Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 26

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 26
Josh wakes up in a better mood (than yesterday) because today is the day the do their good-byes in the DR. He goes out into the back yard in his underwear and says, "Hello world! It's going to be a glorious day! As reigning HoH, I proclaim today Josh and Sharon Day." Natalie tells Josh she and Matty are voting out Allison and Ryan. She told him that Allison keeps reminding her that she saved them last week and that she (Natalie) shouldn't feel pressured to change her vote. Josh says he is voting to evict Allison/ryan if he has to break the tie. Allison working James and Chelsia, again. She is telling them that they are better off keeping her and Ryan over Sheila and Adam because you never know what Sheila and Adam are going to do. Allison is still pondering why Josh flipped so bad on her. Chels figures it was the vote last week and her lesbian lie. Allison tells them that they can trust her and not to judge her for what she has done in the past but for what she can do in the future. She tells them she loves them to death and walks away. Matt, James and Chelsia talk about how they are voting. Chels tells Matt that they are going over the pros and cons and that her and James are split (James wants to vote out R/A and Chelsia wants to vote out A/S) Matt says the same about him and Natalie (I think it's obvious that Nat wants to vote out R/S). Matt wants to know what J/C want. A split vote, or 2-0? James says he doesn't care and that he is voting out R/A so it doesn't matter what Matt does. James is sick to death of her *** and just wants her gone. James tells Matt it's in his best interest to vote for R/A (to stay) because if he was in the final two, R/A are more likely to hold a grudge. Natalie thinks the couples will be split. Matt disagrees. The death til you part is about the virus. The siren will be the death of the couples and it will be a singles game. Natalie and Matt argue a bit about trusting James and Chelsia. Natalie is distrustful of them because she knows they hate her. Matt explains there is difference between hate and annoyance. Meanwhile, Chels is pissed at James for telling Matt they are voting our R/A. James says he wanted it out there so no one could get to them. (she's probably more mad that he made the decision final without her, when he knew she was torn...but I think James did because he knew Chels was leaning heavy towards keeping R/A). Sheila cries in the hammock about how mean people are. Natalie comforts her and says that she can rest easy knowing that they are good people and then talks religion and says they will go read the bible. Chelsia and James discussing when they are going to reveal their vote to the rest of the house. James says probably tomorrow to avoid the drama. And tells her if their is drama tonight then it will be her fault. HoH has the camera now and they are all a happy family again laughing and taking pictures. Sheila is apparently a cleaner in stressful moments. She is scrubbing everything down in the kitchen. Allison and Sheila share how traumatic this week has been for them. Matt walks by and says he's glad that they have made up. They tell him they've been okay for days. They discuss how this is the most volatile group ever in BB. Sheila says she was not prepared for that. Allison tells Sheila she loves her. Sheila thinks the parents (of the HG's) will be mortified about what has been going on and she hopes that she hasn't embarrassed her son too much. They talk a bit about past HG's and Allison is wondering if Dr. Will could fix her third eye. Sheila says she's desperate to meet him and would love to get some botox on her face and to get rid of her turkey wattle. Sheila, Allison, Ryan and Matt still talking in the kitchen. Matt is denying that Nat gave hi;m a BJ, he says that was a rumor Amanda must have started and it isn't true. Sheila agrees because she says she sleeps in the bed next to him and if that had happened she would know. (must be a sound sleeper. LOL) Sheila and Allison talk about their lesbian alliance prank and Sheila apologizes to America. "If there is anyone out there watching now that was offended by us pretending to be gay - I apologize." Ryan and Allison play chess and discuss who is voting for who. Allison can't understand why anyone would keep A/S because they never win anything. Ryan says it makes sense because they would be an easy out later on. Sheila and Adam flirt. (awww) She tells him after dinner he can take a shower and she'll give him a back rub. He gets excited by this. Chelsia and sharon discuss the siren/virus. Chelsia thinks it will be a shortened season because she said her handlers slipped up numerous times and said they will see her in two months, not three. (BB gave us fire, so maybe there is something to it) James, Chelsia and Sharon trash talk Natalie. James rips on her for being a hypocrite. Dresses like a stripper, works in a bikini at a coffee house and loves Jesus when it suits her. Says he has nothing against religion, it just bugs him that she does that. James Chelsia and Josh talking (when these three get together gay talk and sex is always brought up) and James is stealing kisses from Chelsia. James then tells chelsia that he is sorry for ************ beside her, but at least he does it when she is awake and not asleep and he reminded her that he does it when they are making out so she isn't so innocent. Allison talks with James and Chelsia again. Explaining the lesbian joke and how it was really an attack on Amanda. She wants them to know it wasn't done to hurt Josh. She hopes she and Ryan are someone they want to last one more week and hope that they understand that everyone makes mistakes. Chels reminds her the vote also has a lot to do with Josh's ire. Allison brings up that A/S from day one were always voting to keep M/N. Natalie has counted everything in the whole house and painted pictures and numbers on a napkin like a cheat sheet to help her. BTW there are a lot of things that are 8. And there were 8 couples. Just FYI. LOL Ryan and Allison talk and it looks like they are accepting defeat and realize the likelihood that J/C will vote to keep them are slim to none. ryan says he'll try one more time to talk to James but it's not looking good. James tells Josh of his conversation with Matt and how he told Matt that he was a man of his word and he should vote to keep R/A. James asks Josh if he is okay with breaking the tie. Allison corners Chelsia promising she'll do what ever they want her to do...Chels quickly gets away. Chelsia tells Allison and Sheila that she wants to talk to both of them later tonight. Allison tells Sheila that she thinks Chelsia is voting to keep Sheila because Chels said Sheila could borrow something of hers for live show where she advised Allison to wear the same outfit she came in with. Allison thinks there will be no eviction this week and they discuss scenarios about the siren. Sheila mentions that all the papers they signed the release date was May 3. And Allison says the only way for that to work is if there are 5 couples in the house as of tomorrow. So she believes there will be no eviction. But Sheila says they could bring one couple back in after the eviction. (Allison thinks that due to politics BB will pre-empted and that's why there will be no eviction) Josh tells Chelsia that the remote for the spy screen is missing. They think it could mean something is going to go down. They agree not to tell anyone. Another freak out Allison time. She want to know how the vote is going. She wants to know right now. She corners Natalie first. And Nat held her ground saying they are not discussing it until tomorrow because they don't want any drama. Allison then goes after Matt. It gets a bit heated. She is really frustrated that they won't tell her. She tells them (Sheila, Adam and ryan are there as well) that J/C told her that they are waiting to hear from Matt so they know which way the house is going. So if Matt doesn't say who he is voting for, they are going to end up going with Josh and vote her out. They keep asking Allison to let it drop and they'll talk tomorrow. She won't. Matt gets annoyed and says that he's just going to bed and not talk to anyone. Voices get raised (mostly Allison), everyone is begging her to let it go. Then she points at all three guys and says that's no way to talk to a woman...referring to them yelling at her. They all say she's the one yelling. Matt says don't get flippant on me sweetheart, take a walk then, see ya later. Matt says you're digging yourself a ***king grave here so just walk. Adam and Matt apologize for being loud that's just who they are. Ryan says he's not going to apologize because she was the one yelling. Allison walks away in a huff. Josh and Sharon are freaked because they think the siren will go off tonight. Sharon is in the storage room crying looking at a picture of her and Jacob. She was dusting and the picture fell and broke. She thinks it's a sign and that he'll be back tomorrow. She wants to break all the pictures so it won't be a sign anymore. Everyone is in bed but Josh, James and Adam. General chit chat, bashing Natalie and Sheila. They all feel something is going down and have the creepy feeling that someone is in their house. Adam and James go to bed after they bash a few more HG's...Josh finally settles down and is asleep by 4am.
What is this about a siren?????
So basically it looks like Allision and Ryan are going home? And should we expect this "siren" to go off during the live show? Once thing is for sure, I think I dislike Josh and Sharon after last night's episode as much as I dislike Allison (I actually almost like Ryan.) Maybe the siren will go off and the house will magically be filled with Will & Janelle, **** & Dani and Kayser and Danielle instead of the lushes we currently have, lol! ;)
[quote=Katiedid;7367]What is this about a siren?????[/quote] What, what about the siren?
I'll be honest in saying I haven't seen an episode since the veto competition when Jen/Parker and Ryan/Allison were on the block. But I have been trying to kind of keep up with reading updates and BBAD. BUT what siren are they talking about??
They got a note from BB saying that when they hear this sound (the audio sounded like a evacuation siren) they are to gather in the living room. The note said it could happen anytime in the coming weeks. HG's find letter from BB Julie implied that this week's evicted house guests will be shocked to learn the new twist in the game. The HG's think it means that evicted HG's will be coming back into the game. Last night the announcer said we'd learn about it all tonight. Here is a promo for tonight's show. [url=]RedLasso - Big Brother Promo for Wed March 5[/url] My guess is that all evicted HG's including tonight's couple will have a chance to come back into the game. I'm thinking only two people will come back. Whether the house gets to decide, or they get to compete for it or the evicted couple will decide. The siren will probably go off after the Live show since it makes more sense to catch them off guard.
I hope something good happens, since this season has been a giant mess. If R/A go home I bet they bring J/P back!!! Why do they all think JEN IS SO HOT? Off looks alone I can understand, but on the inside she is ugly!!!
When they hear a sound that was played for them (sort of like a siren) they are all to assemble immediately in the living room for a message from BB. They have no idea what it means, which is what BB wants. They will be encouraged in the DR to speculate about it and that will feed HG paranoia, of course. Maybe they will gather everyone together and announce their stellar ratings for last week (not)!
[QUOTE] Maybe they will gather everyone together and announce their stellar ratings for last week (not)![/QUOTE] If only the show was [I]that[/I] entertaining. ;)
I'm like Katie. I stopped watching after the first week. I haven't read a show recap on or been to Jokers in at least a week. I now rely exclusively on Vevmo to fulfill what little interest remains. - Thanks Kathleen!
Now that just make me nervous to know who my readers are. ;) I've been writing like no one is reading and for whatever that makes it easier. LOL
I think that was the most anti-climactic episode of Big Brother on record. Oh geez, they are now playing as singles, shocker! I couldn't have seen that one coming. Even as the entire cast told Julie that they thought they twist would mean singles, I was still in the dark....and then [I]bam[/I] out of the blue the super secret surprise hit like a lump of coal in my reality stocking... Now we have to endure this season for that much longer, and with another cast member returning, this evil cycle could continue indefinitely. The only entertaining thing I can think of doing at this point is voting for Jen, although I don't really have enough energy to spare for this show just to spite other viewers.
No don't vote for her. Go and vote for Alex. :D [URL=""] Vote[/URL] [URL=""] [/URL]
Should I vote for something? didn't watch last night. Did a couple get kicked out before they split the couples? Does this mean no more BJ's under the covers. Does this mean that Natalie will no longer believe Matt is her "Soul Mate" just because BB said so. Actually this is really discouraging. I was really hoping BB9 would get cancelled and they would send all these jackasses home with nothing. I heard BB9 would never get cancelled no matter the ratings because Julie Chen's husband runs CBS
[QUOTE=Bacchus;7405]I think that was the most anti-climactic episode of Big Brother on record. Oh geez, they are now playing as singles, shocker! I couldn't have seen that one coming. Even as the entire cast told Julie that they thought they twist would mean singles, I was still in the dark....and then [I]bam[/I] out of the blue the super secret surprise hit like a lump of coal in my reality stocking... Now we have to endure this season for that much longer, and with another cast member returning, this evil cycle could continue indefinitely. The only entertaining thing I can think of doing at this point is voting for Jen, although I don't really have enough energy to spare for this show just to spite other viewers.[/QUOTE] It's a general trainwreck... except for the priceless look on Joshua's face when he realized that Julile's twist practially neutered him. Not only is Karma a *****, but she may have also once pretended to be a lesbian. What an arrogant little twit he is...
[QUOTE=markt_99;7423]Should I vote for something? didn't watch last night. Did a couple get kicked out before they split the couples? Does this mean no more BJ's under the covers. Does this mean that Natalie will no longer believe Matt is her "Soul Mate" just because BB said so.[/QUOTE] Here is a quick rundown, although I am disappointed that you didn't watch ;) it was very exciting to see. Well, okay it probably wasn't that exciting but I have to convince myself that something about this edition of BB is going to be worth it once it is all over. The two voting couples, Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia voted before the Live show. (there was some drama but I'll report that in Day 27, so stay tuned) Julie told the viewing audience that she will reveal to the house guests the couple that was voted to be evicted. But there's a twist, once the evicted couple reach the front door they will discover that it is locked and then the siren will go off. "Death 'Til you Part" will be no more and they will now be playing as individuals. All house guests except the evicted couple will now vote Live to evict one of them. Julie tells them that the house has chosen to evict Ryan and Allison. They hug and say good-bye, but when the siren goes off Allison was ecstatic. Just knowing that her hopes were restored and that she had no chance in hell was priceless to me. It made everything worth it. Julie then tells them the twist and you can see Allison knows she is still gone. She completely shut down. Then she was evicted 6-0, not even a sympathy vote from Sheila. She hugged Ryan and Sharon briefly and left. Natalie was the only one to walk her to the door. You could see that some of them were not super excited for the twist. Natalie is upset that she no longer has a soul mate. Sharon and Josh are shell shocked. I think Sharon really thought Jacob was going to be coming through that door and even though she said she didn't want that, she at that moment, realized that she is disappointed that he did not. Julie told them they could continue to play as married and share a bed or sleep alone. (the camera panned to Matt and he's shaking his head about staying married. LOL) Then Julie told us that there was one more surprise. America can vote for one of the 6 evicted House Guests to return. In my above post there is a link to vote for Alex, Allison, Amanda, Jacob, Jen or Parker. Voting ends March 11th @ 11:59 pm PT. Results will be revealed Wednesday March 12th. RE: Matt/Natalie - Matt is trying his hardest to ditch her, but she's not letting go. She told Sharon last night that she is devastated that they are no longer partners and she was looking forward to wining HOH because she just knew they were going to rock it. She says she still plans on inviting him up when she does win. So, that wasn't very quick :D , sorry.
[quote=markt_99;7391]I'm like Katie. I stopped watching after the first week. I haven't read a show recap on or been to Jokers in at least a week. I now rely exclusively on Vevmo to fulfill what little interest remains. - Thanks Kathleen![/quote] It's true Kathleen, we all stopped watching!!!! I look for your posts every morning to see what has happened. Occasionally i watch BB after dark, but I prefer your recaps much better!!!
I still watch, it's actually pretty addicting once you get into it. I made the mistake of getting the live feeds and I have to tear myself away from the computer when I watch them. I actually voted for Jacob to come back b/c I think it would be interesting to see how it would play out. I am def not going to vote for any of the girls. I say good riddance to all of them that have already been evicted. I just hope America doesn't decide to bring Allison back. Ugh that would be horrible.