Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 23

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 23
Last night Allison told Ryan they should convince M/N to use the PoV on them instead of taking themselves off. Ryan says that will never happen. Allison is going to try anyway and talks with Natalie in the bedroom. Natalie fills Allison on everything that people are saying to her. Allison can't figure out why Sheila has turned against her. She tells Natalie that Josh freaked on her because she refused to tell him how she was voting, he freaks out every time things don't go her way. Allison tells Natalie that they should use the PoV on R/A so J/S put up James and Chelsia because they are the biggest threat and Chelsia is turning on every one. A bit earlier Matt was re-assuring Ryan that they are good. Matt asked how Allison was doing and Ryan said surprisingly good. Matt says good you guys are safe. Then Ryan starts telling Matt how he doesn't trust James. Matt seems surprised by this. James tells Adam he has some ammo to start *** today but he's not going to use it. It's on Matt and how he has a secret deal with Allison and he's playing all the women and Adam needs to get Sheila to wake up. Sheila and Natalie talking about the bible and how Allison is not Christian...just regular trash talking. Sheila says Allison thinks she's better than everyone because she's never had a yeast infection. Josh and Sharon bashing Matt and how he thinks his plan is working with Sharon, she is trying to avoid him by staying in the HoH room. Allison telling Chelsia how much she loves her and James and that if they keep her safe she'll take them to the end. (I think we are all caught up I'm going to actually turn on my feeds now. LOL)
Allison decides that she must confront Sheila once again to straighten things out. She wants to know what she's done to make Sheila turn on her. Sheila explains yet again that it was Allison behavior once she knew she was safe that caused it all. She stopped being Sheila's friend because she didn't need her anymore. Sheila says she's sorry if Allison's feeling are/were hurt but her feelings are hurt as well. Sheila is crying saying the game is hard for her being a single mom at 45, she's really out of her league with these people. She is who she is and she can only trust her gut. Allison is crying too saying she's sorry if she hurt Sheila's feelings and that she loves her and that she knows the four of them will make it to the end. BB called an outdoor lockdown. When lock down is over there is an envelop on the dining room table and it says to gathering in the living room and HoH to read out loud. The note says, "Sometime in the coming weeks you will hear the distinct sound over the PA system. (We hear an alarm type sound) When you hear this sound you will need to gather immediately here in the living room and follow the instructions given. Expect the unexpected." Everyone is trying to figure out what it means, Sharon thinks an evicted HG could return. Josh thinks it will be a task they have to do. Chelsia goes to HoH to complain to J/S that Natalie is getting to her, she's been dogging Chelsia wanting to know why J/C aren't volunteering to go up on the block. Chelsia says she'd never ever do that! Sharon says why should she when Sheila already has. James in the BY with Adam and Matt. Matt asks James about his reaction after M/N won the PoV. Matts says James didn't look to happy. James says (in a ****ed off tone) it was because he was in a secret alliance with R/A. (Matt had told J/S that J/C were in a secret alliance with R/A...J/S obviously shared this with James) James, Chelsia, Josh and Sharon try to figure out the note. They think it might happen in the middle of the night, maybe PoV or HoH...probably after Allison leaves. Whatever it is it can't be good. James tells them that Matt is really starting to **** him off, and accusing him of things. Chels says Nat is doing the same to her. James says he really hates them and wishes he could blow them out today. Natalie and Allison talk about the note. Natalie thinks maybe it is another power couple competition. Allison thinks it is to save her because the house really wants M/N gone, plus the viewers like to see someone get yelled at all the time. James is shaving in the bathroom and Allison curling her hair and offers him ciggy's and money to keep her (one carton and one stipen), says Josh would be really ****ed if he did. James says sure. Allison asks if he is serious and he says sure. They shakes on it. Allison wants to know how she can get ciggy's...might have to blow Balla get some. Then she tells him that she was even going to throw in a make out session with Chels and a maturbation session. James tells her that he is most likely going on the block when M/N use the veto. (Me thinks James is loving this...ah the mind games. lol) Sharon, Josh and Chelsia in HoH making fun of Natalie. Sharon asks if James is getting nervous. Chels explains that he's getting tired of the people in the house and Matt hitting on her all the time. Sharon tells Chels that Matt was campaigning to get James and Chels out of the house. Sheila tells Natalie she hopes J/S put up J/C on the block so she can have the pleasure of seeing Allison's face have her know that she (Sheila) voted her out of the house. James and Adam rub their members on Chelsia. And Adam is whacking it in front of everyone. The girls scream in terror from the room. LOL Josh and Allison have words again, but this time with no yelling. Josh just tells her that he is staying away from her out of respect to their HG's but he had to tell her that her gossipying ways have got to stop and she's going home this week. Allison wants specifics...but Josh says he's not going there, he won't get all worked up, she's not worth it. Allison and Sheila again. Allison tells her that she really thinks J/C will go up on the block. Sheila says no. Allison tries to defend/deny some of the things Josh was saying about Allison saying 'it would be asinine to take Sheila to the end. Says she never said that but if she did she didn't mean it like that. Tells Sheila that she is the only single person in this house she would want to see win, because she is a single mom...worked so hard and deserves this to do good in the community. Allison is mad at Josh and thinks he's just trying to start stuff. During the Josh and Allison thing he said Nat and Sheila have been coming to him with everything Allison has been saying. When Allison told Sheila this she denied it and said it was all probably coming from when A/A were still in the house. Josh is in HoH room crying hysterically listening to music. Sharon asks him if he is okay. He says he is home sick. Allison, Sheila and Natalie. Allison tells Natalie that Josh told her that both of them tell him everything Allison says to them. Allison says that she knows this is not true and Josh is just making stuff up. Natalie tells Allison she needs to stay away from Josh. Sheila takes this opportunity (with a witness) to ask Allison again if she ever said "it is asinine..." because Sharon was there too. Allison says no she never said that...Ryan was there and he said she never said it. Sheila asks if she is sure ryan was there. Allison says now she's all flustered (thanks to Josh) but is now admitting that maybe she did say it but can't fathom why she would because she certainly doesn't think that. Sheila gives her an out saying maybe it was when we were fighting. Allison asks Matt to talk to Ryan. She's mad that he won't defend her when Josh attacks her like that. She complains that Josh is saying she said that about Sheila. Matt reminds her that it sounds like something she would say. LOL James tells Sharon that M/N are voting to keep R/A. Sharon asks if she can tell Josh and James asks her to keep it just between the two of them for now. Chelsia puts make up on James and Matt. Ryan is giving it to Allison. He tells her off to telling Matt she would set him up with one of her friends back home right in front of Natalie. Allison says she knows she intimidates people and that's why she is a target. Ryan counters that he knows they don't like her for one reason or another. Allison promises not to talk game with anyone anymore. Ryan is giving her crap about her 'talking' to everyone and to knock it off. She again avows she has never talked crap about anyone behind their back. Ryan goes out into the BY. He tells Matt that he spoke to James and he seems open minded and he'd (Ryan) would rather see A/S up on the block. Matt says good, that's probably how it's going to go. Ryan tells Matt that he just told Allison 'to shut the *** up'. Matt says he told her the same in regards to Josh. James and Sharon whispering in the bathroom. Sharon is wondering how she can use Matt they way he thinks he is using her. Ryan comes out of the toilet. Two seconds later Matt comes running in the bathroom to take a shower (Ryan probably gave him a heads up) and periodically glance at James and Sharon. Sharon tells Josh that it will be a split vote. Josh says that is stupid of M/N. Sharon says they need to make a deal with them because J/C have a deal with A/S. Which none are going to honor because they're only true alliance is the CJJS (chelsia, James, Josh, sharon).
It seems Matt is very distrustful of James and tells Ryan not to make any deals with him. He found it very disturbing that James and Sharon would be huddled up talking. He says they never talk. Chelsia tells some of them that she swears she heard Adam and Sheila kissing last night. She asks Ryan if he heard it too. Chels said she asked Adam about it this morning and he blushed and was acting all embarrassed. Sharon says maybe they are married and it's all been an act. Josh tells them to settle down, don't start making up rumors. (LOL) Several of the males, Matt, James and Adam have a fondness for*********** in front of everyone. They did that last night. James walked around naked periodically doing it. (That's all I am going to say on that note..these people are just beyond weird) I'm not sure if this was a lark or not but Josh and Natalie got hyper religious and started blessing every room in the BB house to ward off evil. The evil that was making them **********. They even wore tinfoil on their heads. After everyone went to bed Josh had some alone time and he prayed and cried in the HT. Saying it wasn't his time to go yet, and he's sorry if he hurt anyone in the game..... He cleaned up around the BY and Kitchen, studied the memory wall, and note from BB and counted some logs in the kitchen. He seems really on edge, pacing the house and finally goes up to the HoH room where he stares at the spy screen of an empty kitchen.