Real World: Shavon breaks up with David?

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Real World: Shavon breaks up with David?
How many people think we will be seeing Shauvon on a Real World/Road Rules Challenge soon once she breaks up with her boyfriend David? Me! Me! For one thing, David sounds like a psycho controlling kind of guy. Just listening to him whine about her attempting to have fun is sickening. That in itself is reason enough for that relationship to die a quick death. Another reason for them to part ways is that she will always blame him for ruining her once in a lifetime experience. No matter what is said between them, you know that will be sitting in the back of her mind as she watches what happens from this week forward on the show and imagines what could have been. However, the clincher that sounds the death knell for the couple has to be the fact that she was in bed with another man in Sydney. Although we are not sure what they did, [B][I]I am quite sure what they did.[/I][/B] Once Mr. Controlling saw the footage, was it the end? Probably. Just pure speculation, but I bet Shauvon is back out on the market regretting ever leaving Sydney... [B] Update: [/B]The have broken up. More information below.
You could always check out her relationship status on myspace. I never go to her page myself because she has so many pictures and stuff of herself on there that it takes about ten minutes for my computer to boot it up. Now that she's tasted a little bit of 'fame' and post Real World noteriety, she probably really does regret not sticking around for more camera time. So I'm looking forward to next week and seeing what Ashli is going to be like.
The previews show Ashli ripping all of Shauvon's pictures off the wall and the other girls looking on in horror. Sounds like my type of gal already! As for Shauvon, who knows. Her MySpace page does suck! Almost killed my computer... Here is what I got: [B]Status:[/B] In a Relationship [B]Here for:[/B] Networking, Dating, Friends [B]Orientation:[/B] Bi The thing is we have no idea if "In a Relationship" means a new one or the old one! It is also interesting that she has "dating" down on her options. I don't think David would let that slide if she was still with him. Oh and she is Bi? Very interesting. I think Parisa was right when she said that she should have gotten to know Shauvon [I]better.[/I] :nasty:
We need more Isaac on the show!!! Have I mentioned that before?? Looks like next week he is going to be getting more airtime hanging out with his Irish lass. Here's what Isaac had to say about the boys never being on the show... [QUOTE]As you may have noticed by watching the real world, mtv has turned into the silly girl drama network.[/QUOTE] He is so right!
I totally agree. More Issac, less girl drama including that of Dunbar.
So I have always heard kind of a myth that Australian guys are supposed to be some of the hottest on the planet. I have yet to see any evidence to back that by watching the Real World. Alex? Not that hot. The guy Kelly Anne went on a date with? Not that hot. The dude Kelly Anne and Parisa got into a spat over on last night's episode?? Not hot at all!
[QUOTE]The dude Kelly Anne and Parisa got into a spat over on last night's episode?? Not hot at all![/QUOTE] Speaking of that spat, what is up with Parisa going after Kelly Anne's man? I think it was quite clear that she was digging him and even if Parisa and Kelly Ann are not the best of friends there is no reason that the basic rules of courtesy should be overlooked in that situation. I was starting to pull for Parisa over the other girls, but maneuvers like the one we saw last night leave me wondering if I can possibly like any of them.
I don't think it was that big of a deal, she was just dancing with him.
[quote=Katiedid;1631]I don't think it was that big of a deal, she was just dancing with him.[/quote] You know that dancing is a mating ritual, right? ;)
Me 6 days ago: [QUOTE]Just pure speculation, but I bet Shauvon is back out on the market regretting ever leaving Sydney... [/QUOTE] Below is from a Shauvon myspace bulletin. I was right! [QUOTE] No, I'am not with David...and I'am Single. I had to make a decision at that time in my life (on the show) which was actually several months back even though you are just seeing it air now. He is an amazing person and if you truley know what it is like to love someone then you can understand hardships within relationships. But i have been single and for now will continue to stay that way till i find the right person for me! I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for the love, support, and amazingly nice things you message me! It truley puts a smile on my face every day!! I cant thank you enough!! Love all of you!! [/QUOTE] [B]Note:[/B] She updated the info on her myspace page to denote that she is now single - [I]Did our query once again lead to the spilling of info?[/I]
People had nice things to say about Shavon?? Ughhh. Good find, I wonder how long ago they broke up?
[QUOTE]I wonder how long ago they broke up?[/QUOTE] Probably after episode 1 hit the airwaves and her boyfriend saw her making out with Isaac. ....or maybe he actually got around to asking her if she happened to "slip and fall" on any c*ck while she was in Australia. ;)