Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 20

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 20
Eviction Day I'm sad that this is a victory for [B]Allison[/B] (not Amanda) when it should have been a victory for James and Chelsia. I'm sure James is taking the victory either way, but I just wish they had the control. I'm really sad that my eye candy is gone. What is there to watch now? I was hoping Sharon and Alex were going to hook up! Although I am glad Amanda is gone and I don't have to hear her voice anymore. Josh really is a lose canon...did you hear him after the eviction...ranting that they made him vote out A/A. He is so lucky he just saved his butt with the HoH. Until this week I really wasn't rooting for anyone. Or really liked anyone for that matter. I think it's become more of I'm rooting against Allison. But I am not officially going on record that I am rooting for James/Chelsia and Josh and Sharon. Even though I know Josh is going to pull a Dustin on me. I'm haven't even turned on my feeds today. Pretty sad. I'll go do that now and see what pics they got from home. I'm pretty sure they are going to put up R/A and M/N and or try to back door R/A. Which I think they can't since everyone will be playing for the Veto. So technically it's not a back door. (no sorry, still one week before that happens)
I missed the show, but I am not following. How is it a victory for Amanda when she was evicted????
Sorry...Allison LOL Not the first time I've mis typed those two. Sorry.
No problem, lol. I was just thoroughly confused for a moment. ;)
I really really really really hope they put Allison up and her butt gets sent home. I'm so over her. Waaa you treated me like crap the first week we were here. You're 28 freakin grow up.
Quick update before I head out. There was some drama following the live show. Allison claims that Joshuah got in her face called her horrible names and told her he would strangle her and slit her throat then threw his HoH key in her face. Apparently all this went down right after they won HoH(so I'm guess it was a commercial break). Later Josh tells Sharon that yeah he got in her face, but he never said that. He said he told her she was a ****** **** and he was going to make her life a living hell this week. He says he would never physically hurt a woman. All he has is his words. They all saw what he was like with Amanda. That's the worst he gets. Sharon tells him he needs to chill out, they don't need BB thinking he's psycho. Allison went into the DR after their altercation...feeds went off for 30 mins (possibly a group meeting with BB) and Josh was told he wasn't allowed to be within 5 feet of Allison (I'm not sure if he was told by Allison or BB). It seems the whole house (at least the girls) are against Allison and have gotten together to compare notes and now realize that she's been the puppet master behind every little drama this week. Sheila's answer to Julie makes sense now. I guess they got together before the show. Josh alluded to a lot of yelling and screaming today. Allison told the guys she was really disappointed that they stood by and did nothing while Josh was talking to her that way and threatening her. Ryan says he never heard Josh threaten her. She says she would never sit by and let anyone talk to a woman that way. No one seemed to have an answer for her. Ummm...I was just checking Morty's and apparently Matt and Chelsia made out in the storage room!
Wow, more drama. When I went to bed last night Allison was confronting Sheila about what she said to Julie on the live show. Allison doesn't understand where that came from, she said they made up like two seconds after so why say it like it was current. Sheila is dumbfounded, she explained she was answering a question, she wasn't attacking Allison. Sheila further went on to explain that Julie was referring to the clip of their fight not about stuff that is happening right now. I tried reading up on Morty's but it seems I've missed a piece of the puzzle in what I am about to summarize for you. So bare with me. As I said before BB told Josh that he had to stay 5 feet away from Allison. While he was in the back yard with Matt, Adam and I'm not sure who else was there. Allison started yelling at Josh. Josh told her that he was there first (insert nasty names) and that BB told him to stay 5 feet away from her so she needed to leave. (she went right in to the DR) Josh told the group that she's just trying to goad him to make him snap...he won't do that. Then Ryan started yelling at Sharon (I have no idea about what...but he was going on some information from Allison) calling her out on something she said. Adam and Natalie stood up for Sharon saying that it wasn't true. Ryan explains to Matt his side of the story and in that, figures out Allison lied to him. He gets into bed with Allison. He lets her know he is not happy with her and what he just did. She said Sharon's lying. Ryan says no, you're lying. Allison freaks out and yells at him and tells him to leave. Everyone is talking crap about Allison and comparing notes and figuring out all the lies she's told since Day 1. Chelsia doesn't want Allison to give up and take DOR. She wants Allison and Ryan evicted. (HG's are sure that evicted HG's could still come back into the house, so they don't want Allison to leave and be replaced by Jen or something). Chels goes into talk to Allison to calm her down. Allison says "Ryan's a ******* retard! he looks like a gorilla. He's a retard!" Allison says Ryan is lying and she doesn't care anymore, doesn't want to play anymore and refuses to go into the DR until they kick out Josh. Allison rants about BB letting this happen and not protecting her. They need to kick him out and throw him in jail. If he isn't punished tomorrow, she said she's leaving the house. Chelsia talks to Ryan and tells him to pull Allison back into the game. Tells him she doesn't understand how you can feel threatened in a house with 24/7 surveillance. Ryan says he's not going to talk to her until she apologizes to him. Chels says she's not sure if Allison is saying she is leaving because it's true or because she just wants the attention. Josh brings up the Lesbian Alliance lie and says that tomorrow he's going to throw that in her face. Chels says Allison is breaking down. Ryan says he doesn't have Allison's back anymore. Chels tells Josh to hold off on Allison and thinks BB should just lie to placate Allison. Josh is saying how he's not like EvelDick and hasn't touched anyone. Matt tries to play peace keeper with Allison and Ryan. Ryan said she changed her story, she says no "I was mistaken". Matt leaves them to talk/argue it out. Only to get himself into a fight with his partner. It seems Natalie has found out that Matt has been kissing and telling. Natalie goes inside and the boys sit and talk, Matt raving that he's stuck with a mental case. Ryan and Matt confirm that they vote to protect each other and they share their sexual conquests in the house. Nat and Allison sulk together. Then they both work it out with their partners. At 2:30 in the morning all HG's are sleeping but BB calls Josh into the DR. He comes out a few minutes later and explains that BB was nervous about him sleeping with a pillow over his face.
so so happy it's all blowing up in her face. It's about time they realized she was playing all of them.
It seems the fights were blown a bit out of proportion. To see it all, I've posted it in the video thread. [url][/url]
I was chatting with the real EvelDick last night!!!! He just confirmed it on House Calls. LOL I didn't believe him. I wasn't the only one. If you see EvelDickBB8 on the Real Feed chats and you do whois and VHughes appears, that's him. Just FYI.
[quote=Kathleen;7035]I was chatting with the real EvelDick last night!!!! He just confirmed it on House Calls. LOL I didn't believe him. I wasn't the only one. If you see EvelDickBB8 on the Real Feed chats and you do whois and VHughes appears, that's him. Just FYI.[/quote] Was he entertaining? Did he bash on the HG's?
I missed him when he first came on. He was a bit flip about having to prove who he was. Said he wasn't going to so stop asking every time he came on. LOL He chatted for a bit then left, probably to make the rounds from room to room. Although he did try to trick us and come back in under a different name but we caught him. Said we were too good for him to pull that one on us. He says he's always come into room 1-1. I don't recall ever seeing his handle (which he said was Dick63) but whatever. Last year was the only time I was really hard core about the feeds so I couldn't say for sure if this is true or not. But now that I know it's him, I will engage him in conversation. I just didn't believe him and wasn't going to play that game. you know? Like last year when Josh from BB1 came in. Could have been him, could have been a poser but I'm not going to buy into it and fall for it.