Day 32
By 9:30 am most of the houseguests are up for the day.
Josh heads outside and asks God to give him the strength to get through this day with all these idiots. He continues to talk to himself and asks himself, “How does Josh keep his sanity? They way he always does…by making fun of them.” He then proceeds to rip apart Ryan and Natalie. (I’m not going to report on what he said because it’s just mean and crude stuff, very typical of Josh)
Natalie and Sheila in the kitchen. Sheila is saying that Josh is out there talking to the cameras. They rehash last night’s events. Natalie says that she may have agreed with some of what was said about Matt, but she never said to put him up on the block. They talk about Josh and Natalie says that he wears a Jesus bracelet and how she feels like Jesus is just raining blessings on her when Josh goes after her.
Josh decides to go back to bed. When he enters the bedroom he asks James and Chelsia sarcastically if anyone was ready for a bullet in the head today.
James, Josh and Natalie are now in the kitchen. (Sheila deserted Natalie to go do her hair) Natalie seems nervous to be alone with them and goes into the bathroom with Sheila wear she gets her bikini on to go lay out in the yard.
Josh comes into the bathroom. He tells Sheila that he can’t believe that Natalie believes Matt when he said he was only lying about hating her. Josh says that Natalie is dumber than she looks. He tells Sheila that she needs to let Natalie know that Matt wasn’t acting and that he has been putting her down all the time. Natalie comes into the kitchen and Sheila makes it look like they were talking about Josh cleaning the refrigerator.
Sheila goes into the DR, and Josh tells Natalie that the next time she puts something in to make sure she doesn’t have it flood the refrigerator. Natalie says one of the boys did it. (She had asked the boys to clean up after dinner, and they didn’t properly store the left over salmon).
Josh is on a cleaning spree and going around with a feather duster. He opens the door to the toilet and finds Natalie in there pooping. She screams.
Sharon and Josh in the kitchen. She opens the refrigerator and says ewww. Josh says that’s the smell of the Beaver State.
Sheila, Natalie and Sharon outside sunning. Natalie asks Sheila if Chelsia has apologized. Sheila says no that Chelsia only admitted to being harsh sometimes. They move onto James and campaigning. Sheila says that she thinks that James won’t fight being sent home and that he’s not used to being locked up like this. They talk about how being on BB really messes with some people. Natalie rehashes (embellishes) her confrontation with Josh about the stinky salmon. Natalie then says that God is going to let her win HoH this week.
Everyone is out in the yard (except for Ryan, he’s still sleeping) and Josh goes inside. Josh rereads his letter from his mom and bawls his eyes out. After his crying he pulls himself together and puts on his swimming trunks and goes back outside.
James, Chelsia and Josh by/in the pool sharing stories about gay clubs and pretty much having a disgusting conversations that you don’t need to hear. (Josh seems to be talking very loudly, I’m thinking he is spoiling for someone to confront him on his life style)
Matt gets up and goes inside to make a protein shake. Adam comes in and Matt says that he is sick of Josh’s gay stories.
Sharon whispers to Sheila that Matt and Natalie need to go soon or they will win it all. Sheila agrees. Sharon says they need to team up together so they can get to the end. Sheila doesn’t commit and says that they wait until they see who wins the next HoH. Sharon says that regardless of who wins they need to have a plan.
Natalie tells everyone outside she and Matt were only fake fighting and that it was so good that it even fooled Josh. She goes onto say that she knows there is no relationship between her and Matt and that she will not be heartbroken when she leaves the house. She says she knows that in the past seasons that they always break up the strong couple so she and Matt were just acting that they were fighting.
James is pissed and Sheila and Sharon that Natalie is playing everyone and goes into the kitchen and tells Matt what Natalie is saying out there. Matt says that he told her to keep her mouth shut. James says that he now knows that he is going and wants to know what he has to do to stay. He says that he will turn on Chelsia and Josh if that’s what it’ll take. Matt says to James that it is possible that he could stay if he would be loyal to them. James says he feels that Chelsia is playing him and that he will not be p****-whipped when there is $500,000 on the line.
James and Matt move to the hot tub, where Josh and Adam are, to continue the conversation because Natalie came in to cook lunch. James says he feels that Sharon seems to feel very confident that she will be staying and he wants to know what he has to do to stay in “Ballar prison” and asks if he has to sleep in Ballar’s bed. Ryan comes over to join them. Matt says to Josh that he wants to clarify what he said to him yesterday, he says that when he asked what his mother thinks of him, he didn’t mean about him being gay, he meant the way Josh talks to the girls. Josh says he had already apologized to Matt about that last night and had talked to Natalie for an hour about it.
James brings the conversation back to him saving himself. He says that he’s bitter because he came to play a game and win. He asks Matt if he wants him to make him breakfast in bed every day. Matt says no it’s not like that. They agree to have this conversation later in private. James says that Sharon is so confident that she’s staying that she is not even using her slop pass this week. James complains that he didn’t have the opportunity to play in the veto competition and win prizes and that he just wants the chance to win something before he goes. James offers to throw HoHs. Matt says they’ll talk later in private. James throws in that Chelsia has said that her one weakness in the game is him.
Matt and Ryan in HoH. Ryan is telling Matt that James has to go and Matt agrees. They talk about how Natalie did an excellent job of playing James. They say that Natalie is their top agent. They say they are going to give James one more chance to speak to them to make him feel better and how they are not going to let him screw them. They both agree that James will not turn on Chelsia and that he is in love with her.
Sheila and Josh in the kitchen. She is making slop burgers and telling Josh that as soon as she turns her back, Matt throws her under the bus. She says that she overheard Matt and James talking about something Sheila had said.
James and Chelsia talking. They are talking about what they would do to each other to stay in the game. James says they should put up an act to seem like they have turned on each other and how he would not save her if he won PoV if she were nominated. Chelsia says that sucks because she would save him. James says he really likes her but he has to do what he has to do to stay in the game. He explains that what they have between them is more than the game. He says the others think that he is entwined with her and Josh and he needs to convince them that he’s not. Chelsia again say that sucks and she would like to know that he has her back and has not totally turned on her. They talk about how they have both really fallen for each other even though it was the last thing they wanted.
James and Sheila. James tells her the reason Matt is getting rid of him is because he is too close with Chelsia and Josh and that he is not going to without putting up a fight. Sheila says that Matt is not telling James the real reasons they want him gone. She says it’s personal and Matt needs to man up and say so. She tells James not to lay down and to fight. James tells Sheila that Sharon is very secretive where he is open and he says that she doesn’t deserve to stay here on her second chance. Sheila says that she thinks that Sharon is just a pawn and that they wanted to split up his alliance. She tells James that she doesn’t have any one to trust in the house because everyone is full of crap and says that she was shocked when he was put up because she thought it was going to be Josh. (You’ll remember that it was supposed to be Josh but Sheila convinced them James was the stronger player).
Sheila tells him that she needs to thinks about it for a day before she can give him an answer on who is voting for. Sheila asks James who was the real mastermind behind the plan to evict Matt. James says that Josh was and he doesn’t understand why he is on the block instead or why he is going home instead of Sharon. Sheila says again that she feels it’s a personal reason for Matt and that he need to man up and tell James.
James says that he was very shocked when his name was called in the veto meeting, but deep down he knew it was coming. Sheila says that it makes you feel very paranoid. James asks her who makes her paranoid in the house. She says she’s worried about Josh but she had already talked to him about her son and he understood where she is coming from. She says that she feels no one has her back and that she’s just a floater and hasn’t won anything yet. James says that Sharon is a floater and a weaker player.
Sheila tells James that it’s definitely a guy’s thing for why they want James out and she feels that their next move is to break up Josh and Sharon. James says he knows where everyone stands. James tells Sheila how Matt tried to hook up with Sharon. Sheila says that Matt tries to play any girl that is HoH. Sheila brings up again the advise of her friend about going on BB, three things not to do in this game. 1 – don’t make any alliances, 2 – don’t get on slop and 3- don’t win the first HoH. Sheila says that she will talk to Adam and find out what’s going on in his head. She tells him so far the theme of the house has been to vote for with the majority and says she’ll think about it and get back to him.
Josh and Sheila. She tells him of her conversation with James and how James said he would be indebted to her if she keeps him. Josh says that he doesn’t care because he is not on the block and as far as he was concerned Sharon is staying and that Chelsia will be the only vote to evict her. (Josh had told James that if anyone asks about his vote he would say he was voting with Sharon because he didn’t want to tip her off)
To be continued (have to make dinner)