should be individual performance. Finally, #3 should be ability to deal w/ adversity, such as being targeted for elimination multiple times, but always persevering. If these criterion are used, Darrell has to be the #1 hombre.[/QUOTE] Wise post. As long as one clearly establishes one's assumptions, the discerning debate can ensue. I agree that Wes was the overall better guy during The Duel. I would have much preferred to see Jodi and Beth in the women's finale because while Beth was better conditioned than Jodi, I wonder if Beth would have been awarded the win since I think she would have refused to do the powered para-sail/glider thing at the end. Jodi told me that she didn't know which of them would have won. Sadly, we'll not likely see Jodi again.
Now my V1man, without further ado, why don't you give your best male and female competitors.
[QUOTE=jkauf23;13508]Now my V1man, without further ado, why don't you give your best male and female competitors.[/QUOTE] I don't have any idea what criteria I'd use. I'll think on the subject in Joss Whedon style...
[quote=jkauf23;13503]As for criteria, wins should be #1, although many castmembers can boast a win ina challenge and still be considered bad. #2 should be individual performance. Finally, #3 should be ability to deal w/ adversity, such as being targeted for elimination multiple times, but always persevering. If these criterion are used, Darrell has to be the #1 hombre.[/quote] Based on that criteria, I'd pick... Men: 1. Alton becuase he's a beast. End sentence. 2. Evan 3. CT, I really wanted to put CT in the number two spot, but Evan's performance in the Gauntlet III and ability to remain loyal (recall conversations with Coral) booted CT to the number two position. Women: 1. Ev (loved all her quotes when she wanted to leave 'easy' behind). 2. Jillian, how many times was she sent to the gauntlet in 'Gauntlet III'? 3. Coral, although I cannot recall her actually winning an entire challenge since her first appearance on 'Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons' she made it to the end more often than any other girl. Plus, she really knew how to play the other players. Her strategy was on point.
[quote=tvobsessed;13518]Based on that criteria, I'd pick... Men: 1. Alton becuase he's a beast. End sentence. 2. Evan 3. CT, I really wanted to put CT in the number two spot, but Evan's performance in the Gauntlet III and ability to remain loyal (recall conversations with Coral) booted CT to the number two position. Women: 1. Ev (loved all her quotes when she wanted to leave 'easy' behind). 2. Jillian, how many times was she sent to the gauntlet in 'Gauntlet III'? 3. Coral, although I cannot recall her actually winning an entire challenge since her first appearance on 'Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Seasons' she made it to the end more often than any other girl. Plus, she really knew how to play the other players. Her strategy was on point.[/quote] I have to disagree with you putting Evan in front of CT. He is an amazing performer but just because he did good on the Gauntlet 3 doesn't mean he deserves to be ahead. CT did great as well but he was involved in drama. In The Duel CT sent Evan home. Evan was not loyal. If you remember he was part of the group saying we need to get rid of some girls. While Ev was saying they needed to get rid of Coral Evan was right there not disagreeing or standing up for Coral. As a matter of fact he said yes to the idea. Jillian is a great competitor but she was sent into the Gauntlet 3 times against weak competitors, one who almost beat her. That alone takes her off the top 3 girls.
V1man, you're totally right I forgot about Joni. If we really want to go back I think we have to throw Veronica in the mix too, mentally she was a lot tougher than most of the girls and could still perform physically. I don't agree with Alton, of course I'm not a big Alton fan I think he's a lot of big talk, but when it comes down to getting it down, he doesn't have what it takes. If we need criteria, we need to look at the individual wins, manipulation factor, final wins. There a few that seem to stay under the radar and don't cause a lot of drama, but that's not good television. We need lots of drama, we need the ppl like CT, Wes, Veronica, Coral etc. to stir things up, they are the true competitors and ppl to watch.
[quote=Dartagnan;13522]I have to disagree with you putting Evan in front of CT. He is an amazing performer but just because he did good on the Gauntlet 3 doesn't mean he deserves to be ahead. CT did great as well but he was involved in drama. In The Duel CT sent Evan home. Evan was not loyal. If you remember he was part of the group saying we need to get rid of some girls. While Ev was saying they needed to get rid of Coral Evan was right there not disagreeing or standing up for Coral. As a matter of fact he said yes to the idea. Jillian is a great competitor but she was sent into the Gauntlet 3 times against weak competitors, one who almost beat her. That alone takes her off the top 3 girls.[/quote] True, CT did send Evan home in the duel, but implausible as it was on a puzzle. I really hate the puzzles for the simple fact that they lack physical skill. Why have a challenge based on physical capabilities and then throw an intelligence test to keep position on the team? No one, with the exception of Frank (now questionable) and Adam (sometimes Ev) are really [I]good[/I] at the puzzles. Evan has a strong physcial game and weak strategy while CT has a stronger strategy game... if not for CT getting himself kicked off on the first five minutes of the Inferno III I might consider pushing him to the number two spot. I'm not a huge Jillian fan. In fact, it was hard for me to measure the girls because they did not always put forth 100% effort due to the manipulation strategies entraped in the game. Perhaps Jodi could replace her... if only my memories of Jodi weren't subjugated with her tears.
[quote]I really hate the puzzles for the simple fact that they lack physical skill.[/quote]Why not just take calipers, measure body mass/overall musculature and hand out the money on day one? ;) I like puzzles as it is the one glimmer hope each week for me that an uber asshole like CT might actually go home...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;13532]Why not just take calipers, measure body mass/overall musculature and hand out the money on day one? ;) I like puzzles as it is the one glimmer hope each week for me that an uber asshole like CT might actually go home...[/QUOTE] I bitched to a BMP exec about "sliders" and his response was that it was the one way of leveling the playing field for a smaller person againt someone obviously stronger or larger, where that is important (against someone Eric's size, perhpas, if you are Adam). During G3, given that Johnny Banannas had tweaked his ankle and would have been at a definite physical disadvantage to Evan on any other option, having the wheel land on sliders gave him a chance. But, as Katie has said, you can't do the puzzle by yourself, because you are too close to it of have any perspective. It was actually a "group gauntlet" in that you needed help from friends to actually get it done quickly. Personally, I prefer a gauntlet or duel that requires at least three characteristics frm among the following, strength, balance, speed, agility, tenacity, spacial intelligence (puzzles), etc. CT for example doesn't have all of these, but neither does anyone else, so there is the possibility of greater fairness.
[quote=V1man;13534] Personally, I prefer a gauntlet or duel that requires at least three characteristics frm among the following, strength, balance, speed, agility, tenacity, spacial intelligence (puzzles), etc. CT for example doesn't have all of these, but neither does anyone else, so there is the possibility of greater fairness.[/quote] Survivor does this best with their puzzles. If only the challenges had a fraction of their set budget. ;)
Bacchus your exactly right, they need to challenges that are not only physical but mental as well. Of course that would elimate almost all of the players.
How is noone saying Darrell??? The greatest winner on the men's side this game has ever seen. Going by V1man's characteristics for a good competitor Darrell has strength, balance, speed, agility, tenacity, and I dont remember if he he's good at puzzles. Regardless, the winningest male deserves the #1 spot. 4 for 4 is all anyone needs to point to to prove that Darrell is the best. Name me a male w/ a better track record and I'll give you a ring pop.
[QUOTE=jkauf23;13540] Name me a male w/ a better track record and I'll give you a ring pop.[/QUOTE] can I just have the ring pop...I LOVE those things!
I would toss Emily from RR2 into the ring for best female competitor--that girl knew how to compete. She was strong physically and was able to manipulate the inner circle in the first BOTS into several vote-offs that benefited her. She was, in my opinion, and excellent player. I miss her. She was entertaining. I wonder whatever happened with her and James.
[quote=V1man;13534]Personally, I prefer a gauntlet or duel that requires at least three characteristics frm among the following, strength, balance, speed, agility, tenacity, spacial intelligence (puzzles), etc. [/quote] My sentiments exactly :)
[quote=jkauf23;13540]How is noone saying Darrell??? The greatest winner on the men's side this game has ever seen. Going by V1man's characteristics for a good competitor Darrell has strength, balance, speed, agility, tenacity, and I dont remember if he he's good at puzzles. Regardless, the winningest male deserves the #1 spot. 4 for 4 is all anyone needs to point to to prove that Darrell is the best. Name me a male w/ a better track record and I'll give you a ring pop.[/quote] I didn't list Darrell because he was not a memorable cast member. Yah yah he did well in the challenges, but what did he do off the field? Did he entertain me, no. Did he give me a love story, no. Did he drink more than his weight and dance around like a fool, no. He faded into the background and I remain stumped on how he made it to the end of each challenge in which he participated. Give Darrell a ring pop for being the least interesting cast member to simultaneously and allegedly be the strongest challenge participant. Kudos... ugh *scratch head* what was his name again?
For males, I think definately Darrell, Mike (RW), and Alton. All three are loyal to their alliances, are extremely strong competitors, have little to no enemies, are feared in eliminations, and are all around strong players. For females, I'd say that Julie (NO) is at the top of my list. I don't know why our favorite ever changing mormon hasnt been mentioned yet. She's a great competitor, slightly crazy, and while she has some enemies from past players, she's also pretty good at that fear-factor as well. Also, Emily was a great player, and I think that the Veronica-Rachel duo worked well because of their combined strengths- Veronica with her social/verbal manipulation, Rachel being great in competitions.
You know another two top male that always did well, when they kept their head, and there was always plenty of entertainment with would be Abe and Mike (The Miz). How could we have left out the Miz.
You know Julie was a great competitor and overall she was one of my favorite castmembers to watch. I loved her. I don't think she was that great because I believe in her first two Challenges she was the one of the first people to leave. After that she never made it to the end. On the gauntlet 2 though she showed up and kicked butt and made it to the end. But all of her older Challenges don't make her look that great.
Mike was a good competitor, but his goofiness overshadowed his talent. He always made it to then end, but he didn't always win. But he didn't really excel at anything. It may be just me but I don't remember watching a certain mission and saying Mike killed it.
I loved watching Mike though, he always had a good time and gave pure entertainment.
I was always a fan of Mike, but hated the Miz. :D
