Better a day later than never I suppose. With only a couple of days before the eviction you can count on some deal making and breaking, here's what went on yesterday in the Big Brother House.
Yesterday morning while basking in the sun, our deluded house guests talk about the show and how it's going. They think their ratings must be out doing BB8. They also think that Sho2 sucked last year because **** was the only one up that late.
Natalie is still trying hard to get Matt to pay attention to her, with no success. Matt was spotting Allison while she pressed 65 lbs and Natalie joined them wanting Mattie to help her too. He ignored her than she asked him if she was doing it right, he very reluctantly helped and and as soon as she was done the set he left her to go back to helping Allison. Amanda came and spotted her after that.
Josh and Sharon are starting to feel the pressure. They want Matt and Natalie gone because they feel they are an immediate target. They go up to the HoH to talk with Chelsia and James.
Chelsia tells J/S that an hour before the live show they need to make a deal with Alex and Amanda. That if they vote (J/S) to keep them, and if A/A win HoH they can't put Them on the block. Chelsia also says that the four of them need to stay off the block next week, at least only one goes up. She explains that each need the other to be playing PoV to save them and if they lose than they still of a vote. They talk about it being a potential tie vote next week. Josh says they'll just make a deal with HoH if they have to. Talk moves onto Ryan and Allison and how they don't trust Allison at all. They think it is very shady of her to be buddy buddy with Amanda now. Chelsia wants to call her out on it.
Later Allison, Chelsia and Josh talk in the storage room. Allison explains that Amanda thinks all is forgiven since they shared that medical trauma together but Allison hasn't forgotten all the things Amanda said and did in the first week.
They move to HoH for more privacy. Allison is worried that A/A will get HoH next week. She says she needs to still talk to Ryan about the voting. Chelsia says she and James want M/N gone this week. Allison says okay, M/N this week, A/A next, and A/S the following. Allison again defers to Ryan saying he is the decision maker and needs to talk to him about it and is a bit worried that A/A aren't campaigning, maybe they feel they don't have to. Chelsia reiterates that M/N have to go. HoH will be huge this week. She asks Allison who she'd put up if she won HoH. Allison says A/A if they are still around and A/S as a pawn. Again Chels says M/N need to go...she feels Nat has an ugly side and will be gunning for her.
After Allison leaves, Josh says he doesn't trust her and thinks she's going to set him up by voting out A/A, leaving only J/S voting to evict M/N. James enters. Chelsia thinks they should tell Allison that Matt said he's trying to hook-up with her only to make fun of her in his DR sessions. James says no he doesn't want to get into that crap because he doesn't care which couple leaves, but knows Chels will do it anyway even if he doesn't want her to. She says no, she won't.
Josh/James and Chels decide they need to talk to Ryan, they don't believe he is the one in charge. Josh is still worried about being hung out to dry. James tells him to just make a decision and stick to it, he's not going to tell him who to vote out. Chels is worried that Allison thinks J/C is working with J/S...she's going to try harder to make Allison think they are working with her. James says they need to find out what deal Allison and Matt made so we can bring to Amanda and have it come back on Allison.
Alone in the HoH, Chels says to James they are f*cked if M/N stay. James says not to freak herself out because you never know what will happen (he's been still trying to implement Operation he's not on the same page as her...which is a shame because we all know that Matt really is gunning for them).
Meanwhile Nat and Allison are making a pact in the bathroom for final four.
In the back yard Josh tells Amanda he thinks that Allison and Matt have a deal and he's going to go talk to Ryan about it and then he'll report back to her. Sharon comes up and reports that Sheila and Matt are talking and Allison and Natalie are too. Josh turns to Amanda and says I hope you trust me more than Allison? Amanda says she does but wants to know what was going on in HoH earlier? Josh tells her that he was asking Allison about her and Matt, if he was working her hard. He says Chels didn't really talk because she doesn't have a vote.
Ryan and Allison talk on the hammock. Allison fills him in on who Chelsia's final four is...J/C and J/S. Allison says PoV has really gone to Josh's head. Allison then makes fun of Sheila. Ryan says he trusts M/N more than A/A. He also says he prefers A/S but he'll keep that info away from A/S because Sheila talks too much. Allison says that Matt said he wouldn't put them on the block and Ryan confirms that Matt has told him the same. She also says she has a final four alignment with them but doesn't trust Natalie as she can be scattered. Ryan wants to know who would have an issue with them should they keep A/A? He says J/C, J/S are obviously okay with that, and maybe they should just let them think that's what they are doing for now. Allison says she's concerned about A/A because they don't keep their word. Ryan says he needs to talk to James to make sure if they do vote out A/A they will be okay. They decide J/S need to go ASAP.
Alex approaches Allison in the bedroom and says he doesn't want to campaign but he doesn't want to go home either. Allison tells him about J/C and J/S final four and how it was stupid of Chelsia to tell that to Allison. She tells him it doesn't matter who stays this week just as long as the right people win HoH and J/C are on the block.
Ryan and Matt playing pool. Ryan tells Matt he and Allison are willing to make a deal with him and Nat. Matt says, "Where do I sign?" Ryan tells him he's not ready to make any promises right now but he's really thinking about keeping M/N, but he wants others to think he is voting them out. Ryan says he feels bad about going against what he's already told others but he feels he trusts M/N more than A/A. Ryan says he's going to sit on it and asks Matt not to say anything to Nat because she has a way of letting things slip.
Amanda and Ryan in the storage room. Amanda tells Ryan that Alex is not going to campaign, but she wants him to know that if she and Alex stay this week and win HoH they will not put up R/A next week. She can't guarantee for weeks to come but definitely for this week. They come out to find Josh outside the door and Josh says, "I smell scheming going on." Amanda just walks away.
Ryan and Allison on the hammock again. Ryan is filling in Allison about his talk with Amanda and her promise. Allison counters that Matt promised on his mother that it would be them to the final four. They say again that J/S have got to go next. They agree to vote out A/A. And then discuss HoH and say that they hope A/S try harder this time to win and that J/S don't win.
Allison and Matt in the storage room. she is guaranteeing him that he and Natalie are safe this week. Matt confirms he is taking them to the final four. Topic moves to the other night and the pool party. Matt wants to know why Allison wouldn't kiss him. She says she is a one man woman. Matt says he understands and explains that last night was only a one time deal thing anyway.
Ryan goes up to HoH to talk to J/C. J/S are up there as well. Ryan tells them that he is sticking to the plan of voting out M/N. Chels wants to know if any deals have been made. Ryan tells them what Amanda offered. Chels understands and says she won't hold it against them for taking that deal. Chels tells Ryan that Allison is making her very uneasy because she keeps telling them that she hasn't talked to him about voting. Ryan says they've talked and agreed to vote out M/N. Allison walks in and asks if they wanted her to stay. They say no. Ryan leaves shortly after. Chelsia tells the other three that one of them is lying because Allison said they never made any deals with Amanda. Josh says he has more confidence in Ryan than Allison.
Sharon and Allison in the bathroom. Sharon is trying to sell voting out M/N because they will win everything because they are strong competitors. Allison wants to know who J/S will put up if they win HoH. Sharon evades saying that both couples have been dogging her all day for her vote, says she'll always remember how Amanda attacked her but then said she thinks A/A would be more grateful if they stayed.
Allison leaves and Amanda enters. She wants to know what Allison has been saying and doing. (not sure what Sharon said) Then Josh comes in after Amanda leaves and tells Sharon that he feels Allison is trying to set them up. Josh says Allison is a follower and he would love to put her on the block next week.
Natalie and Sheila in the back yard discussing how Natalie only needs one more vote to stay. Sheila says if they go, then her and Adam are next. Natalie says it makes her sick how J/S act like they are her friends but are playing both sides.
Natalie talking to James telling him how she is mad that people are lying to her face and if she gets voted out she if she has a vote on the jury she will not vote for anyone that voted her out, she would give it to J/C first.
Romance blossoming? Sharon gives Alex a massage. He asks her if she thinks that Jacob will be mad because they kissed last night. Sharon replies that she doesn't care. Alex says maybe they should go swimming later.
Matt and James. Matt tells James he hasn't made any deals and that he doesn't trust Sheila but he does trust Adam. Matt says if he does get voted out he'll tell everyone what he thinks of them as he is leaving. Matt says he knows J/S are talking crap about him and that they are going to try to get him out if he stays. James comments that he doesn't mind if he is on the block next week, as long as he can play for PoV he's okay with it. Matt tells him that he isn't #1 on his hit list for putting him on the block but he's #2. They laugh. Matt says that from what he's heard he's going home this week. James tells him to watch for allison, she's playing the game 24/7 and she can turn the house if she wanted to. Matt talks about how he's watching himself with Natalie so she'd doesn't get upset and go off.
Matt pulls Natalie into the bedroom to talk. He tells her to keep to herself and not to act like last night so she doesn't draw attention to them. He tells her that she talks too much and is too trusting with others and to leave the game talk to him. He informs her of their deal with R/A and that he knows they are safe but he's making others think that he thinks they're going home. Natalie agrees to tone it down and says she's been pretty quiet. Matt says letting people lick stuff off your ******* is not being quiet and then tells her that there will be no more trying to kiss him. He knows she was drunk last night, but no more.
Matt, Natalie and Adam in the back yard. They tell Adam they are going to flip this thing but he needs to tell Sheila to keep her mouth shut and quit telling people who she is voting for.
In the HoH room, Chelsia, James and Josh are trash talking about Allison and Natalie. Josh thinks Allison is a snake and that she will screw them over. Sharon comes in. They are worried that M/N know they are going home. Chelsia tells J/S that they need to spend more time with Nat.
Josh give Nat a quick massage and Nat says she understands that he didn't use the PoV to save them.
They invented a bowling game. No booze = bored and inventive HG's. Natalie is painting a portrait with nail polish and Allison is teaching Ryan to play chess. Evidently he is a quick learner and proceeds to beat her three in a row.
fun tidbits about Natalie. She can squirt milk from her ******* and showed them. Freaked them out. Then she told them about losing a tampon once and how she found it 5 days later.
Nothing much after that. Little play fighting with Alex and Amanda but that was it.