Overview: It seems apparent that Matt and Natalie are going to be staying. Josh and Sharon are really on edge because they think they are being set up and are the #1 target for next week. Chelsia really wants M/N gone, James seems unworried about the outcome (as long as one pair goes, he did what he set out to do) and is fully prepared to go up next week regardless.
~ ~ ~
The HG's are woken around 9am BBT.
Typical morning of eating, showing and tanning.
Amanda is worried that her insurance will not cover the CAT scan she got at the hospital. Says her insurance is really bad. Ryan thinks BB will probably cover it.
Jo***ells Sharon how he 'faked slept' last night and overheard Amanda and Natalie talking. Natalie was bashing him and Sharon and that she doesn't trust them because they are in an alliance with J/C. Josh explains that he and Am
anda planned this to set Natalie up.
Allison and Matt in the bathroom. Allison is saying that Amanda is sneaky and that Matt needs to get Natalie to shut her mouth.
Chelsia, Ryan and Allison in the back yard. Chelsia is trying to convince them how weak Amanda is and how she could make her life a living hell next week. Chels thinks Amanda is fake, but if she thinks strategically she can tolerate keeping Amanda. They talk about scenarios of what if A/A or M/N win HoH...Chels says Amanda is so weak, but Nat..anything they say to her only makes her stronger. Allison agrees Nat is smarter than she is given credit for. But Ryan and Allison tell Chelsia they still haven't made up their mind.
Sharon and Allison sun tanning. Allison complains about the pressure. Sharon asks if they are "down her ***?" (sharon has really weird slang) Allison is worried about A/A because they are not campaigning. Sharon explains that Alex doesn't want to go down like that he promised he wouldn't campaign.
Adam and Sheila talking about starting a chapter for Autistic kids in the community. (Shame he's been fired, he really seems to care about the cause) He explains how grants work and they seem genuine about wanting to help children and families affected.
Sheila and Matt talk ************ for a bit. Sheila says how Josh really stirs up ***, more than Amanda. Matt laughs about sharon trying to spy on him and Nat, caught her climbing up on something and she said she was just getting her bible. They agree that J/S are sneaky. Sheila is ranting about Josh coming after her when she's done nothing to him. Matt says "They'll shake your hand and **** on your leg at the same time". Sheila goes on to say that Jo***hreatened her with the POV. Matt says Jo***hinks he's running the house. Matt says if they stick to the plan he (Josh) is out next week. Sheila asks if that is a promise. Matt says "On my mother, I will make that kid's life a living hell." Sheila tells Matt that if he goes home, A/S will have to win HoH, and says it will be the dumbest move ever in this game if M/N go home this week. (ummm okay)
Chelsia and James in HoH room. Chels tells James that M/N are after J/S and she really wants M/N gone. She says they are f*cked if they don't go home and it will be harder to get them out later. Chels wants to know if she should use the "Matty flirting, then talking *** about you" (regarding Allison). Chels explains that she doesn't care who goes she just doesn't want J/S to take the fall. James wants to know if that is what is happening, and she says yes. He says he won't let that happen. James says they need to hide how they feel about who's going home, just play it cool like it doesn't matter either way. He tells her she is stressing too much and just relax let the game play out, there is nothing they can do...they are going on the block next week. If not on the block then they will be backdoored.
Ryan enters the HoH and tells them that he is still on the fence but leaning towards keeping M/N. James tells him that any deals made can be broken. Ryan says he is not naive, both have offered deals, he just wanted them to know where he's at right now. James says whatever happens happens, one will go home. He's playing week by week.
After Ryan leaves Chelsia is resigned that M/N are staying and says lets be prepared. (for the fallout)
Matt talking with Josh and Sharon, he tells them he knows he's going home and he's in the position to bargain. Sharon says you don't know that anything could happen. Matt says he hasn't been campaigning because he promised Alex he wouldn't. Matt fishes for a bargain to be made and J/S evade and say that they really don't know which way they are going and probably won't know until 10 minutes before they go into the DR.
Josh and Sharon then talk about Allison. Sharon thinks Allison is the key behind the flip. She doesn't understand why allison is out to get her when she told her that she (sharon) and Sheila were the only ones who were nice to her since day one. (I'm telling you it's because all the boys were kissing on sharon...Allison wants her gone) Sharon thinks Allison could be orchestrating this all so she can take the credit for evicting Amanda for all the stuff she did in the first two weeks. Sharon thinks that if R/A won HoH they would put up J/C and A/S..Jo***hinks so too, but then says or they (R/A) could back door us. Sharon doesn't think they will be put up. (not sure why...since she just finished saying Allison was out to get her). Josh says he doesn't think Amanda would put them up either.
HoH picture time...
Natalie is upset with Matt because he won't pose for a picture with her. Matt finally relents.
Ryan and Allison in the back yard. Talking about how Sharon is trying to get everyone to believe that she (allison) is turning on Matt. They call Matt over, Allison tells him there is some serious *** going down. Ryan asks Matt if J/S have approached him to make a deal. Matt says yes, but he told them he couldn't. (Liar!)
Amanda and Allison now talking, Amanda says she doesn't think Sharon is spreading anything and that it really doesn't matter what anyone says, people's minds are already made up. Amanda says that if anyone goes after anyone it will be Ryan because he's the one "twisting ***", I'm just staying here. (gee want to back up that bus, so you can run over him again?)
Amanda and Sharon in the storage room filling in each other with the gossip and the votes. Sharon tells her that she and Josh are the swing vote. Amanda says she has Sheila and Adam (according to Sheila) Sharon says they better not be lying.
Matt, Alex and Allison talk about the past three weeks, how she said she felt like she was playing solo the first two weeks. Matt complains that people don't talk to him and Natalie and say the same things. (Tell him one thing, then tell her something different) Matt says it's going to be a long day and he'd like to take a nap but is too afraid of the rumors people might start. They talk about the campaigning and not campaigning...campaigning is talking trash about the other nominee (according to them).
Natalie and Amanda talk in the bathroom. Natalie says people are causing *** just to see what they can find out. Amanda agrees, tells her about the deals Matt has made. Natalie says it's the first she's hearing about and how Matt never tells her anything. They talk about J/S and they deals being made to them. Natalie and Amanda both agree everyone's mind is already made up and they are staying out of it.
Chelsia, James and Sharon by the pool. Chels is telling Sharon to vote they way she wants to vote. Josh comes up freaking out...he's bashing amanda saying he hates. etc. Chels sympathizes and tells him to go take it out on his work out. Sharon is really worried that Josh is going mess things up by having another freak out. She is also telling J/C that she and Josh are the swing vote (not sure how she surmises that when it's 2-1...not swinging involved...LOL) and how it's all because of Allison flipping and making Sheila flip. Also how now everyone is gunning for the four of them because they hang out. James again tells them to chill and relax, it's all going down anyway. The four of them will be on the block next week.
Amanda tries to pull Alex into the game by telling him that she personally overheard Matt telling Allison that he never promised not to campaign against Alex. Alex isn't interested and walks away.
Allison and James talking. Allison tells James that she trusts Matt and everything he says to her. Everything that comes out of A/A are lies. She says she's safe with M/N that they won't put her up on the block. James, says he disagrees and that he is not safer with M/N. Allison says M/N are sure they are going home, but she is the swing vote and Sheila has her back 100%. (again, am I missing something...swing vote? A swing can only go when ONE vote can make the difference...whatever..too confusing to explain)
James asks Allison straight which way they are voting...she says she doesn't know and is waiting for J/C to tell her what they want. James says they want M/N to leave. Josh comes into the conversation and James asks him which way he's going. He says he doesn't know, and is worried that he and Sharon will be the only ones voting the wrong direction and how it could come back on them.
Allison again tries to sell that M/N are more trustworthy and how they'd never put James on the block. James disagrees and points out that Matt wouldn't even use the POV on his best friend. Allison counters with well A/A would never save you. James replies with well I'm f*cked either way then.
James is upset that they are back peddling and not sticking to what they had originally agreed to. Allison says it because M/N aren't going around getting into people's heads. James says well isn't that a reason to get rid of them, they aren't campaigning.
Josh says his mind isn't made up. James says just be on the same page either way. Allison says it makes no sense to get rid of M/N because she knows their personalities better and are easier to manipulate. James disagrees. Josh says he can go either way, he likes that A/A are not constantly after him and pressuring him. He's leaning towards voting out M/N. Allison continue to argue for M/N saying they are less of a threat. Josh says how, I can't take down Matt...maybe Natalie...but I know I can take down Amanda. Allison says let me go get Ryan. Josh says, everyone thinks your (Allison) the last vote, or I'm the last vote...James says exactly. Adam is already a done deal he made a deal with Matt. You two need to go and figure this out privately...get on the same page, he doesn't want it to be a hangman...be it one way, or you both go the other way.
Josh and James talk in the storage room. Josh ranting about Allison and how he doesn't trust her as far as he can throw her. They say they need to wake up Ryan's fat *** so they can convince him to vote out M/N.
Josh is now coaching A/A on what to say to people to sway them to keep them. Josh wants to know if Alex is sure that Adam has a deal with Matt. Alex doesn't know.
Josh and Sharon approach Ryan and ask him that they meet tonight as a foursome to discuss the vote. Maybe they all can get the same deal with Matt. Chelsia walks in and says it's up to them how they vote, it just needs to be the same. Says she just talked with Adam and he said he would vote with the majority...but she's not sure if she believes him.
Amanda, Josh and sharon in the storage room. They tell her that Alex needs to make a deal with Allison.
Josh, Allison and Sheila in the bathroom. Josh is very stressed and tells Allison that he can control Amanda. She counters that she can control M/N, and they have a conscience while A/A don't. Josh says he's voting to keep A/A.
Allison tells Sheila that James threatened her saying that if she didn't vote the way they wanted he would make her life in the house very uncomfortable. (I hate that **** more and more each day)
Ryan and Allison on the hammock. Ryan is complaining because he thought this would be a stress free week. Allison is tra***alking Josh saying he's such a **** and really stupid to think they don't know about their alliance with J/C. Allison says their best bet is M/N until the end. final four. she also adds that they have A/S. Ryan says that he doesn't trust James, and that they own M/N. Allison asks how he want to play this tonight. He says he doesn't want to deal with this anymore, they will just say they are still undecided. They decide to tell people which way they are going and let Josh do the dirty work and run up to J/C and tell them.
Dinner time (new BB tradition...saying nice things to nominees)
Ryan grumbles "Great now we have to sit around the table and say nice things about everyone, can't we just eat?"
After dinner Josh and Sharon talk. Josh says they need to make a deal with M/N. Sharon says no, they know they have A/A. Sharon says they need to get Adam/Sheila to work with them. Josh says no, they won't flop. Josh and Sharon are on the balcony and they hear Nat and Allison in the Living room making a deal to the final 2. They laugh and say how stupid she is.
Sheila joins Nat and Allison and they start trashing Amanda about all the stories and lies she tells. Sharon says they will file this ammunition away and pull it out when they need it. She says they will use it tomorrow morning to get out M/N, she can't deal with them anymore. they need to convince Adam that Allison will be too scared to be the only ones to vote out M/N and will do anything the house wants. She can fix this.
(I wi***hese people would stop talking to each other...LOL I've spent way too much time on this)
Okay from this point on I'm going from memories and my impressions. ....
Amanda doesn't want to go home, but she can only do so much because Alex refuses to campaign. J/C tell her that they need to convince him. A/A only shot is if they can flip Allison. Chelisa says they need to tell Allison how Matt is making fun of her in the DR.
Amanda goes to get Alex and they explain to him how allison is gunning for Amanda. Alex wants to know if this is his fault because he's not campaigning. They discuss how to initiate the fight.
Allison comes up to the HoH and confronts Alex about he and amanda being so mean when they were HoH. Alex tells Allison all that Matt has done and said behind her back. (Ryan is now there) James and Ryan back up what Alex is saying. Alex explains that he and Matt made a deal not to campaign or make deals. Matt broke that by making deals. That is why he is now doing this. Allison flat out says she doesn't care if Matt is talking crap about her. How is it any different than all the crap A/A did to her in the first two weeks.
Basically Allison is being petty and going to vote them out because Amanda was mean to her...there is nothing Alex can say or do to change that.
Alex wants to know if he promised her everything....threw the HoH, the veto anything...was her lapdog would she consider?
She wants Matt up there to get his side.
Alex explains what's going on....Alex says that Matt has been making deals and offering protection and Alex has a problem with that because they made a deal not to campaign. Matt says he thought the deal meant not to smear the other person. Regarding the "America's Player" - Matt says the whole 'America Player" think was just his ***ick like in America's Playa...he was going to play up to all the girls. He's never said anything bad about Allison in the DR.
When Matt was leaving HoH he told J/C that he was not gunning for them. Not next week, but he couldn't guarantee beyond that so they better play like their life depended on it. he says they are probably the strongest couple in the house because they are in sync with each other. Chelsia asks that if he is going after them to put them up on the block not to back door them.
Sharon and Josh still scheming of ways to turn Sheila against Allison to flip the vote back, but Josh says they are still safe no matter who goes.
Amanda and Allison in the bath room. Amanda is crying she doesn't want to go home, it's not fair for Alex. She wants a fresh start with Allison. Allison lectures Amanda for falling for all Jen's *** and that she's smarter than that. Attacking people on a personal level only makes you look stupid, not me. Allison hugs Amanda and tells her all is forgiven. She says her vote isn't 100% and that she enjoys spending time with Amanda above everyone else in the house.
Amanda is still upset and is crying alone in the boat room.
Meanwhile Matt and Nat are patting themselves on the back and laughing that they are staying. Matt coaches Nat on what to say to other HG's.
That's it for Day 19.