This was by far the best, most shocking episode in a long time.
I was abso-f**king-lutely floored when Lily called Dexter when he was with Rita. She was talking into the machine and I actually sat up in bed and said, "PLEEEEEEESE STOOOOOOOP! STOOOOOOOOP!"
Then Dex has sex with Lily after the fact? WTF! I was back to yelling at the TV, "DEEEEEEEXXXX! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!! DON'T DO IT!" Dex, Lies and Videotapewas the gift episode that kept on giving!
At the end I thought it was all squared away as Dex had really told the truth......and then he had to say it.......HE JUST HAD TO SAY IT! Why Dex, Why did you have to add[B] "Not That Night"[/B] to the end of that very crucial sentence?
I am so lost as to what is going to happen with Rita. This is insane! Sure, Lily seems like a better match, but I like Rita and am crushed that she is crushed!
Oh Boy. This is getting good! and bad!