[QUOTE=Bacchus;3646][B]BTW:[/B] Joey no longer calls me his friend. I have been banished and I am crushed! J to the O to the E, we had such a good thing going you and I. Why have you forsaken me?? WHY! [I]*sniffle sniffle*[/I][/QUOTE]
It is only because he didn't want you to send him a comment saying something like he googles his own name...before the show has even aired.
[QUOTE=renaldob;3649]i think Joey might be the gay one if its not Will Gill[/QUOTE]
Oh, I thought we had already established that he was the gay one...Not that I care if either one of them are gay, I just thought someone said it was Joey
[quote=stacee_danielle;3651]Oh, I thought we had already established that he was the gay one...Not that I care if either one of them are gay, I just thought someone said it was Joey[/quote]
I don't think we have established that. Maybe one of his many friends that stalk this thread will set us [B][I]straight[/I][/B] (or not.)
I just got word from a trusted source that Joey is:[INDENT][SIZE=3]"straight as a nail" [/SIZE]
[/INDENT]Why do we think there is a gay cast member? Is there some proof to that effect?
[quote=stacee_danielle;3673]I think someone posted something about there being 1 gay male cast member while back...maybe on another thread[/quote]
This was on [URL="http://realworldroadrules.blogspot.com/2007/09/more-news-from-inside-real-world.html"]RW/RR Blog[/URL] in the comments back in September:[INDENT][I]Brianna IS a cast member... I've been with them plenty of nights... they party strictly in hollywood and aren't even aloud to clubs outside of "hollywood." About their being a gay guy, I doubt it, I asked Kimberly (Another cast member) and she denied it.[/I]
[/INDENT]I got a real kick out of the actual article. The post originator suspected there might be 3 females. OMFG! Crazy Nostradamus shit there! Half might be women? Get the **** out of here!
Maybe like this year everyone is Hetero for the most part.
[quote=renaldob;3710]san diego didn't have any gays either. same with season 1[/quote]
You totally forgot about The Real World New York's [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Korpi"]Norman Korpi.[/URL] He was the very original token gay guy!
ummmm sooo. people. get a ****ing life. seriously. do you not have anything better to do than talk shit and invade peoples privacy... joes my brother by the way and you really need to keep out of peoples business
[QUOTE=forgetregret17;3810]ummmm sooo. people. get a ****ing life. seriously. do you not have anything better to do than talk shit and invade peoples privacy... joes my brother by the way and you really need to keep out of peoples business[/QUOTE]
dude, your brother CHOSE for his life to be invaded when he signed up for the real world! does he know what happens on that show? cameras follow you 24/7, watching every move, only for the footage to be broadcasted worldwide. he shoulda thought about privacy issues a looong time ago!
if he regrets being on the show, then tell him to take ur advice. tell em to "forget regret" cus theres no way hes gonna gain back his privacy for years-because we never know, he may be a challenge ***** like the other castmembers.
Things had really started to quiet down on this thread. Glad someone is injecting new life. The "[I]do you not have anything better to do than talk shit and invade peoples privacy[/I]" statement is just too idiotic to respond to being Joey was just filmed on a reality show debuting on national television in the spring, but I'll just let you think about what someguy said and maybe it will sink in.
I do respect that you are trying to defend your brother, but I promise - you are doing more harm then good by posting here with your negative vibe.
[QUOTE=forgetregret17;3810]ummmm sooo. people. get a ****ing life. seriously. do you not have anything better to do than talk shit and invade peoples privacy... joes my brother by the way and you really need to keep out of peoples business[/QUOTE]
As stated above, your brother chose to be a member of the Real World cast...did he forget to read the manual for all that came with it? Seriously man all you are doing is making things worse by coming here and attempting to insult us. All we are doing is speculating from pictures and stories that we get from around the net...If you want to to defend him then why don't you tell us some nice stories about the real Joey Kovar and who he is. Change our views thus far with your vast knowledge of insight.
Ok, here goes...
I have to give you guys some serious credit on your research. Since one of my friends is in the cast, I would constantly go to sites like this and the real world road rules blog site to keep up and find out more about how things were going for said friend. You guys have been right about a lot, but there is no "out" roommate in the house... it's all straight as an arrow with maybe a little ************ action but nothing actually "gay" which is one of the few things I find disappointing. I personally think this is going to be a very exciting season to watch, especially after going out and visiting with everyone for a few days right before the new roommates. I'd love to tell you everything, but you need a little something to keep you watching when it actually comes on.
Joey-- OMG, what an incredibly nice guy!! Has a few problems, but who doesn't? He actually left for respectable reasons and was still loved by the cast.
Greg-- He will probably be a constant source of drama on the show. For a good while, nobody got along with this guy and I had to seriously wonder how the hell America chose him, of course he will make for good drama, but I fear we will also just get annoyed and frustrated with his arrogance.
Basically, they're all pretty good looking people that all have extreme strong personalities, but I wouldn't be too hard on them kicking you guys off their pages. A lot of what you found was from some our friends pages that are morons. We were all told not to post certain pictures. Also, they are constantly being told a million things that they can or can not do. I understand why you would borderline stalk them- it is interesting, but keep in mind it still freaks them out a little for you to make your intentions to sound quite so aggressive.
Something, I realized through all of this, which i'm sure yall are already aware of is that this is far more like a "social science experiment" than I ever realized. These people knew what they were signing up for but it's still hard as hell to survive in the conditions that they're put in. It all looks so much more glamorous on tv than it is in reality. The house was so much more cold than I ever imagined.
What's been funny for some of us is that yall have pinned a lot of "friends of the roommates" as actual cast members themselves. But other than that, I admire and appreciate your hard work.
[quote=therealdeal;3835]Ok, here goes...
I have to give you guys some serious credit on your research. Since one of my friends is in the cast, I would constantly go to sites like this and the real world road rules blog site to keep up and find out more about how things were going for said friend. You guys have been right about a lot, but there is no "out" roommate in the house... it's all straight as an arrow with maybe a little ************ action but nothing actually "gay" which is one of the few things I find disappointing. I personally think this is going to be a very exciting season to watch, especially after going out and visiting with everyone for a few days right before the new roommates. I'd love to tell you everything, but you need a little something to keep you watching when it actually comes on.
Joey-- OMG, what an incredibly nice guy!! Has a few problems, but who doesn't? He actually left for respectable reasons and was still loved by the cast.
Greg-- He will probably be a constant source of drama on the show. For a good while, nobody got along with this guy and I had to seriously wonder how the hell America chose him, of course he will make for good drama, but I fear we will also just get annoyed and frustrated with his arrogance.
Basically, they're all pretty good looking people that all have extreme strong personalities, but I wouldn't be too hard on them kicking you guys off their pages. A lot of what you found was from some our friends pages that are morons. We were all told not to post certain pictures. Also, they are constantly being told a million things that they can or can not do. I understand why you would borderline stalk them- it is interesting, but keep in mind it still freaks them out a little for you to make your intentions to sound quite so aggressive.
Something, I realized through all of this, which i'm sure yall are already aware of is that this is far more like a "social science experiment" than I ever realized. These people knew what they were signing up for but it's still hard as hell to survive in the conditions that they're put in. It all looks so much more glamorous on tv than it is in reality. The house was so much more cold than I ever imagined.
What's been funny for some of us is that yall have pinned a lot of "friends of the roommates" as actual cast members themselves. But other than that, I admire and appreciate your hard work.[/quote]
Thanks for the insight it was really nice to hear a little bit about the cast from someone who knows some/all of them. And you didn't insult us like everyone else has. I mean everyone has curiosities we were just gung ho enough to look for answers.
Are you saying that we don't have the final cast correct though ...or did we just peg some friends of castmates at first while we were digging? I understand that this "invasion of privacy" is all new to them and some things are going to freak them out, but I hope they have realized that we are not trying to get info out of them that will get them in trouble, just enough to figure out who the roommates are and maybe a few small spoilers to keep us looking forward to the season since this one sucks *** so bad, LOL.
Overall though I think this will be a pretty good season. It is a-ok that there are no gay people on this season the only reason we thought there was, was because of something someone had said in a past thread. They are a ridiculously good looking cast this time though, I will give them that :)
Thanks therealdeal for sharing your personal experiences with the cast.
[quote]You guys have been right about a lot, but there is no "out" roommate in the house[/quote]I started to think that this was going to be another year without a gay cast member after I was informed Joey was straight. We had heard that Dave jumps Kim early on and Will was with Janelle so that made it clear the initial reports were incorrect.
[quote] Joey-- OMG, what an incredibly nice guy!! [/quote]As far as Joey being a great guy, I am starting to see that. We were rough on him to start this thread (especially because of one fur coat picture that is now securely tucked away in an undisclosed location) but he is starting to grow on me as more information becomes available.
For a good while, nobody got along with this guy and I had to seriously wonder how the hell America chose him, of course he will make for good drama, but I fear we will also just get annoyed and frustrated with his arrogance.[/quote]There were so many good people to choose from during the Real World Casting competition and I was disappointed when "we" chose Greg. Everything that I have heard about his stay in the house goes further to confirm my initial intuition. I still think that whole voting thing was rigged.
What's been funny for some of us is that yall have pinned a lot of "friends of the roommates" as actual cast members themselves. But other than that, I admire and appreciate your hard work.[/quote]
I assume you are talking about our initial findings (like Justin.) Yes, we have come a long ways in a short time. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;3840]As far as Joey being a great guy, I am starting to see that. We were rough on him to start this thread (especially because of one fur coat picture that is now securely tucked away in an undisclosed location) but he is starting to grow on me as more information becomes available.
Yeah that was the only thing that I was put off on by him...He is a good looking guy but I did say a few mean things about him and I do feel remorse...he just seemed so superficial from the pictures that we saw. I know I have to wait until the show airs to make my final judgement on any of the roommates.
[quote=stacee_danielle;3841]Yeah that was the only thing that I was put off on by him...He is a good looking guy but I did say a few mean things about him and I do feel remorse...he just seemed so superficial from the pictures that we saw. I know I have to wait until the show airs to make my final judgement on any of the roommates.[/quote]
I thought that the fur coat picture was in the context of his daily wardrobe. That is partially why I made the snap judgment that I did. I figured if he wore that on a daily basis he must be a total loser (especially with the gaudy ear rings!)
Now I realize it was just a Halloween costume. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;3842]I thought that the fur coat picture was in the context of his daily wardrobe. That is partially why I made the snap judgment that I did. I figured if he wore that on a daily basis he must be a total loser (especially with the gaudy ear rings.)
Now I realize it was just a Halloween costume. ;)[/quote]
Oh really I didn't even think of it being a halloween costume, he just seemed like the type of guy who would walk around wearing fur coats for his pictures.
I still hope it was a fake fur coat though :)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;3845]Should we report him to PETA?[/QUOTE]
I figure I will give him a break this one time since I made fun of his "man-scaping" earlier on. I am a big time Animal lover though so I am a bit torn...
[quote=renaldob;3859]*starts Crying*
Forgetregrets I Seriously Doubt Joey's Your Brother But Then Again Who Knows.[/quote]
Actually he is. I did a little research. ;)