Big Brother 9 Discussion Day 9

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Big Brother 9 Discussion Day 9
I'm sorry I haven't provided any updates. Matt and Natalie don't plan on using the POV with Alex's blessing. Amanda is unaware. They don't want to freak her out so they are keeping her out of the loop for now. Natalie is playing both sides of the house. Alex and Matt are onto her but for now they are letting her go, because they are not too concerned if they lose their boy Parker. Alex wants the competition for Amanda's attention and affection gone. He claims it's because she is his partner and he can't trust her and parker not to team up. Last night in bed after his advances got shot down again, he told her that if they were not going to be that way then he feels they shouldn't be that way with anyone else in the house either. Amanda and Parker are trying to keep their attraction on the down low and are conscious of Alex finding them. Josh, Sharon and Allison are the trash talkers of the house especially if it's about amanda and that side of the house. Matt vows to make out with Allison before she leaves the house and Chelsia too. IMO he won't have to try much longer or harder to get that far with Allison. Adam and Sheila are getting a long better, she is sorry she pre-judged him and made such a big stink. But she would never get with him or anything. She hopes that BB isn't portraying her too badly. The Houseguest's say the POV ceremony is today (but I'm not sure) They are under the impression that eviction is Sunday, but we know it's live on Wednesday. There's going to be a lot of down time in the house this week.
I was too tired to post something last night so I will post a little something before I go play catch up again (then I'll start Day 10 and share whatever I learn there) One thing is this idea of an off-season BB really blows. No pun intended. ;) There are less people on the feeds because no one has time for this guilty pleasure, people are either busy or TV shows have higher priority (which I am not complaining because I myself choose TV over the feeds). Let's see what was Day 9 all about. It was about boredom! Amanda spent the day telling everyone and anybody that would listen about how Alex touched her inappropriately while she was fake sleeping. She played like she was a victim and that she's not into him, doesn't want to sleep in the same bed anymore and wants to go home. Her HG's think she's full of crap and a drama queen. Other than that they were bored. They cooked a huge meal for dinner thinking that it would be the last dinner for these 14 HG's. Of course the jokes on them and they have 4 more days before eviction. BB gave them some alcohol...not much one bottle of merlot and like 8 beers or something. Chelsia was the first to the storage room and grabbed the beer. Matt grabbed the wine and b-lined it back the bedroom. He told Amanda to get the glasses and not to tell anyone he had the wine. They got the wine open and sheila comes looking for it. Matt stashes it in the couch and said they didn't know there was any wine. Amanda tells her to go look in the storage room. Matt decides to just leave the bedroom and head to the kitchen leaving the bottle still hidden in the couch. He told Amanda he just wanted to stir it up a bit (the house) but he didn't want any anyways because if he was only going to get one glass it wasn't worth drinking in the first place. Sheila finally finds the bottle and makes a stink about it. And blamed Amanda for her childish prank. Of course not to her face but whined extensively to Allison about it. They both agree that it was all Amanda because Matty is their boy he'd never do anything like that. After complaining about Amanda and how she makes them feel like they are in high school again. Sheila says Amanda is like this because of her father (he committed suicide) and girls pick their boyfriends/husbands based on their father. Then tells Allison her own life story. Sheila's mother was 16 years old when she started having kids. She and her older brother are just over a year apart. When she was 2, her father was caught for robbing a bank and was sent to maximum security. Sheila's mom scared and broke (she wasn't sure if the cops were coming for her too because she took money from her husband) she put Sheila and her brother into a Catholic orphanage home. A year or so down the line had another daughter and put her in there too. So Sheila at least had her sister. (Her brother was on the boys side and they never saw each other except at meal time) Sheila said she and her sister are very close. She explained that she is still angry at what her mother did and how she had aunts and uncles that could have taken them in if her mom would let them, but she refused and put them in the orphanage. She says on BB application she refused to say what food she absolutely will not eat....that food of course is slop because in the home she had to eat oatmeal/cream of wheat all the time and she knows if she is on slop she will freak out. Sheila explains to Allison that she is not writing a book because she was a penthouse pet. That has nothing to do with it. She doesn't want the fame for doing that or dating celebrities. She simply wants to tell her life story. About how a little girl left in an orphanage survived and at 14 went to Las Vegas with nothing and so on. At 18 a photographer told her to come to Chicago and he'd test her. She did. But when she got there he said she was too ugly and fat to be a model and he couldn't get her a side case. She gave him her sob story about how she came with 100 and nothing else he had to photograph her. He took some polaroids (sp) and sent them out to penthouse and playboy. And that how she got that gig. There's a bit more to her story but if I told it all then there really would no need to buy her book. ;) That's about all I saw before I turned in...I'll go see what I missed and fill you in. :D
I personally don't think there are many things worse then a woman crying wolf about abuse. I have lost what little respect I had for Amanda. Absolutely disgusting.
Yeah, Amanda really is a lame prima donna. Yawn. Crazy story about Shelia's life. It will be interesting to see how much she freaks out if put on slop. I feel for her though, that would suck. Sooo, what does she do currently for a living? I am having a hard time rooting for anyone at this point. I need to see some more eps and keep better tabs on BBAD, because everything I read makes it hard for me to chose any favorites.