Ashton Kutcher rips off Anna Nicole Smith?

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Ashton Kutcher rips off Anna Nicole Smith?
Check this out guys...I was going to post this in the same thread we (Katie Bacchus and I) were discussing it but this could get really juicy so I gave it it's own thread... [quote] The new E! show "Pop Fiction" sounds like a complete rip off of another pitch -- "Celebrities Strike Back." Oh, by the way -- it was pitched by Anna Nicole Smith more than three years ago and there could be a lawsuit. "Pop Fiction," produced by Ashton Kutcher's Katalyst Television, debuted last night. It seems identical to a treatment obtained by TMZ that Anna Nicole registered with the Writers Guild in 2004. Now get this -- in 2004, Anna Nicole and Howard K. Stern met with Jeff Shore and Jay James, both programming execs for E!. They pitched the show and sent Shore the treatment. We're also told Anna Nicole and Howard K. met with then E! Prez Ted Harbert in 2004 and also raised the show. Ashton's show sounds like a carbon of Anna's treatment -- "...what happens if Anna Nicole Smith and other celebrities turn the tables and capitalize off of the overzealous media? What if the next big supposed scandal is not a scandal at all? What if everything is staged, but the media (and the public) don't know it?" It continues, Anna Nicole and other celebrity guests take aim at the media and push all the limits." That's Ashton Kutcher's show and we're told Howard K. has already threatened suit. What is really ******* him off is that he and Anna had multiple meetings with E!. Two months ago, Stern spoke with E! again on behalf of the estate and the network seemed intrigued by making Larry Birkhead the celeb to do the first prank and then host the show. Ultimately Jay James said it just wouldn't work. Oh really? A rep for E! could not be reached for comment.[/quote][URL=""][ via TMZ ] [/URL]
I didn't even know it was on last night. Did anyone watch? I set my DVR to grab it later in the week. As for stealing someone else's show idea in Hollywood, I do not think this is breaking new territory. I am sure it will be settled (if indeed there is a case based on what was written above) out of court for a nominal fee (unless the ratings happen to be extra good.) After watching Wedding Crashers and Room 401, I think Kutcher and Goldberg should stick to geeks.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;7680]I didn't even know it was on last night. Did anyone watch? I set my DVR to grab it later in the week. As for stealing someone else's show idea in Hollywood, I do not think this is breaking new territory. I am sure it will be settled (if indeed there is a case based on what was written above) out of court for a nominal fee (unless the ratings happen to be extra good.) After watching Wedding Crashers and Room 401, I think Kutcher and Goldberg should stick to geeks.[/QUOTE] I missed it as well...I had no clue it was even close to being on yet.
then again, how do we know this is not another show prank...stealing from the dead for laughs...
[quote=stacee_danielle;7682]then again, how do we know this is not another show prank...stealing from the dead for laughs...[/quote] Very insightful Stacee! It could be!
I watched it last night..wondering what is this? Apparently that is why Paris had a guru for the day. The guy was funny!!! I have always wondered what it would be like to be a star and be so!! I could not deal with all the paparazzi!!! It was insane.
[QUOTE=Lily'sMom;7685]I watched it last night..wondering what is this? Apparently that is why Paris had a guru for the day. The guy was funny!!! I have always wondered what it would be like to be a star and be so!! I could not deal with all the paparazzi!!! It was insane.[/QUOTE] Yeah......can you imagine having to live like that...I mean I wear my houseshoes everywhere on the weekends (grocery store, walk the dogs...etc), LOL...they would have so much to make fun of when it came to me...shoot they would probably get bored with me within the first hour. Either that or my dogs Killer & Lola will have ran them off trying to bite thier feet and ankles.
I just got done watching Pop Fiction. Although there was some insight into the lives of celebrities, I think this would have made a better hour special then a weekly series. I just don't think there is enough material to keep going and going, not to mention the paps are now on to premise. I [I]almost[/I] felt bad for Paris because I just could not live like that. She is literally hounded 24/7 by a small army of photographers. I didn't care about Avirl part of the episode. I personally can't stand her. It was funny, but the reality is, real or not they are feeding the tabloids and the more outrageous the stunts are the more hits TMZ gets and the more magazines are sold. So in the end it would seem the celebrities are punking themselves as many more people are going to read the gossip then watch the retraction on a little known E! program!
Anyone tuning into this show? Aston himself actually showed up this week. Not sure if that is a good sign or a bad sign as to the shows' future. I still think the celebs are punking themselves...
I'm not sure if I'm tuning in...but I think I'm going to watch his show [I]Miss Guided[/I] on ABC. It looks really funny and I'm not really into sitcoms.
[quote=Kathleen;8358]I'm not sure if I'm tuning in...but I think I'm going to watch his show [I]Miss Guided[/I] on ABC. It looks really funny and I'm not really into sitcoms.[/quote] Hmmm....I might give it a shot.
It does look really funny and there is a great cast. When is it airing?
Right now. 10:30 pm eastern. on's on tomorrow too at 8pm.. I have no idea if they are the same episodes or not. (I'm presuming you mean Miss Guided)
...and if you happen to mean Pop Fiction it is on at 10:30 PM on Sundays. ;)
I caught it!!!! Miss Guided that is, it was great!! Are you all on eastern time? I am way back here on pacific time so I get everything last.
Anonymous's picture
Ashton's so ********
Maybe...but he is very funny.