Gauntlet III: Episode 3

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Gauntlet III: Episode 3
The [URL="****************************************************************;]sneak peak this week[/URL] was less than impressive. It was just Brooke talking about her weaknesses on the challenge. I am shocked! Brooke is not the uber athlete that we thought she was? Ok, I am kidding. I did watch The Real World Denver and have a clue. I am looking forward to tonight's episode and not to spoil anything, but just to give a pattern: Being featured on the sneak peak seems to be a ticket home. Last week Tyler was the focus. Of course, that is how reality shows work. They offer two possibilities, give us their story, and then kick one to the curb. I have a feeling Brooke is not long for this show (although if I was the other team I'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep her!)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;5923]The [URL="****************************************************************;]sneak peak this week[/URL] was less than impressive. It was just Brooke talking about her weaknesses on the challenge. I am shocked! Brooke is not the uber athlete that we thought she was? Ok, I am kidding. I did watch The Real World Denver and have a clue. I am looking forward to tonight's episode and not to spoil anything, but just to give a pattern: Being featured on the sneak peak seems to be a ticket home. Last week Tyler was the focus. Of course, that is how reality shows work. They offer two possibilities, give us their story, and then kick one to the curb. I have a feeling Brooke is not long for this show (although if I was the other team I'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep her!)[/QUOTE] What is that spoilers link you had up on another thread?? I can't find it...
[quote=stacee_danielle;5929]What is that spoilers link you had up on another thread?? I can't find it...[/quote] [SIZE=4][B]Don't do it Stacee! Don't do it![/B][/SIZE] But if you must: [URL="***************************************************************************;]Gauntlet 3 Spoilers[/URL]
Is tonight a half hour or an hour??
[QUOTE=SpicedLatte;5950]Is tonight a half hour or an hour??[/QUOTE] One hour. We were told that 8 episodes would be one hour and the remainder would be 30 minutes.
[QUOTE=V1man;5953]One hour. We were told that 8 episodes would be one hour and the remainder would be 30 minutes.[/QUOTE] 8 one hour episodes is pretty *****....*** maybe its because they want to get all the boring shit out of the way enjoying it better than Inferno 3...but its still not THAT exciting. Let's get to those Veteran Girl Gauntlets!
HAHAHAH Corals comments about Brooke were HYSTERICAL
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;5961]HAHAHAH Corals comments about Brooke were HYSTERICAL[/quote] Coral did have some awesome comments tonight! Great episode with the clincher being the plan to get rid of the girls at the end. That should set things off in good order. I hold nothing but disdain for most of the Veteran gals and can't wait to see their male compadres provide the fuel that causes team unity to be set ablaze. I hated to see Mr Bananas go over Evan, but at least someone on the Vets left. Now with - [spoiler]MJ[/spoiler] - coming in to join the rookie team next week, they are going to be a much better squad and I think we have seen the tide turn in their favor. On a side note, I wonder who leaked the spoilers this season? They have been dead on. Had to be an inside job...
I love love love the hour long episodes! Now I'm going to be spoiled and I'm going to want them all that way! Oh, Brooke. What a feeble effort you put forth. I wonder how Evelyn and Brooke felt re watching and essentially reliving their dramatic parting in Mexico? It was interesting to see our usual stoney faced Ev break down so openly. Kind of sweet, really. Or it would be if you didn't know how it all turned out! As for Johnny, I was happy he actually stood up for himself and told CT to shut the ef up. Thank you, Banannas! Looking forward to next week and seeing the beefy new arrival. He has been a long time favorite of mine, there's something about him I just think is adorable. :) Oh, and did you see the little blurb during the commercials where Paula is promoting iamonmtv. K, has she gotten a **** job? I saw distinct cleavage, and as we all remember she had 'mosquito bites' as Johnny so eloquantly put it. Or maybe she's just put on a few healthy pounds and had on a good bra, dunno.
Oh yeah. I also thought that it was fun to see the joint birthday party on this episode. It seems like it's been a while since they've shown all the screwball antics that go on on an actual episode, a lot of times it seems like that stuff got saved for aftershow clips and what not. But seeing Zach get his head shaved and seeing naked Casey trying to run away was pretty entertaining. By the way, big improvement for Zach. Now you can gaze into his lovely eyes without being distracted by the fro. Sigh. :)
My take, for what it is worth, so far. Many people seem to come on to these challenges and try out intimidate each other. I don't know about you guys, but when I was growing up playing sports I was always focused on working as a team. I played sports a pretty high level and had success because we always worked together. As one cast member said, "you have all these chiefs and no indians." The Rookies can very well catch up to the Veterans. They need to establish and leader and always encourage and motivate each other. The Veterans are a time bomb waiting to go off. A sound gameplan by the Rookies can kill the Veterans. Everyone has to stop doing so much "me first" and try work together. I guess that is what happens when you get all these Type A personalities on one team. P.S. You couldn't pay me to have CT on my team. You talk about a guy that kills moral. Send that clown and his ego home. That guy needs a taste of prison to really see how tough he is. My bet, he'd have to bend over for someone for protection.
[QUOTE=da2337;5985]P.S. You couldn't pay me to have CT on my team. You talk about a guy that kills moral. Send that clown and his ego home. That guy needs a taste of prison to really see how tough he is. My bet, he'd have to bend over for someone for protection.[/QUOTE] okay while reading that, I got the most disturbing mental images imaginable
[QUOTE=stacee_danielle;5992]okay while reading that, I got the most disturbing mental images imaginable[/QUOTE] LOL. My point being is that while he may be a solid ONE person competitor, he does nothing to bring a team together. I guess I could have just said that, but I felt the other way was a better way to show that.
I agree with what you said about CT. He has always annoyed me, especially on the challenges.
[QUOTE=da2337;5996]LOL. My point being is that while he may be a solid ONE person competitor, he does nothing to bring a team together. I guess I could have just said that, but I felt the other way was a better way to show that.[/QUOTE] couldn't have said it better myself
What did everyone else think about the Vets having to get 4 more people through the maze? I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. Basically the producers were like, "hmm, we need to get rid of a Vet, lets rig this sucker!"
Yeah, that was obviously the producers throwing an automatic win to the Rookies. I was pretty suprised.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;6018]What did everyone else think about the Vets having to get 4 more people through the maze? I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. Basically the producers were like, "hmm, we need to get rid of a Vet, lets rig this sucker!"[/QUOTE] Beth's blog makes the same point. She actually offers an analysis of the times involves and concludes that it was a statistical impossibility for the Veterans to win. As I read the Game Show Act, I believe that BMP clearly violated Federal Law. I wonder how MTV would react to an FCC investigation of how BMP produces its challenges.
[quote=V1man;6022]Beth's blog makes the same point. She actually offers an analysis of the times involves and concludes that it was a statistical impossibility for the Veterans to win. As I read the Game Show Act, I believe that BMP clearly violated Federal Law. I wonder how MTV would react to an FCC investigation of how BMP produces its challenges.[/quote] I actually filed a complaint with the FCC during Big Brother based on [URL="*************************************************;]U.S. Code[/URL] : [URL="***************************************************************;]Title 47[/URL] : [URL="*********************************************************************************************************;]Section 509[/URL] after production convinced the cast to keep Eric.[INDENT][B]Section 509. Prohibited practices in contests of knowledge, skill, or chance[/B] (a) Influencing, prearranging, or predetermining outcome It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to deceive the listening or viewing public - (1) To supply to any contestant in a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge or intellectual skill any special and secret assistance whereby the outcome of such contest will be in whole or in part prearranged or predetermined. (2) By means of persuasion, bribery, intimidation, or otherwise, to induce or cause any contestant in a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge or intellectual skill to refrain in any manner from using or displaying his knowledge or skill in such contest, whereby the outcome thereof will be in whole or in part prearranged or predetermined. (3) To engage in any artifice or scheme for the purpose of prearranging or predetermining in whole or in part the outcome of a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge, intellectual skill, or chance. (4) To produce or participate in the production for broadcasting of, to broadcast or participate in the broadcasting of, to offer to a licensee for broadcasting, or to sponsor, any radio program, knowing or having reasonable ground for believing that, in connection with a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge, intellectual skill, or chance constituting any part of such program, any person has done or is going to do any act or thing referred to in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection. (5) To conspire with any other person or persons to do any act or thing prohibited by paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4) of this subsection, if one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of such conspiracy. (b) "Contest" and "the listening or viewing public" defined For the purposes of this section - (1) The term "contest" means any contest broadcast by a radio station in connection with which any money or any other thing of value is offered as a prize or prizes to be paid or presented by the program sponsor or by any other person or persons, as announced in the course of the broadcast. (2) The term "the listening or viewing public" means those members of the public who, with the aid of radio receiving sets, listen to or view programs broadcast by radio stations. (c) Penalties Whoever violates subsection (a) of this section shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. [/INDENT]Their response was basically that it is rigged, i.e. entertainment show - not a game of chance or skill (game show.) What a copout.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;6018]What did everyone else think about the Vets having to get 4 more people through the maze? I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. Basically the producers were like, "hmm, we need to get rid of a Vet, lets rig this sucker!"[/QUOTE] It's almost like we are supposed to believe that they plan all the games prior to filming withoutmaking any changes to the order...yeah right. Kinda reminds me of that one challenge that they made up the DQ for AFTER they played the game...I don't remember which one or even which show though.
I know with Big Brother they can make production decisions in order to amplify the entertainment value of a given event. I am sure they do the same thing on the Challenges and I'll also bet BMP has legally insulated themselves in such a way that the series is also considered an "entertainment show" rather then a game show. I personally believe that this is shady legal ground and I bet that if someone went after them there would be a case. Of course, being that Viacom has billions and the average plaintiff has credit card debit, I am sure even if there was a good case - [I]they would settle. [/I]
This totally off-topic :D but it reminds me how Vince McMahon changed the whole pro wrestling industry into 'Entertainment' so the wrestlers weren't governed by the same standards as athletes. No drug ***********...** very lax ones. But I agree more and more you are seeing production manipulate outcomes on reality shows.
So this has nothing to do with the unfairness of the challenge, but was anyone else as annoyed as I was when Brad's girl threw a tantrum when Nehamia suggested throwing him in? Did I miss something, because I didn't see how that was a "personal attack" on her!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;6065]I know with Big Brother they can make production decisions in order to amplify the entertainment value of a given event. I am sure they do the same thing on the Challenges and I'll also bet BMP has legally insulated themselves in such a way that the series is also considered an "entertainment show" rather then a game show. I personally believe that this is shady legal ground and I bet that if someone went after them there would be a case. Of course, being that Viacom has billions and the average plaintiff has credit card debit, I am sure even if there was a good case - [I]they would settle. [/I][/QUOTE] The cast contract clearly says the production is a game show, but there is also an arbitration clause so there will probably never be a case in open court. No one has the money to go after Viacom and the production company.
[QUOTE=BamaBelle;6108]So this has nothing to do with the unfairness of the challenge, but was anyone else as annoyed as I was when Brad's girl threw a tantrum when Nehamia suggested throwing him in? Did I miss something, because I didn't see how that was a "personal attack" on her![/QUOTE] i was!!!! i already highly dislike her from Viewers Revenge....but that was ridiciulous unless they edited something out...he just suggested Brad and she got all defensive because then she doesnt want him to go...and im mad they all gave much as i ADORE brad...i would love to see him go just to **** of Tori (thats how much i dislike her). Another random thing --- anyone notice the cell phone trick mtv did?? When Coral gets the message about the challenge she is clearly holding a flip phone...when the cameras show a close up shes a holding the over advertised T-Mobile Sidekick. Then when Beth gets the message for their second challenge...she is also clearly holding a flip phone with her hand trying to cover the back of it and when the camera zooms in....again its a T-Mobile Sidekick with blurred out words...and also....dark fingers....Beth is extremely pale.... Not a HUGE deal, just curious as to why they would do that???
Anonymous's picture
Because they need the money I guess.
[quote=Brittaney05;6150] Another random thing --- anyone notice the cell phone trick mtv did?? When Coral gets the message about the challenge she is clearly holding a flip phone...when the cameras show a close up shes a holding the over advertised T-Mobile Sidekick. Then when Beth gets the message for their second challenge...she is also clearly holding a flip phone with her hand trying to cover the back of it and when the camera zooms in....again its a T-Mobile Sidekick with blurred out words...and also....dark fingers....Beth is extremely pale.... Not a HUGE deal, just curious as to why they would do that???[/quote] Great catch! I didn't notice, but it seems to be common these days to pull a "Mark Burnett" and do all the filler shots with production crew. I'll keep an eye out tomorrow night as I bet it will be a repetitive theme. I watched Jeff Probst on Glenn Beck a few nights ago and he said (to paraphrase) - "That is the thing about Survivor, we only have one chance to get it right." As if! They are the kings of using extras for closeups and fillers as well as shooting until they get what they want. I am sure the same goes with BMP and the challenges.