Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 11

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Big Brother 9 Discussion - Day 11
It took a while for the house guests to settle down last night after the big attack on Amanda. Amanda was called into the DR and BB spent a good hour talking her down and doing their thing soothing and building her up. Parker was still semi-riled (he's in a drama free zone ... so he's really not freaking out on anyone) about Alex's comment about not wanting it to be a tie. The house guests spent some time rehashing everything and exposing what exactly Amanda had been saying to each of them. Alex is floored that the word 'rape' had been branded about in reference to him. He wanted to know exactly what Amanda has been saying. They went around. Most swore that Amanda never said rape, except for Josh and Chelsia. Both were certain that Amanda used the word 'rape' to them. Natalie also brought up that Amanda has set her up to get Alex into a compromising position so she (Amanda) could have more time with Parker. Alex told Parker straight out, that if he and Amanda have feelings for each other don't hide it, don't sneak around. It undermines their friendship and his partnership with Amanda. Just be open about it. Parker says he's been trying to keep his distance for those reasons, and he's definitely going to keep his distance after learning about all this stuff. Sheila commented that she thought it was odd that he didn't defend amanda during the attack or that he wasn't defending her now. Parker replied that it wasn't his place to defend her and how could he. If she has been saying/doing all those things. Amanda finally came out of the DR and Josh just happened to be by the door when she did and he says "She's out. The ***** is out." Someone told Josh that that wasn't necessary. Alex says to Amanda in a calm voice, that they need to talk. It doesn't have to be right now, but they need to talk it out when she's feeling up to it. Amanda walks up to the HoH and says good night to everyone and then says goodnight Joshua. And Joshuah responds with an ugly F-you ***** or something like that. (I'm going to post this then continue, because I was on the phone and have been idle for three hours...not sure if it will work)
I lost my whole train of thought and now still stuck in girlfriend gossip mode....oh wait that applies to BB as well. ;) As I was saying Amanda comes out of the DR and goes up to the HoH. She comes right out holding out a picture frame saying to everyone that BB gave her a picture of her Dad and if anyone who cares about her or believes in her wants to see it tomorrow they are more than welcome. A few say they want to see it now, to come and show them. She says no tomorrow is fine and goes back into the HoH. Jen and Sharon go up to talk to her. Amanda is crying. Amanda is upset for everything being turned on her. She never said Natalie was a sl-t, or that Alex tried to rape her. And it was very mean of Josh to say that to her. More sobbing while she prepares a bath. She just doesn't understand how people are so angry with her. Sobs, tears and more denials. Amanda just does not get it. She refuses to take any accountability for what went down. Alex comes up and Amanda says she doesn't want to see him. Matt says not to worry because he is only getting some stuff, he is sleeping on the living room floor. (BB said it would be okay for them to sleep apart tonight) At this point I went to bed it was 3:30 am my time. What I missed was Sheila stirring the pot yet again. I guess she wasn't satisfied with the night's action. Sheila told Ryan and Allison that she knew more stuff but won't tell them right now. She will tell them after the eviction and if they are the ones to be evicted she'll whisper it real quick to them. It turns out she did tell them because yelling was heard of camera....Ryan was confronting his girlfriend Jen about calling him a racist behind his back. She explains that she only said he had a problem with interracial relationships not that he was racist. At one point it got heated and he told her she was going home on Wednesday and he just wasn't referring to the show. They patched things up and he told her she needs to watch what she says. She's too quick to jump in and talk trash behind someone's back. She kept trying to blame Allison for starting crap but he says it had nothing to do with allison, Sheila was the one to tell him. I can't remember what else happened. Sorry. I have to go catch up again. (I swear I spend more hours catching up then I do watching the feeds)
So does is Ryan a racist? That would be a good thing to know....
I guess it would depend on your definition. He's okay with different races as long as they don't decide to get with a different race. He and Parker talked about it and even Parker said he was against interracial relationships. Not saying if it's good either way. But no one is made at Ryan or anything. Sheila and Allison are determined to make a big deal out of Jen saying that stuff behind Ryan's back.
[quote] He's okay with different races as long as they don't decide to get with a different race.[/quote]So basically he's a
There's been a lot of trash talking behind Amanda's back but they are all being nice to her face. Alex told Amanda she needs to make amends with Natalie and Joshuah. So she did. Of course they accepted her apology but then immediately talk crap behind her back. Amanda is still quick to defend herself and put the blame on others. Just another day in the BB house.