Survivor Micronesia: Ep. 1607

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Survivor Micronesia: Ep. 1607
[SIZE=4][B]Survivor[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER] Was it just me or has Ozzy changed since he first graced our screens a few years ago on Survivor Cook Islands? He really does seem like a smug son of bitch. I was shocked! I actually felt myself pulling for his demise vicariously through the fresh meat underlings (although it is no big loss to see Tracey take the walk of shame.) I am not sure what has gotten into him, but it is not good and will ultimately get him voted off the island (unless he can win every individual immunity challenge which is somewhat realistic.) I know I am raining on the Ozzy fanclub's parade that "stalk" these forums, but I think I am ready to part my allegiance. Cirie was funny this week. I admit that I laughed as she talked about Oz and Erik. It was dead on. You could almost see the stars shooting out of Erik's mouth each and every time he said the name of his God! I loved the shower scene! OMG! Give me more! The product placement was hilarious. Especially the "orgasm" sounds coming from Ami like Herbal Essences use in their commercials. Then there was poor Erik on the sidelines. Jump in their boy! I'd be lined right up with a smile on my face and a willingness to help! I was happy to see Kathy go. Finally the people that should have been sent packing in the first two weeks are migrating out of the tribes. To bad it was at the cost a handful of good players who would have been fun to watch in the latter stages of the game. I can't remember anyone just quitting like that in the past. No injury other then a pre-existing mental condition. Obviously production didn't study the psychological examinations with the attention to detail necessary to forecast a complete breakdown. At this point in the game, my heart is with Parvati and James. I can't believe I said the "P" word! I hated her on Cook Islands! Something seems to have changed about her presence this season (maybe a learning curve?) Since the newbies have no chance, I guess I'll pick the most deserving favorites and that includes no one from the Ozzy run tribe. Eliza, James or Parvati. Those are my picks. [B]BTW: [/B]As if Ozzy is not the leader. What kind of bull was that? It is so obvious that it didn't even need to be discussed, let alone lied about!
It's not just you Bacchus, Ozzy has definitely changed since we first saw him. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that he talks more. Even in his one-on-one's with the camera man/interviewer. Before he really wouldn't volunteer much information. His game was to excel at challenges and prove to be useful to the tribe but not to stick out any more than that. He kept his game to himself. He was young and shy..remember how he was when Parvati was flirting with him on that on challenge when they were in some sort of hot tub? This time he's just lording his experience and expertise all over the damn place. I never knew he could talk that much. I miss the quiet Ozzy that would sit in the coconut tree to get interviewed. And even though I didn't like Tracy in this episode I though it was very bold of Ozzy to ask her to take one for the team and go to Exile. If I was her I wouldn't have. But I still want him to win :D and James too. Those are the ones I am rooting for. But I don't want them in the final 3 because that would suck. Cirie is driving me nuts. When are they going to wake up to her manipulations and realize that what is good for her is not good for the tribe. Getting rid of Erik???? OMG is she nuts! They need him to help Ozzy carry those women to further so they can win challenges. I was waiting for them to say you know what, it was Cirie and Amanda that lost the immunity of you have to go.
[quote=Kathleen;8557] Cirie is driving me nuts. When are they going to wake up to her manipulations and realize that what is good for her is not good for the tribe. Getting rid of Erik???? OMG is she nuts! They need him to help Ozzy carry those women to further so they can win challenges. [/quote] It is unfortunate that this game is still fans versus faves. It should be just plain old Survivor. If that was the case, Cirie would be long gone. I still think with the next edition of the series they have to up the surviving and make winning challenges the priority so that teams will be compelled to cut the fat. I love how Cirie thinks that she would do so well without Ozzy. To bad the producers could not jump in and show footage from the other tribe freezing in a cave eating sandy raw oysters! Ozzy is the only reason they have it so good and she should get over herself. Sure Erik could provide some food and manly assistance, but it would not be the same tropical buffet that Ozzy is providing! See...I tried to go one episode without Cirie hate and I could not make it 2 posts deep. ;)
Oh...I know what changed my mind about Parvati. It was that big fat lip! She got banged up hard and you didn't see her crying in the corner being a wimp about it (I know I would have!) She earned my respect there. Also, she has not stated once how she is the queen enchantress of men. That is how Parvati and I got off on the wrong foot during her original season. So, I am pulling for her (partially because she is hot, lol.) However, if she takes the Cirie route at the merge, that will cost her all the ground she has gained in my eyes.
LOL, yes she is more likable this time around. I just want to say that my heart can't take the stress of thinking that they are going to vote out Ozzy and him not using the idol. I hope the editing team is done with that angle.
[quote=Kathleen;8566]LOL, yes she is more likable this time around. I just want to say that my heart can't take the stress of thinking that they are going to vote out Ozzy and him not using the idol. I hope the editing team is done with that angle.[/quote] Don't forget that the "biggest mistake in Survivor history" takes place this season (per Jeff!) [spoiler] Oh....and James is around at that point as Jeff says that he immediately had a look of relief on his face thinking, "I am no longer that guy." [/spoiler]
I just caught up on last nights episode, I have missed most of this season due to Smallville. The shower scene was great!!! Ozzy is alot different frrom his other season, which saddends (sp) deeply. I am still pulling for him though. Quick question guys.....What do you need to do to get on survivor and when does the next casting start? I think they might need a daycare providing, vevmo lover to represent!!!!!!!!
[quote=Bacchus;8570]Don't forget that the "biggest mistake in Survivor history" takes place this season (per Jeff!) [spoiler] Oh....and James is around at that point as Jeff says that he immediately had a look of relief on his face thinking, "I am no longer that guy." [/spoiler][/quote] Bacchus what happens with Jeff? I cannot find a spoiler thread for survivor
[quote=Lily'sMom;8580]Bacchus what happens with Jeff? I cannot find a spoiler thread for survivor[/quote] We don't have one. For some reason I am against spoiling Survivor. So I am not sure what the "Biggest mistake in Survivor History" actually is, only that Jeff Probst said it would happen this season. ;)
That is one hell of a kool-aide smile in that photo. She could be a crest kid.
[quote=stacee_danielle;8585]That is one hell of a kool-aide smile in that photo. She could be a crest kid.[/quote] It "might" be tweaked a
[QUOTE=Bacchus;8589]It "might" be tweaked a[/QUOTE] oh okay, now I feel dumb, LOL...I don't watch survivor :(
AHHH ive been waiting to talk about this showwwwwwww Ok.........TRACY NOOOOOOOOOOO. Dude I liked Tracy, and let. me. tell. you. why! She had TRUE survival spirit man. She was on the chopping block almost every week and she SQUIRMED to get people to vote the way she wanted. She told no lies, and she was smart enough to KNOW that Chet, Kathy, and then herself was the order for voteoffs and she knew she had to do what it took to manipulate votes. She was smart man, and solely the outcast for superficial reasons. Ozzy is annoying. I havnt seen his season so this is the only stuff i've seen of him but STILL. Colby was way way WAY more deserving. Honestly...I don't even know who my favorite is anymore. I'm kinda diggin Ami. Honestly...everyone is STUPID. They all know once Ozzy and whatsername realign with Parvati and James...they're all why not stop that in advance? Tracy wouldve done that. Final 4 will be Parvati, James, Amanda, and Ozzy. Which is lame and BORING. The previews make it seem like Ami tries to do something about's to hoping she does.
[QUOTE] The previews make it seem like Ami tries to do something about's to hoping she does.[/QUOTE] I could pull for Ami to do in the mega alliance, although I am starting to fall for Eliza. ;)
I am also SO AGAINST survivor spoilers....for the challenges i don't care....(rw/rr) but for this show im always SO INTO IT when i watch....its so exciting to watch for me lol
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;8827]I am also SO AGAINST survivor spoilers....for the challenges i don't care....(rw/rr) but for this show im always SO INTO IT when i watch....its so exciting to watch for me lol[/quote] I am the same way. I actively try to spoil Real World stuff, but try my best to avoid even an inkling of Survivor gossip (and it is out there!)
ahhhh i cant wait for the next episode lol it's good to be back into Survivor. I should never have left.
I am amped for tonight's ep! Down with Ozzy! Rise of the Rookies (and hot female vets!) Actually the funniest thing is I can't remember the names of those two girl Fans that we almost never hear from. I am not even sure I ever knew. The have been totally MIA from the show thus far!
Natalie and Alexis? Honestly...if i was playing, id keep them around. they both suck at challenges and are easy to get rid of ANYTIME. and they aren't working ANY game. They have no Boston Rob to carry them either. (STUPID AMBER UGHH)