American Idol

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American Idol
Anyone else out there watch this week? I was completley shocked last night!!! First off their performances...Syesha keeps picking songs that give her alot to live up to, and although she sings them well, she is not Whitney or Fantasia! Kristy Lee Cook...My Oregon singer, I would like to root for her just because of where she is from, but seriously....what is she still doing there? Brooke...she does a good job, but she is not the next american Idol, I gaurntee we will being hearing her on country music stations within the next year. Carly Smithson...great voice, but there is something missing. Did you hear everyone booing last night when she was safe over Michael Johns. David Cook...What a giant head you have my dear boy...and I think Simon is dead on with his judging of him, you have to be a cocky man to know one. Jason his voice, great singer, but could you get just a little more stoned before you come on, just for good television purposes!!! David Archuleta, great kid, great voice, great stage presence, horrible stage father! Michael Johns..I really thought he would be in the top 3 along with David A. and David C.[I] I was sad to see him go![/I] [I]Who is your top 3?[/I]
Anonymous's picture
i missed it. i can't believe Kristy and Carly are still there. and brooke better not sing country. Michael's gone? that sucks.
Anonymous's picture
my top 3 is David Cook, maybe Brooke White and I hate to say it David A.
I am a huge David Cook fan so he's definitely #1 for me. Beyond that, I love Jason Castro but I just don't see him making it to the final 3. So I'm thinking David Cook, David Archuletta, & either Brooke White or Carly.
[QUOTE=Mikey;10077]I am a huge David Cook fan so he's definitely #1 for me. Beyond that, I love Jason Castro but I just don't see him making it to the final 3. So I'm thinking David Cook, David Archuletta, & either Brooke White or Carly.[/QUOTE] I like David as well...Jason Castro too but I don't see him winning because there are not a lot of people into his atyle. I would actually feel sorroy for David Archuletta if he wins or losesbecause either way his dad is going to be hell on wheels from what I have heard about him.
Anonymous's picture
yeah David's dad sucks.
I heard something about David A's Dad getting banned from Star Search but can't remember where I heard it. For all I know, it might have been somewhere here on the allmighty Vevmo. Was that a true story?
[quote=Mikey;10121]I heard something about David A's Dad getting banned from Star Search but can't remember where I heard it. For all I know, it might have been somewhere here on the allmighty Vevmo. Was that a true story?[/quote] Twas [URL=""][U]TMZ[/U][/URL]: [QUOTE] David Archuleta's dad, Jeff, is a piece of work. Sources close to "Star Search" tell TMZ that when David was a contestant back in the day, Jeff's behavior was so bad, he was eventually barred from the lot! The guards actually had a picture of Jeff's mug hanging in the guard shack in case he tried sneaking in. We're also told the father of the year harassed Tiffany Evans, his "Star Search" rival, lurking outside her practices, even trying to coerce her into drinking milk before a show to ruin her voice. She didn't listen (obviously) and went on to win. Sources also tell us Daddy Dearest sometimes screamed at his son and has even withheld water during rehearsals, even bringing his son to tears. As far as "Idol" goes, we hear papa's wrath is still in full blossom. That might explain why Jeff, who normally sits in the audience, was replaced by other family members last week.[/QUOTE]
I will never understand some people. Let's see --- you're a parent and you have a handsome, talented, seemingly good-natured kid. Should you count your blessings and support and encourage?? Naaaahhhhhh. Oh, I know --- let's berate and embarass him and pretend that his success is actually your own while all the while essentially acting like a jackass. What a great plan! LOL I'm just so darn idealistic sometimes, I guess. Silly me.
Anonymous's picture
Daddy dearest how funny
I know that it is done and in the past, but nobody has talked about this past week on American Idol. I am glad Kristie Lee Cook went home.I thought she should have left a looooooong time ago, especially before SOME of the people that went home before her.
Anonymous's picture
i agree. kristy lee cook was whack. she overstayed her welcome.
I am from Oregon, same as Kristy Lee Cook, and i try to stay faithful to my homestaters, but there were more talented people who went hoe before her. That is what is so whack about the voting process, people vote for the wrong reasons!!! Tonight should be very interesting!!! who do you think will go home this week? My bet is on Syesha.
[QUOTE]Posted By Lily's Mom who do you think will go home this week? My bet is on Syesha[/QUOTE] After watching tonights episode I say the final three will be Jason, Brooke, and Syesha. I think it may be a possibility that Jason goes home. His performance wasn't really good.
Could Jason's pants have been any tighter??
Anonymous's picture
[quote=stacee_danielle;10710]Could Jason's pants have been any tighter??[/quote] My question is this....could Jason look any more STONED??? :D:smoke:
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;10731]My question is this....could Jason look any more STONED??? :D:smoke:[/QUOTE] Yeah I had the unfortuante experience of spotting the cameltoe he had going on while sitting in that chair. Oh and Brooke, bless her heart that girl has no stage presence but she is still so sweet and charming at the same time, LOL.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=stacee_danielle;10734]Yeah I had the unfortuante experience of spotting the cameltoe he had going on while sitting in that chair. Oh and Brooke, bless her heart that girl has no stage presence but she is still so sweet and charming at the same time, LOL.[/quote] See, I'm not a Brooke fan. I just don't buy the whole "I don't drink and I don't smoke and I don't watch PG-13 movies" crap :p And she ALWAYS looks like she's on the verge of tears! I'm rootin for Syesha, I think she has an amazing voice, if not much "presence".
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;10737]See, I'm not a Brooke fan. I just don't buy the whole "I don't drink and I don't smoke and I don't watch PG-13 movies" crap :p And she ALWAYS looks like she's on the verge of tears! I'm rootin for Syesha, I think she has an amazing voice, if not much "presence".[/QUOTE] I just don't see Syesha being able to sell mainstream records...she is amazing with Brodway thoguh...I would LOVE to see her in musical theater. I really like David cook, but he doesn't seem like the type that they would want to win american idol, you know what I mean. aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just got attacked by a huge spider update: my boss said it was a "fly spider" I screamed like a little bitch man.
Well I didn't see that one coming. (Carly going home) I thought for sure that it was going to be Jason. But oh well she was bound to go home sometime. I am just hoping that Jason isn't going to be their much longer.
i think it's going to come down to David A. and David C. It's sad watching everyone fall off now though. :(
I was not a huge Carly fan but I do think she is talented. At this point they are all great singers and it is anybody's race. it just depends on the different fanbases out there. jason could surprise us and win!!! If all the stoners out there banded together, he would be unstoppable...unless you put a plate of brownies in front of him
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Lily'sMom;10826] jason could surprise us and win!!! If all the stoners out there banded together, he would be unstoppable...unless you put a plate of brownies in front of him[/quote] Hee!! :girl_haha:
[QUOTE=Lily'sMom;10826]I was not a huge Carly fan but I do think she is talented. At this point they are all great singers and it is anybody's race. it just depends on the different fanbases out there. jason could surprise us and win!!! If all the stoners out there banded together, he would be unstoppable...unless you put a plate of brownies in front of him[/QUOTE] HEHEHEHE
I mean look from past seasons.....every winner....Taylor, Jordan, Carrie, never saw the bottom three....which means its going to be David A or David C taking it so against vote until your hearts content its vote per line should be fair! ugh.....its sooo predictable now.
[quote]Poseted By: ilpadrino ugh.....its sooo predictable now[/quote] Yeah I agree. I don't know why they don't just save ours and the contestant's time and put the 2 davids in the final 2 and let us vote on the winner.
agreed......but who will win between the Dueling David's?????????
[QUOTE=Lily'sMom;10927]agreed......but who will win between the Dueling David's?????????[/QUOTE] I would say Archuletta, I don't think Idol can handle a rocker...But if I had my way, it would be Cook.
[quote=stacee_danielle;10928]I would say Archuletta, I don't think Idol can handle a rocker...But if I had my way, it would be Cook.[/quote] I have been watching passively and the only person that I would like to see win is Cook. We need less pop and more Rock & Roll in this world! :victory:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;10934]I have been watching passively and the only person that I would like to see win is Cook. We need less pop and more Rock & Roll in this world! :victory:[/QUOTE] oh, I completely agree... BUT I don't think idols producers are ready for such a task.
[quote=stacee_danielle;10936]oh, I completely agree... BUT I don't think idols producers are ready for such a task.[/quote] I agree with both of you. This is one of those times where I find a discrepancy between who [I]SHOULD[/I] win (Cook) and who most likely [I]WILL [/I]win (Archuletta). But just for kicks -- here's some more motivation to call and vote for David Cook. Imagine this if you will --- Cook wins and Archuletta's Daddy Dearest loses his mind on live TV, jumps on stage, and starts to choke Simon Cowell. Paula starts to hysterically cry while Randy just yells, "Dog! Dog! Check it out!" And Ryan Seacrest, of course, laughs as he quickly segues to commercial. Just a thought..... :devil2:
