Well if they're not coming on until the west airs I'm not sure if I will be doing any updating tonight. LOL
I hope we don't have to wait that long though.
I bet they are on 15 minutes after it airs on the east coast. I just realized that Idol is running over into BB....eeks. That is going to kill the premiere ratings!
I am wondering, are the first couple just going to be nominated or do the winners of the first HOH actually send someone home right away, because that's what I thought Chen said.
I'm not sure Katie. At first that's what I thought she said but later it sounded like the first couple won't be leaving until the first live show next Wednesday.
Okay, I was confused. I guess we'll find out whenever Afterdark/live feeds kick on and we can see if everyone is there or not.
So are you guys planning on doing live feed updates or did you not get enough people? I wish I could, but as I don't even own my own computer and my work schedule and what not always changes, there was just no way I could commit to helping out.
We are going to report as much as we can. We only have three people (really two, because Bacchus hasn't gotten his feeds yet) so there may be some holes...like in the middle of the night that we can't report on.
Dang server overloaded lost chat was booted out within two minutes of the feeds coming on.
Feeds came back but no chat.
I am so lost...trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
And the audio sucks!!!!! BB please isolate the background noise. I am in a downstairs bedroom and can still hear them talking in HoH.
I can't do this anymore tonight. It's 1 frickin' 10 am!
There is too much going on I can't keep up and I'm tired.
I'll check again in the morning maybe they will be sleeping and I can read up on Jokers or Morty's. LOL
I'm back. It appears the house guests are sleeping. One snoring very loudly. Can't make out who it is, but he's keeping his soul mate awake and she's sssshhhhhing him like it's going to make him stop. lol
I'm going to go and see if I can find out what the heck is going on.
feed chats on Real are still down.
HA and they thought their upgrade was going to be better.