Amazing Race 13 Gets the Green Light?

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Amazing Race 13 Gets the Green Light?
With the looming writers strike set to take effect in just a matter of hours it looks like the networks are bracing for an extended delay in new scripts being delivered to fuel their fall shows. [I]...and what is the contingency plan to keep television alive and buttress ratings during what could easily be a protracted walk off?[/I] Looking at CBS's Amazing Race website, the application to TAR 13 is clearly displayed on the home page along with the eligibility requirements. Of all the years I have been watching TAR and frequented the complimentary website, CBS has never had the application so prominently displayed. I think that is quite telling! [quote]Applications must be received by Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 5 p.m. PST[/quote] Obviously with a deadline set in the very near future, we would have to assume that CBS is already planning on following up Amazing Race 12 with Amazing Race 13 - [I]and they are doing it double time![/I] Although no official world has come down from CBS brass that they are going to be picking up The Amazing Race for another season before the current one has premiered, you can almost bet the bank they will soon with the limited proven options available in the spring scheduling tank sans scripts. (I have attached the Application for [B]The Amazing Race 13[/B] for those who might be interested in applying.)
I am soooo making my brother apply with me!!!
[quote=Katiedid;1697]I am soooo making my brother apply with me!!![/quote] Katiedid, I am quite sure you would have to pass a psychological exam to even get the ball rolling. :flame: