There have been some excellent and not so excellent players on the Challenges. I want to know who you think are the best Challengers? Take into account not just physical ability but strategy, intimidation, etc.
For the guys it really is hard. For me it is a toss up between CT and Mark. In the end I would say CT. The man is a monster. Not one person has ever wanted to face the guy. Anytime someone has faced him they were demolished. He is constantly great on the missions.
For the girls I cannot decide between Coral, Rachel(RR), or Evelyn. Coral is the master of getting to the end. She knows how to play the game, girls at one ponit were scared of her. And despite her being a bit bigger she kicked ass on the missions. The only times she has been sent home were due to injuries and her leaving. She is definetly a challenge guru. Rachel has yet to be beaten and she is just a monster. Evelyn is probably the most agile and strong girl cimpetitor ever. Although her ability to be disliked doesn't help her. I would have to go with Coral or Rachel.