No matter if you loved or hated them, Nate and Jen did keep things interesting. As the camera zoomed out from them in the heart of Taipei, they embraced, maybe for the last time - [I]after being Philiminated[/I].
Nate & Jen: Ships Passing in the Night
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You would not think that these two would be safe left alone together for any period of time in the future. That is why I think this was a parting shot, and I actually felt bad for them. Bad that they could not work things out and put their overbearing personalities aside. Bad that they had to go out so close to the end, with a million dollars on the line. Bad that on the final leg Nate would not be able to push Jen under a large, fast moving bus and mock cackle as the credits rolled.
So Colin and Christi 2.0 went out with a whimper as the "brains of the operation" decided to take the subway rather then a taxi (which has only been the right move once in the history of the Amazing Race.) I bid them adieu!
As for the final three. I am happy with what we have this year. I would never have guessed two of them from the start, and maybe that is the best part. I called TK and Rachel as a favorite before I even saw the preview trailer. There is just something about a happy go lucky couple with a hippie mentality that plays well on the race. Gramps and Nicolas were the first team I thought would go home with Ronald and Christina second on that ouster list! Obviously I am shocked they have made it this far, and I am sure I am not the only one.
I am going state (as a disclaimer of sorts) that there have not been any epic detours this year, and maybe that is why the old folks have hung with pack. I miss the needle in a haystack type challenge where it could take 10 minutes or 20 hours or the brutal physical tasks of races past were completion was not guaranteed. Maybe we will get the biggest tests of this season on the final leg.
I am still pulling for TK and Rachel, although I will not be disappointed no matter the outcome. I'd like to see Donald win to prove that an AARP member can clean house in this race and I would also like Ronald & Christina to win to solidify their great journey of enlightenment.
It is a win, win, win situation.