I know that I am falling way behind here, but I'm not having the best last couple of days and I'm hating being a woman right now, someone up there sure doesn't like me this month (sorry way TMI).
I'm just going to give you the run down and do the full update when I can.
Sheila tells Natalie that Matt has been making out with Sharon (I believe Josh got that ball rolling because he told Sheila about it). Natalie freaks right out. So much that she was willing to flip her vote and keep James. Sheila tried talking her out of leaving Matt's side, but Natalie was livid. So the two of them make a pact with Joshuah that they will vote to save James.
This lasts for a very short time because Sheila in the end ran to Matt and gave him a heads up to go talk to Natalie and pull her back over.
Of course he is able to do that. (He really makes me sick sometimes and Natalie more so for falling for his crap) Matt denies kissing Sharon...then later confirms that he did kiss her but not while they were a couple and certainly not when she was HoH!
Natalie says she is mad because he made her look like a fool on national TV! For all the stuff she's being saying in the DR. BB is probably panning to him kissing all the girls while she's saying he such a nice guy and partner. She's says she feels humiliated and doesn't know who to trust.
In the end she sides with him and the plan to evict James is still a go.
But now Sheila has some ammunition to use. She tells Sharon that Josh was voting against her and tells her how she was this close to being gone because Natalie was so jealous.
Josh being the paranoid guy that he is, is starting to feel like it's not good that Sharon has been spending so much time with Sheila and Natalie. (He knows that Sheila was the one to get Ryan to switch the plan to back door Matt).
Josh tells Sheila that he's had a change of heart and will be voting to keep his partner. Even though he feels he would be safer if James stayed, he can't vote against his own partner, he just wouldn't feel right. Sheila is trying to convince him to keep his vote with James.
Natalie and Sheila are telling Josh they are still with him and voting out Sharon, but he knows that they aren't.
Today (day 34) Josh told Sheila that the vote will tell the liars from the truth sayers and if he wins HoH he will nominate the liars.
They voted already and I'm pretty sure James is gone. The plan was to make Sharon think she wasn't completely safe to rattle her cage so she doesn't perform so well in HoH.
They've been on indoor lockdown since after dinner last night, so BB is building something big out there. If they are bringing someone back in tonight, I believe it will be an endurance competition much like when Kaysar was brought back into the game on season 6.