The Real World Sydney: Parisa Votes Trisha off the Island

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She hooks up with Evelyn (Fresh Meat and Inferno 3) Then she later dumps her...
[QUOTE=Katiedid;2539]She hooks up with Evelyn (Fresh Meat and Inferno 3) Then she later dumps her...[/QUOTE] too funny, Brooke is hilarous I reply her tantrum in my head any time I am feeling down it is a real cheer up to picture her face while she was screaming, it was so funny!
[quote=stacee_danielle;2543]too funny, Brooke is hilarious I reply her tantrum in my head any time I am feeling down it is a real cheer up to picture her face while she was screaming, it was so funny![/quote] Here is the ****ed up thing about the Denver season: I actually liked Colie. Yes, I admit it! I always fall for girls like [B][I]that.[/I][/B] I want to put a stop to any pity that might be heading my way after this revelation. It is unneeded. I just wanted to be upfront. However, after the episode where Colie was topless in the pool and none of the guys wanted to look....I became concerned. I am no longer a Colie fan. I pulled for the Anti-Brooke as I could not stand her. Not even for humoristic purpose. I expect a virtual playground with Gauntlet 3 being Brooke will provide a never ending circuit of punchlines. Not funny, or entertaining - [I]but sad[/I].
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2550]Here is the ****ed up thing about the Denver season: I actually liked Colie. Yes, I admit it! I always fall for girls like [B][I]that.[/I][/B] I want to put a stop to any pity that might be heading my way after this revelation. It is unneeded. I just wanted to be upfront. However, after the episode where Colie was topless in the pool and none of the guys wanted to look....I became concerned. I am no longer a Colie fan. I pulled for the Anti-Brooke as I could not stand her. Not even for humoristic purpose. I expect a virtual playground with Gauntlet 3 being Brooke will provide a never ending circuit of punchlines. Not funny, or entertaining - [I]but sad[/I].[/QUOTE] I could not believe that Colie took a shit in a manila envelope in the car and then threw it at another car!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2550]Here is the ****ed up thing about the Denver season: I actually liked Colie. Yes, I admit it! I always fall for girls like [B][I]that.[/I][/B] I want to put a stop to any pity that might be heading my way after this revelation. It is unneeded. I just wanted to be upfront. However, after the episode where Colie was topless in the pool and none of the guys wanted to look....I became concerned. I am no longer a Colie fan. I pulled for the Anti-Brooke as I could not stand her. Not even for humoristic purpose. I expect a virtual playground with Gauntlet 3 being Brooke will provide a never ending circuit of punchlines. Not funny, or entertaining - [I]but sad[/I].[/QUOTE] You always fall for clingy chicks with whiney Jersey accents who **** in manilla envelopes??? Now that IS sad. ;)
[quote=Katiedid;2558]You always fall for clingy chicks with whiney Jersey accents who **** in manilla envelopes??? Now that IS sad. ;)[/quote] I fall for Princeton type subterfugian Jersey Chicks, that might **** in a manila envelope for a very important differential study to save mankind. It was quite obvious she was testing human bounds for the mars study project "turdo" not mentioned on the series. I wanted to clear that up.
Bacchus, im with you on the whole Colie thing. She had her times where i thought she was a little obnoxious and annoying, but at the same time it was always entertaining. She might have been one of my least favorites, but at least she was fun to watch, and could be pretty funny. My cousin met her when she came to her college, and she said shes really nice, and took time to talk to them. The whole shitting in the envelope i thought was pretty hilarious. I bet she is fun to hang out with, unlike Trisha, who is a ***** and no matter if shes being nice, or rude(which is 99.9% of the time) shes never entertaining.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2561]I fall for Princeton type subterfugian Jersey Chicks, that might **** in a manila envelope for a very important differential study to save mankind. It was quite obvious she was testing human bounds for the mars study project "turdo" not mentioned on the series. I wanted to clear that up.[/QUOTE] LMAO!! Good save Bacchus, that was creative. Yeah I have to admit, I liked her at times, there were some times where she really grossed me out when she was drunk but that was just because she was sloppy. I too loved that she was a "I don't give a ****" chick...well unless it came to her being ignored by a "target". I do think she was better looking than Jen (was that her name?) but they both only looked good clothed to me, Jen had this wierd thing going on with her ***, it was flat and funny looking, and Colie had a beer gut that was not cute in a bikini, LOL.
[quote=stacee_danielle;2606]Colie had a beer gut that was not cute in a bikini, LOL.[/quote] Colie is a [I]guy's gal[/I]. I think she was actually proud of the beer gut! It would be fun at first to date her, but then grow grating. Probably why she is still single!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2617]Colie is a [I]guy's gal[/I]. I think she was actually proud of the beer gut! It would be fun at first to date her, but then grow grating. Probably why she is still single![/QUOTE] yeah that is true, but I am thinking not on the fun to date her part, isn't she the one who got all possesive?
[QUOTE=Katiedid;1852][SIZE="4"][B]Parisa Kicks Trisha out of the Real World Sydney House?[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][B]Spoiler Alert!!![/B][/COLOR] So I found Alex from Real World Sydney (you know the Aussie guy that Parisa and Trisha fought over) on myspace. I decided that since he likely wasn't under contract to message him and ask him if he could tell me if Trisha actually gets kicked off for pushing Parisa or not. Here's what he wrote back: YESSSSSSSSS!!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN AND I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER!!!! Trisha has to be the biggest ****** the Real World has casted in a while.[/QUOTE] i agree since she did not like parisa then she got what she deserved. and ashley should mind her own she 4get she is a newbie and the other bed hopper she very fake
welcome!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll love it here I promise, lots of venting!! lol
Is this the Sydney forum? I may have the wrong room, let me check my schedule...let's see, um...trig, world civ, and Real World Sydney, yeah this is it. I kid... Firstly, I want to tackle the popularity of Colie. There's something I thought I'd never say or see in a sentence, "Colie" and "popularity". Ahhhh...I do find this topic off kilter since that was "so last year" (I'm into quotations tonight). Does anyone really care about Colie or her loose caboose antics? The girl looks like she wrapped her lips around a hot curling iron and sounds like she's been smoking Camel non-filters since she was climbing the monkey bars in her cuorduroy Osh Kosh BeGosh overalls in hopes of playing I'll-Touch-Yours-If-You-Touch-Mine with Ronnie, Bobby, Rickie, and Mike (New Edition reference = points). Now, I'm sure, she has her fans, but what are they fans of? Her undenyingly blah, blah, blah conversations when she was drunkenly deciding which one of the four guys she'd like to tongue-swap STD's with? OR was it her obnoxious clinginess and boastful claims of adoring Alex when she had a boyfriend? (who she gave 2 blips about, then liked him again, then was confused about him...make up yor mind *****) From what I've seen Colie was a twot-waffle smothered in Oil of O' Shit. She's not a "guy's girl", I'm a guy and she's a crap sammich minus the bread. She's a whiny, me-me-me type of person. Mtv could release a DVD of all her self absorbed, whining in a 3 disc set, but I digress Brooke, who was probably the most level headed when it came to scrumping housemates, was crazy as shit (sometimes), but at least she said it all with her cute little country accent, I mean "c'mon yawl". Besides, when she went Captain Insane-O on Jen, I fell in love. In the immortal words of Ill Bill, "trifling b**ches make my d**k hard". She was the cutest one too...them big brown eyes and that long dark hair...I'd show her "my dark secret behind the boathouse". ENOUGH Denver Talk... Sydney... TRISHA IS GONE!!! (ticker tape parade, with a large collegiate band playing "Ice-Ice Baby", an ex-President maybe Jimmy Carter waving, and cotton candy, blue cotton candy in my hand, in my mouth and I'm smiling like The Joker from Batman) Parisa said all the things I've thought about Trisha since I've watched the show... called her "Miss Piggy" and all kinds of it was hella good. I'm glad she's gone and her exit was classic. Trisha explained herself and her situation with Parisa and sounded like a narrow-minded, hypocrit. She tried to call Parisa "nothing" to her face before leaving, tried to put her down some more, and asked the two remaing twotwaffles (love it) to ruin the rest of Parisa's time in Sydney. Parisa says, "have a nice flight, take care". YES!!! I love that girl. The scenes from next week's episode look great. It seems that Isaac, as always, tells it like it is. "Nobody liked Trisha" and the guys seem to be celebrating the fact. Dunbar has seemed to lighten up even, maybe I'll forgive him for being a **********, but not quite yet. I do however think ashli and kelly anne are morons. Catty, childish morons who cling to immaturity. Here's my main theory on that subject. Has anyone ever seen the movie 'Mean Girls'? These female castmates fit into this social dynamic. yeah i say hella, pfft
1800LAZERFACE, can you cut and paste your post here to the other thread as well named "Ding **** the ***** is Dead?" It should be posted on all the threads and announced during all MTV news breaks, but if I have to settle for our latest thread, I suppose that'd be OK too.
Lazerface, I am not sure how to respond to the type of logic that you have so eloquently laid down before us today. I already spit up a quarter cup of my morning coffee and am still trying to get the image out of my head of a young Colie, smoke hanging out of her mouth, hustling the guys for a round of "doctor" behind the shed. The long term effects of this could eviscerate my daily meal schedule being I am really having trouble keeping things down right now... [QUOTE] Brooke, who was probably the most level headed when it came to scrumping housemates, was crazy as shit (sometimes), but at least she said it all with her cute little country accent, I mean "c'mon yawl". Besides, when she went Captain Insane-O on Jen, I fell in love. In the immortal words of Ill Bill, "trifling b**ches make my d**k hard". She was the cutest one too...them big brown eyes and that long dark hair...I'd show her "my dark secret behind the boathouse".[/QUOTE] Unless you are planning on starting on an estrogen regimen, having a couple things added, and something removed - [I]you just might be out of the running in the perceivable future.[/I] ;) [QUOTE] I do however think ashli and kelly anne are morons. Catty, childish morons who cling to immaturity. Here's my main theory on that subject. Has anyone ever seen the movie 'Mean Girls'? These female castmates fit into this social dynamic.[/QUOTE] [B]Parisa [/B]- Cady Heron [B]Trisha[/B] - Regina George [B]Ashli[/B] - Gretchen Wieners [B]Kelly Anne[/B] - Karen Smith Rachel McAdams is of course, much smarter - [B][I]and hotter![/I][/B]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2686]Lazerface, I am not sure how to respond to the type of logic that you have so eloquently laid down before us today. I already spit up a quarter cup of my morning coffee and am still trying to get the image out of my head of a young Colie, smoke hanging out of her mouth, hustling the guys for a round of "doctor" behind the shed. The long term effects of this could eviscerate my daily meal schedule being I am really having trouble keeping things down right now... Unless you are planning on starting on an estrogen regimen, having a couple things added, and something removed - [I]you just might be out of the running in the perceivable future.[/I] ;) [B]Parisa [/B]- Cady Heron [B]Trisha[/B] - Regina George [B]Ashli[/B] - Gretchen Wieners [B]Kelly Anne[/B] - Karen Smith Rachel McAdams is of course, much smarter - [B][I]and hotter![/I][/B][/QUOTE] That is so dead on it is ridiculous!
OMG, Lazerface, that has to be one of the funniest blurbs about various RW personalities I have ever read! I was reading it at a computer lab at school and got a few looks from people surrounding me as I tried to contain my snickering! You have a gift, my friend. I think you should do the episode summaries every week! :)
[QUOTE=Katiedid;2697]OMG, Lazerface, that has to be one of the funniest blurbs about various RW personalities I have ever read! I was reading it at a computer lab at school and got a few looks from people surrounding me as I tried to contain my snickering! You have a gift, my friend. I think you should do the episode summaries every week! :)[/QUOTE] Agreed! it would probably be more entertaining that the actual episode
well, i finally got around to watching Real World and i was so happy to see Trisha gone...first of all, she didn't even want to apologize, but her father told her to, so she didn't mean it at all...i am so glad that Parisa didn't fall for that apology, plus Trisha was shaking her head at the meeting anyway,...i am so glad to see i am not the only one who hated Trisha...i hope that her boyfriend saw the way she acted on tv and broke up with her, she was acting very ****** when she went out to the bars! I loved the coming attractions when all the guys said "everyone hated Trisha"...can't wait for next week..and that spitting was absolutely the most disgusting thing i have ever seen...that is so low class...!!!! xoxo
1800lazerface.. your hilarious!! i also think you should write episode summaries every And i watched the preview of next weeks episode, and i almost died laughing at the things Issac said about trisha. "trisha sucks" pretty much sums up her entire personality... and i also find it SOO funny that Issac is in Trishas top friends, even though its quite clear he does not like her as a person.
I haven't been on in a while, maybe a week, and I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my blurblogs (I combined them). I was asked to make a weekly post wrapping up each show. I will also do so for the spinoffs like inferno and gauntlet when they air. I look forward to all of your opinions and comments about the show. They make me laugh and that's the main reason I joined up anyway. I will post my synopsis on Thursday morning after watching the show 2-3 times to fully capture quotes, and other nuances... gary AKA 1800LAZERFACE

Lmaooooo I'm dead. 

"Have a nice flight"

By far one of my favorite female real world rivalries. I would've given anything for them to do a challenge, a shame neither were interested :/

Lmaooooo I'm dead. "Have a nice flight"By far one of my favorite female real world rivalries. I would've given anything for them to do a challenge, a shame neither were interested :/

Did you miss Rivals 1 when Parisa and Trisha became champs? You really need to get up on your challenge trivia.

Lmaooooo I'm dead. "Have a nice flight"By far one of my favorite female real world rivalries. I would've given anything for them to do a challenge, a shame neither were interested :/

**"enjoy your flight. take care."

Trisha was such a stereotypical racist ***** even more so that the blonde hair ***** known as Hollywood Kimberly.

I watch Sydney real world all the time now but I love watching Off the Hook and Enjoy your Flight the most. The Grilled Cheese Incident was classic too.

Trisha was such a stereotypical racist ***** even more so that the blonde hair ***** known as Hollywood Kimberly.I watch Sydney real world all the time now but I love watching Off the Hook and Enjoy your Flight the most. The Grilled Cheese Incident was classic too.


Isaac arguing with Shauvon after she blamed him for her falling in one episode was also hilarious. 

"Somebody call a medic, this is an emergency."

"I apologize that gravity works in your disfavor"

Nostalgic wrote:

Trisha was such a stereotypical racist ***** even more so that the blonde hair ***** known as Hollywood Kimberly.I watch Sydney real world all the time now but I love watching Off the Hook and Enjoy your Flight the most. The Grilled Cheese Incident was classic too.

Cohutta <3. "ITS A GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH!"Isaac arguing with Shauvon after she blamed him for her falling in one episode was also hilarious. "Somebody call a medic, this is an emergency.""I apologize that gravity works in your disfavor"

Shavoun hand clapping: Real Men don't talk to women that way

Trisha: I pushed a fat girl daddy

Trisha: Why don't you like somebody who wants to **** you

Loved this rivalry. Trisha was always my fav. She's super close with Kenny/Evan so I wish she did a challenge with them : (

Loved this rivalry. Trisha was always my fav. She's super close with Kenny/Evan so I wish she did a challenge with them : (

Why am I not surprised
