Spring 2008 reality TV schedule

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Spring 2008 reality TV schedule
It's almost spring, not that I can tell in Florida. But that means it's time for a new slate of reality series to debut, in addition to those that debuted in the winter and are still lingering, like crusty, dirty snow (shows that are still airing are listed on the [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/schedules/2007_Nov_30_winter_2007_2008"]winter debut schedule[/URL]). All times are in ET; as always, check listings first, as networks change their minds frequently. For up-to-date news on that show, click the [news] link that follows.[LIST] [*][B]That's Amore[/B] [MTV, March 2, Sundays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/a_shot_of_love_with_tila_tequila/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Oprah's Big Give[/B] [ABC, March 2, Sundays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/oprahs_big_give/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Little People, Big World[/B] [TLC, March 3, Mondays at 8] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/little_people_big_world/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Real Housewives of New York City[/B] [Bravo, March 4 at 11, Tuesdays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/real_housewives/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Beauty and the Geek 5[/B] [The CW, March 11, Tuesdays at 8] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/beauty_and_the_geek/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Dancing with the Stars 5[/B] [ABC, March 17, Mondays at 8 and Tuesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/dancing_with_the_stars_6/"]news[/URL] [*][B]The Bachelor 12[/B] [ABC, March 17, Mondays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_bachelor_12/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Ax Men[/B] [History Channel, March 9, Sundays at 10] [*][B]Top Chef 4 [/B][Bravo, March 12, Wednesdays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/top_chef_4/"]news[/URL] [*][B]America's Prom Queen[/B] [ABC Family, March 17, Mondays at 9] [*][B]Hell's Kitchen 4[/B] [FOX, April 1, Tuesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/hells_kitchen_4/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Step It Up & Dance[/B] [Bravo, April 3, Thursdays at 10] [*][B]Can You Duet?[/B] [CMT, April 14, Mondays at 10:30] [*][B]The Real World Hollywood[/B] [MTV, April 16th, Wednesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_real_world_hollywood/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Farmer Wants a Wife[/B] [CW][/LIST][B]Summer debuts[/B][LIST] [*][B]American Gladiators[/B] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/american_gladiators/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Nashville Star 6[/B] [NBC] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/nashville_star_6/"]news[/URL] [*][B]When Women Rule the World[/B] [FOX][/LIST] [URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/%7Er/realityblurred/%7E3/243598075/2008_Feb_29_spring_2008"][ via RealityBlurred ][/URL]
The Bachelor TWELVE????!?!!? wtf! Most excited for: RW Hollywood! anybody else?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Zeus;7102]It's almost spring, not that I can tell in Florida. But that means it's time for a new slate of reality series to debut, in addition to those that debuted in the winter and are still lingering, like crusty, dirty snow (shows that are still airing are listed on the [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/schedules/2007_Nov_30_winter_2007_2008"]winter debut schedule[/URL]). All times are in ET; as always, check listings first, as networks change their minds frequently. For up-to-date news on that show, click the [news] link that follows.[LIST] [*][B]That's Amore[/B] [MTV, March 2, Sundays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/a_shot_of_love_with_tila_tequila/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Oprah's Big Give[/B] [ABC, March 2, Sundays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/oprahs_big_give/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Little People, Big World[/B] [TLC, March 3, Mondays at 8] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/little_people_big_world/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Real Housewives of New York City[/B] [Bravo, March 4 at 11, Tuesdays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/real_housewives/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Beauty and the Geek 5[/B] [The CW, March 11, Tuesdays at 8] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/beauty_and_the_geek/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Dancing with the Stars 5[/B] [ABC, March 17, Mondays at 8 and Tuesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/dancing_with_the_stars_6/"]news[/URL] [*][B]The Bachelor 12[/B] [ABC, March 17, Mondays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_bachelor_12/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Ax Men[/B] [History Channel, March 9, Sundays at 10] [*][B]Top Chef 4 [/B][Bravo, March 12, Wednesdays at 10] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/top_chef_4/"]news[/URL] [*][B]America's Prom Queen[/B] [ABC Family, March 17, Mondays at 9] [*][B]Hell's Kitchen 4[/B] [FOX, April 1, Tuesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/hells_kitchen_4/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Step It Up & Dance[/B] [Bravo, April 3, Thursdays at 10] [*][B]Can You Duet?[/B] [CMT, April 14, Mondays at 10:30] [*][B]The Real World Hollywood[/B] [MTV, May 21, Wednesdays at 9] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/the_real_world_hollywood/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Farmer Wants a Wife[/B] [CW][/LIST][B]Summer debuts[/B][LIST] [*][B]American Gladiators[/B] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/american_gladiators/"]news[/URL] [*][B]Nashville Star 6[/B] [NBC] [URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/nashville_star_6/"]news[/URL] [*][B]When Women Rule the World[/B] [FOX][/LIST] [URL="http://feeds.feedburner.com/%7Er/realityblurred/%7E3/243598075/2008_Feb_29_spring_2008"][ via RealityBlurred ][/URL][/QUOTE] Looks like RWH is premiering after the Gauntlet 3 is over after all. Is this list realiable cause my source said April 16th is when Hollywood premiere's.
[quote=renaldob;7109]Looks like RWH is premiering after the Gauntlet 3 is over after all. Is this list realiable cause my source said April 16th is when Hollywood premiere's.[/quote] I have unimpeachable sources that say the 16th as well so it looks like Andy over at RealityBlurred got this one wrong. It was planned for a May launch initially, but they moved it up.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;7113]I have unimpeachable sources that say the 16th as well so it looks like Andy over at RealityBlurred got this one wrong. It was planned for a May launch initially, but they moved it up.[/QUOTE] The change is the result of the one-hour episodes of Gauntlet 3.
Anonymous's picture
Excited about Top Chef 4 and Hells Kitchen. I want more of Anthony Bourdain on Top Chef, love when he eviscerates Rocco. Just love Bourdain.
Anonymous's picture
Andy sometimes gets stuff wrong.
[quote=renaldob;7132]Andy sometimes gets stuff wrong.[/quote] I sent him a quick note and he updated it. Thanks V1man for the rationale behind the scheduling move.